Exploring Contemporary Surface Changes on the Moon and Mercury

Planetary surfaces are constantly evolving through a series of endogenic and exogenic processes. Multi-temporal observations enable the detection of these newly formed surface changes. Analysis techniques of these observations require precise image geolocation obtainable only with accurate optical and projection

Planetary surfaces are constantly evolving through a series of endogenic and exogenic processes. Multi-temporal observations enable the detection of these newly formed surface changes. Analysis techniques of these observations require precise image geolocation obtainable only with accurate optical and projection distortion corrections. In this study, the Clementine Ultraviolet-Visible camera is geometrically calibrated, and the spacecraft orientation knowledge is refined, aligning the entire dataset to the reference frame defined by the more recent Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. This direct registration approach improved the geolocation to within 0.084 pixels (i.e., sub-pixel), enabling new optical maturity and mineral composition maps aligned with the present reference frame.Next, new surface changes on Mercury are discovered with a geometrically calibrated Mercury Dual Imaging Camera suite. Over twenty surface changes varying in size from 450 to 4400 meters are identified that formed between 2011 to 2015. Exogenic impacts do not explain all the surface changes witnessed. Some changes occurred on slopes near prominent tectonic features suggesting a potential tie to seismic activity. A pair of other reflectance changes were identified around hollow formations, meaning the surface feature is still evolving. This temporal dataset provides the first direct evidence of endogenic and exogenic activities of the innermost planet. Lastly, the color and photometric properties of newly formed impact craters are explored using hundreds of observations acquired before and post-impact. These observations reveal new details about the distal surface changes associated with the impact process. Phase ratio imaging enables a measurement of the phase curve slope, including near opposition (phase ~ 0°). While the entire proximal ejecta blanket shows an increase in the optical surface roughness properties, the region adjacent to the crater rim (1.0 to 1.25 crater radii from the center) expresses a broadening of the opposition surge consistent with the presence of fine-scale surface particles and rocks. Finally, Hapke parameters and color maps are also derived for the entire region before and after the impact event to quantify changes in surface properties and the maturity state of the regolith. This work provides new insight into the broad extent of surface modifications around newly formed craters.
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CUTLASS: Coral Reef, Underwater Terrain, and Littoral Archaeological Site Surveyor

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Undersea scientific ocean exploration and research only began in earnest approximately150 years ago. Much has been learned and discovered in that time, but there are also gaps in understanding of the ocean depths. One source of the knowledge gap is

Undersea scientific ocean exploration and research only began in earnest approximately150 years ago. Much has been learned and discovered in that time, but there are also gaps in understanding of the ocean depths. One source of the knowledge gap is the relative lack of crewed exploration in some regions of the ocean. This work presents a vehicle that provides divers with longer time at deeper depths than is currently available in an unpressurized environment, reduces diver workload, and improves situational awareness. Working in collaboration with the scientific diver community, top-level requirements were defined, and a Concept of Operations was developed. This effort is followed up with a vehicle design which provides the capability for two divers to complete unpressurized dives to 200 meters, remain there for 20 minutes, and return to the surface within 12 hours. Additional functionality provided by the vehicle includes significant cargo capacity, voice and data communication with the surface, geolocation capabilities, and automated maneuvering and decompression management. Analysis of the hull shape and propulsion system is presented which demonstrates that the vehicle can reach its velocity and acceleration performance requirements. A virtual environment is then presented which has the potential to allow for end-to-end mission performance evaluation. Finally, the constraints on the life support system are discussed and source code for a simulation is presented. The final chapter of this work examines a hypothetical mission to 200 meters depth. The various phases of the mission are discussed as well as the potential consumption of both oxygen and electricity. Two life support gas mixtures are examined, and the resulting decompression profiles are presented. The final analysis shows that it is possible to conduct dives to 200 meters, perform 20 minutes of work, and return to the surface within 12 hours using the CUTLASS vehicle that is presented.

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Antenna design and foreground characterization for improved detection of the redshifted 21 cm global signature during the Epoch of Reionization

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The Universe transitioned from a state of neutral hydrogen (HI) shortly after recombination to its present day ionized state, but this transition, the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), has been poorly constrained by observational data. Estimates place the EoR between redshifts

The Universe transitioned from a state of neutral hydrogen (HI) shortly after recombination to its present day ionized state, but this transition, the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), has been poorly constrained by observational data. Estimates place the EoR between redshifts 6 < z <13 (330-770 Myr).

The interaction of the 21 cm hyperfine ground state emission/absorption-line of HI with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the radiation from the first luminous sources in the universe can be used to extract cosmological information about the EoR. Theorists have created global redshifted 21 cm EoR models of this interaction that predict the temperature perturbations to the CMB in the form of a sky-averaged difference temperature, Tb. The difficulty in measuring Tb is that it is

predicted to be on the order of 20 to 100 mK, while the sky foreground is dominated

by synchrotron radiation that is 105 times brighter. The challenge is to subtract the much brighter foreground radiation without subtracting the Tb signal and can only be done when the data has small error levels.

The Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) is an effort to measure Tb with a single wide field-of-view well-calibrated antenna. This dissertation focuses on reducing systematic errors by quantifying the impact of the chromatic nature of the antenna’s beam directivity and by measuring the variability of the spectral index of the radio sky foreground. The chromatic beam study quantified the superior qualities of the rectangular blade-shaped antenna and led to its adoption over the previously used fourpoint-shaped antenna and determined that a 5 term polynomial was optimum for removing the foreground. The spectral index, β, of the sky was measured, using 211 nights of data, to be −2.60 > β > −2.62 in lower LST regions, increasing to −2.50 near the Galactic plane. This matched simulated results using the Guzm´an et al. (2011) sky map (∆β < 0.05) and demonstrated the exceptional stability of the EDGES instrument. Lastly, an EoR model by Kaurov & Gnedin (2016) was shown to be inconsistent with measured EDGES data at a significance level of 1.9.
Date Created

Investigation of Star Formation: Instrumentation and Methodology

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A thorough exploration of star formation necessitates observation across the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, observations in the submillimeter and ultra-violet allow one to observe very early stage star formation and to trace the evolution from molecular cloud collapse to stellar

A thorough exploration of star formation necessitates observation across the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, observations in the submillimeter and ultra-violet allow one to observe very early stage star formation and to trace the evolution from molecular cloud collapse to stellar ignition. Submillimeter observations are essential for piercing the heart of heavily obscured stellar nurseries to observe star formation in its infancy. Ultra-violet observations allow one to observe stars just after they emerge from their surrounding environment, allowing higher energy radiation to escape. To make detailed observations of early stage star formation in both spectral regimes requires state-of-the-art detector technology and instrumentation. In this dissertation, I discuss the calibration and feasibility of detectors developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and specially processed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to increase their quantum efficiency at far-ultraviolet wavelengths. A cursory treatment of the delta-doping process is presented, followed by a thorough discussion of calibration procedures developed at JPL and in the Laboratory for Astronomical and Space Instrumentation at ASU. Subsequent discussion turns to a novel design for a Modular Imager Cell forming one possible basis for construction of future large focal plane arrays. I then discuss the design, fabrication, and calibration of a sounding rocket imaging system developed using the MIC and these specially processed detectors. Finally, I discuss one scientific application of sub-mm observations. I used data from the Heinrich Hertz Sub-millimeter Telescope and the Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA) to observe sub-millimeter transitions and continuum emission towards AFGL 2591. I tested the use of vibrationally excited HCN emission to probe the protostellar accretion disk structure. I measured vibrationally excited HCN line ratios in order to elucidate the appropriate excitation mechanism. I find collisional excitation to be dominant, showing the emission originates in extremely dense (n&sim10;11 cm-3), warm (T&sim1000; K) gas. Furthermore, from the line profile of the v=(0, 22d, 0) transition, I find evidence for a possible accretion disk.
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