A Federal Statutory Amendment and Argument to Legalize the Purchase and Sale of Kidneys


In 1984, President Ronald Reagan passed the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) to create an organ national registry and prohibit the purchase and selling of specific organs. Despite the enactment, the kidney shortage remains. This leaves 13 people on the

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan passed the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) to create an organ national registry and prohibit the purchase and selling of specific organs. Despite the enactment, the kidney shortage remains. This leaves 13 people on the waiting list dying prematurely every day while waiting for a kidney donation. This revision of the amendment permits the selling and purchase of kidneys in order to decrease kidney organ trafficking and help alleviate the kidney shortage. An argument on why this amendment should be considered is explained through statistics, ethics, socioeconomic, market fundamentalism, and legislative history. These sections find ample support for amending the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 to include the sale and purchase of kidneys.

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Pelkey Landes Spring 2023 VIDEO.mp4

Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis

Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis is to inspire other college students and future social workers to embrace the present moment, while being aware of internal thoughts and feelings as well as external stimuli. While implementing mindful habits can seem daunting and complex, one must understand that being mindful is an ongoing life-long journey. Ultimately, we owe it to ourselves and the individuals and communities we serve to engage in mindfulness, and truly be at peace with our inner-being key words: mindfulness, social work, burnout.
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Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis

Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis is to inspire other college students and future social workers to embrace the present moment, while being aware of internal thoughts and feelings as well as external stimuli. While implementing mindful habits can seem daunting and complex, one must understand that being mindful is an ongoing life-long journey. Ultimately, we owe it to ourselves and the individuals and communities we serve to engage in mindfulness, and truly be at peace with our inner-being key words: mindfulness, social work, burnout.
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A Call to Action for Social Workers: How Implementing Mindful Habits Prevents Burnout


Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis

Through my academic career at Arizona State University, I have learned the importance of implementing mindful habits into one’s personal and professional life. Being introduced to mindfulness has changed my life for the better. My hope for completing this thesis is to inspire other college students and future social workers to embrace the present moment, while being aware of internal thoughts and feelings as well as external stimuli. While implementing mindful habits can seem daunting and complex, one must understand that being mindful is an ongoing life-long journey. Ultimately, we owe it to ourselves and the individuals and communities we serve to engage in mindfulness, and truly be at peace with our inner-being key words: mindfulness, social work, burnout.

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Founders Lab: BYOH2O

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The lack of infrastructure to provide clean drinking water and sanitation has led to the immense influx and use of plastic sachets, plastic water bottles, and the overall continued rise of plastic usage. Plastic pollution is rising at unprecedented rates.

The lack of infrastructure to provide clean drinking water and sanitation has led to the immense influx and use of plastic sachets, plastic water bottles, and the overall continued rise of plastic usage. Plastic pollution is rising at unprecedented rates. Current estimations show that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish before 2050. BYOH2O was developed in efforts to ensure clean water access for individuals while minimizing waste creation and more specifically, reducing plastic. BYOH2O (Bring Your Own H2O) is a revolutionary device that provides clean water for outdoor recreational trips such as backpacking, hiking, hunting, and cycling. The BYOH2O company was created in August 2021. BYOH2O is a device that significantly reduces the amount of plastic that is typically found in portable water devices by allowing the easy filtration of water without the need for electricity.
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The Dynamics of Assisting Refugees and Asylum Seekers: An Oral History of Five Women with Journeys in the Christian Faith

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I conducted an oral history project of five women with journeys in the Christian faith who had experience working with asylum seekers and refugees in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I explore with this project the perceptions of the helping relationshi

I conducted an oral history project of five women with journeys in the Christian faith who had experience working with asylum seekers and refugees in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I explore with this project the perceptions of the helping relationship through the stories of these women and how their beliefs about their faith and work inform each other to pursue meaningful connections for the benefit of others.

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Domestic Asset Protection Trusts: An Examination of Existing Legislation & Potential Complications

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The objective of this DAPT research is to understand: (1) what the benefits of creating a DAPT are by analyzing what asset protections are provided, depending on the governing state; and (2) what ethical and legal concerns are presented with

The objective of this DAPT research is to understand: (1) what the benefits of creating a DAPT are by analyzing what asset protections are provided, depending on the governing state; and (2) what ethical and legal concerns are presented with varying DAPT statutory schemes that ought to be considered by (a) the states enacting these laws; and (b) individuals who are establishing their own DAPTs. In general, it can be determined that the main benefit of creating a DAPT is the asset protection provided and its potential dissuasion of creditors pursuing litigation. During examination of the differing DAPT statutory schemes in the first chapter, it becomes evident that some states provide for more asset protections than exceptions to such, creating both legal and ethical concerns. The second chapter discusses the potential legal and ethical complications that DAPTs present by reviewing and analyzing current case law. These complications include the improper application of legislation, divorce, child support, creation to avoid current known claims, loan securitization, bankruptcy, crossing legal jurisdictions, and trust law changes and amendments. Chapter 3 then uses the potential complications to urge states to reflect on their moral duties when establishing DAPT legislation and encourages individuals to review the consequences they may have when creating a DAPT based on their personal situation. Concludingly, a DAPT is a helpful asset protection tool. However, legislation ought to have a set standard for exclusions from protection for division of marital assets, child support claims, creation of and transfers to a DAPT in an attempt to deprive active known creditors from collecting on their rightful judgements, loan securitization, and state and federal government claims.
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Generational Differences in Racial and Ethnic Socialization of Korean American Transracial Adoptees and Their Influences on Korean International Adoption Policy

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While racial and ethnic socialization of transracial Korean international adoptees has been a growing topic in adoption literature, little research has looked at generational differences in parental racial and ethnic socialization of Korean adoptees. Using three semi-structured interviews with Korean

While racial and ethnic socialization of transracial Korean international adoptees has been a growing topic in adoption literature, little research has looked at generational differences in parental racial and ethnic socialization of Korean adoptees. Using three semi-structured interviews with Korean international adoptees this paper analyzes how racial and ethnic socialization practices of white adoptive parents have changed over time. Through this analysis, we can better understand how Korean adoption policy should reflect the changing socialization practices as well as educational resources that different generations of adoptees want. Findings suggest that younger cohorts of adoptees are receiving more racial and ethnic socialization, however, interviewees still expressed the desire for greater educational resources on socialization practices for adoptive parents. Additionally, younger generations of adoptees may be less supportive of policy changes that end all Korean international adoption and have more positive feelings towards international adoption. Future research should consider the importance of tracing the historical connection between older Korean adoptees influence on policy changes like the Special Adoption Act. Overall, these interviews reveal a need for greater research on how Korean adoptees feelings towards adoption may shape policy within the adoption industry.

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A Portrait of Neglect

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This thesis examines statements made about immigration and mental health in Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie follows a young Nigerian immigrant as she navigates her move

This thesis examines statements made about immigration and mental health in Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie follows a young Nigerian immigrant as she navigates her move to the U.S. and explores the meaning of belonging and identity in the U.S. and Nigeria. Henriquez’s The Book of Unknown Americans is about a Mexican family that immigrates to Delaware in order to secure better treatment for their daughter and touches on the nuances of the Latinx immigrant identity in the U.S. Both of these texts feature the lack of resources and support available for immigrants of color which eventually lead the characters to return to their country of origin. This thesis posits that Adichie and Henriquez are both suggesting in their respective works that the U.S. fails to ensure the success and well-being of immigrants which leads to a deterioration of mental health and feelings of not belonging. A Portrait of Neglect considers the real life implications of Adichie’s and Henriquez’s ideas and the impact of their representations of immigration and mental health.

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Eat Drink Smoke

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Eat Drink Smoke is an illustrated journal/memoir about trauma, addiction and mental illness. It is a creative project wherein storytelling is used as therapy.

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