Design of Indraft Supersonic Wind Tunnel

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The objective of this project is to design an indraft supersonic wind tunnel that is safe and comparatively simple to construct. The processes and methodology of design are discussed. As with every supersonic wind tunnel, the critical components are the

The objective of this project is to design an indraft supersonic wind tunnel that is safe and comparatively simple to construct. The processes and methodology of design are discussed. As with every supersonic wind tunnel, the critical components are the nozzle, diffuser, and the means of achieving the pressure differential which drives the flow. The nozzle was designed using method of characteristics (MOC) and a boundary layer analysis experimental proven on supersonic wind tunnels [5]. The diffuser was designed using the unique design features of this wind tunnel in combination with equations from Pope [7]. The pressure differential is achieved via a vacuum chamber behind the diffuser creating a pressure differential between the ambient air and the low pressure in the tank. The run time of the wind tunnel depends on the initial pressure of the vacuum tank and the volume. However, the volume of the tank has a greater influence on the run time. The volume of the tank is not specified as the largest tank feasible should be used to allow the longest run time. The run time for different volumes is given. Another method of extending the run duration is added vacuum pumps to the vacuum chamber. If these pumps can move a sufficient mass out of the vacuum chamber, the run time can be significantly extended. The mounting design addresses the loading requirements which is closely related to the accuracy of the data. The mounting mechanism is attached to the rear of the model to minimize shockwave interference and maximize the structural integrity along the direction with the highest loading. This mechanism is then mounted to the bottom of the wind tunnel for structural rigidity and ease of access.
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