The Use of Lean and Six Sigma in Lacrosse

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Perfection is extremely difficult to achieve when playing team sports. This is especially true for lacrosse, a sport where dropped passes, missed shots and turnovers are prevalent even at the college and professional levels of the game. In order to

Perfection is extremely difficult to achieve when playing team sports. This is especially true for lacrosse, a sport where dropped passes, missed shots and turnovers are prevalent even at the college and professional levels of the game. In order to improve on mistakes, teams must first recognize where the errors are being made. The purpose of this project is to implement the DMAIC process improvement method into lacrosse, with the goal of identifying and implementing improvements, leading to a more successful team.
In order to use DMAIC, lacrosse was expressed as a process that included five phases: offense, defense, riding, clearing and faceoffs. Data was gathered for each phase using game film from the Arizona State Men’s Club Lacrosse Team over the course of the 2019 and 2020 seasons. The data was then analyzed by comparing the output statistics of each phase to the goal differential, number of goals scored, and number of goals against. Once the areas of improvement were determined, additional analysis was done to determine why these certain areas needed improvement. The results provided what changes needed to be made in order to improve the team. In order to ensure the team sustained their success, control measures were put in place to determine what action needs to be taken and when.

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What Drives Electric Vehicle Sales?

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In March 2019, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report describing the critical importance of the next decade in mitigating the effects of climate change. From a consumer perspective, the most impactful method of reducing

In March 2019, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report describing the critical importance of the next decade in mitigating the effects of climate change. From a consumer perspective, the most impactful method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is by altering and/or reducing usage of personal and public transportation. Despite the significant technological advances in vehicle electrification, vehicle mileage, and hybrid technology, there is a gap in analysis performed about the relationship between oil prices and electric vehicle sales. This can be largely attributed to the large variation in oil and gas prices within the last decade and the short timeframe in which electric vehicles have been available to the average consumer. In addition to oil prices, significant driving factors of consumer electric vehicle purchases include battery range, availability and accessibly of charging infrastructure, and tax incentives. While consumers clearly have a significant role to play in driving electric vehicle sales, by virtue of the time commitment required to research and develop these emerging technologies, manufacturers have an arguably greater role in determining the market share EVs possess. The concept of “market disruption” versus “market replacement” is an intriguing explanation for the failure of electric vehicles, which as of early 2019 held a market share of less than 2%, to become the primary mode of transportation for most Americans, despite their wide-ranging financial and societal benefits, which will be a key challenge for the industry to overcome in the years to come.
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KaiZEN: the Art of Continuous Improvement

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The term kaizen is derived from the Japanese words “kai” meaning change and “zen” meaning good, and is a popular business philosophy for continuous improvement used in industrial engineering. KaiZEN: the Art of Continuous Improvement is an exploration of the

The term kaizen is derived from the Japanese words “kai” meaning change and “zen” meaning good, and is a popular business philosophy for continuous improvement used in industrial engineering. KaiZEN: the Art of Continuous Improvement is an exploration of the relationship between design and engineering, and how these principles can be applied to home and work environments for the everyday reader. Readers will learn common practices used in industry, especially manufacturing environments, and how to use the same innovative solutions in their home and work life. Applying these principles will allow anyone to thrive in a space of aesthetic and functional efficiency that can improve state of mind, quality of life, and unlock the best version of oneself. By the end readers will become more observant of their surroundings and organize their environment with intention. They will have a deeper connection to the theory of continuous improvement and realize the unlimited potential of work, life, and self. The text is delivered in the format of a “coffee-table book” with concept illustrations and easy-to-read passages and applications. The book discusses the following industrial engineering principles: Lean Six Sigma, ergonomics, human factors engineering, network optimization, the “shortest path” problem, workplace design, economics, psychology, and physiology. It also explores applications of design principles like Feng shui, hygge, color psychology, modern farmhouse, bohemian, and minimalism. The text is divided into home and work sections, with organizing recommendations for home elements, living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. The work section discusses workstation ergonomics, network optimization, and budgeting.
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Disability Access and Resource Transportation Scheduler

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At Arizona State University, the Disability Resource Center provides disabled students transportation around campus. This transportation service known as DART is composed of approximately 20 student workers and 9 carts that pick riders up based on pre-determined pick-up times and

At Arizona State University, the Disability Resource Center provides disabled students transportation around campus. This transportation service known as DART is composed of approximately 20 student workers and 9 carts that pick riders up based on pre-determined pick-up times and locations. With the current system, the scheduling of drivers to riders is inefficient, and in response, a tool was developed to schedule the rides in a faster manner. A demonstration of the new tool resulted in a time reduction of 98%.
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Economic Analysis of Virtual Reality as an Arcade System

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Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in

Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in an arcade/internet café style. However, there are other plausible business models. There is the preexisting model that companies are currently using, another option is to add this technology to preexisting physical arcades, and to create a new business with practices decided by consumer statistics. These three models were tested in this study to determine the profitability, feasibility, and best practices for each. Each business model appears to be incredibly profitable based on the assumptions used for this study.

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Modelling Megacities: An Approach to Modelling Dense Urban Area

In 2010, for the first time in human history, more than half of the world's total population lived in cities; this number is expected to increase to 60% or more by 2050. The goal of this research effort is to

In 2010, for the first time in human history, more than half of the world's total population lived in cities; this number is expected to increase to 60% or more by 2050. The goal of this research effort is to create a comprehensive model and modelling framework for megacities, middleweight cities, and urban agglomerations, collectively referred to as dense urban areas. The motivation for this project comes from the United States Army's desire for readiness in all operating environments including dense urban areas. Though there is valuable insight in research to support Army operational behaviors, megacities are of unique interest to nearly every societal sector imaginable. A novel application for determining both main effects and interactive effects between factors within a dense urban area is a Design of Experiments- providing insight on factor causations. Regression Modelling can also be employed for analysis of dense urban areas, providing wide ranging insights into correlations between factors and their interactions. Past studies involving megacities concern themselves with general trend of cities and their operation. This study is unique in its efforts to model a singular megacity to enable decision support for military operational planning, as well as potential decision support to city planners to increase the sustainability of these dense urban areas and megacities.
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