The Impacts of High Contrast Direct Imaging: A Study of Young Planetary Systems and Applications to Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences

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Direct imaging is a powerful tool in revealing the architectures of young planetary systems, clearly showing the structure of circumstellar disks. Circumstellar disks, similar to the asteroid belt, are critical elements of any planetary system, and the study of them

Direct imaging is a powerful tool in revealing the architectures of young planetary systems, clearly showing the structure of circumstellar disks. Circumstellar disks, similar to the asteroid belt, are critical elements of any planetary system, and the study of them is important to understanding planet formation. Disks around several main sequence stars have already been observed directly interacting with exoplanets in their respective systems. Imaging can help answer many of the key questions of how disks interact in their respective systems. The Gemini Planet Imager is a high contrast imaging instrument that has spatially resolved several circumstellar disks for the first time, many exhibiting tracers of ongoing planet formation or the presence of a perturbing exoplanet. With this new sample, population analyses of characteristics of disks can now be explored and compared to information at other wavelengths. Direct imaging is also a uniquely accessible tool in engaging students and the community in astronomy. In combination with a course-based undergraduate research experience, direct imaging has the ability to engage students in the process of doing research in a very accessible manner. In Chapter 1, I introduce the concepts related to circumstellar debris disks, further focusing on the sub-field of direct imaging and its value in understanding these systems and engaging students in astronomy. In Chapter 2, I present four images of newly-resolved debris disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus association, comparing their characteristics with many other spatially-resolved circumstellar disks within the moving group. In Chapter 3, I present a uniform analysis of debris disk structure using a consistent and empirically-informed modeling approach. In Chapter 4, I present my findings and experiences in developing and teaching a course-based undergraduate research experience for students in the country’s first online astronomy degree program centered on the direct imaging of brown dwarfs. In Chapter 5, I present my conclusions on the topics I have investigated and discuss future work within the field of direct imaging and its role in driving astronomy research and education forward.
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Directly Imaging Circumstellar Debris Disks

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Debris disks are a collection of dust grains and planetesimals around a star and are thought to contain the remnants of planet formation. Directly imaging debris disks and studying their morphologies is valuable for studying the planet formation process. In

Debris disks are a collection of dust grains and planetesimals around a star and are thought to contain the remnants of planet formation. Directly imaging debris disks and studying their morphologies is valuable for studying the planet formation process. In some stellar systems that have a directly imaged debris disk, there are also directly imaged planets. Debris disk structures like gaps and asymmetries can show the gravitational e↵ects of planets that are below the brightness threshold for being detected via direct imaging. We investigate a sample of debris disks in Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) that were imaged with the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), which is an adaptive optics system with a coronagraph to block starlight. We look at two GPI data sets, the GPIES campaign Sco-Cen targets, and a follow-up observing program for Sco-Cen targets. We resolve 5 debris disks in the follow-up program and 13 from the GPIES campaign. By calculating contrast curves, we determine the planet detection limit in each of the GPI images. We find that we could have detected 5 Jupiter mass planets at angular separations greater than about 0.6 arcseconds in our GPIES campaign images. In three of our images we could have detected 2 Jupiter mass planets in wide orbits, but 2 Jupiter masses below the detection limit in our other images. We identify one point source around HD 108904 as a sub-stellar companion candidate. To further check for evidence of planets that are below the detection limit, we measure the surface brightness profile of the disks to check for asymmetries in brightness. We find that one of the edge-on disks has an asymmetric surface brightness profile, HD 106906, and three other edge-on disks have symmetric surface brightness profiles. We also find that two disks, HD 106906 and HD 111520, are asymmetric in radial extent, which is possibly evidence for gravitational interactions with planets.

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