Volunteer Motivation & Satisfaction Research Based Marketing Material for Volunteer Retention

Together with a representative working at the Phoenix office of the AHA a project to create a marketing material which focused on volunteer retention was formed. Volunteer retention was addressed in two ways. First, through the understanding of volunteer motivations

Together with a representative working at the Phoenix office of the AHA a project to create a marketing material which focused on volunteer retention was formed. Volunteer retention was addressed in two ways. First, through the understanding of volunteer motivations to attract volunteers with a higher predisposition to positive outcome experience within a specific organization. Secondly, understating the influences on both general and student volunteer satisfaction linked with volunteer retention. The pamphlet includes both information pulled directly from multiple AHA public information and information collected from employees at the Phoenix office of the AHA. Questions were built to gather information specific to the research conducted on volunteer motivation and satisfaction. These questions were then disseminated to a supervisor over at the Phoenix office of the AHA. The resulting answers were then returned, summarized and used in the completed pamphlet. The final product created is a digital pamphlet which was made while adhering to basic principles of pamphlet design and marketing.
Date Created