Physical Activity Levels in Secondary School Students With and without Disabilities Within the Context of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

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Background: Sedentary lifestyles among school-aged children, especially those with disabilities, poses significant public health concerns. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) are pivotal in promoting physical activity (PA) within school settings, yet students with disabilities (SWD) often engage less in

Background: Sedentary lifestyles among school-aged children, especially those with disabilities, poses significant public health concerns. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) are pivotal in promoting physical activity (PA) within school settings, yet students with disabilities (SWD) often engage less in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) compared to students without disabilities (SWOD). This discrepancy highlights the need for interventions to enhance PA among SWD, with peer tutoring emerging as a promising strategy. Methods: This study utilized a non-experimental design involving systematic direct observation and accelerometry to assess MVPA among 124 secondary school students, including 33 SWD, across various CSPAP components. Additionally, a multiple-treatment reversal design was employed to explore the impact of trained vs. untrained peer tutors on MVPA levels during Physical Education and lunchtime recess. The interventions focused on peer tutor training, aiming to increase the effectiveness of peer support and, consequently, the MVPA engagement of SWD. Results: Significant disparities in MVPA engagement between SWD and SWOD exist, emphasizing the need for strategies to promote equitable PA participation. Trained peer tutors significantly enhanced MVPA levels among SWD during both structured Physical Education classes and unstructured recess periods. Key determinants of MVPA engagement included the structured support provided by trained peer tutors, the content of PA sessions, and the frequency of peer interactions. Conclusion: The study underscores the critical role of trained peer support in facilitating increased PA engagement among SWD within CSPAP sessions. It highlights the necessity for inclusive, accessible school PA programs that accommodate the diverse needs of all students. Future research should explore the long-term impacts of peer tutor training and its integration into broader educational policies to foster a more inclusive and active school environment for SWD.
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Book it, 1st Grade! Keeping the “Physical” in Physical Education while Integrating Children's Literature

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Physical activity (PA) has been shown to increase cognitive function, with higher test scores being reported for students engaged in higher levels PA. Additionally, the integration of the Common Core content into physical education allows for more Common Core content

Physical activity (PA) has been shown to increase cognitive function, with higher test scores being reported for students engaged in higher levels PA. Additionally, the integration of the Common Core content into physical education allows for more Common Core content practice while students meet physical education objectives. Integration can be defined as the teaching of two or more subject areas simultaneously to enhance students’ learning and understanding. This novel shift to integration is underpinned by Fullan’s Change Theory where students may learn content in new and meaningful ways that meet the goals of multiple realms in education. The purpose of this crossover, replication design study was to investigate first-grade students’ enjoyment levels (enjoyment exit slips), attitudes (pre- & post-surveys), step counts (accelerometers), reading and listening comprehension (Accelerated Reader testing), as well as students’ and teachers’ perceptions (interviews & field notes) when integrating children’s literature into the fitness segment of physical education. Twenty-one first-grade students, two first-grade classroom teachers, and two physical education teachers from two different schools (Private and Public) in Southwestern, US participated in this study for six weeks each (12 weeks across the two schools). At each school, one first grade class participated as both the control and intervention groups. Overall, the results from integrating children’s literature into the physical education fitness segment were positive. Students’ enjoyment levels were high, their attitudes remained positive, they maintained similar step counts throughout the intervention periods, and the students scored similarly on the Accelerated Reader assessments from content taught in the classroom versus content presented in physical education. Additionally, students’ and teachers’ perceptions were positive, underpinned by Fullan’s Change Theory and resulted in the following three themes for students: (a) Motivation and engagement, (b) learning as perceived by students, and (c) home environment, as well as the following two themes for teachers: (a) Motivation and resources, and (b) stay the course. To my knowledge, this is the first experimental investigation of the integration of children’s literature into physical education which provides necessary evidence and an invaluable start to this important line of inquiry.
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The Effects of Mobile App Technology on Technique and Game Performance in Physical Education

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Informed by Behavioral Ecological Model (BEM), Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, and Model for Learning With Digital Video, this project assessed: (a) the effects of mobile application (App) technology on students’ skill and game play development during a badminton

Informed by Behavioral Ecological Model (BEM), Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, and Model for Learning With Digital Video, this project assessed: (a) the effects of mobile application (App) technology on students’ skill and game play development during a badminton sport education season and (b) a physical education teacher and students’ perceptions about the use of the App technology. Two eighth grade classes participated in the study (the teacher only used the App in Class A; students used the App in Class B). The Poole forehand overhead clear shot skill test, game performance assessment instrument (GPAI), and opportunity to respond (OTR) observation tool were used to measure skill development and game improvement in the first study. Students’ practices and game play performance were recorded. Critical incident sheets, the teacher’s daily reflections, and interviews with the teacher were used in second study. In the first study, students in both intervention classes, regardless of the App use condition (i.e., teacher vs students), improved in the clear shot skill, tactical dimensions of their game performance (i.e., skill execution, decision-making, and base position), and opportunities to respond rates (i.e., success and acceptability). In the second study, there was evidence that a physical education teacher can effectively integrate the use of a motion analysis App and complement his instructional skills during regular instruction in a middle school badminton context. Also, it was evident that the App provided students with active learning opportunities through instant feedback on skill and game performance. Further research on the use of such App technologies should focus on: (a) how the App technology can be innovative to foster student learning in game play in Physical Education settings and (b) how teachers understand the use of technology along with their pedagogical skills.
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Looking Inward: Does physical Activity Promotion Training Transfer Beyond PETE?

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Whole school physical activity (PA) programming provides additional PA opportunities at school beyond Physical Education. Physical Educators often absorb the additional responsibilities of leading such programs, resulting in some Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs adopting expanded PA programming and

Whole school physical activity (PA) programming provides additional PA opportunities at school beyond Physical Education. Physical Educators often absorb the additional responsibilities of leading such programs, resulting in some Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs adopting expanded PA programming and integrating related topics into their curriculum. The Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) is of interest to the present study as it focuses on Quality Physical Education and is the model utilized at the institution of interest.

Arizona State University’s PETE program began integrating CSPAP concepts in 2009 and serves as the focal program for this study. The purpose of this study, which was informed by The Diffusion of Innovations and the Teacher Socialization Theories, was to determine the degree to which graduates integrate PA programming into their own K-12 schools. In a two-phase (electronic survey followed by campus visit and interview with sub-sample), mixed methods’ approach, 101 graduates (between the years of 2000-2019) of Arizona State University’s PETE program provided details of their current practices related to expanded PA.

Results: Quantitative findings included weak but positive relationships between year of graduation and knowledge of CSPAP and having positive perceptions of expanded PA as an innovation. Bachelors’ graduates reported higher PA integration than Masters’ graduates. Visual inspection of data shows a slight increase in perceptions of expanded PA as an innovation and a slight decrease in PA programming integration across years of graduation. Interviews provided evidence that more recent graduates may still be figuring out their roles, delaying their PA program. Increased perceptions scores suggest the PETE program at ASU has been successful in providing students positive interactions with expanded PA programming. Graduates indicated they felt well prepared with strategies and resources for promoting and maintaining such programs, but they noted a need for more exposure to tools for initiating a new program. Findings can inform changes in the ASU PETE program and may be applicable in other settings. Establishing ongoing contact with graduates to provide marketing and support tools graduates can access may be beneficial as teachers often realize the need for these materials well beyond graduation.
Date Created

How current physical education teacher education programs prepare pre-service teachers for comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAP)

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Since the field of Physical Education carries a broader role of physical activity promotion, it is important for Physical Educators to take leadership roles in Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) in schools. Hence, it has been emphasized that Physical

Since the field of Physical Education carries a broader role of physical activity promotion, it is important for Physical Educators to take leadership roles in Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) in schools. Hence, it has been emphasized that Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs may need to prepare PETE majors adequately to promote physical activity beyond quality Physical Education programs in schools. The purpose of this study was to explore the current extent of CSPAP preparation in PETE programs (e.g., curricula and practices).

The first phase of this study comprised a nationwide survey study on PETE programs’ curriculum and experiences for CSPAP implementation. A total of 144 programs completed the online survey about curriculum and learning experiences for the CSPAP components. Descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, chi-square statistics, and analysis of variance were used to analyze data. Findings indicated that 107 of 144 PETE programs (74.3%) had no learning experiences for CSPAP. The prevalent type of learning experiences was incorporating CSPAP components in the existing courses. Field experiences were not frequently used for CSPAP preparation. PETE personnel expressed the utility of field experiences as an ideal CSPAP learning experience.

The second phase of this study addressed PETE majors’ perceptions and learning experiences related to CSPAP in PETE programs. Fourteen PETE students from six programs participated in this study and shared their experiences in PETE programs. Data were collected through a short survey, one formal interview, field images, document gathering, and a follow-up survey. Descriptive statistics, constant comparison, and analytic induction techniques were used to analyze the data. Evidence from interviews, photos, and documents revealed three common themes: a) introducing CSPAP through courses, (b) lacking programmatic experiences in CSPAP implementation (i.e., practice doing it), and (c) interpersonal skills (e.g., communication or cooperation) as a key for CSPAP but limited preparation. Participants’ perception of the role of Physical Educators as physical activity directors evolved during their training.

Expanding existing courses for CSPAP preparation would be a feasible way to introduce CSPAP framework. Additional efforts to include hands-on learning experiences for all CSPAP components in PETE programs should be made.
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Physical activity patterns and school aged children perceptions of after school programs

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With many students of all ages attending after school programs (APSs) where there are a variety of program specific goals, this study examined the physical activity (PA) patterns of youth and teens attending afterschool programs as well as their physical

With many students of all ages attending after school programs (APSs) where there are a variety of program specific goals, this study examined the physical activity (PA) patterns of youth and teens attending afterschool programs as well as their physical activity during the school week. The first phase of the study used a validated observational instrument System for Observing Play and Leisure in Youth (SOPLAY) to record PA data and contextual aspects. Data was analyzed using cross-tabulations, chi-square test, and a table created to understand moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels and contextual variables of the ASP. Findings suggest both girls and boys engaged in MVPA in environments built for play, while the mean percentage of girls engaged in MVPA was less than boys regardless of activity area. The second phase of the study used a survey comprised of two self-administered instruments. The first section used the Middle School Health Behavior Survey (MSHBS), which has been previously validated to record youth and teens PA behaviors during the past school week inside and outside of school. The second portion of the survey asked youth and teens about PA participation, leisure time, perceptions of the after school program, and choices within the after school program using the validated Kaiser Physical Activity Survey (KPAS). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to calculate and summarize data within and across both groups. Results showed more than half of youth and teens surveyed were active in some form during the past week regardless of being in school or outside of school, approximately less than a third are in front of a television or computer for less than an hour, and the favorite part of the ASP to youth and teens was the Gym and Friends respectively.
Date Created

Maintaining hózhó: perceptions of physical activity, physical education and healthy living among Navajo high school students

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Native American populations have higher obesity and diabetes rates overall in the U.S. Percentages of obesity among Native American children were 11-25% higher than the national average. Among Navajo, cultural lifestyles changes have led to less physical activity and obesity


Native American populations have higher obesity and diabetes rates overall in the U.S. Percentages of obesity among Native American children were 11-25% higher than the national average. Among Navajo, cultural lifestyles changes have led to less physical activity and obesity problems with youth more disassociated from traditional Navajo living, culture, beliefs, language and religion. They were at highest risk for Type II diabetes among ethnic groups due to less physically activity, increased weight gain and obesity.

This study had dual purposes: Part one of this study was to examined the perceptions of physical activity, physical education and living healthy lifestyles of Navajo adolescents, physical educators, a Navajo culture teacher, a Diné studies teacher and a community member. Part two of this study examined the physical activity patterns of Navajo adolescent students. To gain their perspectives, eight Navajo students (9-12 grades), two physical educators, two classroom teachers and one community member were recruited and interviewed individually for 60-minutes. Secondly, pedometers were used to assess the students’ physical activity levels during the school day and 24-hour increments.

Results of the part one study indicated important aspects of physical activity by Navajo adolescents, physical education teachers, classroom teachers and a community member were cultural identity, family involvement, and structure of family/extended family. Navajo respondents participated in traditional form of running in the morning, a practice performed by parents and/or extended family. Physical activity was described as active involvement of the body, movement, physical fitness, and sport related interests. Stakeholders described physical activity and healthy living as culturally driven beliefs and learning based on Navajo way of life.

Findings of part two study indicated that boys were significantly more physically active on weekday than girls t(32)=2.04, p=<.05. Weekday step counts for boys indicated (M=11,078, SD= 4,399) and for girls (M=7,567, SD=5,613). Girls were significantly more active on weekend t(27)=2.30,p=.03. Weekend step counts indicated boys and girls accumulated (M=6493, SD=5650) and (M=7589, SD=5614) steps. Physical education step counts showed minimal differences between boys (M=2203, SD=918) and girls (M=1939, SD=889) step counts. Overall results indicate that Navajo adolescents did not meet daily physical activity recommendations.
Date Created

Measures of Effective Teaching: National Board Certification and Physical Education Teachers

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The non-profit National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) grew out of the belief that teachers were a key factor in improving student achievement and that the profession needed a way to recognize and reward exemplary classroom teachers. Over 100,000

The non-profit National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) grew out of the belief that teachers were a key factor in improving student achievement and that the profession needed a way to recognize and reward exemplary classroom teachers. Over 100,000 teachers nationwide have achieved National Board Certification across all certificate areas, with approximately 1,800 of those in the area of Physical Education. Although National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) have been the subjects of several studies since the inception of NBPTS, very few have investigated the impact of National Board Certification (NBC) and Physical Education Teachers. This study examined the teaching effectiveness of NBCPETs and non-NBCPETs as they taught intact Physical Education classes with their own students. Participating teachers were provided with an experimental teaching unit (ETU) with a specific learning objective, but were free to plan and design the intended instruction. This study also examined the cognitive processes of NBCPETs and non-NBCPETs during interactive teaching. Academic Learning Time-Physical Education (ALT-PE), the System for Observing Fitness Instructional Time (SOFIT), stimulated-recall interviews, and document analysis were utilized for data collection. Pre- and post-tests on the ETU specific learning objective were conducted to determine student learning and three lessons were videotaped and used in subsequent analysis. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted following each lesson, lasting between 5 to 15 minutes. Themes that emerged from the stimulated-recall interviews across all teachers included: 1) building on past skills, 2) modifications to increase physical activity, and 3) goal-directed instruction. In addition, there is no difference between the amount of time students of NBCPETs engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) as compared to students of non-NBCPETs. Similarly, students of non-NBCPETs are provided the same amount of motor activity at an appropriate success rate (ALT-PE) as students of NBCPETs. Lastly, the results showed no difference in gain scores of the learning objectives between the two groups of teachers.
Date Created

Coaching Efficacy and Stakeholders' Perceptions of Coaches: Relationships with National Coaching Standards

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Research on coaching behaviors as well as how these behaviors relate to national standard is limited. Utilizing the conceptual framework of the National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE) National Coaching Standards and the body of literature on coaching

Research on coaching behaviors as well as how these behaviors relate to national standard is limited. Utilizing the conceptual framework of the National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE) National Coaching Standards and the body of literature on coaching behaviors, the current study examined: (a) coaching behaviors, coach's self- efficacy and stakeholders' (i.e., athlete, parents'/guardians') perceptions of their coaches' effectiveness, and (b) an in-depth review of coaching effectiveness with a subsample of coaches (observations) as well as comparing coaching behaviors to the National Coaching Standards (NASPE, 2006). Coaches completed the Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES), while athletes and parents'/guardians' used a modified version of the CES measuring perceptions of coaching effectiveness. Observations [using the Arizona State University Observation Instrument (ASUIO)], formal and informal interviews, and document analyses [field notes, artifacts, and interviews] were used to explore coaching behaviors and perceptions of coaching experiences as they relate to the NASPE Coaching Standards. Coaches had the post positive perceptions (efficacy) of the stakeholder groups. Consistent with previous research on effective coaches, it was found that this cohort of coaches frequently used instruction (38.5%) and non-instructional (51.07%) behaviors (Becker & Wrisberg, 2008; Bloom, Crumpton, & Anderson, 1999; Kahan, 1999; Lacy & Darst, 1985; Segrave & Ciancio, 1990). Qualitative data revealed three themes related to coaching effectiveness and relationships with the NASPE Coaching Standards: (a) the structure of the program and environment, (b) pedagogical content knowledge, and (c) past athletic experiences. Findings suggest that observed coaching behaviors do not enact many of the NASPE Coaching Standards and that coaches are not be aware of the national standards.
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