Molecular Structure in Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Biopolymers

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Molecular structures and dynamics in amorphous materials present unique experimental challenges compared with the characterization of crystalline solids. Liquids and glassy solids have many applications in industry such as ionic liquids for fuel cells or biomolecule stabilizing agents, enhancing pharmaceuticals

Molecular structures and dynamics in amorphous materials present unique experimental challenges compared with the characterization of crystalline solids. Liquids and glassy solids have many applications in industry such as ionic liquids for fuel cells or biomolecule stabilizing agents, enhancing pharmaceuticals dissolution rates, and modified high performance biopolymers like silk for textile, biomedical, drug delivery, among many others. Amorphous materials are metastable, with kinetic profiles of phase transitions depending on relaxation dynamics, thermal history, plus factors such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. Understanding molecular structure and phase transitions of amorphous states of small molecules and biopolymers is broadly important for realizing their applications. The structure of liquid and glassy states of the drugs carbamazepine (CBZ) and indomethacin (IMC) were studied with solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy, high energy X-ray diffraction, Fourier Infrared Transform Spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Empirical Potential Structure Refinement (EPSR). Both drugs have multiple crystalline polymorphs with slow dissolution kinetics, necessitating stable glassy or polymer dispersed formulations. More hydrogen bonds per CBZ molecule and a larger distribution of oligomeric states in the glass versus the liquid than expected. The chlorobenzyl ring of crystalline and glassy IMC measured with ssNMR were surprisingly found to have similar mobility. Crucially, humidity strongly affects glass structure, highlighting the importance of combining modeling techniques like EPSR with careful sample preparation for proper interpretation. Highly basic protic ionic liquids with low ∆pKa were synthesized with metathesis rather than proton transfer and characterized using NMR and dielectric spectroscopy. Finally, the protein secondary structure of spider egg sac silk was studied using ssNMR, FTIR, and scanning electron microscopy. Tubuliform silk found in spider egg sacs has extensive β-sheet domains which form nanocrystallites within an amorphous matrix. Structural predictions and spectroscopic measurements of tubuliform silk solution are mostly α-helical, with the mechanism of structural rearrangement to the β-sheet rich fiber unknown. The movement of spiders during egg silk spinning make in situ experiments difficult practically. This work is the first observation that tubuliform silk of Argiope aurantia after liquid crystalline spinning exits the spinneret as a predominantly (~70%) β-sheet fiber.
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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic characterization of nanomaterials and biopolymers

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Nanomaterials have attracted considerable attention in recent research due to their wide applications in various fields such as material science, physical science, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering. Researchers have developed many methods for synthesizing different types of nanostructures and have

Nanomaterials have attracted considerable attention in recent research due to their wide applications in various fields such as material science, physical science, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering. Researchers have developed many methods for synthesizing different types of nanostructures and have further applied them in various applications. However, in many cases, a molecular level understanding of nanoparticles and their associated surface chemistry is lacking investigation. Understanding the surface chemistry of nanomaterials is of great significance for obtaining a better understanding of the properties and functions of the nanomaterials. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can provide a familiar means of looking at the molecular structure of molecules bound to surfaces of nanomaterials as well as a method to determine the size of nanoparticles in solution. Here, a combination of NMR spectroscopic techniques including one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopies was used to investigate the surface chemistry and physical properties of some common nanomaterials, including for example, thiol-protected gold nanostructures and biomolecule-capped silica nanoparticles.

Silk is a natural protein fiber that features unique properties such as excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and non-linear optical properties. These appealing physical properties originate from the silk structure, and therefore, the structural analysis of silk is of great importance for revealing the mystery of these impressive properties and developing novel silk-based biomaterials as well. Here, solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to elucidate the secondary structure of silk proteins in N. clavipes spider dragline silk and B. mori silkworm silk. It is found that the Gly-Gly-X (X=Leu, Tyr, Gln) motif in spider dragline silk is not in a β-sheet or α-helix structure and is very likely to be present in a disordered structure with evidence for 31-helix confirmation. In addition, the conformations of the Ala, Ser, and Tyr residues in silk fibroin of B. mori were investigated and it indicates that the Ala, Ser, and Tyr residues are all present in disordered structures in silk I (before spinning), while show different conformations in silk II (after spinning). Specifically, in silk II, the Ala and Tyr residues are present in both disordered structures and β-sheet structures, and the Ser residues are present primarily in β-sheet structures.
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Elucidating the molecular dynamics, structure and assembly of spider dragline silk proteins by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

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Spider dragline silk is an outstanding biopolymer with a strength that exceeds steel by weight and a toughness greater than high-performance fibers like Kevlar. For this reason, structural and dynamic studies on the spider silk are of great importance for

Spider dragline silk is an outstanding biopolymer with a strength that exceeds steel by weight and a toughness greater than high-performance fibers like Kevlar. For this reason, structural and dynamic studies on the spider silk are of great importance for developing future biomaterials. The spider dragline silk comprises two silk proteins, Major ampullate Spidroin 1 and 2 (MaSp1 and 2), which are synthesized and stored in the major ampullate (MA) gland of spiders. The initial state of the silk proteins within Black Widow MA glands was probed with solution-state NMR spectroscopy. The conformation dependent chemical shifts information indicates that the silk proteins are unstructured and in random coil conformation. 15N relaxation parameters, T1, T2 and 15N-{1H} steady-state NOE were measured to probe the backbone dynamics for MA silk proteins. These measurements indicate fast sub-nanosecond timescale backbone dynamics for the repetitive core of spider MA proteins indicating that the silk proteins are unfolded, highly flexible random coils in the MA gland. The translational diffusion coefficients of the spider silk proteins within the MA gland were measured using 1H diffusion NMR at 1H sites from different amino acids. A phenomenon was observed where the measured diffusion coefficients decrease with an increase in the diffusion delay used. The mean displacement along the external magnetic field was found to be 0.35 μm and independent of the diffusion delay. The results indicate that the diffusion of silk protein was restricted due to intermolecular cross-linking with only segmental diffusion observable.

To understand how a spider converts the unfolded protein spinning dope into a highly structured and oriented in the super fiber,the effect of acidification on spider silk assembly was investigated on native spidroins from the major ampullate (MA) gland fluid excised from Latrodectus hesperus (Black Widow) spiders. The in vitro spider silk assembly kinetics were monitored as a function of pH with a 13C solid-state Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR approach. The results confirm the importance of acidic pH in the spider silk self-assembly process with observation of a sigmoidal nucleation-elongation kinetic profile. The rates of nucleation and elongation and the percentage of β-sheet structure in the grown fibers depend on pH.

The secondary structure of the major ampullate silk from Peucetia viridians (Green Lynx) spiders was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. From XRD measurement, β-sheet nano-crystallites were observed that are highly oriented along the fiber axis with an orientational order of 0.980. Compare to the crystalline region, the amorphous region was found to be partially oriented with an orientational order of 0.887. Further, two dimensional 13C-13C through-space and through-bond solid-state NMR experiments provide structural analysis for the repetitive amino acid motifs in the silk proteins. The nano-crystallites are mainly alanine-rich β-sheet structures. The total percentage of crystalline region is determined to be 40.0±1.2 %. 18±1 % of alanine, 60±2 % glycine and 54±2 % serine are determined to be incorporated into helical conformations while 82±1 % of alanine, 40±3 % glycine and 46±2 % serine are in the β-sheet conformation.
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Determining the molecular structure of animal silks and related peptide mimics

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An animal's ability to produce protein-based silk materials has evolved independently in many different arthropod lineages, satisfying various ecological necessities. However, regardless of their wide range of uses and their potential industrial and biomedical applications, advanced knowledge on the molecular

An animal's ability to produce protein-based silk materials has evolved independently in many different arthropod lineages, satisfying various ecological necessities. However, regardless of their wide range of uses and their potential industrial and biomedical applications, advanced knowledge on the molecular structure of silk biopolymers is largely limited to those produced by spiders (order Araneae) and silkworms (order Lepidoptera). This thesis provides an in-depth molecular-level characterization of silk fibers produced by two vastly different insects: the caddisfly larvae (order Trichoptera) and the webspinner (order Embioptera).

The molecular structure of caddisfly larval silk from the species Hesperophylax consimilis was characterized using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ss-NMR) and Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD) techniques. This insect, which typically dwells in freshwater riverbeds and streams, uses silk fibers as a strong and sticky nanoadhesive material to construct cocoons and cases out available debris. Conformation-sensitive 13C chemical shifts and 31P chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) information strongly support a unique protein motif in which phosphorylated serine- rich repeats (pSX)4 complex with di- and trivalent cations to form rigid nanocrystalline β-sheets. Additionally, it is illustrated through 31P NMR and WAXD data that these nanocrystalline structures can be reversibly formed, and depend entirely on the presence of the stabilizing cations.

Nanofiber silks produced by webspinners (order Embioptera) were also studied herein. This work addresses discrepancies in the literature regarding fiber diameters and tensile properties, revealing that the nanofibers are about 100 nm in diameter, and are stronger (around 500 MPa mean ultimate stress) than previous works suggested. Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), NMR and WAXD results find that approximately 70% of the highly repetitive glycine- and serine-rich protein core is composed of β-sheet nanocrystalline structures. In addition, FT-IR and Gas-chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) data revealed a hydrophobic surface coating rich in long-chain lipids. The effect of this surface coating was studied with contact angle techniques; it is shown that the silk sheets are extremely hydrophobic, yet due to the microstructural and nanostructural details of the silk surface, are surprisingly adhesive to water.
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Molecular structure and dynamics of spider silk and venom proteins investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance

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Spider dragline silk is well known for its outstanding mechanical properties - a combination of strength and extensibility that makes it one of the toughest materials known. Two proteins, major ampullate spidroin 1 (MaSp1) and 2 (MaSp2), comprise dragline silk

Spider dragline silk is well known for its outstanding mechanical properties - a combination of strength and extensibility that makes it one of the toughest materials known. Two proteins, major ampullate spidroin 1 (MaSp1) and 2 (MaSp2), comprise dragline silk fibers. There has been considerable focus placed on understanding the source of spider silk's unique mechanical properties by investigating the protein composition, molecular structure and dynamics. Chemical compositional heterogeneity of spider silk fiber is critical to understand as it provides important information for the interactions between MaSp1 and MaSp2. Here, the amino acid composition of dragline silk protein was precisely determined using a solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approach on hydrolyzed silk fibers. In a similar fashion, solution-state NMR was applied to probe the "13"C/"15"N incorporation in silk, which is essential to understand for designing particular solid-state NMR methods for silk structural characterization. Solid-state NMR was used to elucidate silk protein molecular dynamics and the supercontraction mechanism. A "2"H-"13"C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) solid-state NMR technique was developed to extract site-specific "2"H quadrupole patterns and spin-lattice relaxation rates for understanding backbone and side-chain dynamics. Using this technique, molecular dynamics were determined for a number of repetitive motifs in silk proteins - Ala residing nanocrystalline &beta-sheet; domains, 3"1"-helical regions, and, Gly-Pro-Gly-XX &beta-turn; motifs. The protein backbone and side-chain dynamics of silk fibers in both dry and wet states reveal the impact of water on motifs with different secondary structures. Spider venom is comprised of a diverse range of molecules including salts, small organics, acylpolyamines, peptides and proteins. Neurotoxins are an important family of peptides in spider venom and have been shown to target and modulate various ion channels. The neurotoxins are Cys-rich and share an inhibitor Cys knot (ICK) fold. Here, the molecular structure of one G. rosea tarantula neurotoxin, GsAF2, was determined by solution-state NMR. In addition, the interaction between neurotoxins and model lipid bilayers was probed with solid-state NMR and negative-staining (NS) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that the neurotoxins influence lipid bilayer assembly and morphology with the formation of nanodiscs, worm-like micelles and small vesicles.
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Characterizing pressure induced structural changes in glasses and liquids

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The behaviors of various amorphous materials are characterized at high pressures to deduce phase transitions, coordination changes, densification, and other structural or electronic alterations in the system. Alongside, improvements on high pressure techniques are presented to measure equations of state

The behaviors of various amorphous materials are characterized at high pressures to deduce phase transitions, coordination changes, densification, and other structural or electronic alterations in the system. Alongside, improvements on high pressure techniques are presented to measure equations of state of glassy materials and probe liquids using in-situ high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. 27Al NMR is used to quantify coordination changes in CaAl2O4 glass pressure cycled to 16 GPa. The structure and coordination environments remain unchanged up to 8 GPa at which 93% of the recovered glass exists as 4-fold Al, whereas the remaining population exists as [5,6]Al. Upon densification, [5,6]Al comprise nearly 30% of observed Al, most likely through the generation of 3-coordinated oxygen. A method to determine the volumetric equation of state of amorphous solids using optical microscopy in a diamond anvil cell is also described. The method relies on two dimensional image acquisition and analysis to quantify changes in the projected image area with compression. The area analysis method is used to determine the compression of cubic crystals, yielding results in good agreement with diffraction and volumetric measurements. A NMR probe capable of reaching 3 GPa is built to understand the nature of magnetic field gradients and improve upon the resolution of high pressure studies conducted in a diamond anvil cell. Field gradients in strength up to 6 G/cm are caused largely by mismatches in the magnetic susceptibility between the sample and gasket, which is proven to shift the chemical shift distribution by use of several different metallic gaskets. Polyamorphic behavior in triphenyl phosphite is studied at pressures up to 0.7 GPa to elucidate the formation of the glacial phase at high pressures. A perceived liquid-liquid phase transition is shown to follow a positive Clapeyron slope, and closely follows the predicted glass transition line up to 0.4 GPa and temperatures below 270 K. A drastic change in morphology is indicative of a transformation from liquid I to liquid II and followed by optical microscopy.
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