Model Predictive Control For Energy Management Strategies in Electric Vehicles

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a fairly recent development in control optimization theory with high potential for use in the automotive industry, specifically in electric vehicle energy management systems. Because model predictive control is a particularly young concept and due

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a fairly recent development in control optimization theory with high potential for use in the automotive industry, specifically in electric vehicle energy management systems. Because model predictive control is a particularly young concept and due to the MPC’s high computational load, it is overlooked when compared to conventional control methods such as Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers. Among recent advancements in computing technology in electric vehicles, model predictive controllers have become a viable solution in electric vehicle (EV) Energy Management Systems (EMS). The distinction between MPCs and other EMS control methods can be summarized by MPC’s ability to optimize outputs in systems where multiple constraints and state-space variables are introduced where conventional methods cannot. The MPC achieves this by using predictive modeling, allowing it system states based on information provided through a feedback loop. Feasibility for the use of MPCs in EV EMSs will be supported by using a simulated dual-motor electric vehicle in SIMULINKs Virtual Vehicle Composer (VVC) application. Findings from repeated simulations have proven model predictive control to be an effective alternative optimization strategy for electric vehicle energy management systems.
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Modeling, Control, and Evaluation of Tire Blowout for Partially and Highly Automated Vehicles

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Tire blowout often occurs during driving, which can suddenly disturb vehicle motions and seriously threaten road safety. Currently, there is still a lack of effective methods to mitigate tire blowout risks in everyday traffic, even for automated vehicles. To fundamentally

Tire blowout often occurs during driving, which can suddenly disturb vehicle motions and seriously threaten road safety. Currently, there is still a lack of effective methods to mitigate tire blowout risks in everyday traffic, even for automated vehicles. To fundamentally study and systematically resolve the tire blowout issue for automated vehicles, a collaborative project between General Motors (GM) and Arizona State University (ASU) has been conducted since 2018. In this dissertation, three main contributions of this project will be presented. First, to explore vehicle dynamics with tire blowout impacts and establish an effective simulation platform for close-loop control performance evaluation, high-fidelity tire blowout models are thoroughly developed by explicitly considering important vehicle parameters and variables. Second, since human cooperation is required to control Level 2/3 partially automated vehicles (PAVs), novel shared steering control schemes are specifically proposed for tire blowout to ensure safe vehicle stabilization via cooperative driving. Third, for Level 4/5 highly automated vehicles (HAVs) without human control, the development of control-oriented vehicle models, controllability study, and automatic control designs are performed based on impulsive differential systems (IDS) theories. Co-simulations Matlab/Simulink® and CarSim® are conducted to validate performances of all models and control designs proposed in this dissertation. Moreover, a scaled test vehicle at ASU and a full-size test vehicle at GM are well instrumented for data collection and control implementation. Various tire blowout experiments for different scenarios are conducted for more rigorous validations. Consequently, the proposed high-fidelity tire blowout models can correctly and more accurately describe vehicle motions upon tire blowout. The developed shared steering control schemes for PAVs and automatic control designs for HAVs can effectively stabilize a vehicle to maintain path following performance in the driving lane after tire blowout. In addition to new research findings and developments in this dissertation, a pending patent for tire blowout detection is also generated in the tire blowout project. The obtained research results have attracted interest from automotive manufacturers and could have a significant impact on driving safety enhancement for automated vehicles upon tire blowout.
Date Created

Non-overshooting Model Predictive Control (MPC) Design for Vehicle Lateral Stability

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Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) are one of the latest automotive technologies for improving vehicle safety. An efficient method to ensure vehicle safety is to limit vehicle states always within a predefined stability region. Hence, this thesis aims at designing

Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) are one of the latest automotive technologies for improving vehicle safety. An efficient method to ensure vehicle safety is to limit vehicle states always within a predefined stability region. Hence, this thesis aims at designing a model predictive control (MPC) with non-overshooting constraints that always confine vehicle states in a predefined lateral stability region. To consider the feasibility and stability of MPC, terminal cost and constraints are investigated to guarantee the stability and recursive feasibility of the proposed non-overshooting MPC. The proposed non-overshooting MPC is first verified by using numerical examples of linear and nonlinear systems. Finally, the non-overshooting MPC is applied to guarantee vehicle lateral stability based on a nonlinear vehicle model for a cornering maneuver. The simulation results are presented and discussed through co-simulation of CarSim® and MATLAB/Simulink.
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Structural Design of a Motorcycle Front End


Motorcycles must be designed for safety and long operation. Front suspension systems must in turn be safe and able to operate for long service lives. Challenges to achieving safe and long service lifetimes include designing components (rims, axles, forks, etc.)

Motorcycles must be designed for safety and long operation. Front suspension systems must in turn be safe and able to operate for long service lives. Challenges to achieving safe and long service lifetimes include designing components (rims, axles, forks, etc.) to withstand various loading conditions not just once but numerous times as a matter of fatigue life. An already developed CAD model of a motorcycle suspension was taken and optimized for various loading conditions. These conditions included static loading, braking, cornering, and wheelie and front impact loads. In all cases, front impact load was the critical loading condition when FEA in SolidWorks Simulation was conducted for the components. All components were then optimized to handle the impact load by changing geometry until safety factors of 4.0 ± 0.25 were achieved. Components were then analyzed for fatigue life, with all steel and magnesium components having infinite predicted fatigue lives and all aluminum components having fatigue lives predicted with corrected S-N curves created for up to 500 million loading cycles. The design was optimized with all components becoming improved for stress compliance, with room for improvement existing in both defining loads for analysis and developing more accurate and rigorous fatigue life models.

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Optimal Path Planning based on Initial Area Classification for Parallel Parking

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The need for autonomous cars has never been more vital, and for a vehicle to be completely autonomous, multiple components must work together, one of which is the capacity to park at the end of a mission. This thesis project

The need for autonomous cars has never been more vital, and for a vehicle to be completely autonomous, multiple components must work together, one of which is the capacity to park at the end of a mission. This thesis project aims to design and execute an automated parking assist system (APAS). Traditional Automated parking assist systems (APAS) may not be effective in some constrained urban parking environments because of the parking space dimension. The thesis proposes a novel four-wheel steering (4-WS) vehicle for automated parallel parking to overcome this kind of challenge. Then, benefiting from the maneuverability enabled by the 4WS system, the feasible initial parking area is vastly expanded from those for the conventional 2WS vehicles. In addition, the expanded initial area is divided into four areas where different paths are planned correspondingly. In the proposed novel APAS first, a suitable parking space is identified through ultra-sonic sensors, which are mounted around the vehicle, and then depending upon the vehicle's initial position, various compact and smooth parallel parking paths are generated. An optimization function is built to get the smoothest (i.e., the smallest steering angle change and the shortest path) parallel parking path. With the full utilization of the 4WS system, the proposed path planning algorithm can allow a larger initial parking area that can be easily tracked by the 4WS vehicles. The proposed APAS for 4WS vehicles makes the automatic parking process in restricted spaces efficient. To verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed APAS, a 4WS vehicle prototype is applied for validation through both simulation and experiment results.
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Operational Safety Assessment Methodology Framework: An Approach to Quantifying Automated Vehicle Safety

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To date, there is not a standardized method for consistently quantifying the performance of an automated driving system (ADS)-equipped vehicle (AV). The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a framework for such an approach referred to throughout as

To date, there is not a standardized method for consistently quantifying the performance of an automated driving system (ADS)-equipped vehicle (AV). The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a framework for such an approach referred to throughout as the operational safety assessment (OSA) methodology. Through this research, safety metrics are identified, researched, and analyzed to capture aspects of the operational safety of AVs, interacting with other salient objects. This dissertation outlines the approach for developing this methodology through a series of key steps including: (1) comprehensive literature review; (2) research and refinement of OSA metrics; (3) generation of MATLAB script for metric calculations; (4) generation of simulated events for analysis; (5) collection of real-world data for analysis; (6) review of OSA methodology results; and (7) discussion of future work to expand complexity, fidelity, and relevance aspects of the OSA methodology. The detailed literature review includes the identification of metrics historically used in both traditional and more recent evaluations of vehicle performance. Subsequently, the metric formulations are refined, and robust severity evaluations are proposed. A MATLAB script is then presented which was generated to calculate the metrics from any given source assuming proper formatting of the data. To further refine the formulations and the MATLAB script, a variety of simulated scenarios are discussed including car-following, intersection, and lane change situations. Additionally, a data collection activity is presented, leveraging the SMARTDRIVE testbed operated by Maricopa County Department of Transportation in Anthem, AZ to collect real-world data from an active intersection. Lastly, the efficacy of the OSA methodology with respect to the evaluation of vehicle performance for a set of scenarios is evaluated utilizing both simulated and real-world data. This assessment provides a demonstration of the ability and robustness of this methodology to evaluate vehicle performance for a given scenario. At the conclusion of this dissertation, additional factors including fidelity, complexity, and relevance are explored to contribute to a more comprehensive evaluation.
Date Created

Vehicle Lateral Driving Stability Regions: Estimation, Analysis, and Control

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In the development of autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs), how to guarantee vehicle lateral stability is one of the most critical aspects. Based on nonlinear vehicle lateral and tire dynamics, new driving requirements of AGVs demand further studies and analyses of

In the development of autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs), how to guarantee vehicle lateral stability is one of the most critical aspects. Based on nonlinear vehicle lateral and tire dynamics, new driving requirements of AGVs demand further studies and analyses of vehicle lateral stability control strategies. To achieve comprehensive analyses and stability-guaranteed vehicle lateral driving control, this dissertation presents three main contributions.First, a new method is proposed to estimate and analyze vehicle lateral driving stability regions, which provide a direct and intuitive demonstration for stability control of AGVs. Based on a four-wheel vehicle model and a nonlinear 2D analytical LuGre tire model, a local linearization method is applied to estimate vehicle lateral driving stability regions by analyzing vehicle local stability at each operation point on a phase plane. The obtained stability regions are conservative because both vehicle and tire stability are simultaneously considered. Such a conservative feature is specifically important for characterizing the stability properties of AGVs. Second, to analyze vehicle stability, two novel features of the estimated vehicle lateral driving stability regions are studied. First, a shifting vector is formulated to explicitly describe the shifting feature of the lateral stability regions with respect to the vehicle steering angles. Second, dynamic margins of the stability regions are formulated and applied to avoid the penetration of vehicle state trajectory with respect to the region boundaries. With these two features, the shiftable stability regions are feasible for real-time stability analysis. Third, to keep the vehicle states (lateral velocity and yaw rate) always stay in the shiftable stability regions, different control methods are developed and evaluated. Based on different vehicle control configurations, two dynamic sliding mode controllers (SMC) are designed. To better control vehicle stability without suffering chattering issues in SMC, a non-overshooting model predictive control is proposed and applied. To further save computational burden for real-time implementation, time-varying control-dependent invariant sets and time-varying control-dependent barrier functions are proposed and adopted in a stability-guaranteed vehicle control problem. Finally, to validate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed theories, definitions, and control methods, illustrative simulations and experimental results are presented and discussed.
Date Created

Dynamics and Control of a Ground Vehicle Subjected to a Tire Blowout

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The tire blowout is potentially one of the most critical accidents that may occur on the road. Following a tire blowout, the mechanical behavior of the tire is extremely affected and the forces generating from the interaction of the tire

The tire blowout is potentially one of the most critical accidents that may occur on the road. Following a tire blowout, the mechanical behavior of the tire is extremely affected and the forces generating from the interaction of the tire and the ground are redistributed. This severe change in the mechanism of tire force generation influences the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle significantly. Thus, the vehicle loses its directional stability and has a risk of departing its lane and colliding with other vehicles or the guardrail. This work aims to further broaden our current knowledge of the vehicle dynamic response to a blowout scenario during both rectilinear and curvilinear motions. To that end, a fourteen degrees of freedom full vehicle model combined with the well-grounded Dugoff’s tire models is developed and validated using the high fidelity MSC Adams package. To examine the effect of the tire blowout on the dynamic behavior of the vehicle, a series of tests incorporating a tire blowout is conducted in both rectilinear and curvilinear maneuvers with different tire burst locations. It is observed that the reconstruction of the tire forces resulting from blowout leads to a substantial change in the dynamics of the vehicle as well as a severe directional instability and possibly a rollover accident. Consequently, a corrective safety control system utilizing a braking/traction torque actuation mechanism is designed. The basic idea of the stability controller is to produce a regulated amount of input torque on one or more wheels apart from the blown tire. The proposed novel control-oriented model eliminates the simplifying assumptions used in the design of such controllers. Furthermore, a double integrator was augmented to enhance the steady-state performance of the sliding mode closed-loop system. The chattering problem stemmed by the switching nature of the controller is diminished through tuning the slope of saturation function. Different apparatuses are used in terms of actuation, using an individual front actuator, utilizing multi-actuator, and using two-wheel braking torques successively. It is found that the proposed controllers are perfectly capable of stabilizing the vehicle and robustly track the desired trajectory in straight-line and cornering maneuvers.
Date Created

An Exploration into Different Speed Profiles of Platooning Automated Vehicles and Their Effect on Achieving the Desired Time Headway

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Automated vehicles are becoming more prevalent in the modern world. Using platoons of automated vehicles can have numerous benefits including increasing the safety of drivers as well as streamlining roadway operations. How individual automated vehicles within a platoon react to

Automated vehicles are becoming more prevalent in the modern world. Using platoons of automated vehicles can have numerous benefits including increasing the safety of drivers as well as streamlining roadway operations. How individual automated vehicles within a platoon react to each other is essential to creating an efficient method of travel. This paper looks at two individual vehicles forming a platoon and tracks the time headway between the two. Several speed profiles are explored for the following vehicle including a triangular and trapezoidal speed profile. It is discovered that a safety violation occurs during platoon formation where the desired time headway between the vehicles is violated. The aim of this research is to explore if this violation can be eliminated or reduced through utilization of different speed profiles.

Date Created

Flocking Modeling, Control, and Optimization of Connected and Automated Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Mobility

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In large modern urban areas, traffic congestion and fatality have become two serious problems. To improve the safety and efficiency of ground mobility, one promising solution is the cooperative control of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) systems, which can avoid

In large modern urban areas, traffic congestion and fatality have become two serious problems. To improve the safety and efficiency of ground mobility, one promising solution is the cooperative control of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) systems, which can avoid human drivers’ incapability and errors. Taking advantage of two-dimensional (2D) vehicular control, this dissertation intends to conduct a thorough investigation of the modeling, control, and optimization of CAV systems with flocking control. Flocking is a dynamic swarm congregating behavior of a group of agents with self-organizing features, and flocking control of CAV systems attempts to achieve the maintenance of a small and nearly constant distance among vehicles, speed match, destination cohesion, and collision and obstacle avoidance.

Concerning artificial multi-agent systems, such as mobile robots and CAV systems, a set of engineering performance requirements should be considered in flocking theory for practical applications. In this dissertation, three novel flocking control protocols are studied, which consider convergence speed, permanent obstacle avoidance, and energy efficiency. Furthermore, considering nonlinear vehicle dynamics, a novel hierarchical flocking control framework is proposed for CAV systems to integrate high-level flocking coordination planning and low-level vehicle dynamics control together. On one hand, using 2D flocking theory, the decision making and motion planning of engaged vehicles are produced in a distributed manner based on shared information. On the other hand, using the proposed framework, many advanced vehicle dynamics control methods and tools are applicable. For instance, in the low-level vehicle dynamics control, in addition to path trajectory tracking, the maintenance of vehicle later/yaw stability and rollover propensity mitigation are achieved by using additional actuators, such as all-wheel driving and four-wheel steering, to enhance vehicle safety and efficiency with over-actuated features.

Co-simulations using MATLAB/Simulink and CarSim are conducted to illustrate the performances of the proposed flocking framework and all controller designs proposed in this dissertation. Moreover, a scaled CAV system is developed, and field experiments are also completed to further demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed flocking framework. Consequently, the proposed flocking framework can successfully complete a 2D vehicular flocking coordination. The novel flocking control protocols are also able to accommodate the practical requirements of artificial multi-agent systems by enhancing convergence speed, saving energy consumption, and avoiding permanent obstacles. In addition, employing the proposed control methods, vehicle stability is guaranteed as expected.
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