Entering the Job Market: A Look at the Differences Between Introverted and Extraverted College Students

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Purpose: This thesis studies the behavior and actions of introverted and extraverted students in regards to preparing for and obtaining a postgraduate position. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding of introverts' and extraverts' approach to the

Purpose: This thesis studies the behavior and actions of introverted and extraverted students in regards to preparing for and obtaining a postgraduate position. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding of introverts' and extraverts' approach to the job search process and to provide suggestions to improve the job search process. Methodology: In addition to research of existing literature, a survey was given to students at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, to determine students' job search behaviors, and to recruiters of organizations who recruit from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University to determine what recruiters look for in a candidate. Findings - We found that extraverts are more likely to network online than introverts. Secondly, we found that extraverts are more likely to self-promote their strengths to company recruiters than introverts. Thirdly, we found that introverts are more reserved when it comes to discussing their strengths with company recruiters than extraverts. Fourthly, we found that extraverts are more likely to feel as though they successfully represent themselves to company recruiters than introverts. Additionally, we found that the top three behaviors that recruiters look for in candidates include the candidate being energized about the prospects of working for the organization, that the candidate is knowledgeable about the organization, and that the candidate asks questions and introduces him-or-herself at organization information sessions. The three lowest rated behaviors were that the candidate uses live (in-person) networking to connect with the recruiter, that the candidate is reserved when discussing his/her accomplishments, and that the candidate uses online networking to connect with recruiters.
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