Learning from task heterogeneity in social media

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In recent years, the rise in social media usage both vertically in terms of the number of users by platform and horizontally in terms of the number of platforms per user has led to data explosion.

User-generated social media content provides

In recent years, the rise in social media usage both vertically in terms of the number of users by platform and horizontally in terms of the number of platforms per user has led to data explosion.

User-generated social media content provides an excellent opportunity to mine data of interest and to build resourceful applications. The rise in the number of healthcare-related social media platforms and the volume of healthcare knowledge available online in the last decade has resulted in increased social media usage for personal healthcare. In the United States, nearly ninety percent of adults, in the age group 50-75, have used social media to seek and share health information. Motivated by the growth of social media usage, this thesis focuses on healthcare-related applications, study various challenges posed by social media data, and address them through novel and effective machine learning algorithms.

The major challenges for effectively and efficiently mining social media data to build functional applications include: (1) Data reliability and acceptance: most social media data (especially in the context of healthcare-related social media) is not regulated and little has been studied on the benefits of healthcare-specific social media; (2) Data heterogeneity: social media data is generated by users with both demographic and geographic diversity; (3) Model transparency and trustworthiness: most existing machine learning models for addressing heterogeneity are considered as black box models, not many providing explanations for why they do what they do to trust them.

In response to these challenges, three main research directions have been investigated in this thesis: (1) Analyzing social media influence on healthcare: to study the real world impact of social media as a source to offer or seek support for patients with chronic health conditions; (2) Learning from task heterogeneity: to propose various models and algorithms that are adaptable to new social media platforms and robust to dynamic social media data, specifically on modeling user behaviors, identifying similar actors across platforms, and adapting black box models to a specific learning scenario; (3) Explaining heterogeneous models: to interpret predictive models in the presence of task heterogeneity. In this thesis, novel algorithms with theoretical analysis from various aspects (e.g., time complexity, convergence properties) have been proposed. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated by comparison with state-of-the-art methods and relevant case studies.
Date Created

Spoken dialogue in face-to-face and remote collaborative learning environments

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Research in the learning sciences suggests that students learn better by collaborating with their peers than learning individually. Students working together as a group tend to generate new ideas more frequently and exhibit a higher level of reasoning. In this

Research in the learning sciences suggests that students learn better by collaborating with their peers than learning individually. Students working together as a group tend to generate new ideas more frequently and exhibit a higher level of reasoning. In this internet age with the advent of massive open online courses (MOOCs), students across the world are able to access and learn material remotely. This creates a need for tools that support distant or remote collaboration. In order to build such tools we need to understand the basic elements of remote collaboration and how it differs from traditional face-to-face collaboration.

The main goal of this thesis is to explore how spoken dialogue varies in face-to-face and remote collaborative learning settings. Speech data is collected from student participants solving mathematical problems collaboratively on a tablet. Spoken dialogue is analyzed based on conversational and acoustic features in both the settings. Looking for collaborative differences of transactivity and dialogue initiative, both settings are compared in detail using machine learning classification techniques based on acoustic and prosodic features of speech. Transactivity is defined as a joint construction of knowledge by peers. The main contributions of this thesis are: a speech corpus to analyze spoken dialogue in face-to-face and remote settings and an empirical analysis of conversation, collaboration, and speech prosody in both the settings. The results from the experiments show that amount of overlap is lower in remote dialogue than in the face-to-face setting. There is a significant difference in transactivity among strangers. My research benefits the computer-supported collaborative learning community by providing an analysis that can be used to build more efficient tools for supporting remote collaborative learning.
Date Created