Embodied Educational Experiences of Students Who were Forced to Move from Ukrainian War Areas and Study at Ukrainian Displaced Universities

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What are the embodied educational experiences among students who were forced to migrate from war areas in Ukraine and study at Ukrainian displaced universities? Building on somatic literature and process philosophy, I developed embodied method of data collection and body-echo

What are the embodied educational experiences among students who were forced to migrate from war areas in Ukraine and study at Ukrainian displaced universities? Building on somatic literature and process philosophy, I developed embodied method of data collection and body-echo analysis to explore the complexities, entanglements and relationality of education and embodied experiences in the context of forced migration in Ukraine. The goal of this dissertation was to learn about students’ experiences of forced migration through an essentially embodied learning processes that integrate mental and physical capacities. I believe that students learn through sensing their way through forced migration, accumulating layers of kinesthetic information hidden in their bodies. More specifically, the students in this study moved either with Displaced Universities from the war areas in Ukraine or independently in several waves or enrolled at the Displaced Universities to receive their education in mainland Ukraine at relocated Displaced Universities. The key insights include 1) uniqueness of embodied experience(s) of forced migration for each student; 2) invisible or virtual university spaces created by forced migration in Ukraine; 3) displaced universities created a virtual relational space in Ukraine where university is people not building; 4) somatic practice allowed an entry point into the safe space of talking about forced migration; 5) unique reactions of students to the somatic movement; 6) sense of belonging to space and people; 7) students’ insights very often remain unfinished thoughts and students at times lack the language to talk about their experiences; 8) students educational trajectories should be viewed as unique experiences even when factors are the same or similar; 9) war is a continuous background of the experience even if students move to a safe place in a different country; 10) humor and care have a visible supportive and healing effects in the context of uncertainty. For this reason, I bring embodied experiences of students from Ukrainian Displaced Universities into education, and I expand the limits of cognitive thinking, and focus more into embodied learning through sensing and relating to one-self and others in the context of forced migration.
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Creating the Prison-to-College Pipeline An Examination of the Educational Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Women

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The United States accounts for only 4% of the world’s female population, but it is home to more than 30% of the world’s incarcerated women, the majority of whom will eventually attempt a successful reentry into society. Almost half of

The United States accounts for only 4% of the world’s female population, but it is home to more than 30% of the world’s incarcerated women, the majority of whom will eventually attempt a successful reentry into society. Almost half of the incarcerated women in the United States have not obtained a high school diploma or equivalency, and only 31% have attempted some college, compared to 58% among the general public (Ewert & Wildhagen, 2011). There is ample evidence of the impact of a post-secondary degree on reducing recidivism and increasing reentry success. However, the Arizona Department of Corrections reports that of the more than 40,000 people incarcerated in November of 2019, only 5,333, or 12.5%, were involved in any type of educational programming while incarcerated (2019).

Few studies have looked closely at the barriers to higher education for formerly incarcerated individuals, and even fewer have focused on women. The purpose of this qualitative action research study was to examine the educational experiences of formerly incarcerated women through the lenses of critical social theory (Freeman & Vasconcelos, 2010; Freire, 1970) and possible selves theory (Markus & Nurius, 1986) in an effort to more fully understand low educational attainment in this population and use this knowledge to develop an effective, participant-informed intervention and provide recommendations for university outreach programs. Study participants were formerly incarcerated women and individuals who work with this population. Data were collected from in-depth semi-structured interviews and materials created during the College After Prison Workshop which was developed for this project.

Interviews revealed that the women in this study crave a sense of belonging, feel regret over their lost possible selves, experience a fear of standing still or going backward, and have a strong desire to help others. Findings suggest that colleges and universities can support formerly incarcerated women in the post-secondary system by curating a community of scholars and demonstrating a clear path forward for formerly incarcerated women by reducing systemic barriers.
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Gifted second-graders' perceptions of teachers' expectations

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Research shows that teachers hold different expectations for different students and these varying expectations influence students’ academic performance (Good & Brophy, 1997; Jussim, Smith, Madon, & Palumbo, 1998; Rubie-Davies, 2007; Rubie-Davies, Hattie, Townsend, & Hamilton, 2007). Teachers form expectations of

Research shows that teachers hold different expectations for different students and these varying expectations influence students’ academic performance (Good & Brophy, 1997; Jussim, Smith, Madon, & Palumbo, 1998; Rubie-Davies, 2007; Rubie-Davies, Hattie, Townsend, & Hamilton, 2007). Teachers form expectations of students based on personal beliefs about individuals’ capabilities (Rubie-Davies, 2015). Teachers’ differential expectations for students can have positive and negative influences on student learning opportunities and their future potential (Weinstein, 2002). The purpose of this action research study was to better understand if gifted second-graders perceive their teachers’ expectations and if there is a difference in their academic performance or classroom behavior. The research focused on observing and interpreting ideas from the perspectives and experiences of the six gifted second-graders. The innovation focused on the voice of the students in making change in their classroom environment. It focuses on classroom observations and reflections of the six participants to discuss their thoughts and feelings about their perceptions about their teachers’ expectations. The greater purpose behind the design of the innovation was to provide a space where students could share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, without fear of punishment from their teachers. Participants shared their ideas through online selfie videos in order to inform teachers’ practice. Data were available from several sources including the Teacher Treatment Inventory questionnaires, transcriptions from interviews, and videotaped lessons. The study aimed to determine: (1) How do gifted second-graders perceive to understand and respond to the varying expectations of their teachers for their academic success? and, (2) How do the varying expectations of teachers’ impact the classroom learning of gifted second-graders? Findings suggest teachers with low expectations for their students establish a climate of failure, but teachers that value their students’ abilities create a climate of success. Students achieve more when their teachers have purposeful and clear expectations. As indicated by the literature, when teachers listen to student voice in classrooms, it improves students’ morale. Creating an inclusive social learning environment in a gifted classroom requires teachers to build their classrooms around student voice to enhance the supportive and caring environment (Fraser & Gestwicki, 2012).
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The principal network: a model of peer collaboration around critical case studies of practice

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This action research study explored what would happen if a principal network was created to provide time for collaboration about critical case studies of practice. The participants in this study were novice and experienced principals in an elementary school

This action research study explored what would happen if a principal network was created to provide time for collaboration about critical case studies of practice. The participants in this study were novice and experienced principals in an elementary school district in Arizona. Based on the underpinnings of the Wallace Foundation principal support programs, the study was designed to combat the limited professional development offerings for in-service principals. Modeling the use of cases from the legal and medical professions, this study utilized case studies as the base for peer collaboration to extend the principals' critical thinking skills of relevance, breadth, and depth.

The study design aligned with adult learning theory and focused on authentic problem solving. Participants read case studies, completed individual case analysis, collaborated, and wrote reflections. The cases were intentionally selected to match current problems of practice for the participants. This mixed methods study followed a sequential analysis process beginning with qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach and moving to quantitative analysis.

The results of this study indicated that the participants' ability to think critically about the problem (relevance) and its complexity (breadth and depth) increased over time. The data also showed that the principals gained an increased awareness and appreciation for multiple perspectives. Lastly, the participants valued the time to collaborate together, gain insight from one another and reduce feelings of isolation in their role as administrators. Future research should continue to explore the use of critical case studies of practice as a in participatory action research with in-service principals.
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Beyond standardization: fostering critical thinking in a fourth grade classroom through comprehensive socratic circles

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Due to government initiatives, education in the classroom has focused on high stakes test scores measuring student achievement on basic skills. The purpose of this action research study was to augment fourth grade students' knowledge of basic content by teaching

Due to government initiatives, education in the classroom has focused on high stakes test scores measuring student achievement on basic skills. The purpose of this action research study was to augment fourth grade students' knowledge of basic content by teaching greater meaning and depth of understanding--to teach critical thinking using Socratic circles. Using a constructivist approach, a comprehensive plan was designed and implemented that included an age-appropriate platform for argument and inquiry, a process that required critical thinking skills, and allowed the intellectual standards for critical thinking to be developed and measured. Ten students representing the academic levels of the whole class were selected and participated in seven Socratic circles. Over a period of 15 weeks, a mixed methods approach was employed to determine how students were able to apply the intellectual standards to reasoning during Socratic circles, how this innovation provoked participation in student-centered dialogue, and how Socratic circles improved students' evaluation of competing ideas during their reasoned discourse. Results suggested that Comprehensive Socratic Circles increased participation in reasoned discourse. Students' ability to evaluate competing ideas improved, and their application of the intellectual standards for critical thinking to their reasoning increased. Students also increased their use of student-centered dialogue across the sessions. These findings suggest that Socratic circles is a flexible and effective teaching strategy that fosters critical thinking in fourth graders.
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