Investigating the Impact of Psychological Factors on Thermal Perception and Walking Experience

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This dissertation focuses on thermal comfort and walking as an experiential phenomenon in outdoor urban environments. The goal of the study is to provide a better understanding of the impact of psychological adaptation factors on thermal comfort. The main research

This dissertation focuses on thermal comfort and walking as an experiential phenomenon in outdoor urban environments. The goal of the study is to provide a better understanding of the impact of psychological adaptation factors on thermal comfort. The main research questions included the impact of psychological factors on outdoor thermal comfort as well as the impact of long-term thermal perception on momentary thermal sensation. My research follows a concurrent triangulation strategy as a mixed-method approach, which consisted of a simultaneous collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Research consisted of five rounds of data collection in different locations beginning February 2018 and continuing through December 2019. During the qualitative phase, I gathered data in the form of an open-ended questionnaire but importantly, self-walking interviews where participants narrated their experience of the environment while recording one-minute long videos. The visual and audible information was first processed using thematic analysis and then further analyzed via Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). During the quantitative phase, I gathered information from participants in the form of three-step survey questionnaires, that data was analyzed using T-Test regression analysis in STATA. The quantitative data helped explore and address the initial research questions, while the qualitative data helped in addressing and explaining the trends and the experiential aspects of thermal environment.

Results revealed that spatial familiarity (as a psychological adaptation factor) has a significant relationship for both overall comfort and thermal comfort within outdoor environments. Moreover, long term thermal memory influences momentary thermal sensation. The results of qualitative and quantitative data were combined, compared, and contrasted to generate new insights in the design of outdoor urban environments. The depth and breadth of the qualitative data set consisting of more than a thousand minute-long of narrated video segments along with hundreds of pages of transcribed text, demonstrated the subjective aspects of thermal comfort. This research highlights the importance of context-based and human-centric design in any evidence-based design approach for outdoor environments. The implications of the study can provide new insights not only for architects and urban designers, but also for city planners, stakeholders, public officials, and policymakers.
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The Green 16: A targeted assessment of natural building opportunity in 16 U.S. city regions

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Half of the global population lives in cities, 80% of GDP is generated in cities, 70% of carbon emissions are produced in cities (Prakash 2). The actions of city-dwellers are becoming more and more important. The following paper is an

Half of the global population lives in cities, 80% of GDP is generated in cities, 70% of carbon emissions are produced in cities (Prakash 2). The actions of city-dwellers are becoming more and more important. The following paper is an exploration into how cities are coping with this responsibility- particularly how they’ve kicked the door in for the natural building movement.
This thesis reflects the importance of bottom-up change. Government regulations might help make certain solutions more affordable, but this won’t help if the market doesn’t first demand it. This is why it’s up to green builders and product developers to innovate solutions that accentuate the modern way of life.
Date Created