Engineering oxidoreductases: towards artificial hydrogenases

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Natural hydrogenases catalyze the reduction of protons to molecular hydrogen reversibly under mild conditions; these enzymes have an unusual active site architecture, in which a diiron site is connected to a cubane type [4Fe-4S] cluster. Due to the relevance of

Natural hydrogenases catalyze the reduction of protons to molecular hydrogen reversibly under mild conditions; these enzymes have an unusual active site architecture, in which a diiron site is connected to a cubane type [4Fe-4S] cluster. Due to the relevance of this reaction to energy production, and in particular to sustainable fuel production, there have been substantial amount of research focused on developing biomimetic organometallic models. However, most of these organometallic complexes cannot revisit the structural and functional fine-tuning provided by the protein matrix as seen in the natural enzyme. The goal of this thesis is to build a protein based functional mimic of [Fe-Fe] hydrogenases. I used a 'retrosynthetic' approach that separates out two functional aspects of the natural enzyme. First, I built an artificial electron transfer domain by engineering two [4Fe-4S] cluster binding sites into an existing protein, DSD, which is a de novo designed domain swapped dimer. The resulting protein, DSD-bis[4Fe-4S], contains two clusters at a distance of 36 Å . I then varied distance between two clusters using vertical translation along the axis of the coiled coil; the resulting protein demonstrates efficient electron transfer to/from redox sites. Second, I built simple, functional artificial hydrogenases by using an artificial amino acid comprising a 1,3 dithiol moiety to anchor a biomimetic [Fe-Fe] active site within the protein scaffold Correct incorporation of the cluster into a model helical peptide was verified by UV-Vis, FTIR, ESI-MS and CD spectroscopy. This synthetic strategy is extended to the de novo design of more complex protein architectures, four-helix bundles that host the di-iron cluster within the hydrophobic core. In a separate approach, I developed a generalizable strategy to introduce organometallic catalytic sites into a protein scaffold. I introduced a biomimetic organometallic complex for proton reduction by covalent conjugation to biotin. The streptavidin-bound complex is significantly more efficient in photocatalytic hydrogen production than the catalyst alone. With these artificial proteins, it will be possible to explore the effect of second sphere interactions on the activity of the diiron center, and to include in the design properties such as compatibility with conductive materials and electrodes.
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