Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of twisted tensor products of correspondences

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This dissertation contains three main results. First, a generalization of Ionescu's theorem is proven. Ionescu's theorem describes an unexpected connection between graph C*-algebras and fractal geometry. In this

This dissertation contains three main results. First, a generalization of Ionescu's theorem is proven. Ionescu's theorem describes an unexpected connection between graph C*-algebras and fractal geometry. In this work, this theorem is extended from ordinary directed graphs to higher-rank graphs. Second, a characterization is given of the Cuntz-Pimsner algebra associated to a tensor product of C*-correspondences. This is a generalization of a result by Kumjian about graphs algebras. This second result is applied to several important special cases of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras including topological graph algebras, crossed products by the integers and crossed products by completely positive maps. The result has meaningful interpretations in each context. The third result is an extension of the second result from an ordinary tensor product to a special case of Woronowicz's twisted tensor product. This result simultaneously characterizes Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of ordinary and graded tensor products and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of crossed products by actions and coactions of discrete groups, the latter partially recovering earlier results of Hao and Ng and of Kaliszewski, Quigg and Robertson.
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A fun way to help students discover discrete mathematics

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This thesis focuses on sequencing questions in a way that provides students with manageable steps to understand some of the fundamental concepts in discrete mathematics. The questions are aimed at younger students (middle and high school aged) with the goal

This thesis focuses on sequencing questions in a way that provides students with manageable steps to understand some of the fundamental concepts in discrete mathematics. The questions are aimed at younger students (middle and high school aged) with the goal of helping young students, who have likely never seen discrete mathematics, to learn through guided discovery. Chapter 2 is the bulk of this thesis as it provides questions, hints, solutions, as well as a brief discussion of each question. In the discussions following the questions, I have attempted to illustrate some relationships between the current question and previous questions, explain the learning goals of that question, as well as point out possible flaws in students' thinking or point out ways to explore this topic further. Chapter 3 provides additional questions with hints and solutions, but no discussion. Many of the questions in Chapter 3 contain ideas similar to questions in Chapter 2, but also illustrate how versatile discrete mathematics topics are. Chapter 4 focuses on possible future directions. The overall framework for the questions is that a student is hosting a birthday party, and all of the questions are ones that might actually come up in party planning. The purpose of putting it in this setting is to make the questions seem more coherent and less arbitrary or forced.
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Persistence of discrete dynamical systems in infinite dimensional state spaces

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Persistence theory provides a mathematically rigorous answer to the question of population survival by establishing an initial-condition- independent positive lower bound for the long-term value of the population size. This study focuses on the persistence of discrete semiflows in infinite-dimensional

Persistence theory provides a mathematically rigorous answer to the question of population survival by establishing an initial-condition- independent positive lower bound for the long-term value of the population size. This study focuses on the persistence of discrete semiflows in infinite-dimensional state spaces that model the year-to-year dynamics of structured populations. The map which encapsulates the population development from one year to the next is approximated at the origin (the extinction state) by a linear or homogeneous map. The (cone) spectral radius of this approximating map is the threshold between extinction and persistence. General persistence results are applied to three particular models: a size-structured plant population model, a diffusion model (with both Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions) for a dispersing population of males and females that only mate and reproduce once during a very short season, and a rank-structured model for a population of males and females.
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Symplectic topology and geometric quantum mechanics

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The theory of geometric quantum mechanics describes a quantum system as a Hamiltonian dynamical system, with a projective Hilbert space regarded as the phase space. This thesis extends the theory by including some aspects of the symplectic topology of the

The theory of geometric quantum mechanics describes a quantum system as a Hamiltonian dynamical system, with a projective Hilbert space regarded as the phase space. This thesis extends the theory by including some aspects of the symplectic topology of the quantum phase space. It is shown that the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is a special case of an inequality from J-holomorphic map theory, that is, J-holomorphic curves minimize the difference between the quantum covariance matrix determinant and a symplectic area. An immediate consequence is that a minimal determinant is a topological invariant, within a fixed homology class of the curve. Various choices of quantum operators are studied with reference to the implications of the J-holomorphic condition. The mean curvature vector field and Maslov class are calculated for a lagrangian torus of an integrable quantum system. The mean curvature one-form is simply related to the canonical connection which determines the geometric phases and polarization linear response. Adiabatic deformations of a quantum system are analyzed in terms of vector bundle classifying maps and related to the mean curvature flow of quantum states. The dielectric response function for a periodic solid is calculated to be the curvature of a connection on a vector bundle.
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C*-correspondences and topological dynamical systems associated to generalizations of directed graphs

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In this thesis, I investigate the C*-algebras and related constructions that arise from combinatorial structures such as directed graphs and their generalizations. I give a complete characterization of the C*-correspondences associated to directed graphs as well as results about obstructions

In this thesis, I investigate the C*-algebras and related constructions that arise from combinatorial structures such as directed graphs and their generalizations. I give a complete characterization of the C*-correspondences associated to directed graphs as well as results about obstructions to a similar characterization of these objects for generalizations of directed graphs. Viewing the higher-dimensional analogues of directed graphs through the lens of product systems, I give a rigorous proof that topological k-graphs are essentially product systems over N^k of topological graphs. I introduce a "compactly aligned" condition for such product systems of graphs and show that this coincides with the similarly-named conditions for topological k-graphs and for the associated product systems over N^k of C*-correspondences. Finally I consider the constructions arising from topological dynamical systems consisting of a locally compact Hausdorff space and k commuting local homeomorphisms. I show that in this case, the associated topological k-graph correspondence is isomorphic to the product system over N^k of C*-correspondences arising from a related Exel-Larsen system. Moreover, I show that the topological k-graph C*-algebra has a crossed product structure in the sense of Larsen.
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