White Trash Storage: My Venture Development Journey

This project details my journey as an entrepreneur and the business plan for my current venture, White Trash Storage. It is a low-cost alternative to traditional self-storage. The thesis starts with my journey to developing the business as well as

This project details my journey as an entrepreneur and the business plan for my current venture, White Trash Storage. It is a low-cost alternative to traditional self-storage. The thesis starts with my journey to developing the business as well as my recognition of the problem the business solves; it then details the business plan of WTS and ends with a discussion and next steps.
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Development of Resources for Travelers with Severe Dietary Restrictions, "Allergy Voyage"

The "Development of Resources for Travelers with Severe Dietary Restrictions" focuses on the development of the service, Allergy Voyage. The service hosts restaurant menus for users with food allergies to view, helping them feel safer and confident while dining, while

The "Development of Resources for Travelers with Severe Dietary Restrictions" focuses on the development of the service, Allergy Voyage. The service hosts restaurant menus for users with food allergies to view, helping them feel safer and confident while dining, while simultaneously increasing restaurant revenue. The creative project sought to utilize Tierce's personal experience with severe dietary restrictions and entrepreneurial skills to provide concierge-based services for others suffering from food allergies.
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Examining the Relationship between Academic Majors and the Entrepreneurial Mindset: Do Computer Science Students Have an Edge?

The honors thesis explores the relationship between academic majors and the entrepreneurial mindset, focusing on whether Computer Science students have a perceived edge. The study involves a survey of 121 diverse Arizona State University students, complemented by in-depth interviews with

The honors thesis explores the relationship between academic majors and the entrepreneurial mindset, focusing on whether Computer Science students have a perceived edge. The study involves a survey of 121 diverse Arizona State University students, complemented by in-depth interviews with 12 participants across various majors. Insights reveal the complex interplay of psychological factors influencing major selection, with Computer Science students advocating for more entrepreneurship-related courses. Challenges include time constraints for STEM majors in pursuing extracurricular activities and a call for universities to proactively integrate entrepreneurship education. While acknowledging the study's limitations, the thesis emphasizes the need for universities to adapt to changing student mindsets. Despite hurdles, the collective belief is that internal determination and effort drive students forward.
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Business Plan and Projections for Entrepreneur in Fitness Social Media Space


This thesis creative project details my experience as an entrepreneur in the fitness industry. More specifically, I detail the process of creating my online fitness coaching business. A few of the topics covered in my thesis include my process for

This thesis creative project details my experience as an entrepreneur in the fitness industry. More specifically, I detail the process of creating my online fitness coaching business. A few of the topics covered in my thesis include my process for creating leads and acquiring clients, the scaling of my social media, and the future direction of my business. For the future direction of my business, I overview how I want to scale and improve my content. This is important to the longevity of my business as it helps me find women interested in my services. Additionally, I detail how I have developed the coaching program to provide the best service possible to the women within it. Overall, this thesis project allowed me the opportunity to formally write out the development of my business so far, and detail my goals in the future.

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How to Start a Venture Through Research And Application


Through Entrepreneurship at ASU, I became passionate about venture creation and the behind the scenes work that comes with creating a startup company. This allowed me to create my own venture in the realm of travel called "OverLay", where I

Through Entrepreneurship at ASU, I became passionate about venture creation and the behind the scenes work that comes with creating a startup company. This allowed me to create my own venture in the realm of travel called "OverLay", where I learned that entrepreneurship is much more than coming up with a solution and solving it. I went into the community and had informational interviews with founders of startups and successful entrepreneurs to collect qualitative analysis of what must be done to have a successful venture. Through this analysis, I continued working on my own personal venture and was able to reassess some of the initial problems that I was having. I learned the importance of being customer oriented and of creating a successful team. I am continuing to progress my venture "OverLay" and am working on an official prototype to be released. With unyielding determination and a relentless pursuit of excellence, I am excited to bring my vision to life and make a meaningful impact in the travel industry.

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investHer: Invest in Her - Providing Women Access to Networking, Education, & Entrepreneurship

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My thesis was conducted in two parts, one with the creative aspect, which was competing in Venture Devils competition with my NGO pitch-deck. The second aspect was a written portion to explain the research I have done through my creative

My thesis was conducted in two parts, one with the creative aspect, which was competing in Venture Devils competition with my NGO pitch-deck. The second aspect was a written portion to explain the research I have done through my creative project, and competing in Venture Devils. I began this project in my ENT 360 class in 2020, with Professor Sebold, so I began gathering research then. I worked with Hope Women's Center, a local non-profit, to understand what needs underprivileged women have and how my venture can support those needs. I came up with a venture pitch that provides peer mentoring, networking, and financial literacy to women.

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