Anthropogenic Environments Shape Wildlife Communities and Human-Wildlife Coexistence Across Urbanizing Landscapes

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With a growing majority of humans living within cities and towns, urbanization is one of the most persistent drivers of change in global land use and challenges to sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The development of cities and towns can substantially

With a growing majority of humans living within cities and towns, urbanization is one of the most persistent drivers of change in global land use and challenges to sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The development of cities and towns can substantially shape local and regional environments in which wildlife communities persist. Although urbanization can negatively affect wildlife communities – through processes such as habitat fragmentation and non-native species introduction – cities can also provide resources to wildlife, such as through food, water, and space, creating potential opportunities for conservation. However, managing wildlife communities persisting in urbanizing landscapes requires better understanding of how urbanized landscapes influence the ability of wildlife to coexist with one another and with people at local and regional scales. In this dissertation, I addressed these research needs by evaluating the environmental and human factors driving dynamic wildlife community distributions and people’s attitudes towards wildlife. In my first two chapters,I used wildlife camera data collected from across the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, AZ to examine seasonal patterns of wildlife space use, species richness, and interspecific interactions across levels of urbanization with varying landscape characteristics, including plant productivity and spatial land use heterogeneity. Here I found that urbanization was a primary driver of wildlife community characteristics within the region, but that seasonal resource availability and landscape heterogeneity could have mediating influences that require further exploration. In my third chapter, I partnered with wildlife researchers across North America to examine how relationships between urbanization and community composition vary among cities with distinct social-ecological characteristics, finding that effects of local urbanization were more negative in warmer, less vegetated, and more urbanized cities. In my fourth and final chapter, I explored the potential for human-wildlife coexistence by examining how various ideological, environmental, and sociodemographic factors influenced Phoenix area residents’ level of comfort living near different wildlife groups. Although I found that residents’ attitudes were primarily shaped by their relatively static wildlife values, comfort living near wildlife also depended on the characteristics of the neighboring environment, of the residents, and of the wildlife involved, indicating the potential for facilitating conditions for human-wildlife coexistence. Altogether, the findings of this dissertation suggest that the management of wildlife and their interactions with people within cities would benefit from more proactive and holistic consideration of the interacting environmental, wildlife, and human characteristics that influence the persistence of biodiversity within an increasingly urbanized world.
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Neighborhood Ethnicity is Related to Occupancy of Mammals Across a Diverse Metropolitan Area

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More people live in cities or metropolitan areas than ever before, which encompass many types of urbanization. These areas are culturally diverse and densely populated heterogeneous landscapes that are shaped by socio-ecological patterns. Cities support human and wildlife populations that

More people live in cities or metropolitan areas than ever before, which encompass many types of urbanization. These areas are culturally diverse and densely populated heterogeneous landscapes that are shaped by socio-ecological patterns. Cities support human and wildlife populations that are influenced indirectly and directly by human decisions. This process can result in unequal access to environmental services and accessible green spaces. Additionally, biodiversity distribution is influenced by human decisions. Although neighborhood income can drive biodiversity in metropolitan areas (i.e., the ‘luxury effect’), other socio-cultural factors may also influence the presence and abundance of wildlife beyond simple measures of wealth. To understand how additional social factors shape distributions of wildlife, I ask, are patterns of wildlife distribution associated with neighborhood ethnicity, in addition to income and ecological landscape characteristics within metropolitan areas? Utilizing data from 38 wildlife cameras deployed in neighborhood public parks and non-built spaces in metro Phoenix, AZ (USA), I estimated occupancy and activity patterns of coyotes (Canis latrans), desert cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus audubonii), and domestic cats (Felis catus) across gradients of median household income and neighborhood ethnicity, estimated by the proportion of Latinx residents. Neighborhood ethnicity appeared in the top models for all species, and neighborhood % of Latinx residents was inversely associated with presence of native Sonoran Desert animals (coyotes and cottontail rabbits). Furthermore, daily activity patterns of coyotes differed in neighborhoods with higher vs. lower proportion of Latinx residents. My results suggest that socio-cultural variables beyond income are associated with wildlife distributions, and that factors associated with neighborhood ethnicity may be an informative correlate of city-wide ecological patterns. In this research, I unraveled predictive social variables and differentiated wildlife distribution across neighborhood gradients of income and ethnic composition, bringing attention to the potentially unequal distribution of mammals in cities.
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It All Comes Out in the Wash: Mammal Use of Riparian Corridors in Semi-Arid Sonora, Mexico

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Land use change driven by human population expansion continues to influence

the integrity and configuration of riparian corridors worldwide. Wildlife viability in semi-arid regions depend heavily on the connectivity of riparian corridors, since water is the primary limiting resource. The Madrean

Land use change driven by human population expansion continues to influence

the integrity and configuration of riparian corridors worldwide. Wildlife viability in semi-arid regions depend heavily on the connectivity of riparian corridors, since water is the primary limiting resource. The Madrean Archipelago in northern Mexico and southwestern United States (US) is a biodiversity hotspot that supports imperiled wildlife like jaguar (Panthera onca) and ocelot (Leopardus pardalis). Recent and ongoing infrastructure developments in the historically understudied US-México borderlands region, such as the border wall and expansion of Federal Highway 2, are altering wildlife movement and disconnecting essential habitat.

I used wildlife cameras to assess species occupancy, abundance, and related habitat variables affecting the use of washes as corridors for mammals in semi-arid Los Ojos (LO), a private ranch within a 530 km2 priority conservation area in Sonora, México located south of the border and Federal Highway 2. From October 2018 to April 2019, I deployed 21 wildlife cameras in five different riparian corridors within LO. I used single- season occupancy models and Royal Nichols abundance models to explore the relationship between habitat variables and use of riparian corridors by mammal communities of conservation concern within this region.

Twenty-one mammal species were recorded in the study area, including American black bear (Ursus americanus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and the first sighting of jaguar (Panthera onca) in this region in 25 years. For the 11 medium- and large-bodied mammals recorded, habitat variables related to perennial river characteristics (distance to river, weekly water, and site width) and remoteness (distance from highway, elevation, and NDVI) were important for occupancy, but the direction of the relationship varied by species. For commonly observed species such as mountain lion (Puma concolor) and white-nosed coati (Nasua narica), topographic variety was highly informative for species abundance. These results highlight the importance of habitat diversity when identifying corridors for future protection to conserve wildlife communities in semi-arid regions. Additionally, this study provides robust evidence in support of mitigation measures (e.g. funnel fencing, over- or under- passes) along Federal Highway 2, and other barriers such as the border wall, to facilitate wildlife connectivity.
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Urban Ecology for Conservation: Evaluating Social and Ecological Drivers of Biodiversity Change Over Time

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Global biodiversity is threatened by anthropogenic impacts, as the global population becomes increasingly urbanized. Conservation researchers and practitioners increasingly recognize the potential of cities to support biodiversity and foster human-nature interactions. However, further understanding of social and ecological mechanisms driving

Global biodiversity is threatened by anthropogenic impacts, as the global population becomes increasingly urbanized. Conservation researchers and practitioners increasingly recognize the potential of cities to support biodiversity and foster human-nature interactions. However, further understanding of social and ecological mechanisms driving change in urban biodiversity over time is needed. In this dissertation, I first synthesized evidence for the urban homogenization hypothesis, which proposes that cities are more similar across space and time than are the natural communities they replace. I found that approaches to testing urban homogenization varied widely, but there is evidence for convergence at regional spatial scales and for some taxa. This work revealed a lack of long-term urban studies, as well as support for social and ecological mechanisms driving homogenization.

Building from this systematic literature review, I tested the effects of a long-term nutrient enrichment experiment in urban and near-urban desert preserves to evaluate indirect urban impacts on natural plant communities over time. Urban preserves and nitrogen-fertilized plots supported fewer annual wildflower species, limiting their effectiveness for biodiversity conservation and nature provisioning for urban residents.

Finally, I conducted research on residential yards in Phoenix, Arizona, to explore the effects of individual management behavior on urban plant community dynamics. Using a front yard vegetation survey repeated at three time points and a paired social survey, I asked, to what extent are yard plant communities dynamic over time, and how do attitudes and parcel characteristics affect native plant landscaping? Front yard woody plant communities experienced high turnover on a decadal scale, indicating that these managed communities are dynamic and capable of change for conservation benefit. Residents held positive attitudes toward native plants, but cultivated few in their yards. Priorities such as desired functional traits, attitudes toward native plants, and household income predicted native plant abundance, while knowledge of native plants did not.

This body of work contributes to the growing understanding of how urban ecosystems change over time in response to local- and city-scale impacts, demonstrating opportunities to engage urban residents and land managers in local conservation action to improve the value of cities for people and biodiversity.

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Dimensions of Phosphorus Sustainability: Phosphorus Flows in a Rapidly Growing City and Field Tests of Potential Agricultural Prototypes

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Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient in ecosystems and is mainly used as fertilizer to grow food. The demand for P is increasing due to the need for increased food supply to support a growing population. However, P is obtained

Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient in ecosystems and is mainly used as fertilizer to grow food. The demand for P is increasing due to the need for increased food supply to support a growing population. However, P is obtained from phosphate rock, a finite resource that takes millions of years to form. These phosphate rock deposits are found in only a few countries. This uneven distribution of phosphate rock leads to a potential imbalance in socio-economic systems, generating food security pressure due to unaffordability of P fertilizer. Thus, the first P-sustainability concern is a stable supply of affordable P fertilizer for agriculture. In addition, improper management of P from field to fork leaves an open end in the global P cycle that results in widespread water pollution. This eutrophication leads to toxic algal blooms and hypoxic “dead zones”. Thus, the second P-sustainability concern involves P pollution from agriculture and cities. This thesis focuses on P flows in a city (Macau as a case study) and on potential strategies for improvements of sustainable P management in city and agriculture. Chapter 2 showed a P-substance-flow analysis for Macau from 1998-2016. Macau is a city with a unique economy build on tourism. The major P flows into Macau were from food, detergent, and sand (for land reclamation). P recovery from wastewater treatment could enhance Macau’s overall P sustainability if the recovered P could be directed towards replacing mined P used to produce food. Chapters 3 and 4 tested a combination of P sustainability management tactics including recycling P from cities and enhancing P-use efficiency (PUE) in agriculture. Algae and biosolids were used as recycled-P fertilizers, and genetically transformed lettuce was used as the a PUE-enhanced crop. This P sustainable system was compared to the conventional agricultural system using commercial fertilizer and the wild type lettuce. Chapters 3 and 4 showed that trying to combine a PUE-enhancement strategy with P recycling did not work well, although organic fertilizers like algae and biosolids may be more beneficial as part of longer-term agricultural practices. This would be a good area for future research.

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Coupled Abiotic and Biotic Cycling of Nitrous Oxide

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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and an oxidant respired by a

diverse range of anaerobic microbes, but its sources and sinks are poorly understood. The overarching goal of my dissertation is to explore abiotic N2O formation and microbial

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and an oxidant respired by a

diverse range of anaerobic microbes, but its sources and sinks are poorly understood. The overarching goal of my dissertation is to explore abiotic N2O formation and microbial N2O consumption across reducing environments of the early and modern Earth. By combining experiments as well as diffusion and atmospheric modeling, I present evidence that N2O production can be catalyzed on iron mineral surfaces that may have been present in shallow waters of the Archean ocean. Using photochemical models, I showed that tropospheric N2O concentrations close to modern ones (ppb range) were possible before O2 accumulated. In peatlands of the Amazon basin (modern Earth), unexpected abiotic activity became apparent under anoxic conditions. However, care has to be taken to adequately disentangle abiotic from biotic reactions. I identified significant sterilant-induced changes in Fe2+ and dissolved organic matter pools (determined by fluorescence spectroscopy). Among all chemical and physical sterilants tested, γ - irradiation showed the least effect on reactant pools. Targeting geochemically diverse peatlands across Central and South America, I present evidence that coupled abiotic and biotic cycling of N2O could be a widespread phenomenon. Using isotopic tracers in the field, I showed that abiotic N2O fluxes rival biotic ones under in-situ conditions. Moreover, once N2O is produced, it is rapidly consumed by N2O-reducing microbes. Using amplicon sequencing and metagenomics, I demonstrated that this surprising N2O sink potential is associated with diverse bacteria, including the recently discovered clade II that is present in high proportions at Amazonian sites based on nosZ quantities. Finally, to evaluate the impact of nitrogen oxides on methane production in peatlands, I characterized soil nitrite (NO2–) and N2O abundances along soil profiles. I complemented field analyses with molecular work by deploying amplicon-based 16S rRNA and mcrA sequencing. The diversity and activity of soil methanogens was affected by the presence of NO2– and N2O, suggesting that methane emissions could be influenced by N2O cycling dynamics. Overall, my work proposes a key role for N2O in Earth systems across time and a central position in tropical microbial ecosystems.
Date Created

Potential emergence of dengue in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: a micro-climatic and demographic analysis

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The spread of dengue worldwide currently places half of the world’s population at risk. In the absence of a dengue vaccine, control of the disease requires control of the mosquito species that transmit the virus. The most important of these

The spread of dengue worldwide currently places half of the world’s population at risk. In the absence of a dengue vaccine, control of the disease requires control of the mosquito species that transmit the virus. The most important of these is. Advances in research detailing the responsiveness of Aedes aegypti to small changes in climate enable the production of more sophisticated remote sensing and surveillance techniques for monitoring these populations. Close monitoring of global dengue activity and outbreaks likewise enables a greater specificity when determining to which human populations the virus is most likely to spread. There have been no locally acquired cases in Arizona to date, but the high abundance of Aedes aegypti in the Phoenix Metropolitan area raises concern within the Arizona Department of Health Services over the potential transmission of dengue in the city. This study develops a model that combines mosquito abundance, micro-climatic and demographic information to delineate regions in Phoenix that are most support transmission of dengue. The first chapter focuses on the impact that daytime high and low temperatures have on Aedes aegypti’s ability to become infectious with dengue. It argues that NDVI (normal difference vegetative index) imaging of the Phoenix area can be used to plot areas where mosquitoes are most likely to become competent vectors. The second chapter focuses on the areas in the city where mosquitoes are most likely to be exposed to the virus. Based on proximity to Phoenix and the high volume of traffic across the Arizona-Mexico border, I treat the Mexican state of Sonora as the source of infection. I combine these two analyses, micro-climatic and demographic, to produce maps of Phoenix that show the locations with the highest likelihood of transmission overall.
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Desert playa wetlands: ecological controls of their functioning and responses to climate change

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The Basin and Range province of southwestern USA are composed of different grassland and shrubland ecosystems. Particularly understudied ecosystems in this region are playas, which are ephemerally-flooded wetlands located in topographic low areas of hydrologically-closed dryland catchments. There is not

The Basin and Range province of southwestern USA are composed of different grassland and shrubland ecosystems. Particularly understudied ecosystems in this region are playas, which are ephemerally-flooded wetlands located in topographic low areas of hydrologically-closed dryland catchments. There is not much known about the ecological functioning of playas and the role of playas within desert basins. Even less is known about how global change drivers may affect playas in the future. The main objective of this thesis was to better understand the ecological functioning and the impact of climate change on desert playa wetlands. I collected new data, used existing long-term data, and used simulation modelling techniques to address this objective. I compared playa soils to upland soils and found that playas were hotspots of soil organic carbon and nutrient storage within a desert basin. I also used existing data to analyze the response of above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) to annual precipitation in playas and upland ecosystems. I found that playa ANPP responded in a non-linear concave-down relationship with annual precipitation amount. Playa ANPP peaked in moderately wet years and declined in very wet years, which was most likely due to flooding; whereas, upland ANPP increased linearly with precipitation. I measured soil organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in a representative subset of playas and measured the biophysical characteristics of the upland catchments associated with each playa. I found that both catchment geomorphology and vegetation cover were correlated to differences in soil organic carbon and nitrogen among playas. These results showed the importance external soil-inputs delivered via surface runon to playas. Finally, I empirically measured groundwater recharge beneath playas and combined these empirical data with modelling data to forecast how playa groundwater recharge may change in the future. I concluded that playas contribute to groundwater recharge in desert aquifers, playa runon is a strong predictor of playa groundwater recharge, and climate change will have a net-positive impact on groundwater recharge beneath playas. Overall, my thesis research increased the understanding of the role of desert playas on the functioning of dryland ecosystems.
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Understanding governance dynamics in a social-ecological system: Chitwan community forests and the invasive mile-a-minute weed

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Employing an interdisciplinary approach with a grounding in new institutional economics, this dissertation investigates how institutions, as shared rules, norms, and strategies, mediate social-ecological outcomes in a system exposed to a novel threat in the form of a rapidly growing

Employing an interdisciplinary approach with a grounding in new institutional economics, this dissertation investigates how institutions, as shared rules, norms, and strategies, mediate social-ecological outcomes in a system exposed to a novel threat in the form of a rapidly growing and especially destructive invasive plant, Mikania micrantha (Mikania). I explore whether and how communities (largely part of community forest user groups in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park in Chitwan, Nepal) collectively act in the face of Mikania invasion. Collective action is vital to successful natural resource governance in a variety of contexts and systems globally. Understanding collective action and the role of institutions is especially important in the face of continued and amplifying global environmental changes impacting social-ecological systems, such as climate change and invasive species. Contributing to efforts to bolster knowledge of the role of collective action and institutions in social-ecological systems, this research first establishes that community forest governance and institutional arrangements are heterogeneous. I subsequently utilize content and institutional analyses to identify and address themes and norms related to Mikania management. The content analysis contributes an empirical study of the influence of trust in collective natural resource management efforts. Using two complementary econometric analyses of survey data from 1235 households, I additionally assess equity in access to community forest resources, an understudied area in the institutional literature, and the factors affecting collective action related to Mikania removal. Finally, an agent-based model of institutional change facilitates the comparison of two perspectives, rational choice and cultural diffusion, of how shared norms and strategies for Mikania management change over time, providing insight into institutional change generally. Results highlight the importance of trust and understanding the de facto, or on-the-ground institutions; the influence of perception on collective action; that integrating equity into institutional analyses may strengthen sustainable resource management efforts; and that rational choice is an unlikely mechanism of institutional change. The mixed-methods approach contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of institutions and collective action in invasive species management and broadly to the scientific understanding of the role of institutions in mediating global environmental changes.
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Soil biogeochemical consequences of the replacement of residential grasslands with water-efficient landscapes

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As a result of growing populations and uncertain resource availability, urban areas are facing pressure from federal and state agencies, as well as residents, to promote conservation programs that provide services for people and mitigate environmental harm. Current strategies in

As a result of growing populations and uncertain resource availability, urban areas are facing pressure from federal and state agencies, as well as residents, to promote conservation programs that provide services for people and mitigate environmental harm. Current strategies in US cities aim to reduce the impact of municipal and household resource use, including programs to promote water conservation. One common conservation program incentivizes the replacement of water-intensive turfgrass lawns with landscapes that use less water consisting of interspersed drought-tolerant shrubs and trees with rock or mulch groundcover (e.g. xeriscapes, rain gardens, water-wise landscapes). A handful of previous studies in experimental landscapes have shown that converting a turfgrass yard to a shrub-dominated landscape has the potential to increase rates of nitrate (NO3-) leaching. However, no studies have examined the drivers or patterns across diverse management practices. In this research, I compared soil nutrient retention and cycling in turfgrass and lawn-alternative xeriscaped yards along a chronosequence of time since land cover change in Tempe, Arizona, in the semi-arid US Southwest. Soil inorganic extractable nitrogen (N) pools were greater in xeriscapes compared to turfgrass lawns. On average xeriscapes contained 2.5±0.4 g NO3--N/m2 in the first 45 cm of soil, compared to 0.6±0.7 g NO3--N/m2 in lawns. Soil NO3--N pools in xeriscaped yards also varied significantly with time: pools were largest 9-13 years after cover change and declined to levels comparable to turfgrass at 18-21 years. Variation in soil extractable NO3--N with landscape age was strongly influenced by management practices that control soil water availability, including shrub cover, the presence of sub-surface plastic sheeting, and the frequency of irrigation. This research is the first to explore the ecological outcomes and temporal dynamics of an increasingly common, ‘sustainable’ land use practice that is universally promoted in US cities. Our findings show that transitioning from turfgrass to water-efficient residential landscaping can lead to an accumulation of NO3--N that may be lost from the soil rooting zone over time, through leaching following irrigation or rainfall. These results have implications for best management practices to optimize the benefits of water-conserving residential yards.
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