Combating the Oppression of Women: Ben Moore's Song Cycle So Free Am I - A Case Study and Selected Performance Guide

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Ben Moore’s So Free Am I is a fascinating, yet little known song cycle addressing feminist concerns. This work consists of seven settings of poems by women, namely Amy Lowell, Katherine Philips, Anna Wickham, Dorothy Parker, and Muriel Rukeyser. It

Ben Moore’s So Free Am I is a fascinating, yet little known song cycle addressing feminist concerns. This work consists of seven settings of poems by women, namely Amy Lowell, Katherine Philips, Anna Wickham, Dorothy Parker, and Muriel Rukeyser. It also features settings of texts by two anonymous 6th-century Buddhist nuns, which are translated into English by Uma Chakravarti and Kumkum Roy. The texts are diverse and all speak to the courage and dignity of women in the face of oppression. In this case study and performance guide, one of the primary purposes is to show how the poets’ lives and adversities inform their texts, and thus offers engagement for musical interpretation. After a brief introduction of composer Ben Moore and his song cycle, each poet and text is discussed, providing biographical summaries and general interpretations of each poet’s text. What follows is a detailed reading of the text, illuminated by the poet’s particular life experiences. In the case of every text setting, the compositional interpretation was decidedly enhanced by the perspective of the poet, which could not be ascertained without the research into that particular poet’s life. I also offer a performance guide for selected songs, numbers I, III, and VII, which Moore recommends as an effective small set for performance. Finally, I hope that this study of Moore’s song cycle and the biographical sketches of each poet will be of help in the advancement women’s rights and to combat the oppression of women. It is further hoped that this study will encourage the performance of these songs and therefore lend these otherwise marginalized women a voice.
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Gratitude: Songs by Brian DeMaris

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Killing Kokomo: A Full Length Play


Killing Kokomo is a full length play about the granddaughter of missing billionaire Richard Warren. When Katherine's family is accused of murdering their patriarch, she attempts to clean up their mess, despite the efforts of an overdramatic and persistent detective.

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The Voice Somatics Integration Lab: Developing Kinesthetic Connections Through Voice and Movement

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Derived from the Greek word soma, meaning body, somatics is a field of movement methodologies designed to promote a greater sense of physical self-awareness through kinesthetic learning. Gaga Movement Language and Bartenieff Fundamentals, two methodologies based on somatic principles, offer

Derived from the Greek word soma, meaning body, somatics is a field of movement methodologies designed to promote a greater sense of physical self-awareness through kinesthetic learning. Gaga Movement Language and Bartenieff Fundamentals, two methodologies based on somatic principles, offer unique processes to develop an individual’s movement vocabulary. By synthesizing Gaga Movement Language and Bartenieff Fundamentals with vocal pedagogy and vocal repertoire, singers can develop a kinesthetic awareness of their vocal technique that informs their artistic expression, movement vocabulary, and performance ability.

This paper presents a model for a Voice Somatics Integration Lab (VSI Lab), geared toward voice performance majors and designed to bridge the gap between Gaga Movement Language, Bartenieff Fundamentals, and vocal pedagogy. The course will culminate in a performance of a song or aria that students have selected, staged, and choreographed in accordance with the lab curriculum, along with a brief three-to-five-minute presentation detailing their choreographic process. Complete with a detailed syllabus and lesson plans, the course will use movement philosophies and techniques to guide each student in developing their pieces. Ultimately, the VSI Lab will assist singers in more effectively blending the physical demands of staging and choreography with their singing technique and artistry.
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Comparison of the Original Operetta Arizona Lady, by Emmerich Kálmán, with its 2015 Adaptation Performed by Arizona Opera

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Emmerich Kálmán (1882-1953) was a leading composer during the Silver Age of Viennese operetta. His final work, Arizona Lady (1954), premiered posthumously, on Bavarian Radio, January 1, 1954. The stage premiere followed on February 14, 1954, at the Stadttheater in

Emmerich Kálmán (1882-1953) was a leading composer during the Silver Age of Viennese operetta. His final work, Arizona Lady (1954), premiered posthumously, on Bavarian Radio, January 1, 1954. The stage premiere followed on February 14, 1954, at the Stadttheater in Bern, Switzerland. It is his only operetta that is set entirely in the United States, in Tucson, Arizona. Arizona Opera commissioned and produced a new adaptation of Arizona Lady, which was performed in October 2015, in both Tucson, Arizona, and Phoenix, Arizona. The libretto was heavily revised, as well as translated, primarily into English with some sections in Spanish and German.

Through comparison of the original and adaptation, this study examines the artistic decisions regarding which materials, both musical and dramatic, were kept, removed, or added, as well as the rationale behind those decisions. The changes reflect differences between an Arizonan audience in 2015 and the European audience of the early 1950s. These differences include ideas of geographical identity from a native versus a foreign perspective; tolerance for nationalistic or racial stereotypes; cultural norms for gender and multiculturalism; and cultural or political agendas. Comparisons are made using the published piano/vocal score for the original version, the unpublished piano/vocal score for the adaptation, archival performance video of the Arizona Opera performance, and the compact disc recording of the 1954 radio broadcast premiere.
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Safe and Sound: A Resource Guide for Music Theater Technique and Literature

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Since its inception, the American Broadway industry has flourished and grown to include numerous vocal styles and techniques. The early twenty-first century has seen a rapid increase in demand for collegiate courses and instructors pertaining to music theater. It has

Since its inception, the American Broadway industry has flourished and grown to include numerous vocal styles and techniques. The early twenty-first century has seen a rapid increase in demand for collegiate courses and instructors pertaining to music theater. It has therefore become necessary for voice instructors to be equally comfortable teaching both music theater and classical techniques such as bel canto. This document serves as a resource for instructors seeking more information on defining and teaching vocal styles in music theater including legit, mix, and belt. The first two chapters address the following three questions: 1) What is bel canto and how does the technique function? 2) What is music theater as a vocal style and how do colloquial terms such as legit, mix and belt function within music theater? 3) Are the technical ideas behind bel canto and music theater really that different? The third chapter offers a curriculum for a semester-long course (a hybrid between a song literature class and a performance-based seminar) called Singing Music Theater Styles: From Hammerstein to Hamilton. This course shows the rich development tracing techniques of bel canto through techniques used in contemporary music theater. This document concludes with an annotated bibliography of major sources useful to both the instructors wishing to teach this course and the performers looking to expand their knowledge of singing music theater.
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Transforming Oratorio into Opera: The Conversion of James DeMars's Guadalupe, 2006-2015

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In 2006, composer James DeMars conceived of an opera when he began setting the Aztec legend known as Nican Mopohua, the “legend of Guadalupe.” Many inherent challenges arose as DeMars began to compose his first opera. His unfamiliarity with operatic

In 2006, composer James DeMars conceived of an opera when he began setting the Aztec legend known as Nican Mopohua, the “legend of Guadalupe.” Many inherent challenges arose as DeMars began to compose his first opera. His unfamiliarity with operatic writing and production, a preference for the aural elements of opera over visual ones, inexperience with dramatic textual writing, and insecurity in his ability to have it produced, encouraged him to detour from his operatic vision altogether and instead write an oratorio. Yet, his original operatic concept revealed itself through the music and text enough to encourage him and others to believe that his oratorio, Guadalupe: Our Lady of the Roses, could be produced on the operatic stage. Despite the oratorio’s success, DeMars persisted in realizing his original operatic vision and began the arduous task of rewriting his opera in 2012. To overcome the challenges, he relied heavily on the input of an “Operatic Advisory Council.” This group of dedicated colleagues and experts in the field of opera revealed to DeMars certain essential elements of opera that were absent from the oratorio, and through the course of three years advised and instructed the composer as he transformed his oratorio into an opera – something rarely attempted in the operatic repertoire. In this document, Chapter 1 discusses the formation of the Council, its members, and the expertise they offered. Chapter 2 presents the areas of concern the Council had during the process. Chapter 3 discusses the methods by which DeMars rectified the flaws in the oratorio’s visual aspects, the vocal writing, and the dramatic elements that needed attention. It also presents musical and textual examples of the adjustments and additions DeMars made during the transition, and discusses their effect on the opera’s staging, vocal writing and drama. The changes DeMars made under the guidance of the Operatic Advisory Council ultimately resulted in an operatic version of Guadalupe, which premiered at Arizona State University in November 2015.
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