The Architect as a Civic Practitioner: Reimagined Approaches for the Architecture Field to Advance Equitable Practice

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This thesis asks the question, 'How can equitable approaches be advanced within the architectural discipline in order for architects to make increasingly meaningful social and civic impacts on vulnerable communities?' It is a product of my experience working on a

This thesis asks the question, 'How can equitable approaches be advanced within the architectural discipline in order for architects to make increasingly meaningful social and civic impacts on vulnerable communities?' It is a product of my experience working on a project for a low-income community of color, along with my realization that I did not possess the tools to be able to design in a way that fostered equity for this community. In an attempt to design those tools for myself and question how architectural practices can be used to enhance equity in one's work, the thesis features the reimagining of several architectural approaches. The approaches take inspiration from the discipline of equitable creative placemaking, drawing from concepts such as cultural asset mapping, co-creation, and fostering community agency.

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Sustaining Culture: Interiors Heritage Conservation In Adaptive Reuse Projects

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Heritage conservation of built environments through adaptive reuse is an integral part of preserving and regenerating a community's cultural memory and identity. The buildings we inherit become the visual storytellers of our communities' histories and traditions; how we design tells

Heritage conservation of built environments through adaptive reuse is an integral part of preserving and regenerating a community's cultural memory and identity. The buildings we inherit become the visual storytellers of our communities' histories and traditions; how we design tells the story of how we lived. It is that treasure that is passed down through generations that morphs the characteristics of collective cultural identity. However, zeitgeist architecture which is adaptively reused, often focuses on preservation, restoration, or conservation of the architecture or the shell. Simultaneously, the heritage interiors are transformed, losing the spirit of place to the new use and program. This thesis argues for the importance of preserving heritage interiors as a vital component of a building's story in adaptive reuse projects, referencing literature about the history of adaptive reuse and heritage conservation in built environments, as well as different approaches, tools, and strategies for heritage conservation in various projects and precedents. The thesis explores multiple case studies of varying typologies in Jordan, the Middle East, which successfully address the challenge of heritage interiors conservation. The study examines the different ways in which the spirit of the interior space is preserved and included as part of the design strategy while transforming the programming of the space and the new functions it serves. Examples of such strategies include materials and textiles, furniture, fixtures, use of original materials and architectural features, and the degree of intervention in the preservation, restoration, and conservation of the interiors. The thesis is grounded in the question of how adaptive reuse can approach heritage interiors in a way that conserves the experience of the architecture and the interiors while transforming the programming of the space.

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The Equality en Vogue: Blurring lines between Gender in the Retail Experience

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This project considers the strengths and weaknesses of the three
case studies and expands on their notions. From the merchandising
tactics of Finland’s “One Way” pop-up shop, Toca-Boca x Target, and
modern-day toys to the essence of security and community established
in the Stalled!

This project considers the strengths and weaknesses of the three
case studies and expands on their notions. From the merchandising
tactics of Finland’s “One Way” pop-up shop, Toca-Boca x Target, and
modern-day toys to the essence of security and community established
in the Stalled! inclusive restroom movements, this flagship H&M
store reiterates these strengths.
H & M stands for inclusivity and impacting the world beyond fashion.
With such strong core values, there was an opportunity for H& M
stores to better reflect their beliefs. To elevate H&M’s brand further, a
flagship, inclusive retail environment was conceived.
Date Created

Designing Fire Wise Communities: Fire Resistive Architectural Methods and Materials


Wildfires are rapidly becoming one of the biggest issues that California has to face. Every year, fire season gets longer as lack of rain, high winds and faulty power lines combine in a recipe for disaster. Nearly the entire state,


Wildfires are rapidly becoming one of the biggest issues that California has to face. Every year, fire season gets longer as lack of rain, high winds and faulty power lines combine in a recipe for disaster. Nearly the entire state, north to south, has been affected by at least one major firestorm since the fall of 2017. They have become the new normal, razing towns in hours and leaving nothing but wreckage in their wake. Because of this growing problem, solutions for fire-proofing existing towns and strategies for rebuilding those affected are more important than ever. Using design as a lens with which to address this problem, this thesis explores materials that have been tested and proven to be more fire-resistant, as well as outlines through case studies how communities and designers can implement these strategies to create safer communities in wildfire-prone areas. The case studies paint a variety of pictures of what fire-resistant architecture and design can be, offering a comprehensive set of guidelines for both community members and designers to move forward with building or rebuilding structures in a wildland urban interface zone. Researching homes built in both California and Australia widens the perspective of how large the problem of wildfire truly is in terms of building destruction. Solutions such as prefab modular home construction are also becoming a popular option as they are fast and inherently more fire-resistant than traditionally rebuilt homes. At the urban and regional level, research has revealed the importance of planning homes and communities in a way which integrates with the natural topography of the site and minimizes surrounding fuel loads. In addition, building materials such as concrete, straw bale and heavy timber are the most fire-resistant, especially when clad with an outer layer of tile, brick or other noncombustible material and with protected vent openings. Interior materials should minimize the usage of wood detailing, unless using certain products that have the appearance of wood but are actually created by non-combustible materials. Homes should have more compartmentalization to slow down a fire from spreading should one occur in the structure. Fire detection/suppression systems should be up to date and using the latest technology.
Date Created

Research and Design of an Epilepsy Clinic in Developing Countries Based on Sustainability and Ambient Environment

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Worldwide there are over 50 million people suffering from epilepsy, eighty percent (80%) of whom live in low to middle income countries. Of that eighty percent (80%) of people suffering from this disease, seventy-five percent (75%) do not receive treatment.

Worldwide there are over 50 million people suffering from epilepsy, eighty percent (80%) of whom live in low to middle income countries. Of that eighty percent (80%) of people suffering from this disease, seventy-five percent (75%) do not receive treatment. The current design and treatment methods of epilepsy have many limitations in these specific countries. These limitations include: lack of education about the disease leading to stigmas surrounding it, inability to afford treatment options, and the absence of healthcare practitioners who specialize in the treatment of neurological illnesses. Additionally, the healthcare system worldwide is a large contributor to climate change calling for a need to implement sustainable practices in both the treatment of patients and creation of healthcare centers. This thesis has been developed in order to theorize the design of a clinic that can be beneficial to epileptics in developing countries and to the environment. Through the methodology of case studies and research on existing strategies implemented in specific hospitals, we were able to focus on three main aspects that should be taken into consideration for an epilepsy clinic: the ambient environment, sustainability, and target demographic - developing countries. The idea ambient environment, it was found, plays a large role in the healing process through reduction of stress on patients. From there the most important features specific to epilepsy were able to be considered and synthesized for the best possible theoretical design of a clinic focused on the treatment and diagnosis of epilepsy in a developing country.
Date Created