Students' Personal Algebraic Expressions as a Reflection of their Meanings: The Case of Infinite Series

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Over the last several centuries, mathematicians have developed sophisticated symbol systems to represent ideas often imperceptible to their five senses. Although conventional definitions exist for these notations, individuals attribute their personalized meanings to these symbols during their mathematical activities. In

Over the last several centuries, mathematicians have developed sophisticated symbol systems to represent ideas often imperceptible to their five senses. Although conventional definitions exist for these notations, individuals attribute their personalized meanings to these symbols during their mathematical activities. In some instances, students might (1) attribute a non-normative meaning to a conventional symbol or (2) attribute viable meanings for a mathematical topic to a novel symbol. This dissertation aims to investigate the relationships between students’ meanings and personal algebraic expressions in the context of one topic: infinite series convergence. To this end, I report the results of two individual constructivist teaching experiments in which first-time second-semester university calculus students constructed symbols (called personal expressions) to organize their thinking about various topics related to infinite series. My results comprise three distinct sections. First, I describe the intuitive meanings that the two students, Monica and Sylvia, exhibited for infinite series convergence before experiencing formal instruction on the topic. Second, I categorize the meanings these students attributed to their personal expressions for series topics and propose symbol categories corresponding to various instantiations of each meaning. Finally, I describe two situations in which students modified their personal expressions throughout several interviews to either (1) distinguish between examples they initially perceived as similar or (2) modify a previous personal expression to symbolize two ideas they initially perceived as distinct. To conclude, I discuss the research and teaching implications of my explanatory frameworks for students’ symbolization. I also provide an initial theoretical framing of the cognitive mechanisms by which students create, maintain, and modify their personal algebraic representations.
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Sameness of Representation of Mathematical Entities

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This dissertation is on the topic of sameness of representation of mathematical entities from a mathematics education perspective. In mathematics, people frequently work with different representations of the same thing. This is especially evident when considering the prevalence of the

This dissertation is on the topic of sameness of representation of mathematical entities from a mathematics education perspective. In mathematics, people frequently work with different representations of the same thing. This is especially evident when considering the prevalence of the equals sign (=). I am adopting the three-paper dissertation model. Each paper reports on a study that investigates understandings of the identity relation. The first study directly addresses function identity: how students conceptualize, work with, and assess sameness of representation of function. It uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine how students understand function sameness in calculus contexts. The second study is on the topic of implicit differentiation and student understanding of the legitimacy of it as a procedure. This relates to sameness insofar as differentiating an equation is a valid inference when the equation expresses function identity. The third study directly addresses usage of the equals sign (“=”). In particular, I focus on the notion of symmetry; equality is a symmetric relation (truth-functionally), and mathematicians understand it as such. However, results of my study show that usage is not symmetric. This is small qualitative study and incorporates ideas from the field of linguistics.
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Modular Tutoring Software

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A project about developing software for learning turned into a project for learning about software development. The submission here only includes the journal. However, the journal has a link to the public GitHub repository containing the source code for the

A project about developing software for learning turned into a project for learning about software development. The submission here only includes the journal. However, the journal has a link to the public GitHub repository containing the source code for the thesis. The source code implements a program to facilitate self-study by allowing the user to create quizzes. The journal contains my experience working on the project (both successes and failures).

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Understanding Informal to Formal Comparisons and Proof Comprehension: a Replication Study

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This study sought to replicate previous work in student conceptions of formal proofs based on informal arguments, originally explored by Zazkis et al. (2016). Additional tasks were added to the experiment to produce new data that could further verify the

This study sought to replicate previous work in student conceptions of formal proofs based on informal arguments, originally explored by Zazkis et al. (2016). Additional tasks were added to the experiment to produce new data that could further verify the analysis of Zazkis et al. (2016) as well as provide more insight into how students comprehend proofs, what types of mistakes occur, and why. Results from one-on-one interviews confirmed that some students were not able to make accurate informal to formal comparisons because they were not considering multiple facets of the problem. Additionally, patterns in the students’ analysis introduced more questions concerning the motivations behind what students choose to think about when they read and dissect proofs.
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Undergraduate Students’ Conceptions of Multiple Analytic Representations of Systems (of Equations)

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The extent of students’ struggles in linear algebra courses is at times surprising to mathematicians and instructors. To gain insight into the challenges, the central question I investigated for this project was: What is the nature of undergraduate students’ conceptions

The extent of students’ struggles in linear algebra courses is at times surprising to mathematicians and instructors. To gain insight into the challenges, the central question I investigated for this project was: What is the nature of undergraduate students’ conceptions of multiple analytic representations of systems (of equations)?

My methodological choices for this study included the use of one-on-one, task-based clinical interviews which were video and audio recorded. Participants were chosen on the basis of selection criteria applied to a pool of volunteers from junior-level applied linear algebra classes. I conducted both generative and convergent analyses in terms of Clement’s (2000) continuum of research purposes. The generative analysis involved an exploration of the data (in transcript form). The convergent analysis involved the analysis of two student interviews through the lenses of Duval’s (1997, 2006, 2017) Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers and a theory I propose, the Theory of Quantitative Systems.

All participants concluded that for the four representations in this study, the notation was varying while the solution was invariant. Their descriptions of what was represented by the various representations fell into distinct categories. Further, the students employed visual techniques, heuristics, metaphors, and mathematical computation to account for translations between the various representations.

Theoretically, I lay out some constructs that may help with awareness of the complexity in linear algebra. While there are many rich concepts in linear algebra, challenges may stem from less-than-robust communication. Further, mathematics at the level of linear algebra requires a much broader perspective than that of the ordinary algebra of real numbers. Empirically, my results and findings provide important insights into students’ conceptions. The study revealed that students consider and/or can have their interest piqued by such things as changes in register.

The lens I propose along with the empirical findings should stimulate conversations that result in linear algebra courses most beneficial to students. This is especially important since students who encounter undue difficulties may alter their intended plans of study, plans which would lead them into careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) fields.
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Students’ Interpretations of Expressions in the Graphical Register and Its Relation to Their Interpretation of Points on Graphs when Evaluating Statements about Functions from Calculus

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Functions represented in the graphical register, as graphs in the Cartesian plane, are found throughout secondary and undergraduate mathematics courses. In the study of Calculus, specifically, graphs of functions are particularly prominent as a means of illustrating key concepts. Researchers

Functions represented in the graphical register, as graphs in the Cartesian plane, are found throughout secondary and undergraduate mathematics courses. In the study of Calculus, specifically, graphs of functions are particularly prominent as a means of illustrating key concepts. Researchers have identified that some of the ways that students may interpret graphs are unconventional, which may impact their understanding of related mathematical content. While research has primarily focused on how students interpret points on graphs and students’ images related to graphs as a whole, details of how students interpret and reason with variables and expressions on graphs of functions have remained unclear.

This dissertation reports a study characterizing undergraduate students’ interpretations of expressions in the graphical register with statements from Calculus, its association with their evaluations of these statements, its relation to the mathematical content of these statements, and its relation to their interpretations of points on graphs. To investigate students’ interpretations of expressions on graphs, I conducted 150-minute task-based clinical interviews with 13 undergraduate students who had completed Calculus I with a range of mathematical backgrounds. In the interviews, students were asked to evaluate propositional statements about functions related to key definitions and theorems of Calculus and were provided various graphs of functions to make their evaluations. The central findings from this study include the characteristics of four distinct interpretations of expressions on graphs that students used in this study. These interpretations of expressions on graphs I refer to as (1) nominal, (2) ordinal, (3) cardinal, and (4) magnitude. The findings from this study suggest that different contexts may evoke different graphical interpretations of expressions from the same student. Further, some interpretations were shown to be associated with students correctly evaluating some statements while others were associated with students incorrectly evaluating some statements.

I report the characteristics of these interpretations of expressions in the graphical register and its relation to their evaluations of the statements, the mathematical content of the statements, and their interpretation of points. I also discuss the implications of these findings for teaching and directions for future research in this area.
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Sparky the Saguaro: teaching experiments examining students' development of the idea of logarithm

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There have been a number of studies that have examined students’ difficulties in understanding the idea of logarithm and the effectiveness of non-traditional interventions. However, there have been few studies that have examined the understandings students develop and need to

There have been a number of studies that have examined students’ difficulties in understanding the idea of logarithm and the effectiveness of non-traditional interventions. However, there have been few studies that have examined the understandings students develop and need to develop when completing conceptually oriented logarithmic lessons. In this document, I present the three papers of my dissertation study. The first paper examines two students’ development of concepts foundational to the idea of logarithm. This paper discusses two essential understandings that were revealed to be problematic and essential for students’ development of productive meanings for exponents, logarithms and logarithmic properties. The findings of this study informed my later work to support students in understanding logarithms, their properties and logarithmic functions. The second paper examines two students’ development of the idea of logarithm. This paper describes the reasoning abilities two students exhibited as they engaged with tasks designed to foster their construction of more productive meanings for the idea of logarithm. The findings of this study provide novel insights for supporting students in understanding the idea of logarithm meaningfully. Finally, the third paper begins with an examination of the historical development of the idea of logarithm. I then leveraged the insights of this literature review and the first two papers to perform a conceptual analysis of what is involved in learning and understanding the idea of logarithm. The literature review and conceptual analysis contributes novel and useful information for curriculum developers, instructors, and other researchers studying student learning of this idea.
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Undergraduate Students' Ways of Thinking About Function Notation

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Previous research has examined difficulties that students have with understanding and productively working with function notation. Function notation is very prevalent throughout mathematics education, helping students to better understand and more easily work with functions. The goal of my research

Previous research has examined difficulties that students have with understanding and productively working with function notation. Function notation is very prevalent throughout mathematics education, helping students to better understand and more easily work with functions. The goal of my research was to investigate students' current ways of thinking about function notation to better assist teachers in helping their students develop deeper and more productive understandings. In this study, I conducted two separate interviews with two undergraduate students to explore their meanings for function notation. I developed and adapted tasks aimed at investigating different aspects and uses of function notation. In each interview, I asked the participants to attempt each of the tasks, explaining their thoughts as they worked. While they were working, I occasionally asked clarifying questions to better understand their thought processes. For the second interviews, I added tasks based on difficulties I found in the first interviews. I video recorded each interview for later analysis. Based on the data found in the interviews, I will discuss the seven prevalent ways of thinking that I found, how they hindered or facilitated working with function notation productively, and suggestions for instruction to better help students understand the concept.
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