Diet Selection by Bobcats (Lynx rufus) and Coyotes (Canis latrans) Relative to Prey Availability and Urbanization in Space and Time

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Understanding the drivers of diet selection by carnivores is key for wildlife conservation and management, particularly in the Anthropocene. Yet, most assessments of predation do not consider how spatio-temporal prey availability or nutrition influence carnivore diet selection. Using a novel

Understanding the drivers of diet selection by carnivores is key for wildlife conservation and management, particularly in the Anthropocene. Yet, most assessments of predation do not consider how spatio-temporal prey availability or nutrition influence carnivore diet selection. Using a novel data integration approach for camera trap and scat data, I assessed how spatial and temporal components of prey availability influenced diet selection by bobcats (Lynx rufus) in Colorado, USA (Chapter 1) and coyotes (Canis latrans) in Arizona, USA (Chapter 2) in areas of low and moderate levels of urbanization. I also assessed coyote diets using the nutritional geometric framework to determine coyote macronutrient consumption seasonally and relative to urbanization (Chapter 3). My results suggest that cottontail rabbit availability largely drove bobcat predation, and that bobcats consumed prey relative to its availability overall and in wildland areas, but that this relationship weakened in anthropogenic regions. I also found that, overall, models of prey availability that incorporated the temporal overlap between predator and prey taxa predicted bobcat diet selection better than models assessing the spatial availability of prey. Similarly, I found coyotes consumed prey relative to its availability overall and in sites with lower levels of human influence across seasons, but not in moderately urbanized sites. I also found that models of prey availability that incorporated time better predicted coyote diets compared to models assessing the spatial availability of prey. Finally, I observed that the macronutrient composition of coyote diets was similar between moderately and less urbanized sites, particularly in the spring-summer season. However, coyote macronutrient consumption differed seasonally, with coyotes eating more non-protein energy relative to protein energy when carbohydrate-rich mesquite (Prosopis spp.) was more available in the fall-winter. In addition, the consistently high consumption of lipid-rich domestic cats in moderately urbanized sites further supports the hypothesis that coyotes increased their consumption of non-protein energy when available and when assuming protein needs were already met. This dissertation provides new insights into how urbanized landscapes impact carnivore ecology. Since diet selection drives many human-carnivore conflicts, this research can also be used to help inform wildlife management and decision-making in anthropogenic areas.
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Linking Anuran Occupancy and Relative Habitat Use to Environmental and Hydrological Variables in Arizona Wilderness Area Streams

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Riparian ecosystems comprise less than 2% of the landscape in the arid western U.S. yet provide habitat and resources to over half of arid-land wildlife species, including a broad diversity of anurans (frogs and toads). I surveyed anurans using passive

Riparian ecosystems comprise less than 2% of the landscape in the arid western U.S. yet provide habitat and resources to over half of arid-land wildlife species, including a broad diversity of anurans (frogs and toads). I surveyed anurans using passive acoustic monitoring to capture spring advertisement calls in wilderness area tributaries of the Verde River, Arizona, USA. In the spring and summer of 2021 and 2022, 13-29 autonomous recording units (ARUs) were deployed along perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral reaches across eight headwater streams. I characterized stream reaches based on the percent of pool, riffle, run, and side channel habitat within 100 meters of each ARU. I quantified substrate, discharge at 95% exceedance probability, flow width, and canopy cover at each site. To relate anuran occupancy and relative habitat use to environmental and hydrological variables, I evaluated acoustic data using single-species occupancy and Royle-Nichols and N-mixture (relative habitat use) models. Four species were detected in this study: canyon treefrog (Hyla arenicolor), red-spotted toad (Anaxyrus punctatus), Woodhouse’s toad (Anaxyrus woodhousii), and non-native American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), with canyon treefrog being the most ubiquitous species observed. Occupancy of canyon treefrog was greater at perennial and intermittent sites compared to ephemeral sites, and presence of pool was the most important driver of canyon treefrog occupancy and relative habitat use. Notably, this study did not detect several species with historical records in the middle Verde River watershed, including Arizona toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) and Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens). Given climate change-related flow declines and intensifying demands for water in the Southwest, maintaining stream flows that provide consistent and suitable hydroregimes for anuran breeding and larval development is of increasing importance. Determining habitat use and flow regimes necessary to support anuran populations can aid in prioritization of conservation actions related to water management and predict how changes in water availability may impact stream-breeding anurans.
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Anthropogenic Environments Shape Wildlife Communities and Human-Wildlife Coexistence Across Urbanizing Landscapes

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With a growing majority of humans living within cities and towns, urbanization is one of the most persistent drivers of change in global land use and challenges to sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The development of cities and towns can substantially

With a growing majority of humans living within cities and towns, urbanization is one of the most persistent drivers of change in global land use and challenges to sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The development of cities and towns can substantially shape local and regional environments in which wildlife communities persist. Although urbanization can negatively affect wildlife communities – through processes such as habitat fragmentation and non-native species introduction – cities can also provide resources to wildlife, such as through food, water, and space, creating potential opportunities for conservation. However, managing wildlife communities persisting in urbanizing landscapes requires better understanding of how urbanized landscapes influence the ability of wildlife to coexist with one another and with people at local and regional scales. In this dissertation, I addressed these research needs by evaluating the environmental and human factors driving dynamic wildlife community distributions and people’s attitudes towards wildlife. In my first two chapters,I used wildlife camera data collected from across the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, AZ to examine seasonal patterns of wildlife space use, species richness, and interspecific interactions across levels of urbanization with varying landscape characteristics, including plant productivity and spatial land use heterogeneity. Here I found that urbanization was a primary driver of wildlife community characteristics within the region, but that seasonal resource availability and landscape heterogeneity could have mediating influences that require further exploration. In my third chapter, I partnered with wildlife researchers across North America to examine how relationships between urbanization and community composition vary among cities with distinct social-ecological characteristics, finding that effects of local urbanization were more negative in warmer, less vegetated, and more urbanized cities. In my fourth and final chapter, I explored the potential for human-wildlife coexistence by examining how various ideological, environmental, and sociodemographic factors influenced Phoenix area residents’ level of comfort living near different wildlife groups. Although I found that residents’ attitudes were primarily shaped by their relatively static wildlife values, comfort living near wildlife also depended on the characteristics of the neighboring environment, of the residents, and of the wildlife involved, indicating the potential for facilitating conditions for human-wildlife coexistence. Altogether, the findings of this dissertation suggest that the management of wildlife and their interactions with people within cities would benefit from more proactive and holistic consideration of the interacting environmental, wildlife, and human characteristics that influence the persistence of biodiversity within an increasingly urbanized world.
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Wildlife use of overpass and underpass crossings along the Central Arizona Project canal, Arizona

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Anthropogenic linear infrastructures, including roads, railways, and canals, provide important resources to humans. However, linear infrastructures can reduce landscape connectivity for many wildlife populations. To mitigate these effects, crossing structures and crossing areas can facilitate animal movement across linear infrastructures.

Anthropogenic linear infrastructures, including roads, railways, and canals, provide important resources to humans. However, linear infrastructures can reduce landscape connectivity for many wildlife populations. To mitigate these effects, crossing structures and crossing areas can facilitate animal movement across linear infrastructures. Compared to roads, little research has evaluated the factors influencing wildlife use of crossings along major canals. The Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal is a major linear feature in Arizona, and exhibits multiple types of crossing structures and areas. In Chapter 1, the objective was to evaluate the spatial (i.e., landscape features, crossing attributes) and temporal (i.e., season, time of day) factors influencing wildlife use of overpasses (n = 43) and siphons (n = 13) along the CAP canal. Using remote wildlife cameras, 17 species were detected using overpasses and siphons along the CAP canal during one year. Animals exhibited species-specific preferences for landscape features, such as topography and vegetation, and canal crossing types, although many species decreased use of overpasses associated with human development. In Chapter 2, the objective was to evaluate the influence of human activities at overpasses on use by mule deer across multiple analytical scales. Mule deer occupancy and relative habitat use at overpasses decreased in relation to human activity, including recreation. In Chapter 3, the objective was to evaluate seasonal use of underpasses (n = 12) by mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Using specialized remote wildlife cameras, 30 species were detected using underpasses along the CAP canal across three seasons, and some animals exhibited variable crossing frequencies in relation to the summer monsoon season. Overall in this project, several species of small to large-sized mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates used a variety of crossing types, including overpasses and underpasses, along a major canal. Ultimately, this study suggests that to promote landscape connectivity for the wildlife community associated with canals and other types of linear infrastructures, it is important to provide a variety of crossing types that occur across a range of landscape characteristics.
Date Created

Relative Habitat Use, Occupancy, and Species Richness of Bats Across the Gradient of Urbanization in an Arid Region

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Urbanization is a primary driver of ecological change and occurs across a gradient from low- to high- density development. Wildlife species can exhibit different responses to urbanization, with some species being more sensitive than others. Further, wildlife communities can exhibit

Urbanization is a primary driver of ecological change and occurs across a gradient from low- to high- density development. Wildlife species can exhibit different responses to urbanization, with some species being more sensitive than others. Further, wildlife communities can exhibit varying patterns of species richness across the gradient of urbanization, where species richness can either decrease linearly or peak at intermediate levels of urbanization, consistent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). For chapter one, the objective was to evaluate the response of bats to urbanization across seasons. It was predicted that bat species would exhibit different responses to urbanization and that bats would increase use of urbanized areas in the summer season, where food and water resources were assumed to be greater. For chapter two, the objective was to evaluate species richness of bats across the gradient of urbanization in the summer season. Species richness of bats was predicted to either decrease linearly or peak at moderate levels of urban intensity. To test these hypotheses, 50 sites across the gradient of urbanization were sampled during four seasons using stationary acoustic bat monitors. Fourteen bat species were identified during 1000 nightly occasions. Consistent with chapter one predictions, bat species exhibited different responses to urbanization, with most bats being sensitive to urbanization. Counter to predictions, most bats did not appear to shift their response to urbanization across seasons. However, two bats (i.e., big brown bat and Yuma myotis) exhibited higher use of urbanized areas in the summer compared to other seasons. Consistent with chapter two predictions, species richness of bats decreased with increasing urban intensity. Results from this study demonstrate that most bats in the community were sensitive to urbanization, which is potentially related to species traits and has important conservation implications. First, it is likely important to maintain high-quality undeveloped habitat with low anthropogenic disturbance in wildland areas for species that are sensitive to urbanization and to maximize species richness. In addition, for bats that are tolerant of urbanization and to increase species richness in urbanized areas, it is likely important to preserve resources in urbanized areas and increase landscape connectivity.
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