The Making of a COVID Lab Report

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This Project Report documents the accomplishments of an extraordinary group of students, faculty, and staff at the Arizona state University, who participated in a year-long, multidisciplinary, first-of-its-kind academic endeavor entitled “The Making of a COVID Lab.” The lab that is

This Project Report documents the accomplishments of an extraordinary group of students, faculty, and staff at the Arizona state University, who participated in a year-long, multidisciplinary, first-of-its-kind academic endeavor entitled “The Making of a COVID Lab.” The lab that is the focus of this project is the ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing Laboratory, known simply as the ABCTL.

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ABCTL Quality Management Systems: Medical Testing Lab Process Optimization

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The ASU COVID-19 testing lab process was developed to operate as the primary testing site for all ASU staff, students, and specified external individuals. Tests are collected at various collection sites, including a walk-in site at the SDFC and various

The ASU COVID-19 testing lab process was developed to operate as the primary testing site for all ASU staff, students, and specified external individuals. Tests are collected at various collection sites, including a walk-in site at the SDFC and various drive-up sites on campus; analysis is conducted on ASU campus and results are distributed virtually to all patients via the Health Services patient portal. The following is a literature review on past implementations of various process improvement techniques and how they can be applied to the ABCTL testing process to achieve laboratory goals. (abstract)

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Economic Analysis of Expenditure for Covid-19

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This thesis was conducted to study and analyze the fund allocation process adopted by different states in the United States to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 virus. Seven different states and their funding methodologies were compared against the case

This thesis was conducted to study and analyze the fund allocation process adopted by different states in the United States to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 virus. Seven different states and their funding methodologies were compared against the case count within the state. The study also focused on development of a physical distancing index based on three significant attributes. This index was then compared to the expenditure and case counts to support decision making.
A regression model was developed to analyze and compare how different states case counts played out against the regression model and the risk index.

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The Use of Lean and Six Sigma in Lacrosse

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Perfection is extremely difficult to achieve when playing team sports. This is especially true for lacrosse, a sport where dropped passes, missed shots and turnovers are prevalent even at the college and professional levels of the game. In order to

Perfection is extremely difficult to achieve when playing team sports. This is especially true for lacrosse, a sport where dropped passes, missed shots and turnovers are prevalent even at the college and professional levels of the game. In order to improve on mistakes, teams must first recognize where the errors are being made. The purpose of this project is to implement the DMAIC process improvement method into lacrosse, with the goal of identifying and implementing improvements, leading to a more successful team.
In order to use DMAIC, lacrosse was expressed as a process that included five phases: offense, defense, riding, clearing and faceoffs. Data was gathered for each phase using game film from the Arizona State Men’s Club Lacrosse Team over the course of the 2019 and 2020 seasons. The data was then analyzed by comparing the output statistics of each phase to the goal differential, number of goals scored, and number of goals against. Once the areas of improvement were determined, additional analysis was done to determine why these certain areas needed improvement. The results provided what changes needed to be made in order to improve the team. In order to ensure the team sustained their success, control measures were put in place to determine what action needs to be taken and when.

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K-8 STEAM Museum Proposal

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Accessible STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education is imperative in creating the future innovators of the world. This business proposal is for a K-8 STEAM Museum to be built in the Novus Innovation Corridor on Arizona State University

Accessible STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education is imperative in creating the future innovators of the world. This business proposal is for a K-8 STEAM Museum to be built in the Novus Innovation Corridor on Arizona State University (ASU)’s Tempe campus. The museum will host dynamic spaces that are constantly growing and evolving as exhibits are built by interdisciplinary capstone student groups- creating an internal capstone project pipeline. The intention of the museum is to create an interactive environment that fosters curiosity and creativity while acting as supplemental learning material to Arizona K-8 curriculum. The space intends to serve the greater Phoenix area community and will cater to underrepresented audiences through the development of accessible education rooted in equality and inclusivity.

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PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL RATINGS MODEL: A collection of information which pertains to the construction of an Approval Rating Model.

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Technology has managed to seamlessly grow into every industry fathomable without much resistance. This could be due to the fact that the majority of industries that have integrated technology have lacked insurmountable barriers which could hold back strategic innovations. Even

Technology has managed to seamlessly grow into every industry fathomable without much resistance. This could be due to the fact that the majority of industries that have integrated technology have lacked insurmountable barriers which could hold back strategic innovations. Even with a wide array of industries applying technology to their framework, some haven’t managed to reach the true capability of technological advances. One industry that has both taken wide advantage of technology while also barely scraping the surface of the depth behind its potential has been politics. Electronic voting booths, targeted online marketing campaigns, and live streamed debates have been integral parts of our modern-day political environment, however, approval rating-based forecasting for elections has been an area that isn’t commonly referenced by both large political players.

In an age of information where data can be extracted just about anywhere and interpolated using extensive statistical processing, the fact that systems modeling isn’t a pillar of campaign efforts seems ludicrous. A field that is heavily dependent on pivoting concern based on lack of support would make sense to heavily depend on a modeling system that can accurately predict future points of interest.
This report aims to lay the foundation that can be built upon through providing pitfalls in potential modeling, importance of a modeling system, and a barebones skeleton model in AnyLogic with a scheme of how the model would work. I hope this report can serve political interests by providing context on which modeling can accurately provide insight.

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Fault Detection and Simulation for Large Building HVAC Systems

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The primary purpose of this paper is to evaluate the energy impacts of faults in building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and determine which systems’ faults have the highest effect on the energy consumption. With the knowledge obtained through

The primary purpose of this paper is to evaluate the energy impacts of faults in building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and determine which systems’ faults have the highest effect on the energy consumption. With the knowledge obtained through the results described in this paper, building engineers and technicians will be more able to implement a data-driven solution to building fault detection and diagnostics

In the United States alone, commercial buildings consume 18% of the country’s energy. Due to this high percentage of energy consumption, many efforts are being made to make buildings more energy efficient. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are made to provide acceptable air quality and thermal comfort to building occupants. In large buildings, a demand-controlled HVAC system is used to save energy by dynamically adjusting the ventilation of the building. These systems rely on a multitude of sensors, actuators, dampers, and valves in order to keep the building ventilation efficient. Using a fault analysis framework developed by the University of Alabama and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, building fault modes were simulated in the EnergyPlus whole building energy simulation program. The model and framework are based on the Department of Energy’s Commercial Prototype Building – Medium Office variant. A total of 3,002 simulations were performed in the Atlanta climate zone, with 129 fault cases and 41 fault types. These simulations serve two purposes: to validate the previously developed fault simulation framework, and to analyze how each fault mode affects the building over the simulation period.

The results demonstrate the effects of faults on HVAC systems, and validate the scalability of the framework. The most critical fault cases for the Medium Office building are those that affect the water systems of the building, as they cause the most harm to overall energy costs and occupant comfort.

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Elements of Cost Overruns, Delays, and Risks Involved in Project Management as Applied to Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Construction Projects

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Project management is the crucial component for managing and mitigating the inherent risks associated with changes in technology and innovation. The procedures to track the schedule, budget, and scope of various projects in the standard worlds of engineering, manufacturing, construction,

Project management is the crucial component for managing and mitigating the inherent risks associated with changes in technology and innovation. The procedures to track the schedule, budget, and scope of various projects in the standard worlds of engineering, manufacturing, construction, etc., are essential elements to the success of the project. Cost overruns, schedule changes, and other natural risks must be managed effectively. But what happens when a project manager is tasked with delivering an attraction that needs to withstand harsh weather conditions, and millions of people enjoying it every year, for a company with arguably the highest standards for quality and guest satisfaction? This would describe the project managers at Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) and the projects they oversee have tight budgets, aggressive schedules and require a bit more pixie dust than other engineering projects. However, the universal truth is that no matter the size or the scope of the endeavor, project management processes are absolutely essential to ensuring that every team member can effectively collaborate to deliver the best product.

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Optimized Line Calling Strategies in Ultimate Frisbee

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Ultimate Frisbee or "Ultimate," is a fast growing field sport that is being played competitively at universities across the country. Many mid-tier college teams have the goal of winning as many games as possible, however they also need to grow

Ultimate Frisbee or "Ultimate," is a fast growing field sport that is being played competitively at universities across the country. Many mid-tier college teams have the goal of winning as many games as possible, however they also need to grow their program by training and retaining new players. The purpose of this project was to create a prototype statistical tool that maximizes a player line-up's probability of scoring the next point, while having as equal playing time across all experienced and novice players as possible. Game, player, and team data was collected for 25 different games played over the course of 4 tournaments during Fall 2017 and early Spring 2018 using the UltiAnalytics iPad application. "Amount of Top 1/3 Players" was the measure of equal playing time, and "Line Efficiency" and "Line Interaction" represented a line's probability of scoring. After running a logistic regression, Line Efficiency was found to be the more accurate predictor of scoring outcome than Line Interaction. An "Equal PT Measure vs. Line Efficiency" graph was then created and the plot showed what the optimal lines were depending on what the user's preferences were at that point in time. Possible next steps include testing the model and refining it as needed.

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Economic Analysis of Virtual Reality as an Arcade System

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Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in

Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in an arcade/internet café style. However, there are other plausible business models. There is the preexisting model that companies are currently using, another option is to add this technology to preexisting physical arcades, and to create a new business with practices decided by consumer statistics. These three models were tested in this study to determine the profitability, feasibility, and best practices for each. Each business model appears to be incredibly profitable based on the assumptions used for this study.

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