Reliability of Graphene as a Bio Wearable Sensor For Gait Analysis

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With more people falling every year it is more important to continue to track everyday activity as well as follow the progress that someone is making over time. As well as at risk subjects, athletes are also wanting to track

With more people falling every year it is more important to continue to track everyday activity as well as follow the progress that someone is making over time. As well as at risk subjects, athletes are also wanting to track their activity as well as improve in finer control of their motions and abilities. To improve someone’s balance, strength, flexibility, and more someone can now start to use different biological sensors to help live a healthier and better lifestyle. To build different sensors requires materials that are comfortable to wear and accurate in collecting data. Graphene has been considered a wonder material that is used in many different applications which allow circuits and devices to use the flexible and durable material to conduct electricity. This paper shows multiple different tests and 36 trials of using graphene as a device which measures pressure that can be used to analyze gait patterns. These tests involve walking on a dual force plate treadmill for 90 continuous seconds with the graphene strip in the heel of the shoe wirelessly transmitting data to be recorded. The initial tests show that graphene will pick up noise and that graphene can start to deteriorate without proper protection. When looking at subject 1 there is less than .01 seconds of error between the graphene circuit and the ground truth. The ground truth was collected simultaneously, and the t-tests and ANOVA tests showed that there is no statistical difference between the graphene system and the ground truth. These tests also showed a 96.7% reproducibility score. There are limitations as seen in the later subjects, but these limitations can be overcome by further protecting the graphene and replacing the strip when it starts to show signs of deterioration which will allow graphene to be used in everyday bio wearable devices.
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Using Graphene as a Flex Resistor to Detect Biodynamics

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Over the past 30 years the use of graphene has been increasing at a rapid rate. The reason why graphene has become more popular is because it is starting to be understood better, and researchers are starting to recognize graphene’s

Over the past 30 years the use of graphene has been increasing at a rapid rate. The reason why graphene has become more popular is because it is starting to be understood better, and researchers are starting to recognize graphene’s unique properties. Graphene is a single atomic layer of graphite, and graphite is a three-dimensional cube base structure of carbon. Graphite has a high conductivity rate, and graphene has an even higher conductivity, meaning that graphene makes for an excellent resistor in any hardware system. Graphene is flexible, has high durability, and can vary in resistance based on its shape (Sharon 2015). With graphene being able to change its resistivity, it can act as different types of sensors. These sensors include measuring pressure, resistance, force, strain, and angle. One problem across the globe is that patients have arthritis, decaying bone density, and injuries which can easily go mistreated or not treated at all. It can be hard to determine the severity of injuries in joints by observation of the patient. There are tools and equipment that will allow a doctor to track the force and degrees of motion of certain joints, but they are mostly limited to hospitals. With graphene acting as a sensor it can be embedded into casts, braces, and even clothing. With a mobile sensor that relays accurate and continuous data to a doctor they can more precisely determine a therapy or recovery time that will better suit the patients’ needs. In this project the graphene was used to measure the angle of a patient’s wrist while they were wearing a wrist brace. From the data collected, the graphene was able to track the user’s movement of their wrist as they moved it in a single direction. The data showed the angle of the wrist ranging from zero degrees to 90 degrees. This proves that graphene can shape the way biosensing is accomplished. Biodynamics is a growing field, and with more injuries everyday it is important to study graphene and how it can be used to diagnose and prevent injuries related to joints. Graphene can be used as a biosensor which can then be implemented into a brace to allow for accurate biodynamic tracking.
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