Response Accuracy and Response Time in Multisensory Localization

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Spatial awareness (i.e., the sense of the space that we are in) involves the integration of auditory, visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory information of environmental events. Hearing impairment has negative effects on spatial awareness and can result in deficits in

Spatial awareness (i.e., the sense of the space that we are in) involves the integration of auditory, visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory information of environmental events. Hearing impairment has negative effects on spatial awareness and can result in deficits in communication and the overall aesthetic experience of life, especially in noisy or reverberant environments. This deficit occurs as hearing impairment reduces the signal strength needed for auditory spatial processing and changes how auditory information is combined with other sensory inputs (e.g., vision). The influence of multisensory processing on spatial awareness in listeners with normal, and impaired hearing is not assessed in clinical evaluations, and patients’ everyday sensory experiences are currently not directly measurable. This dissertation investigated the role of vision in auditory localization in listeners with normal, and impaired hearing in a naturalistic stimulus setting, using natural gaze orienting responses. Experiments examined two behavioral outcomes—response accuracy and response time—based on eye movement in response to simultaneously presented auditory and visual stimuli. The first set of experiments examined the effects of stimulus spatial saliency on response accuracy and response time and the extent of visual dominance in both metrics in auditory localization. The results indicate that vision can significantly influence both the speed and accuracy of auditory localization, especially when auditory stimuli are more ambiguous. The influence of vision is shown for both normal hearing- and hearing-impaired listeners. The second set of experiments examined the effect of frontal visual stimulation on localizing an auditory target presented from in front of or behind a listener. The results show domain-specific effects of visual capture on both response time and response accuracy. These results support previous findings that auditory-visual interactions are not limited by the spatial rule of proximity. These results further suggest the strong influence of vision on both the processing and the decision-making stages of sound source localization for both listeners with normal, and impaired hearing.
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Investigation of Sensorimotor Abilities in Stroke Survivors With Aphasia: A Delayed Auditory Feedback Study

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Aphasia is an acquired speech-language disorder that is brought upon because of post-stroke damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. Treatment for individuals with these speech production impairments can be challenging for clinicians because there is high variability in

Aphasia is an acquired speech-language disorder that is brought upon because of post-stroke damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. Treatment for individuals with these speech production impairments can be challenging for clinicians because there is high variability in language recovery after stroke and lesion size does not predict language outcome (Lazar et al, 2008). It is also important to note that adequate integration between the sensory and motor systems is critical for many aspects of fluent speech and correcting speech errors. The present study seeks to investigate how delayed auditory-feedback paradigms, which alter the time scale of sensorimotor interactions in speech, might be useful in characterizing the speech production impairments in individuals with aphasia. To this end, six individuals with aphasia and nine age-matched control subjects were introduced to delayed auditory feedback at 4 different intervals during a sentence reading task. Our study found that the aphasia group generated more errors in 3 out of the 4 linguistic categories measured across all delay lengths, but that there was no significant main effect delay or interaction between group and delay. Acoustic analyses revealed variability among scores within the control and aphasia groups on all phoneme types. For example, acoustic analyses highlighted how the individual with conduction aphasia showed significantly longer amplitudes at all delays, and significantly larger duration at no delay, but that significance diminished as delay periods increased. Overall, this study suggests that delayed auditory feedback’s effects vary across individuals with aphasia and provides a base of research to be further built on by future testing of individuals with varying aphasia types and levels of severity.

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Effects of Error-Detection Training on Speech Motor Learning

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When we produce speech movements, we expect a specific auditory consequence, but an error occurs when the predicted outcomes do not match the actual speech outcome. The brain notes these discrepancies, learns from the errors, and works to lower these

When we produce speech movements, we expect a specific auditory consequence, but an error occurs when the predicted outcomes do not match the actual speech outcome. The brain notes these discrepancies, learns from the errors, and works to lower these errors. Previous studies have shown a relationship between speech motor learning and auditory targets. Subjects with smaller auditory targets were more sensitive to errors. These subjects estimated larger perturbations and generated larger responses. However, these responses were often ineffective, and the changes were usually minimal. The current study examined whether subjects’ auditory targets can be manipulated in an experimental setting. We recruited 10 healthy young adults to complete a perceptual vowel categorization task. We developed a novel procedure where subjects heard different auditory stimuli and reported the stimuli by locating the stimuli relative to adjacent vowels. We found that when stimuli are closer to vowel boundary, subjects are less accurate. Importantly, by providing visual feedback to subjects, subjects were able to improve their accuracy of locating the stimuli. These results indicated that we might be able to improve subjects’ auditory targets and thus may improve their speech motor learning ability.

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Development of a MATLAB Software to Localize the ‘Hotspot’ for TMS Studies

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used in a variety of research settings, including speech neuroscience studies. However, one of the difficulties in using TMS for speech studies is the time that it takes to localize

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used in a variety of research settings, including speech neuroscience studies. However, one of the difficulties in using TMS for speech studies is the time that it takes to localize the lip motor cortex representation on the scalp. For my project, I used MATLAB to create a software package that facilitates the localization of the ‘hotspot’ for TMS studies in a systematic, reliable manner. The software sends TMS pulses at certain locations, collects electromyography (EMG) data, and extracts motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) to help users visualize the resulting muscle activation. In this way, users can systematically find the subject’s hotspot for TMS stimulation of the motor cortex. The hotspot detection software was found to be an effective and efficient improvement on previous localization methods.

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The Effect of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Speech Motor Learning

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Speech motor learning is important for learning to speak during childhood and maintaining the speech system throughout adulthood. Motor and auditory cortical regions play crucial roles in speech motor learning. This experiment aimed to use transcranial alternating current stimulation, a

Speech motor learning is important for learning to speak during childhood and maintaining the speech system throughout adulthood. Motor and auditory cortical regions play crucial roles in speech motor learning. This experiment aimed to use transcranial alternating current stimulation, a neurostimulation technique, to influence auditory and motor cortical activity. In this study, we used an auditory-motor adaptation task as an experimental model of speech motor learning. Subjects repeated words while receiving formant shifts, which made the subjects’ speech sound different from their production. During the adaptation task, subjects received Beta (20 Hz), Alpha (10 Hz), or Sham stimulation. We applied the stimulation to the ventral motor cortex that is involved in planning speech movements. We found that the stimulation did not influence the magnitude of adaptation. We suggest that some limitations of the study may have contributed to the negative results.

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Predicting /r/ Acquisition: A Longitudinal Analysis Using Signal Processing

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The purpose of this longitudinal study was to predict /r/ acquisition using acoustic signal processing. 19 children, aged 5-7 with inaccurate /r/, were followed until they turned 8 or acquired /r/, whichever came first. Acoustic and descriptive data from 14

The purpose of this longitudinal study was to predict /r/ acquisition using acoustic signal processing. 19 children, aged 5-7 with inaccurate /r/, were followed until they turned 8 or acquired /r/, whichever came first. Acoustic and descriptive data from 14 participants were analyzed. The remaining 5 children continued to be followed. The study analyzed differences in spectral energy at the baseline acoustic signals of participants who eventually acquired /r/ compared to that of those who did not acquire /r/. Results indicated significant differences between groups in the baseline signals for vocalic and postvocalic /r/, suggesting that the acquisition of certain allophones may be predictable. Participants’ articulatory changes made during the progression of acquisition were also analyzed spectrally. A retrospective analysis described the pattern in which /r/ allophones were acquired, proposing that vocalic /r/ and the postvocalic variant of consonantal /r/ may be acquired prior to prevocalic /r/, and /r/ followed by low vowels may be acquired before /r/ followed by high vowels, although individual variations exist.

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Utilizing functional MRI to Analyze Differences in the Brain in Response to Speech and Music Stimuli in Persons with Aphasia

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The distinctions between the neural resources supporting speech and music comprehension have long been studied using contexts like aphasia and amusia, and neuroimaging in control subjects. While many models have emerged to describe the different networks uniquely recruited in response

The distinctions between the neural resources supporting speech and music comprehension have long been studied using contexts like aphasia and amusia, and neuroimaging in control subjects. While many models have emerged to describe the different networks uniquely recruited in response to speech and music stimuli, there are still many questions, especially regarding left-hemispheric strokes that disrupt typical speech-processing brain networks, and how musical training might affect the brain networks recruited for speech after a stroke. Thus, our study aims to explore some questions related to the above topics. We collected task-based functional MRI data from 12 subjects who previously experienced a left-hemispheric stroke. Subjects listened to blocks of spoken sentences and novel piano melodies during scanning to examine the differences in brain activations in response to speech and music. We hypothesized that speech stimuli would activate right frontal regions, and music stimuli would activate the right superior temporal regions more than speech (both findings not seen in previous studies of control subjects), as a result of functional changes in the brain, following the left-hemispheric stroke and particularly the loss of functionality in the left temporal lobe. We also hypothesized that the music stimuli would cause a stronger activation in right temporal cortex for participants who have had musical training than those who have not. Our results indicate that speech stimuli compared to rest activated the anterior superior temporal gyrus bilaterally and activated the right inferior frontal lobe. Music stimuli compared to rest did not activate the brain bilaterally, but rather only activated the right middle temporal gyrus. When the group analysis was performed with music experience as a covariate, we found that musical training did not affect activations to music stimuli specifically, but there was greater right hemisphere activation in several regions in response to speech stimuli as a function of more years of musical training. The results of the study agree with our hypotheses regarding the functional changes in the brain, but they conflict with our hypothesis about musical expertise. Overall, the study has generated interesting starting points for further explorations of how musical neural resources may be recruited for speech processing after damage to typical language networks.

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Corrective Responses to Auditory Feedback Perturbations During Speaking

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The brain continuously monitors speech output to detect potential errors between its sensory prediction and its sensory production (Daliri et al., 2020). When the brain encounters an error, it generates a corrective motor response, usually in the opposite direction, to

The brain continuously monitors speech output to detect potential errors between its sensory prediction and its sensory production (Daliri et al., 2020). When the brain encounters an error, it generates a corrective motor response, usually in the opposite direction, to reduce the effect of the error. Previous studies have shown that the type of auditory error received may impact a participant’s corrective response. In this study, we examined whether participants respond differently to categorical or non-categorical errors. We applied two types of perturbation in real-time by shifting the first formant (F1) and second formant (F2) at three different magnitudes. The vowel /ɛ/ was shifted toward the vowel /æ/ in the categorical perturbation condition. In the non-categorical perturbation condition, the vowel /ɛ/ was shifted to a sound outside of the vowel quadrilateral (increasing both F1 and F2). Our results showed that participants responded to the categorical perturbation while they did not respond to the non-categorical perturbation. Additionally, we found that in the categorical perturbation condition, as the magnitude of the perturbation increased, the magnitude of the response increased. Overall, our results suggest that the brain may respond differently to categorical and non-categorical errors, and the brain is highly attuned to errors in speech.

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Biomarkers of Familial Speech Sound Disorders: Genes, Perception, and Motor Control

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Speech sound disorders (SSDs) are the most prevalent type of communication disorder in children. Clinically, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) rely on behavioral methods for assessing and treating SSDs. Though clients typically experience improved speech outcomes as a result of

Speech sound disorders (SSDs) are the most prevalent type of communication disorder in children. Clinically, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) rely on behavioral methods for assessing and treating SSDs. Though clients typically experience improved speech outcomes as a result of therapy, there is evidence that underlying deficits may persist even in individuals who have completed treatment for surface-level speech behaviors. Advances in the field of genetics have created the opportunity to investigate the contribution of genes to human communication. Due to the heterogeneity of many communication disorders, the manner in which specific genetic changes influence neural mechanisms, and thereby behavioral phenotypes, remains largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to identify genotype-phenotype associations, along with perceptual, and motor-related biomarkers within families displaying SSDs. Five parent-child trios participated in genetic testing, and five families participated in a combination of genetic and behavioral testing to help elucidate biomarkers related to SSDs. All of the affected individuals had a history of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) except for one family that displayed a phonological disorder. Genetic investigation yielded several genes of interest relevant for an SSD phenotype: CNTNAP2, CYFIP1, GPR56, HERC1, KIAA0556, LAMA5, LAMB1, MDGA2, MECP2, NBEA, SHANK3, TENM3, and ZNF142. All of these genes showed at least some expression in the developing brain. Gene ontology analysis yielded terms supporting a genetic influence on central nervous system development. Behavioral testing revealed evidence of a sequential processing biomarker for all individuals with CAS, with many showing deficits in sequential motor skills in addition to speech deficits. In some families, participants also showed evidence of a co-occurring perceptual processing biomarker. The family displaying a phonological phenotype showed milder sequential processing deficits compared to CAS families. Overall, this study supports the presence of a sequential processing biomarker for CAS and shows that relevant genes of interest may be influencing a CAS phenotype via sequential processing. Knowledge of these biomarkers can help strengthen precision of clinical assessment and motivate development of novel interventions for individuals with SSDs.
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Dyslexia, Creativity, and Neural Adaptation

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Objective: A recent electroencephalogram (EEG) study of adults with dyslexia showed that individuals with dyslexia have diminished auditory sensory gating compared to typical controls. Previous studies done involving intoxication and its effect on sensory gating and creativity have shown that

Objective: A recent electroencephalogram (EEG) study of adults with dyslexia showed that individuals with dyslexia have diminished auditory sensory gating compared to typical controls. Previous studies done involving intoxication and its effect on sensory gating and creativity have shown that there is a positive correlation between creativity (divergent thinking problem solving) and sensory gating deficiency. With previous study findings, the link between dyslexia and sensory gating deficiency and the link between sensory gating deficiency and creativity have been shown, but not the link between dyslexia and creativity. This pilot study aims to address this knowledge gap using event-related potentials.

Methods: Two adults with dyslexia and 4 control adults participated in an auditory gating test using tone pairs. Latencies and Amplitudes for the N100 and P200 responses were recorded and analyzed. Participants were also administered the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA), a test of creative ability designed to evaluate divergent thinking in individuals. Results were averaged and compared.

Results: The averaged difference in measured N100 amplitudes between tone 1 and tone 2 was significantly larger in the control group compared to the difference observed in the dyslexia group. In particular, one participant with dyslexia who had low scores on a task of rapid word recognition also showed no evidence of gating at the N100 component, whereas the other participant with dyslexia with good word recognition scores showed evidence of intact gating. The averaged difference in measured P200 amplitude between tone 1 and tone 2 was larger in the dyslexia group compared to the control group; however, the difference was small enough to be considered insignificant. The total average ATTA score for the control group was higher than the average of the dyslexia group. This difference in total average was less than one point on a 106-point scale.

Conclusions: Neural sensory gating occurs approximately 100 ms after the onset of a stimulus and is diminished in adults with dyslexia who also have deficits in rapid word recognition. There is a difference in creativity, in terms of divergent thinking, between those with dyslexia and those without (controls scored higher on average); however, the difference is not significant (less than one point). Dyslexia scores were more consistent than controls.
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