Equity Plan Schedules vs. Traditional Schedules in Health, Music, Physical Education, and Visual Art Courses for English as a New Language Students, Students with Disabilities, and Students by Gender and Ethnicity

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This study compares course enrollment data for student-group equity variables for a newly developed and implemented schedule: the Equity Plan, with implemented traditional alternating day schedules. The study compares two implemented Equity Plan schedule frameworks and twenty traditional alternating day

This study compares course enrollment data for student-group equity variables for a newly developed and implemented schedule: the Equity Plan, with implemented traditional alternating day schedules. The study compares two implemented Equity Plan schedule frameworks and twenty traditional alternating day schedules over 11 years. The school-based schedule data were from two diverse New York public middle schools in the same school district, a total of 22 complete schedule data sets. Courses analyzed include health, music, physical education, and visual arts. The represented student variables were: all students, English as a new language (ENL), students with disabilities (SWDs), gender, and ethnicity. The compiled data included 255,365 rows and 13 columns for a total of 3,319,745 cells of data, representing 19,822 student schedules. Equitable course enrollment was defined as no more than a 5% difference of enrollment between student groups.The data analysis revealed that ENL students and SWDs were consistently excluded from health, music, and visual arts courses. The Equity Plan schedule was the only implemented schedule framework that has equitable course enrollment for ENL students and SWDs in health, music, physical education, and visual arts. Physical education almost always had equitable enrollment for all student groups. Females and males were equitably represented in band, while females were overrepresented in chorus and orchestra. Students grouped by American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Multiracial, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander generally had low enrollment representation in school populations and were often not equitably included in courses. ENL students and SWDs may be disproportionately excluded in many schools due to additional mandates for these groups. This identified issue may be widespread throughout the nation. The author recommends that all schools conduct an equitable course analysis using the 5% standard to determine if student groups are disproportionately being excluded from courses. Implementation of an intentional administrative strategy focusing on equitable course enrollment such as the Equity Plan schedule framework is recommended to address equity and inclusion challenges.
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Music Therapy Assessment for Alert Hospice Patients: An Ecomap Approach for Assessing Music Preferences

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Individuals receiving hospice care at the end of life have a unique set of needs, requiring interdisciplinary assessment and treatment to meet their multidimensional circumstances and create a supportive and comfortable experience. Music therapy is often an integral component of


Individuals receiving hospice care at the end of life have a unique set of needs, requiring interdisciplinary assessment and treatment to meet their multidimensional circumstances and create a supportive and comfortable experience. Music therapy is often an integral component of hospice care utilized to treat the whole person. While there are published music therapy assessment tools for use with the hospice population, there is no assessment tool specifically aimed at understanding the role of music preference in the context of the hospice patient’s multidimensional musical ecosystem identity. The purpose of this thesis was to create an assessment tool to understand and document the individualized connections between a hospice patient’s familiar and preferred music and their musical identity, in order to increase cultural awareness and to utilize music selection with purpose while supporting and empowering the patient. The proposed music preference assessment tool utilizes an ecomap structure and combines theories and philosophies from the fields of music therapy and social work. The needs of the hospice population are identified and music therapy is discussed as a treatment modality in hospice. Existing music therapy and social work assessments are identified and examined and elements of each are utilized in the creation of the proposed music preference assessment tool. A template and example assessment tool are provided with considerations for clinical implications and uses.
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An Inquiry into PYP Transdisciplinary Understanding in Two Remote Schools in Indonesia

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This research investigates teachers' understanding of and feelings about transdisciplinary education and the International Baccalaureate's Primary Years Programme (PYP) as utilized by two remote schools in the province of Papua, Indonesia on the island of New Guinea. A goal of

This research investigates teachers' understanding of and feelings about transdisciplinary education and the International Baccalaureate's Primary Years Programme (PYP) as utilized by two remote schools in the province of Papua, Indonesia on the island of New Guinea. A goal of transdisciplinary education is to make learning through inquiry authentic, broad, student-centered, and relevant to the real world. In this study I examine educators’ perspectives of how transdisciplinary education is manifested in the two different and yet related elementary schools.

Both schools are supported by a multinational mining company. One school is for expatriate students and the language of instruction is English. The second school, which is for Indonesian students, follows the Indonesian National Curriculum of 2013, with instruction delivered in the Indonesian language by Indonesian teachers. A single expatriate superintendent oversees both schools.

Teacher experience, teacher PYP experience, implications of the PYP framework, cultural implications of the location, and demographics of the school stakeholders were considerations of this research. To acquire data, homeroom teachers, specialist teachers (music, art, physical education, and language), administrators, and PYP coordinators completed a survey and were interviewed. Additional data were collected through document examination and observation.

A broad range of experience with transdisciplinary education existed in both schools, contributing to some confusion about how to implement the PYP framework and varying conceptions of what constitutes transdisciplinary education. Principles of the PYP were evident in curriculum documents and planning and discussed by the teachers in both schools. Educators at the expatriate school identified with the international-mindedness and approaches to learning in the PYP. Educators at the national school valued to character education elements of the PYP, which they viewed as consistent with Indonesian principles of pancasila. The mission and vision statements of the schools in this study aligned with the PYP in different ways. Challenges faced by educators in these schools are acquisition of professional development, experienced teachers and teaching materials due to the remote location of the schools. While transdisciplinary education was described, it was not necessarily implemented. The findings of this study suggest that transdisciplinary education is a mindset that takes time, experience, and commitment to implement.
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A phenomenological investigation of competition in high school bands

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This study investigates the lived experience of competition in high school band and the manner in which competition influences and frames band curricula. A hermeneutic phenomenological method based on the works of van Manen and Vagle was used to investigate

This study investigates the lived experience of competition in high school band and the manner in which competition influences and frames band curricula. A hermeneutic phenomenological method based on the works of van Manen and Vagle was used to investigate what it was like for participants to be in competition. A theoretical framework organized around Schwab's commonplaces of education was used to interpret findings related to the curricular areas of the teacher, learner, subject matter, and milieu. I examined data through a lens incorporating principles of John Dewey's philosophy related to each of the commonplaces.

Twelve individuals participated in the study representing experiences had both as students and as music educators. Participants lived and taught in communities throughout the United States and brought differing levels of teaching and competitive experience. Data were generated through in-depth interviews and collaborative phenomenological texts. Research questions included: What is the lived experience of competing in a high school band like?; and, How does competition frame and influence high school band curricula?

Findings indicate that competition was a meaningful and influential part of participants' work as band directors and educational experiences as students. Competition was approached with tension as participants acknowledged negative concerns over the influence of competitions on their students, yet chose to engage in competitive activities. Marching band contests offered a creative outlet where directors could develop custom materials and they did so with a significant motivation to win. Competition was perceived as an influence on band directors' professional reputations, feelings of competence, and how band programs were viewed in the community. Students were motivated by competitions and reacted strongly to competitive results such as rankings, ratings, and other distinctions.

Findings also indicate that band curricula emphasizing competition share similar curricular facets: (a) teachers carefully control and manage classroom activities and curricular choices; (b) students are viewed as skilled performers who are dependent upon their teachers for learning; (c) subject matter is narrowly considered around measurable behavioral objectives and repertoire selection; and, (d) the educational environment is dominated by the teacher who may use competition to motivate students to work and practice more.
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An investigation of the perceptions of music teachers related to interactions with peers in online professional development courses

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and opinions of Arizona music teachers related to interactions with peers in formal online professional development (OPD) courses approved for recertification of their teacher credential. The target population (N =

The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and opinions of Arizona music teachers related to interactions with peers in formal online professional development (OPD) courses approved for recertification of their teacher credential. The target population (N = 584) was current music teachers in K-12 schools who are members of the 2014 Arizona Music Educators Association. Ultimately 279 respondents completed a researcher-constructed online survey (response rate = 48%).

The survey instrument explored four primary research questions; (1) Do music teachers in Arizona participate in formal OPD related to recertification of their teacher credential? (2) Do music teachers in Arizona who participate in OPD courses interact with their peers during OPD? (3) What is the nature of self-reported peer interactions among Arizona music teachers who participate in OPD courses? (4) What are Arizona music teachers' opinions regarding peer interaction in OPD courses?

Almost half of the 279 respondents participated in OPD courses for their recertification. Some participated in music-specific OPD courses such as online music classes, webinars, or online degree programs. Many respondents considered OPD courses to be effective because of convenience, location, time savings, and flexibility. Most who took online classes participated in multiple OPD courses.

Of the respondents who took OPD courses, nearly two-thirds indicated that they interacted with peers during those courses. Most of these respondents reported that required interactions were effective. Some benefits were sharing ideas and acquiring information from others. Participants preferred asynchronous interaction with peers to synchronous interaction. Factors that may have prevented these music teachers from interacting in OPD courses were superficial level message content in discussion boards or low participation from peers. Teachers also reported using informal online interactions in social networks not related to recertification hours.

Findings from this study may help improve teacher interactions with peers in OPD courses. This study may serve to influence instructors in OPD courses, administrators, policy-makers, and online course developers to improve OPD by integrating peer interactions into online courses for music teachers. Additional research on many aspects of OPD for music teachers is needed to improve educational practice.
Date Created

The effects of a movement-based after-school music program on music underachievers' musical achievement, social development and self-esteem

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an after-school music program on music underachievers' musical achievement, social development and self-esteem. A true-experimental pretest-posttest design was used and included 14 hours of treatment time. The subjects (N

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an after-school music program on music underachievers' musical achievement, social development and self-esteem. A true-experimental pretest-posttest design was used and included 14 hours of treatment time. The subjects (N = 66), fifth-grade students were randomly selected from the lowest quartile of scores on Colwell's Music Achievement Test (MAT), which was administered to all fifth-grade students (N = 494) in three Korean elementary schools. The treatment group (n =33) experienced a movement-based after-school music program (MAMP); the control group (n = 33) did not receive the after-school music program. Measurements included sections of Colwell's Music Achievement Test (MAT), Kim's Social Development Scale (SDS), and Hare's Self-Esteem Scale (HSS). The researcher and music teachers of each school administered all measurements. Fourteen treatment lessons occurred over fourteen weeks. One-way analyses of covariance tests were used to test for post-test differences between groups. A significant difference was found in music achievement total scores of the MAT with the treatment group scoring higher scores than the control group. There were no significant differences for interval and meter discrimination tests of MAT. There were no significant differences between treatment and control groups in the post-test scores of the Social Development Scale (SDS) and the Self-Esteem Scale (HSS). However, for both tests, mean scores increased for the treatment group and decreased for the control group. Results from this study suggest that a movement-based after-school music program promotes music underachievers' musical growth and may also support music underachievers' social development and self-esteem.
Date Created

Six beginning music teachers' music teacher role identities

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ABSTRACT In this study, I used a qualitative approach to explore the music teacher role identities of six beginning music teachers prior to, during, and after their student teaching experience. Data collection included participant-observation, interviews, and e-mail communication. Specifically, I

ABSTRACT In this study, I used a qualitative approach to explore the music teacher role identities of six beginning music teachers prior to, during, and after their student teaching experience. Data collection included participant-observation, interviews, and e-mail communication. Specifically, I looked at what each of these beginning music teachers discussed when describing themselves in the role of music teacher. These participants' music teacher role identities appeared to focus on four main components, while also remaining unique from one another. Those four components were: musical selves, instructional selves, professional selves, and ideological selves. Further, the participants' role identities appeared to change from the period prior to student teaching through student teaching to the time after their student teaching experience. Based on data gleaned from the participants in this study, I created my own definition of music teacher role identity. This study's findings suggest further research using a longitudinal approach to explore the role identities of music teachers at various stages of their careers.
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