The Complexities of the Virtual Economy of Counter-Strike 2 and Their Predictability

Although many games have digital economies and some even allow players to trade their items with other players for real-world money, none have found quite the same level of success as Counter-Strike’s virtual economy, valued in the billions of dollars.

Although many games have digital economies and some even allow players to trade their items with other players for real-world money, none have found quite the same level of success as Counter-Strike’s virtual economy, valued in the billions of dollars. Within this market, there exist cosmetic items that span from a just few cents to purchase to private deals for rare collector’s items that total well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars (McAdam, Boulton 2024). In this thesis, we will be exploring what exactly makes this virtual economy such a financial powerhouse as well as what factors contribute to the vast gulf in pricing seen in this fascinating market. Upon identifying these factors, we will see how they can be used to predict the pricing of skins that could eventually come to the game.
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Renewables; environmental, social, and financial impact

Renewable energy will emerge as the primary driver of global energy demand in the coming decades. Projections from the International Energy Agency (IEA) suggest a remarkable growth trajectory, with renewable energy demand forecasted to soar by an average annual rate

Renewable energy will emerge as the primary driver of global energy demand in the coming decades. Projections from the International Energy Agency (IEA) suggest a remarkable growth trajectory, with renewable energy demand forecasted to soar by an average annual rate of 7.3% from 2007 to 2030 (Sadorsky). In stark contrast, conventional energy sources like coal and oil not only pose significant environmental hazards but also endanger human health and impede economic progress. With mounting concerns over the environmental impact of fossil fuels, there's a palpable shift towards renewable energy sources. While traditional energy sources theoretically offer an abundance of energy, the promise of renewables is undeniable. Notably, the cost of solar and wind power systems has witnessed a substantial decline over the past three decades and continues to plummet. In contrast, the prices of oil and gas remain volatile. This trend underscores the increasing feasibility of transitioning to renewable-based energy systems, marking a pivotal moment in our energy landscape.
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The Profitability of North American Esports

North America is home to an Esports scene that is currently experiencing financially tumultuous times, with the COVID-19 pandemic cutting a lot of investment, Esports is in a dire spot to be self-sustainable. This paper uses analytics as well as

North America is home to an Esports scene that is currently experiencing financially tumultuous times, with the COVID-19 pandemic cutting a lot of investment, Esports is in a dire spot to be self-sustainable. This paper uses analytics as well as forms of visualization to look at the history of Esports among its traditional sporting peers, and whether or not it can be profitable in the North American Market.
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This thesis will discuss how procurement should approach price increases from suppliers during at time of rising inflation. It explains the process that should be taken by a procurement associate and the different routes. The thesis mainly focuses on how

This thesis will discuss how procurement should approach price increases from suppliers during at time of rising inflation. It explains the process that should be taken by a procurement associate and the different routes. The thesis mainly focuses on how procurement needs to be adaptable to changes during inflation since it can cause many aspects of the business to be volatile. This paper also leaves room for future research to analyze the optimal time to negotiate with a supplier after a downward trend.

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Supporting Students’ Academic Achievement Through Middle School Math Homework Design


Math homework is a highly debated topic within the middle school education field. Teachers, parents, and students all have differing opinions on what the ideal math homework assignment is and how it promotes academic achievement. This study was intended for

Math homework is a highly debated topic within the middle school education field. Teachers, parents, and students all have differing opinions on what the ideal math homework assignment is and how it promotes academic achievement. This study was intended for discovering what the optimal middle school math homework assignment looks like, how teachers can best follow-up on the assignment, and the most beneficial quantity and frequency of homework. Currently, teachers need more distinct guidelines when designing homework assignments. Students in Barrett, The Honors College, at Arizona State University were asked a series of questions about the type, length, and follow-up practices of their homework assignments and how they felt about them. It was found that students who like math are generally highly motivated in the subject. Most often, students are given short but frequent practice homework assignments, which they find to be most helpful, and they appreciate when teachers review the steps and solutions to the assignments in class. These results should allow educators to better align their math homework assignments with practices that students find to be helpful and necessary.

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Exploring the Uses and Value of Green Roofs and Green Walls

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In this paper, I cover the background and economic history of green buildings, including four case studies. Based on this exploration, I find that green roofs and walls are best suited to dense, highly paved cities with little capacity to

In this paper, I cover the background and economic history of green buildings, including four case studies. Based on this exploration, I find that green roofs and walls are best suited to dense, highly paved cities with little capacity to expand their sewer systems. Green infrastructure is best suited for stormwater management to avoid combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution and managing urban heat island (UHI) effects, while at the same time providing many positive externalities for people and the environment. Green buildings take those benefits and fit them into a smaller area (on roofs and walls), which is most applicable where tearing up pavement to provide more ground-level green space and expanding the sewer systems would be too costly.

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It’s All About the Capital: Evaluating the Effects of the Great Recession’s Regulatory Reforms and their Impact on the COVID-19 Recession

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Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, financial institutions faced regulatory changes due to inherent weaknesses that were exposed by the recession. Within the United States, regulation came via the passing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection

Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, financial institutions faced regulatory changes due to inherent weaknesses that were exposed by the recession. Within the United States, regulation came via the passing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010, which was heavily influenced by the internationally focused Basel III accord. A key component to both of these sets of regulations focused on raising the capital requirements for financial institutions, as well as creating capital buffers to help protect solvency during economic downturns in the future. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of these changes to capital requirements, and to hypothesize as to what would happen if the modern banking system experienced the COVID-19 pandemic recession with the capital and leverage levels of the banking institutions circa 2007. To accomplish this, data from the Federal Reserve describing the capital and leverage ratios of the banking industry will be evaluated during both the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, as well as during the COVID-19 Recession. Specifically, we will look at by how much capital was improved due to Dodd-Frank/Basel III, the resiliency of the capital and leverage ratios during the modern COVID-19 recession, and we will look at the average drop in capital levels caused by the COVID-19 recession and apply these percentage changes to the leverage/capital levels seen in 2007. Given the results, it is clear to see that the change in capital requirements along with the counter-cyclical buffers described in Dodd-Frank and Basel III allowed the banking system to function throughout the COVID recession without approaching insolvency in the slightest, something that ailed many large banks and firms during the Global Financial Crisis. As an answer to our hypothetical, we found that the drop seen affecting the measures of bank capital experienced during the COVID pandemic when applied to values seen at the beginning of the 2007 recession still led to a well-capitalized banking industry as a whole, highlighting the resiliency seen during the COVID recession thanks to the capital buffers put in place, as well as the direct assistance provided by the federal government (via PPP loans and stimulus checks) and the Federal Reserve in keeping the hit on capital to minimal values throughout the pandemic.

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You Play Ball Like a Girl: Debunking the Myth That Sportswomen Are Not Marketable

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What if I told you that a few photos of a sweatshirt, delivered at the perfect time, cracked a case that had stumped some of the world’s greatest marketing minds for more than twenty years? What if I told you

What if I told you that a few photos of a sweatshirt, delivered at the perfect time, cracked a case that had stumped some of the world’s greatest marketing minds for more than twenty years? What if I told you that a dismissed lawsuit played an integral part in this? One made possible by a rainy night in Couva, Trinidad? Or that all of this, hundreds of years in the making, could aid a wrongfully incarcerated man in being freed after spending twenty two years in prison, and pioneer one of the largest-scale social justice movements of the 21st century? All catalyzed by the effects of a global pandemic? If I told you, would you believe me? But let’s get back to that sweatshirt for now.<br/>In January 2020, the Coronavirus was a seemingly distant issue for another part of the world to most Americans. A generation that had seen the likes of H1N1 and Ebola come, cause irrational panic, and subsequently disappear had grown complacent with regard to unknown diseases. On March 9th, Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert took a defiant step in dispelling fears of COVID-19 by touching every microphone in the room at the end of an interview. Two days later, a test revealed that he had contracted the virus, the first professional athlete to do so. The NBA suspended all activities, and thus began the succession of sports leagues across the nation suspending their seasons as global infection numbers rose. But we humans are resilient. As weeks became months, the NBA and WNBA were able to engineer “bubbles” to play in: isolated areas with only the players and essential personnel to play the games, equipped with safety precautions and persistent testing. With no fans allowed inside, social media and media members provided the only glimpse into the “bubble” that ordairy fans would get.<br/>The mornings of July 25th and 26th, as the players arrived for the first games of the day and were snapped by photographers, many sported orange hoodies with the trademark white WNBA logo in the center, to promote the start of the WNBA’s “bubble” season that summer. This sent the internet into a frenzy. “#OrangeHoodie” was trending across all social media platforms, the item sold out on many websites, and more people than ever were talking about the WNBA online. That season, WNBA viewership spiked. More people watched the WNBA than ever before, even with the NBA’s playoffs taking place at the same time. How, then, did a single orange hoodie change the future of marketing the WNBA? What does that tell us about other women’s sports that have similarly struggled with attention and viewership? What role does media exposure play in all of this; do we perceive women differently in the media than we do men? Are these issues rooted in deeper societal prejudices, or are women’s sports simply quantifiably less entertaining?<br/>On a journey to find the answers to these questions, I learned a lot about the relationship of media and culture, about sport, and about the outstanding untold stories of American sportswomen. However, the most important thing I found was that women are marketable. After long being denied the opportunities and exposure they deserve, American culture has as a result pushed women to the background under the guise of them not being demanded or marketable. This could not be further from the truth. They are not demanded because they are not seen. Investing in sportswomen would not only create a better future for all women, but for all people. How, then, is this achievable? How will the powers that be allow for changes to be made? How can we as individuals be receptive to this change? In this thesis, I will take you on a journey where media is fun and fair, and where the future is female.

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Exploring the Economics of American Innovation

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In the 21st century economy, life moves pretty fast, and change is happening all around us. For example, it was common to drive to shopping malls with your friends or family and spend the whole afternoon browsing through hundreds of

In the 21st century economy, life moves pretty fast, and change is happening all around us. For example, it was common to drive to shopping malls with your friends or family and spend the whole afternoon browsing through hundreds of items until you found the perfect purchase. Or, only a few months ago, the entire world was put on lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19, which caused a recession when consumers stopped spending as much to start saving. Americans also used to enjoy their loud, gas-guzzling cars and trucks to get them from place to place. Now what changed, and why? The study of economics justifies how we, as human, fundamentally live and make choices every day. As we notice the results of our choices, we may continue to do the same the next day, temporarily go another route, or alter our behavior permanently. This framework presents the concept of innovation. By applying this logic to the business world, I will attempt to analyze and defend why the innovations of e-commerce, COVID-19 vaccines, and electric vehicles were the natural cause of society changing perspective to move forward toward a better tomorrow.

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“No Justice, No Peace”: Analyzing the Movement to Defund the Police Through a Lens of Economic Justice

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This thesis discusses the circumstances surrounding the movement to defund and eventually abolish the police. It introduces abolitionist theory and analyzes the economic and social factors contributing to the ideology's increasing popularity. Further, this paper examines the expenditures of several

This thesis discusses the circumstances surrounding the movement to defund and eventually abolish the police. It introduces abolitionist theory and analyzes the economic and social factors contributing to the ideology's increasing popularity. Further, this paper examines the expenditures of several police departments in Arizona and how increases in spending affect their respective cities' crime rates. According to the regression analyses conducted for this thesis, the results indicate that there is little to no correlation between law enforcement expenditures and community safety. Upon completion of that analysis, this paper discusses recommendations to redistribute public monetary resources as a means to promote economic and social justice.

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