The Dynamics & Evolution of Martian Ices: Implications for Present-Day Liquid Water

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The presence of ices (H2O and CO2) and liquid water is key to the evolution ofmartian geology, with implications for the potential for past or extant life, and the future of robotic and human exploration on Mars. In this dissertation, I present

The presence of ices (H2O and CO2) and liquid water is key to the evolution ofmartian geology, with implications for the potential for past or extant life, and the future of robotic and human exploration on Mars. In this dissertation, I present the first direct evidence that the smooth deposits covering mid-latitude, martian pole-facing slopes are composed of shallow dusty H2O ice covered by desiccated material. To analyze this H2O ice, I developed the first validated radiative transfer model for dusty martian snow and glacier ice. I found that these ice exposures have < 1% dust in them, and discovered the lowest latitude detection of H2O ice on Mars, at 32.9°S. After observing the ice disappear, and new gully channels form, I proposed a model for gully formation. In this model, dusty ice gets exposed by slumping, leading to melting in the subsurface and channels eroding within the ice and the wall rock beneath. Access to liquid water within this ice could provide potential abodes for any extant life. Next, I developed novel methodology to search for CO2 frosts within the entire Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared dataset and found that about half of all gullies overlap with CO2 frost detections. I also used the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) water vapor retrievals to assess the formation and distribution of H2O frosts on Mars. Additionally, I used radar data from the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) instrument to investigate Mars’ ice-rich South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD). I discovered radar signals similar to those proposed to be caused by a subglacial lake throughout the martian SPLD. Finally, I mapped martian polygonal ridge networks thought to represent fossilized remnants of ancient groundwater near the Perseverance rover landing site with the help of citizen scientists across a fifth of Mars’ total surface area and analyzed their thermophysical properties. All these studies highlight the key role that ices and liquid water have played in shaping Mars’ landscape through time, and provide an intriguing path forward in martian exploration and the search for alien life.
Date Created


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A wide range of types of activity in mid-latitude Martian gullies has been observed over the last decade (Malin et al., 2006; Harrison et al., 2009, 2015; Diniega et al., 2010; Dundas et al., 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017) with some

A wide range of types of activity in mid-latitude Martian gullies has been observed over the last decade (Malin et al., 2006; Harrison et al., 2009, 2015; Diniega et al., 2010; Dundas et al., 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017) with some activity constrained temporally to occur in the coldest times of year (winter and spring; Harrison et al., 2009; Diniega et al., 2010; Dundas et al., 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017), suggesting that surficial frosts that form seasonally and diurnally might play a key role in this present-day activity. Frost formation is highly dependent on two key factors: (1) surface temperature and (2) the atmospheric partial pressure of the condensable gas (Kieffer, 1968). The Martian atmosphere is primarily composed of CO2and CO2 frost formation is not diffusion-limited (unlike H2O). Hence, for temperatures less than the local frost point of CO2, (~ 148 K at a surface pressure of 610 Pa) frost is always present (Piqueux et al., 2016). Typically, these frosts are dominated volumetrically by CO2, although small amounts of H2O frosts are also present, and typically precede CO2 frost deposition (due to water’s higher condensation temperature (Schorghofer and Edgett, 2006)). Here we use the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) and the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) onboard Mars Odyssey and Mars Global Surveyor, respectively, to explore the global spatial and temporal variation of temperatures conducive to CO2 and H2O frost formation on Mars, and assess their distribution with gully landforms. CO2 frost temperatures are observed at all latitudes and are strongly correlated with dusty, low thermal inertia regions near the equator. Modeling results suggest that frost formation is restricted to the surface due to near-surface radiative effects. About 49 % of all gullies lie within THEMIS frost framelets. In terms of active gullies, 54 % of active gullies lie within THEMIS framelets, with 14.3% in the north and 54% in the south.
Relatively small amounts of H2O frost (~ 10–100 μm) are also likely to form diurnally and seasonally. The global H2O frost point distribution follows water vapor column abundance closely, with a weak correlation with local surface pressure. There is a strong hemispherical dependence on the frost point temperature—with the northern hemisphere having a higher frost point (in general) than the southern hemisphere—likely due to elevation differences. Unlike the distribution of CO2 frost temperatures, there is little to no correlation with surface thermophysical properties (thermal inertia, albedo, etc.). Modeling suggests H2O frosts can briefly attain melting point temperatures for a few hours if present under thin layers of dust, and can perhaps play a role in present-day equatorial mass-wasting events (eg. McEwen et al., 2018).
Based on seasonal constraints on gully activity timing, preliminary field studies, frost presence from visible imagery, spectral data and thermal data (this work), it is likely that most present-day activity can be explained by frosts (primarily CO2, and possibly H2O). We predict that the conditions necessary for significant present-day activity include formation of sufficient amounts of frost (> ~20 cm/year) within loose, unconsolidated sediments (I < ~ 350) on available slopes. However, whether or not present-day gully activity is representative of gully formation as a whole is still open to debate, and the details on CO2 frost-induced gully formation mechanisms remain unresolved.
Date Created