Efficient Incremental Model Learning on Data Streams

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With the development of modern technological infrastructures, such as social networks or the Internet of Things (IoT), data is being generated at a speed that is never before seen. Analyzing the content of this data helps us further understand underlying

With the development of modern technological infrastructures, such as social networks or the Internet of Things (IoT), data is being generated at a speed that is never before seen. Analyzing the content of this data helps us further understand underlying patterns and discover relationships among different subsets of data, enabling intelligent decision making. In this thesis, I first introduce the Low-rank, Win-dowed, Incremental Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) framework to inclemently maintain SVD factors over streaming data. Then, I present the Group Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization framework to leverage redundancies in the data to speed up incremental processing. They primarily tackle the challenges of using factorization models in the scenarios with streaming textual data. In order to tackle the challenges in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of generative models in this streaming environment, I introduce the Incremental Dynamic Multiscale Topic Model framework, which identifies multi-scale patterns and their evolutions within streaming datasets. While the latent factor models assume the linear independence in the latent factors, the generative models assume the observation is generated from a set of latent variables with various distributions. Furthermore, some models may not be accessible or their underlying structures are too complex to understand, such as simulation ensembles, where there may be thousands of parameters with a huge parameter space, the only way to learn information from it is to execute real simulations. When performing knowledge discovery and decision making through data- and model-driven simulation ensembles, it is expensive to operate these ensembles continuously at large scale, due to the high computational. Consequently, given a relatively small simulation budget, it is desirable to identify a sparse ensemble that includes the most informative simulations, while still permitting effective exploration of the input parameter space. Therefore, I present Complexity-Guided Parameter Space Sampling framework, which is an intelligent, top-down sampling scheme to select the most salient simulation parameters to execute, given a limited computational budget. Moreover, I also present a Pivot-Guided Parameter Space Sampling framework, which incrementally maintains a diverse ensemble of models of the simulation ensemble space and uses a pivot guided mechanism for future sample selection.
Date Created

Query System for epiDMS and EnergyPlus

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With the development of technology, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of machine learning programs. These complex programs make conclusions and can predict or perform actions based off of models from previous runs or input information. However,

With the development of technology, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of machine learning programs. These complex programs make conclusions and can predict or perform actions based off of models from previous runs or input information. However, such programs require the storing of a very large amount of data. Queries allow users to extract only the information that helps for their investigation. The purpose of this thesis was to create a system with two important components, querying and visualization. Metadata was stored in Sedna as XML and time series data was stored in OpenTSDB as JSON. In order to connect the two databases, the time series ID was stored as a metric in the XML metadata. Queries should be simple, flexible, and return all data that fits the query parameters. The query language used was an extension of XQuery FLWOR that added time series parameters. Visualization should be easily understood and be organized in a way to easily find important information and details. Because of the possibility of a large amount of data being returned from a query, a multivariate heat map was used to visualize the time series results. The two programs that the system performed queries on was Energy Plus and Epidemic Simulation Data Management System. By creating such a system, it would be easier for people of the project's fields to find the relationship between metadata that leads to the desired results over time. Over the time of the thesis project, the overall software was completed, however the software must be optimized in order to take the enormous amount of data expected from the system.
Date Created