Bioinformatics Analysis of Novel Model Organisms: Sponge, Flatworm, and Bacterial Endosymbionts

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Evolution has driven organisms to develop a wide range of biological mechanisms to protect against cancer. Some organisms, including the sponge Tethya wilhelma and the Placozoa Trichoplax adhaerens have developed particularly effective mechanisms to suppress cancer and repair DNA damage.

Evolution has driven organisms to develop a wide range of biological mechanisms to protect against cancer. Some organisms, including the sponge Tethya wilhelma and the Placozoa Trichoplax adhaerens have developed particularly effective mechanisms to suppress cancer and repair DNA damage. While these mechanisms are rooted in DNA damage repair and prevention, evidence of bacteria may suggest that endosymbionts living within the organisms may plays a role as well. Likewise, other organisms, such as the flatworm Macrostomum lignano, are proven model organisms whose extensive documentation enables more in-depth analysis of biological mechanisms associated with cancer. Sponges, flatworms, and Placozoa were exposed to X-ray radiation totaling 600 Gy, 25 Gy, and up to 240 Gy, respectively. RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analyses were undergone to determine the differential gene expression of the animals at different time points. No common response to the X-ray radiation was discovered amongst all organisms. Instead, sponges showed evidence of tumor suppression and DNA repair gene upregulation including CUBN, bacterial endosymbionts showed evidence of lateral gene transfer and different DNA repair genes including FH, and flatworms showed evidence of allelic and mutational shifts in which tumorous populations became more reliant on alternate alleles and a single variant signature. This study highlights the varying mechanisms that have evolved in different organisms and the importance of studying these novel model organisms further.

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Genetically Barcoding HCC827 Cells using ClonTracer to Study Therapeutic Resistance

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Therapeutic resistance is a significant challenge in cancer treatment and is unfortunately a byproduct of said treatment. Although therapies kill the majority of cancer cells, they also leave behind resistant cells that proliferate to reconstitute the cancer and ultimately kill

Therapeutic resistance is a significant challenge in cancer treatment and is unfortunately a byproduct of said treatment. Although therapies kill the majority of cancer cells, they also leave behind resistant cells that proliferate to reconstitute the cancer and ultimately kill the patient. Current sequencing techniques do not give us the ability to track individual cancer cells that contribute to resistance. Genetic barcoding is a potential solution to this problem. The goal of this project was to use the ClonTracer barcoding system to label HCC827 (lung adenocarcinoma) cells, so that we could follow how a tumor changes in response to therapy and identify which populations of mutant cells contribute to drug resistance. From the work we have done so far, we have been able to successfully barcode the HCC827 cells, such that each cell has a unique barcode. Further experiments are needed to fully optimize the barcoding process. Once optimization is complete, we will then plan on exposing the HCC827 cells to various concentrations of Gefitinib, a targeted cancer therapy, in hyperflasks to scale up our cell populations to more realistically model those found in tumors. This future work will allow us to determine whether ClonTracer is a reliable tool in modeling therapeutic resistance and will hopefully provide us insight on how to better treat cancer in a way that addresses the issue of therapeutic resistance.
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Development of a new model organism in cancer research: Macrostomum lignano (Platyhelminthes)

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Macrostomum lignano is characterized by its elevated regenerative ability conferred by its high percentage of stem cells (the highest recorded for any animal). M. lignano is already used as a model organism for addressing fundamental questions of stem cell biology,

Macrostomum lignano is characterized by its elevated regenerative ability conferred by its high percentage of stem cells (the highest recorded for any animal). M. lignano is already used as a model organism for addressing fundamental questions of stem cell biology, aging, regeneration, and reproduction, but not yet cancer.
M. lignano larvae were isolated into separate wells of 24-well plates. After reaching maturity (30 days), the experimental plates were exposed to 5 Gys of X-rays every 4 days for a total of a 25 Gy exposure. We observed phenotypes that may be attributed to the acute effect of irradiation (e.g. blisters) but we recorded two types of phenotypes that may be a result of long-term effects of exposure to radiation. We observed enlarged testis and dark regions/masses that appeared statistically significantly more frequently in the treated animals (Fisher exact test, p=0.0026). Preliminary histological analyses of the enlarged testis suggest a benign testis enlargement due to an aberrant growth of the testes and an accumulation of aberrant spermatozoa. Importantly, we found that, similar to cancer, the dark masses can grow in size over time and the histological analysis confirms that the observed masses are composed of cells completely different from surrounding normal cells. Notably, we observed that those masses can develop and then completely disappear through an observed method of ejection. M. lignano offer the unique possibility to study in vivo cancer development in a simple organism that can easily be cultured in the lab in large numbers.
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Trichoplax adhaerens: A Novel Model Organism in Cancer Research

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Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa) is the simplest multicellular animal to be described. This organism lacks nervous tissue, muscle tissue and organs, and is composed of only five cell types organized into three layers. Placozoa are gaining popularity as a model organism

Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa) is the simplest multicellular animal to be described. This organism lacks nervous tissue, muscle tissue and organs, and is composed of only five cell types organized into three layers. Placozoa are gaining popularity as a model organism due to their simple make-up and completely sequenced genome. The complete sequencing of this organism’s genome has revealed the presence of important genes in cancer such as TP53 and MDM2 genes. Along with the presence of these genes, there are also additional pathways commonly deregulated in cancer that are well conserved in this organism. T. adhaerens are able to survive exposure to 160Gy and even 240Gy of X-ray radiation. Though small dark bodies form within the main body, they tend to extrude those masses, and continue to reproduce afterwards. After exposure to both grades of radiation, there was a greater increase in the apparent population size of the treated population than the control population. There was also a greater decrease in surface area of the organisms exposed to 160Gy than the control organisms. This increase in population and decrease in surface area of the treated organisms could be due to the extruded bodies. We hypothesize that the observed extrusion is a novel cancer defense mechanism for ridding the animal of damaged or mutated cells. This hypothesis should be tested through longitudinal observation and genetic analysis of the extruded bodies.
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Developing a new model organism in cancer research: Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa)

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All multicellular organisms are susceptible to developing cancer, but some organisms have varying sensitivities to the disease. One such organism is the Trichoplax adhaerens which has no documented case of cancer development. T. adhaerens cancer resistance was studied by observing

All multicellular organisms are susceptible to developing cancer, but some organisms have varying sensitivities to the disease. One such organism is the Trichoplax adhaerens which has no documented case of cancer development. T. adhaerens cancer resistance was studied by observing physiological and morphological changes of the organism after radiation treatment. Preliminary experiments suggested that this organism is able to survive exposure to 160 gray radiation treatment almost as well as untreated organisms. The T. adhaerens have two genes, TriadG6402 and TriadG5479, similar to the human genes TP53 and MDM2 respectively. TP53 and MDM2 are the two main genes associated with apoptosis in humans: an important cell regulatory checkpoint involved in cancer prevention. PCR analysis, done after radiation treatment, showed an overexpression of the ortholog gene MDM2 in the T. adhaerens. This may suggest that T. adhaerens block apoptosis from occurring and that their ortholog gene is involved in DNA repair. It is significant to study the gene expression of TriadG6402 and TriadG54791 in T. adhaerens because these genes are well conserved in humans. Future studies of these genes in the T. adhaerens can be used to understand the evolution of the function of these genes in more complex organisms and be used for human cancer prevention.
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