The Effect of an Upstander Intervention on Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Bullying and Promoting Upstander Behavior

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Research shows that an effective method for decreasing bullying is for bystanders to intervene when they see bullying occur. If students are going to intervene they need to be able to not only recognize bullying, but also have strategies to

Research shows that an effective method for decreasing bullying is for bystanders to intervene when they see bullying occur. If students are going to intervene they need to be able to not only recognize bullying, but also have strategies to combat it. Students should be able to get this information from their teachers. However, preservice teachers who will one day have their own classroom do not have knowledge of bullying and upstander behavior. We created an online training for preservice teachers to increase their knowledge of bullying and upstander behavior so they could share these practices with their future students and in turn their students could become upstanders and decrease bullying incidents. Implications for future research and policy include repeating the study over a longer period of time, and the inclusion of upstander behavior training into existing preservice teacher training programs.
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Mobile technology has introduced a new opportunity for students with autism spectrum disorder to communicate. Tablets, like the iPad, allow the users to customize applications for their needs. Users have also found iPads to be less stigmatizing because so many

Mobile technology has introduced a new opportunity for students with autism spectrum disorder to communicate. Tablets, like the iPad, allow the users to customize applications for their needs. Users have also found iPads to be less stigmatizing because so many people own them and use them for various purposes. In the fast-paced world of technology, however, research cannot always keep up. It is becoming more important for the teachers and caregivers to evaluate the iPad and its applications for their efficacy in helping improve the child's communication skills. After a thorough review of current research on app use in educational settings, five criteria for evaluating app quality emerged. These criteria are: the ability to customize the application, the motor skills the student needs to operate the system, the resources and time needed for the intervention, the research or evidence-based practices behind the application, and the cost of using this device. The website, Apps For ASD, was created to provide teachers with this resource material.
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Through My Eyes: A Video Preparation Tool for Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Child life specialists work in a health care setting work alongside patients and families to provide coping strategies, preparation, education, and comfort to promote well-being and reduce fear and anxiety in the health care environment. They also serve as advocates

Child life specialists work in a health care setting work alongside patients and families to provide coping strategies, preparation, education, and comfort to promote well-being and reduce fear and anxiety in the health care environment. They also serve as advocates for children's developmental needs, specifically in terms of their reactions to stress, and support the active involvement of families in the child's care. In this work, development of fear, coping, and medical preparation are reviewed. In order to further the mission of family-centered care, all types of patient populations must be studied. This reviews children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in order to explore their needs and how they best interpret information. With this in mind, a proposed tool, video modeling is introduced as a way to prepare children, increase their coping skills, and reduce fear and anxiety related to the medical environment.
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Promoting Scientific Literacy in High Schools

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Scientific literacy is a critical part of the education of high school students. Students can demonstrate literacy in science by being able to read and write scientific reports as well as recognize and discuss how science affects daily lives. However,

Scientific literacy is a critical part of the education of high school students. Students can demonstrate literacy in science by being able to read and write scientific reports as well as recognize and discuss how science affects daily lives. However, many teachers are not familiar with the topic and do not have the resources necessary to implement it into their classrooms. This project attempts to create a website that compiles information from many sources to one concise location that is simple for teachers to use. The goal of the website is to provide teachers with a resource that they can access and use quickly despite their busy schedules. The information provided is easily translatable into a classroom, and examples of lessons as well as links to resources are provided. Considerations of difficulties such as the need to prepare students for standardized tests as well as limited budgets were brought into consideration when choosing the concepts suggested for teachers. Aspects of scientific literacy addressed are: project based learning, virtual labs, apprenticeship programs, and peer mediated learning strategies. The project also addresses how demographics that are represented at lower levels in science can be aided. These groups include female students, minorities, and students with High Functioning Autism (HFA). The website portion of the project is accompanied by a paper that summarizes the research findings as well as the personal reaction of the author and how her teaching has been affected by the study. Upon completion of the project the website will be shared with school districts across Phoenix to provide teachers with access to the resources compiled in it.
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Factors influencing teacher-driven parent-teacher communication about students with epilepsy

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Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological condition in children and can have a significant negative impact on education. The current study aimed to examine factors that may influence the likelihood that a teacher will contact the parents of a

Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological condition in children and can have a significant negative impact on education. The current study aimed to examine factors that may influence the likelihood that a teacher will contact the parents of a student with epilepsy for information regarding the disorder and its impact within the school environment. Specific variables of interest included teacher knowledge about epilepsy and confidence when teaching at student with epilepsy, parent perceived knowledge about epilepsy, and parent socio-economic status. Variables were assessed through the previously developed Teacher Epilepsy Knowledge and Confidence Scales (TEKCS) as well as case vignettes. Overall findings suggest that teachers provided with a letter from a parent of a student with epilepsy are highly likely to contact the parent for more information regardless of the above mentioned factors. Additional supplemental analyses replicated previous findings indicating that special education teachers and teachers currently teaching a student with epilepsy possess more knowledge and confidence than general education teachers and those teachers who are not currently instructing a student with epilepsy. In addition, this study also examined the specific types of information teachers sought from parents. Study limitations, implications for practice, and future research directions are discussed.
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Friends with autism: a comprehensive approach to building social skills among students with autism and an at-risk peer in the general education classroom

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The rise in the number of students found to have autism has been staggering over the past ten years. Accommodating these students effectively and appropriately in a public school is a challenge many teachers are deemed with, sometimes without adequate

The rise in the number of students found to have autism has been staggering over the past ten years. Accommodating these students effectively and appropriately in a public school is a challenge many teachers are deemed with, sometimes without adequate training. This study was aimed at affecting the underlying social misunderstandings inherent to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and an at-risk general education peer through a comprehensive intervention consisting of peer mentoring, interactive social stories and video modeling strategies. Observations, student interviews, vignettes and student and researcher journals served as data sources. Three fourth grade boys, including a student with autism, a peer with behavioral concerns and a model peer, participated in an intervention designed using a multiple baseline across behaviors. The target students, including the student with autism and the peer with behavioral concerns increased their ability to demonstrate three distinctive skills, attending to task, raising hand and academic responding. Analysis of the data also showed an overall increase in levels of engagement and motivation. Strong friendships developed among all three participants. Implications suggest that a comprehensive approach is effective in reducing unwanted social behaviors and promoting positive social skills and gives further insight into the target students' motivation.
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Teachers' preferred methods of gaining information about epilepsy

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Children with epilepsy represent a unique group of students who may require accommodations in school to be optimally successful. Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand the possible academic consequences epilepsy can have on a child. An

Children with epilepsy represent a unique group of students who may require accommodations in school to be optimally successful. Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand the possible academic consequences epilepsy can have on a child. An important step in providing this information about epilepsy to teachers is understanding where they would prefer to acquire this information. The current study examined differences between teachers of differing ages, school levels and special education teaching status in their preferences for gaining information from parents and the internet. Contrary to expectations, older teachers (those 56 years of age and older) were no less likely that younger teachers to prefer information from the internet. As predicted, elementary school teachers were more likely than high school teachers to prefer information from parents. However, interestingly middle school teachers were also more likely to prefer information from parents than high school teachers. Lastly, contrary to hypothesized results, special education teachers were no more likely to prefer information from parents than non-special education colleagues. Limitations of this study, implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.
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