Spiralling Out of Control


Invasive species are non-native plants or animals that harm the environment, economy, and even human health. These species are introduced to new environments where they have no natural predators or competitors to keep them in check. As a result, they

Invasive species are non-native plants or animals that harm the environment, economy, and even human health. These species are introduced to new environments where they have no natural predators or competitors to keep them in check. As a result, they grow and reproduce quickly, outcompeting and displacing native species. Invasive species can also damage crops, infrastructure, and property, leading to significant economic losses. Moreover, some invasive species can carry diseases that can affect human health. As the leading cause of biodiversity loss according to the IUCN Red List, controlling and preventing the spread of invasive species is critical to protecting biodiversity and maintaining a healthy environment.

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Overkill - Reeling in Reality on Overfishing

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“There are plenty of other fish in the sea,” goes the old cliché. But are there, really? 1,616 species of fish are on the brink of extinction; 989 are endangered and another 627 are critically endangered. Habitat loss and pollution

“There are plenty of other fish in the sea,” goes the old cliché. But are there, really? 1,616 species of fish are on the brink of extinction; 989 are endangered and another 627 are critically endangered. Habitat loss and pollution are significant factors in the decline of these species, however, overfishing is spearheading extinction rates. It’s time to reel in reality on one of the biggest threats to our seas inhabitants. The gutting truth is, if they die, we die.

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Academic Pressure and Its Effects on Asian Students

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An exhibition about the expectations, stress, and pressure that were put on Asian students and how that negatively affect their mentally, physical, and emotional health.

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The Fight for Women at Work

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This creative project dives into the issue of sexual harassment against women at work. I applied the topic to a clock and exhibit design, and explained the topic further in “In Conclusion.” The book also documents my senior year research, projects, and experience.

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America: The land of the Incarcerated

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The United States of America has the highest incarceration rate in the world per capita. In 2019, the American criminal justice system held almost 2.3 million people in prisons. The current prison system is failing us. Eighty percent of prisoners

The United States of America has the highest incarceration rate in the world per capita. In 2019, the American criminal justice system held almost 2.3 million people in prisons. The current prison system is failing us. Eighty percent of prisoners return to jail within 5 years of being released because the prison system focuses on punishment, not rehabilitation, making reintegration into society nearly impossible for released criminals. Solitary confinement, abuse and a lack of resources only make this worse. Roughly 600,000 prisoners are released every year, back into your community to interact with your children and family, after years and years of sensory deprivation, violence, and being medically neglected. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of contributing factors and products of the mass incarceration crisis, but the most threatening and in need of attention are: the overcriminalization of drugs, inmate treatment and living conditions, the arrest and trial process, the prioritization of punishment over rehabilitation, and long sentence lengths for non-violent offenders.<br/><br/>The goal of my project is to bring awareness to this often overlooked problem. Throughout my research, I faced many unsettling emotions including fear, anger and deep sadness. While I do not wish to cause you pain, I noticed the impact my emotions had on my response to this issue. Therefore, I included disturbing content in my design to bring out similar emotions in you, because you should be fearful and angry about what is happening in our country.

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Social Media Manipulation, How it Can Lead to a Divided Country, and Ways to Help


This Thesis presentation and book review is on social media manipulation and the issue of media algorithms developing a close minded perspective in individuals. It discusses the mechanics of these algorithms, the definition of social media manipulation, and the neutral

This Thesis presentation and book review is on social media manipulation and the issue of media algorithms developing a close minded perspective in individuals. It discusses the mechanics of these algorithms, the definition of social media manipulation, and the neutral negative impacts on the polarization of our country. It also goes into detail on how I applied this research to design projects throughout 4th year of the Visual Communication Design Program.

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Looking Inside and Out


An exploration of the decline of human empathy and whats aspects are important to include in design in order to see social change.

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