Exploring Contemporary Surface Changes on the Moon and Mercury

Planetary surfaces are constantly evolving through a series of endogenic and exogenic processes. Multi-temporal observations enable the detection of these newly formed surface changes. Analysis techniques of these observations require precise image geolocation obtainable only with accurate optical and projection

Planetary surfaces are constantly evolving through a series of endogenic and exogenic processes. Multi-temporal observations enable the detection of these newly formed surface changes. Analysis techniques of these observations require precise image geolocation obtainable only with accurate optical and projection distortion corrections. In this study, the Clementine Ultraviolet-Visible camera is geometrically calibrated, and the spacecraft orientation knowledge is refined, aligning the entire dataset to the reference frame defined by the more recent Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. This direct registration approach improved the geolocation to within 0.084 pixels (i.e., sub-pixel), enabling new optical maturity and mineral composition maps aligned with the present reference frame.Next, new surface changes on Mercury are discovered with a geometrically calibrated Mercury Dual Imaging Camera suite. Over twenty surface changes varying in size from 450 to 4400 meters are identified that formed between 2011 to 2015. Exogenic impacts do not explain all the surface changes witnessed. Some changes occurred on slopes near prominent tectonic features suggesting a potential tie to seismic activity. A pair of other reflectance changes were identified around hollow formations, meaning the surface feature is still evolving. This temporal dataset provides the first direct evidence of endogenic and exogenic activities of the innermost planet. Lastly, the color and photometric properties of newly formed impact craters are explored using hundreds of observations acquired before and post-impact. These observations reveal new details about the distal surface changes associated with the impact process. Phase ratio imaging enables a measurement of the phase curve slope, including near opposition (phase ~ 0°). While the entire proximal ejecta blanket shows an increase in the optical surface roughness properties, the region adjacent to the crater rim (1.0 to 1.25 crater radii from the center) expresses a broadening of the opposition surge consistent with the presence of fine-scale surface particles and rocks. Finally, Hapke parameters and color maps are also derived for the entire region before and after the impact event to quantify changes in surface properties and the maturity state of the regolith. This work provides new insight into the broad extent of surface modifications around newly formed craters.
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Theoretical and experimental studies of cryogenic and hydrothermal organic geochemistry

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This dissertation examines two topics of emerging interest in the field of organic geochemistry. The topic of the first portion of the dissertation is cold organic geochemistry on Saturn's moon Titan. Titan has an atmosphere and surface that are rich

This dissertation examines two topics of emerging interest in the field of organic geochemistry. The topic of the first portion of the dissertation is cold organic geochemistry on Saturn's moon Titan. Titan has an atmosphere and surface that are rich in organic compounds. Liquid hydrocarbons exist on the surface, most famously as lakes. Photochemical reactions produce solid organics in Titan's atmosphere, and these materials settle onto the surface. At the surface, liquids can interact with solids, and geochemical processes can occur. To better understand these processes, I developed a thermodynamic model that can be used to calculate the solubilities of gases and solids in liquid hydrocarbons at cryogenic temperatures. The model was parameterized using experimental data, and provides a good fit to the data. Application of the model to Titan reveals that the equilibrium composition of surface liquids depends on the abundance of methane in the local atmosphere. The model also indicates that solid acetylene should be quite soluble in surface liquids, which implies that acetylene-rich rocks should be susceptible to chemical erosion, and acetylene evaporites may form on Titan. In the latter half of this dissertation, I focus on hot organic geochemistry below the surface of the Earth. Organic compounds are common in sediments. Burial of sediments leads to changes in physical and chemical conditions, promoting organic reactions. An important organic reaction in subsurface environments is decarboxylation, which generates hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide from simple organic acids. Fundamental knowledge about decarboxylation is required to better understand how the organic and inorganic compositions of sediments evolve in response to changing geochemical conditions. I performed experiments with the model compound phenylacetic acid to obtain information about mechanisms of decarboxylation in hydrothermal fluids. Patterns in rates of decarboxylation of substituted phenylacetic acids point to a mechanism that proceeds through a ring-protonated zwitterion of phenylacetic acid. In contrast, substituted sodium phenylacetates exhibit a different kinetic pattern, one that is consistent with the formation of the benzyl anion as an intermediate. Results from experiments with added hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, and deuterated water agree with these interpretations. Thus, speciation dictates mechanism of decarboxylation.
Date Created

Meteorites on Mars as planetary research tools with special considerations for Martian weathering processes

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The occurrence of exogenic, meteoritic materials on the surface of any world presents opportunities to explore a variety of significant problems in the planetary sciences. In the case of Mars, meteorites found on its surface may help to 1) constrain

The occurrence of exogenic, meteoritic materials on the surface of any world presents opportunities to explore a variety of significant problems in the planetary sciences. In the case of Mars, meteorites found on its surface may help to 1) constrain atmospheric conditions during their time of arrival; 2) provide insights into possible variabilities in meteoroid type sampling between Mars and Earth space environments; 3) aid in our understanding of soil, dust, and sedimentary rock chemistry; 4) assist with the calibration of crater-age dating techniques; and 5) provide witness samples for chemical and mechanical weathering processes. The presence of reduced metallic iron in approximately 88 percent of meteorite falls renders the majority of meteorites particularly sensitive to oxidation by H2O interaction. This makes them excellent markers for H2O occurrence. Several large meteorites have been discovered at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum by the Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs). Significant morphologic characteristics interpretable as weathering features in the Meridiani suite of iron meteorites include a 1) large pit lined with delicate iron protrusions suggestive of inclusion removal by corrosive interaction; 2) differentially eroded kamacite and taenite lamellae on three of the meteorites, providing relative timing through cross-cutting relationships with deposition of 3) an iron oxide-rich dark coating; and 4) regmaglypted surfaces testifying to regions of minimal surface modification; with other regions in the same meteorites exhibiting 5) large-scale, cavernous weathering. Iron meteorites found by Mini-TES at both Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater have prompted laboratory experiments designed to explore elements of reflectivity, dust cover, and potential oxide coatings on their surfaces in the thermal infrared using analog samples. Results show that dust thickness on an iron substrate need be only one tenth as great as that on a silicate rock to obscure its infrared signal. In addition, a database of thermal emission spectra for 46 meteorites was prepared to aid in the on-going detection and interpretation of these valuable rocks on Mars using Mini-TES instruments on both MER spacecraft. Applications to the asteroidal sciences are also relevant and intended for this database.
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