A spatial analysis of "most weather warned" counties by severe weather phenomena in the contiguous United States

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Severe weather affects many regions of the United States, and has potential to greatly impact many facets of society. This study provides a climatological spatial analysis by county of severe weather warnings issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) between

Severe weather affects many regions of the United States, and has potential to greatly impact many facets of society. This study provides a climatological spatial analysis by county of severe weather warnings issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) between January 1st, 1986 to December 31st, 2017 for the contiguous United States. The severe weather warnings were issued for county-based flash flood, severe thunderstorm, and tornado phenomena issued through the study period and region. Post 2002 severe weather warnings issued by storm warning area were included in this study in the form of county-based warnings simultaneously issued for each affected county. Past studies have researched severe weather warnings issued by the NWS, however these studies are limited in geographic representation, study period, and focused on population bias. A spatial analysis of severe weather warning occurrences by county identify that (a) highest occurrences of flash flood warnings are located in the desert Southwest and Texas, (b) severe thunderstorm warning occurrence is more frequent in Arizona, portions of the Midwest, the South, and the Mid and South Atlantic states, (c) the tornado activity regions of Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley (i.e. Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Illinois) contained the highest occurrences of tornado warnings, and (d) the highest instances of aggregate warning occurrences are found in the desert Southwest, the Midwest, and the Southern regions of the United States. Generally, severe weather warning “hot spots” tend to be located in those same regions, with greater coverage. This study concludes with a comparison of local maxima and general hot spot regions to expected regions for each phenomenon. Implications of this study are far reaching, including emergency management, and has potential to reduce risk of life.
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Relationship between surface dewpoint and precipitable water during the North American monsoon

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The North American Monsoon (NAM) is a late summer increase in precipitation fundamentally caused by a wind shift that is evident in the southwestern United States and northwest Mexico from approximately June-August. Increased precipitation during these months bring an increased

The North American Monsoon (NAM) is a late summer increase in precipitation fundamentally caused by a wind shift that is evident in the southwestern United States and northwest Mexico from approximately June-August. Increased precipitation during these months bring an increased regional threat from heavy rains, blowing dust, and damaging storms. (Adams and Comrie 1997). Researchers in Phoenix, AZ theorized that using surface dewpoint measurements was an objective way to officially mark the start of the NAM in Phoenix, AZ (and Tucson, AZ). Specifically, they used three consecutive days at or above a certain dewpoint temperature (Franjevic 2017). The justification for this method was developed by Reitan (1957) who established that 25.4mm (1.00”) of integrated precipitable water (IPW) was a sufficient threshold to create storm activity in the NAM region. He also determined (Reitan 1963) that a strong correlation existed between (IPW) and surface dewpoint (Td), whereas, Td could be used as a proxy to determine IPW.

I hypothesize that the correlation coefficients between IPW and Td will be greatest when using seasonal mean averages of IPW and Td, and they will decrease with shortened mean timescales (from seasonal to three-days). Second, I hypothesize that there is a unique relationship between IPW/Td that may signal monsoon onset. To conduct this study, I used the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) dataset (1979-2015). For ten locations in the Southwest, I conducted a series of statistical analyses between IPW, Td, and accumulated precipitation. I determined that there is a correlation between the two as set forth by Reitan (1963) as well as (Benwell 1965; Smith 1966; Ojo 1970). However, from the results I concluded this relationship is highly variable, spatially and temporally. Additionally, when comparing the three-hour, three-day, and the weekly mean measurements, I can conclude that, for my study, timescale averaging did enhance the IPW/Td relationship from three-hour to weekly as expected. The temporal and spatial evolution of the IPW/Td correlation as presented in this thesis may provide a framework for future research that reevaluates the NAM’s domain and the associated methods for determining its onset.
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A Surface Wind Extremes ("Wind Lulls" and "Wind Blows") Climatology for Central North America and Adjoining Oceans (1979-2012)

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This study explores long-term deviations from wind averages, specifically near the surface across central North America and adjoining oceans (25°–50°N, 60°–130°W) for 1979–2012 (408 months) by utilizing the North American Regional Reanalysis 10-m wind climate datasets. Regions where periods of

This study explores long-term deviations from wind averages, specifically near the surface across central North America and adjoining oceans (25°–50°N, 60°–130°W) for 1979–2012 (408 months) by utilizing the North American Regional Reanalysis 10-m wind climate datasets. Regions where periods of anomalous wind speeds were observed (i.e., 1 standard deviation below/above both the long-term mean annual and mean monthly wind speeds at each grid point) were identified. These two climatic extremes were classified as wind lulls (WLs; below) or wind blows (WBs; above). Major findings for the North American study domain indicate that 1) mean annual wind speeds range from 1–3 m s-1 (Intermountain West) to over 7 m s-1 (offshore the East and West Coasts), 2) mean durations for WLs and WBs are high for much of the southeastern United States and for the open waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, respectively, 3) the longest WL/WB episodes for the majority of locations have historically not exceeded 5 months, 4) WLs and WBs are most common during June and October, respectively, for the upper Midwest, 5) WLs are least frequent over the southwestern United States during the North American monsoon, and 6) no significant anomalous wind trends exist over land or sea.

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Regional Variability in Drought as a Function of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

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The influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) produces pronounced regional variability in drought over the Caribbean, Central America and equatorial South America area. Through spatial statistical analyses, we identified a marked dichotomy between drought values of the Standardized Precipitation

The influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) produces pronounced regional variability in drought over the Caribbean, Central America and equatorial South America area. Through spatial statistical analyses, we identified a marked dichotomy between drought values of the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) in northern Mexico and equatorial South America as a function of the AMO. The relationship is such that significant negative correlations between the drought index and phase of the AMO are identified for northern Mexico and on the Atlantic side of Central America. This indicates that drought (negative values of the SPEI) episodes are linked to the positive phase of the AMO. Alternately, there are high positive correlations between the AMO and on the Pacific side of Central America, the Caribbean and mainly in the northern South American area closest to the equator. Although many potential causes have been proposed in explanation of precipitation variability over the region, this geographic dichotomy suggests that movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) may play a significance role. The heightened vulnerability of the developing nations in this region to drought episodes makes forecasting droughts of great importance. These nations are greatly dependent on water intensive industries to maintain economic development. Thus, the findings of this research can assist in informing drought preparedness strategies to mitigate significant losses due to drought.

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