Pandemic Nursing School from the Student Perspective


COVID-19 has drastically impacted the student learning experience this past year. Arizona State University nursing students have had to learn fundamental nursing education, clinical experience, and simulation skills virtually. Research has shown that the educational experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has drastically impacted the student learning experience this past year. Arizona State University nursing students have had to learn fundamental nursing education, clinical experience, and simulation skills virtually. Research has shown that the educational experience during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused psychological and emotional stress on students adjusting to new university protocols and virtual learning. Two Term 8 nursing students questioned how these changes affected nursing students who are in their final semester of nursing school. The Term 8 nursing cohort was invited to participate in an anonymous online survey to provide feedback about their learning experience and recommendations for program leadership. The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis to underline themes that portrayed the nursing students’ learning experience. The following themes were illuminated: an overall negative impact on virtual learning experiences, self-developed efforts to promote success, the aversion of using an online learning platform, and the desire for academic accommodation and faculty support during this time. Student recommendations for program leadership include requesting more hands-on experience when possible along with increased faculty lenience and understanding with course workload. Students had the opportunity to participate in a study where feedback is taken seriously and will be supplied to leadership to make changes to the ongoing academic dilemmas during the pandemic.

Date Created

Pandemic Nursing School from the Student Perspective


COVID-19 has drastically impacted the student learning experience this past year. Arizona State University nursing students have had to learn fundamental nursing education, clinical experience, and simulation skills virtually. Research has shown that the educational experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has drastically impacted the student learning experience this past year. Arizona State University nursing students have had to learn fundamental nursing education, clinical experience, and simulation skills virtually. Research has shown that the educational experience during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused psychological and emotional stress on students adjusting to new university protocols and virtual learning. Two Term 8 nursing students questioned how these changes affected nursing students who are in their final semester of nursing school. The Term 8 nursing cohort was invited to participate in an anonymous online survey to provide feedback about their learning experience and recommendations for program leadership. The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis to underline themes that portrayed the nursing students’ learning experience. The following themes were illuminated: an overall negative impact on virtual learning experiences, self-developed efforts to promote success, the aversion of using an online learning platform, and the desire for academic accommodation and faculty support during this time. Student recommendations for program leadership include requesting more hands-on experience when possible along with increased faculty lenience and understanding with course workload. Students had the opportunity to participate in a study where feedback is taken seriously and will be supplied to leadership to make changes to the ongoing academic dilemmas during the pandemic.

Date Created