Male Sceloporus tristichus Lizards Increase Aggression in the Presence of a Conspecific Intruder

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Territoriality is seen across different species of animals anywhere, from birds, fish, and mammals to reptiles. Although many animals use several types of signals to defend their territories, signals in different sensory modalities have varying properties that may influence their

Territoriality is seen across different species of animals anywhere, from birds, fish, and mammals to reptiles. Although many animals use several types of signals to defend their territories, signals in different sensory modalities have varying properties that may influence their effectiveness in different contexts. This study investigates whether male plateau fence lizards (Sceloporus tristichus) use chemical or visual behavior during territory defense. Both visual and chemical communication modalities inform the audience about the producer’s physiological condition. The results show no obvious tradeoff between visual and chemical modalities in the behavior recorded in the presence of another male lizard compared to when undisturbed, suggesting that these signals are not used in territory defense. An increased visual head bob display is the most common spiny lizard territory defense response to conspecific intruders. However, this is not always the case, as environmental and evolutionary constraints influence communication. This species does not perform typical territorial behavior. However, there was a significant increase in aggressive visual displays, called full shows, in the presence of the intruding live stimulus. An increase in full shows could be a less conspicuous way to defend their territory instead of performing an entire broadcasting head bob display while perched in an open/exposed habitat notably filled with predatory birds. This shows modification within one communication modality to result in more effective communication.
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A Multiliteracies Approach to Teaching YA Graphic Novels and Memoirs in a Secondary English Language Arts Classroom

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This classroom-based qualitative study examines a multiliteracies approach to teaching Young Adult Literature graphic novels and memoirs within a five-week book club study unit that took place within a twelfth-grade secondary English language arts classroom in an urban school in

This classroom-based qualitative study examines a multiliteracies approach to teaching Young Adult Literature graphic novels and memoirs within a five-week book club study unit that took place within a twelfth-grade secondary English language arts classroom in an urban school in the Southwest. It explores the teaching and take up of several multiliteracies approaches including written language, oral language, visual representation, audio representation and spatial representation to support adolescents in reading and responding to this unfamiliar genre of Young Adult Literature. Data collection included a demographic survey, pre and post reading habits surveys, student interviews, student drawing and writing in response to texts, visual analysis, and digital graphic narratives. Findings from this study reveal how a multiliteracies approach to teaching Young Adult Literature graphic novels/memoirs supports student reading by allowing for personal and real-world connections to text. It also showed that summarized visual responses to texts in the form of doodling allowed students to come to a deeper understanding of visual literacy through the words and images of the Young Adult Literature graphic novel/memoir. Other findings showed that through the creation of graphic narratives, students grew to appreciate and understand the complexity of Young Adult Literature graphic novels/memoirs as well as discover a newfound appreciation for the genre. Lastly, through participating in literature circle discussions, students gained new insight and perspective from talking in groups on the interpretation of the words and images from their books. In addition, they were able to clarify confusions, work through problems and advance their understanding of their Young Adult Literature graphic novel/memoirs. These findings support the use of a multiliteracies approach to teaching Young Adult Literature graphic novels within the secondary English language arts classroom and point to the value of expanding access to this genre within the formal English language arts curriculum.
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Becoming Central: The Participation and Positioning of Seventh-Grade Emergent Bilinguals During Drama-Based Pedagogy

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This interpretive dissertation study draws upon a sociocultural framework to understand what happened when a seventh-grade teacher introduced drama-based pedagogy into her English Language Arts (ELA) classroom to aid emergent bilinguals’ participation and positioning within the classroom network of practice.

This interpretive dissertation study draws upon a sociocultural framework to understand what happened when a seventh-grade teacher introduced drama-based pedagogy into her English Language Arts (ELA) classroom to aid emergent bilinguals’ participation and positioning within the classroom network of practice. The classroom teacher had little training in best practices for supporting emergent bilinguals and no training in drama-based pedagogical approaches for teaching and learning before she participated in this study. I trained the classroom teacher in these practices and provided guidance and feedback during the implementation of drama-based pedagogy. The following research question guided this investigation: What happens when drama-based pedagogy is introduced into a seventh-grade ELA class to support emergent bilinguals? Twenty-seven students from an urban middle school in the southwestern United States participated in this study. According to the state’s English language proficiency exam, three students were identified as English language learners. All three had attended schools in the United States since kindergarten. I conducted classroom observations and interviews with the student and teacher participants to gather data on how emergent bilinguals participated and were positioned during drama-based lessons. Then I analyzed the data corpus using multiple forms of coding, social network analysis, and multimodal interaction analysis. My findings describe the emergent bilinguals’ multimodal classroom interactions with their peers and the teacher during drama-based pedagogy. I present excerpts from interview, reflection meeting, and multimodal transcripts to support my analysis of participation and positioning. Based on my findings, I generated five assertions: (1) emergent bilinguals increased their access to academic resources within the peer academic network after engaging in drama-based pedagogy; (2) emergent bilinguals demonstrated moments of resistance and adaptation during drama-based pedagogy; (3) emergent bilinguals' participation during drama-based pedagogy fluctuated between moments of maintaining and becoming certain kinds of students; (4) incorporating drama-based pedagogy into the seventh-grade ELA class required the teacher to preserve time for more traditional ELA practices while also re-envisioning classroom instruction; and (5) students sometimes misinterpreted teacher facilitation as requirements which limited student agency during drama-based pedagogy. The dissertation concludes with implications for research and practice and outlines potential directions for future research.
Date Created

Improving upon the State-of-the-Art in Multimodal Emotional Recognition in Dialogue

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Emotion recognition in conversation has applications within numerous domains such as affective computing and medicine. Recent methods for emotion recognition jointly utilize conversational data over several modalities including audio, video, and text. However, state-of-the-art frameworks for this task do not

Emotion recognition in conversation has applications within numerous domains such as affective computing and medicine. Recent methods for emotion recognition jointly utilize conversational data over several modalities including audio, video, and text. However, state-of-the-art frameworks for this task do not focus on the feature extraction and feature fusion steps of this process. This thesis aims to improve the state-of-the-art method by incorporating two components to better accomplish these steps. By doing so, we are able to produce improved representations for the text modality and better model the relationships between all modalities. This paper proposes two methods which focus on these concepts and provide improved accuracy over the state-of-the-art framework for multimodal emotion recognition in dialogue.
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Separation of Agile Waveform Time-Frequency Signatures from Coexisting Multimodal Systems

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As the demand for wireless systems increases exponentially, it has become necessary

for different wireless modalities, like radar and communication systems, to share the

available bandwidth. One approach to realize coexistence successfully is for each

system to adopt a transmit waveform with a

As the demand for wireless systems increases exponentially, it has become necessary

for different wireless modalities, like radar and communication systems, to share the

available bandwidth. One approach to realize coexistence successfully is for each

system to adopt a transmit waveform with a unique nonlinear time-varying phase

function. At the receiver of the system of interest, the waveform received for process-

ing may still suffer from low signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) due to the

presence of the waveforms that are matched to the other coexisting systems. This

thesis uses a time-frequency based approach to increase the SINR of a system by estimating the unique nonlinear instantaneous frequency (IF) of the waveform matched

to the system. Specifically, the IF is estimated using the synchrosqueezing transform,

a highly localized time-frequency representation that also enables reconstruction of

individual waveform components. As the IF estimate is biased, modified versions of

the transform are investigated to obtain estimators that are both unbiased and also

matched to the unique nonlinear phase function of a given waveform. Simulations

using transmit waveforms of coexisting wireless systems are provided to demonstrate

the performance of the proposed approach using both biased and unbiased IF estimators.
Date Created

Deep Active Learning Explored Across Diverse Label Spaces

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Deep learning architectures have been widely explored in computer vision and have

depicted commendable performance in a variety of applications. A fundamental challenge

in training deep networks is the requirement of large amounts of labeled training

data. While gathering large quantities of unlabeled

Deep learning architectures have been widely explored in computer vision and have

depicted commendable performance in a variety of applications. A fundamental challenge

in training deep networks is the requirement of large amounts of labeled training

data. While gathering large quantities of unlabeled data is cheap and easy, annotating

the data is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise.

Thus, developing algorithms that minimize the human effort in training deep models

is of immense practical importance. Active learning algorithms automatically identify

salient and exemplar samples from large amounts of unlabeled data and can augment

maximal information to supervised learning models, thereby reducing the human annotation

effort in training machine learning models. The goal of this dissertation is to

fuse ideas from deep learning and active learning and design novel deep active learning

algorithms. The proposed learning methodologies explore diverse label spaces to

solve different computer vision applications. Three major contributions have emerged

from this work; (i) a deep active framework for multi-class image classication, (ii)

a deep active model with and without label correlation for multi-label image classi-

cation and (iii) a deep active paradigm for regression. Extensive empirical studies

on a variety of multi-class, multi-label and regression vision datasets corroborate the

potential of the proposed methods for real-world applications. Additional contributions

include: (i) a multimodal emotion database consisting of recordings of facial

expressions, body gestures, vocal expressions and physiological signals of actors enacting

various emotions, (ii) four multimodal deep belief network models and (iii)

an in-depth analysis of the effect of transfer of multimodal emotion features between

source and target networks on classification accuracy and training time. These related

contributions help comprehend the challenges involved in training deep learning

models and motivate the main goal of this dissertation.
Date Created

What counts as writing?: an examination of students' use of social media platforms as alternative authoring paths

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In this article-style dissertation, I explore how students used digital technologies, specifically three social media platforms, as multimodal writing platforms while creating a digital portfolio in a senior English class. These platforms are 1) Weebly pages: a website building platform,

In this article-style dissertation, I explore how students used digital technologies, specifically three social media platforms, as multimodal writing platforms while creating a digital portfolio in a senior English class. These platforms are 1) Weebly pages: a website building platform, 2) Weebly Blogs: a feature of Weebly, and 3) Instagram: a photo/video sharing application. Under a multiliteracies lens, I examine the changing nature of literacies and the educational practices surrounding learning literacies when mediated through social media.

First, I conducted an analysis of how the students in this class designed their portfolios. This is done through an examination of each students’ Weebly homepage as well as an in-depth analysis two focal students across each of the social media platforms as illustrative cases. Findings show the students designed complex multimodal compositions that would have otherwise not been possible with the more formal, rigid forms of writing typical to this classroom. Implications for this study include embracing alternative authoring paths in classrooms beyond traditional forms of text-based writing to allow for students’ interests to be included through their designs.

I also examined how students used each of the platforms and the pedagogical implications for those uses. I found that students used Instagram to write multimodally, which allowed them to express ideas in non-traditional ways that are often not present in classrooms. Students used Weebly pages to publically showcase their writing, which afforded them an opportunity to extend their writing to a larger audience. Students used Weebly Blogs to communicate informally, which allowed them to reflect on connections to the text. I offer implications for how teachers can use social media in the classroom.

Finally, I outline how Ms. Lee and her students oriented to the value of writing in this unit. Findings indicate that Ms. Lee, like many others, privileged print-based forms of writing, even in a more expansive project like the portfolio unit. The students oriented to this value by predominantly making meaning through textual modes throughout their portfolios. Implications extend to teachers expanding their classroom practices beyond the traditional forms of literacy for which they are trained.
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Baseball's Sight-Audition Farness Effect (Safe) when umpiring baserunners: competing visual and auditory cues

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In baseball, the difference between a win and loss can come down to a single call, such as when an umpire judges force outs at first base by typically comparing competing auditory and visual inputs of the ball-mitt sound and

In baseball, the difference between a win and loss can come down to a single call, such as when an umpire judges force outs at first base by typically comparing competing auditory and visual inputs of the ball-mitt sound and the foot-on-base sight. Yet, because the speed of sound in air only travels about 1100 feet per second, fans observing from several hundred feet away will receive auditory cues that are delayed a significant portion of a second, and thus conceivably could systematically differ in judgments compared to the nearby umpire. The current research examines two questions. 1. How reliably and with what biases do observers judge the order of visual versus auditory events? 2. Do observers making such order judgments from far away systematically compensate for delays due to the slow speed of sound? It is hypothesized that if any temporal bias occurs it is in the direction consistent with observers not accounting for the sound delay, such that increasing viewing distance will increase the bias to assume the sound occurred later. It was found that nearby observers are relatively accurate at judging if a sound occurred before or after a simple visual event (a flash), but exhibit a systematic bias to favor visual stimuli occurring first (by about 30 msec). In contrast, distant observers did not compensate for the delay of the speed of sound such that they systematically favored the visual cue occurring earlier as a function of viewing distance. When observers judged simple visual stimuli in motion relative to the same sound burst, the distance effect occurred as a function of the visual clarity of the ball arriving. In the baseball setting, using a large screen projection of baserunner, a diminished distance effect occurred due to the additional visual cues. In summary, observers generally do not account for the delay of sound due to distance.
Date Created

In-vehicle multimodal interaction: an approach to mitigate driver distraction

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Despite the various driver assistance systems and electronics, the threat to life of driver, passengers and other people on the road still persists. With the growth in technology, the use of in-vehicle devices with a plethora of buttons and features

Despite the various driver assistance systems and electronics, the threat to life of driver, passengers and other people on the road still persists. With the growth in technology, the use of in-vehicle devices with a plethora of buttons and features is increasing resulting in increased distraction. Recently, speech recognition has emerged as an alternative to distraction and has the potential to be beneficial. However, considering the fact that automotive environment is dynamic and noisy in nature, distraction may not arise from the manual interaction, but due to the cognitive load. Hence, speech recognition certainly cannot be a reliable mode of communication.

The thesis is focused on proposing a simultaneous multimodal approach for designing interface between driver and vehicle with a goal to enable the driver to be more attentive to the driving tasks and spend less time fiddling with distractive tasks. By analyzing the human-human multimodal interaction techniques, new modes have been identified and experimented, especially suitable for the automotive context. The identified modes are touch, speech, graphics, voice-tip and text-tip. The multiple modes are intended to work collectively to make the interaction more intuitive and natural. In order to obtain a minimalist user-centered design for the center stack, various design principles such as 80/20 rule, contour bias, affordance, flexibility-usability trade-off etc. have been implemented on the prototypes. The prototype was developed using the Dragon software development kit on android platform for speech recognition.

In the present study, the driver behavior was investigated in an experiment conducted on the DriveSafety driving simulator DS-600s. Twelve volunteers drove the simulator under two conditions: (1) accessing the center stack applications using touch only and (2) accessing the applications using speech with offered text-tip. The duration for which user looked away from the road (eyes-off-road) was measured manually for each scenario. Comparison of results proved that eyes-off-road time is less for the second scenario. The minimalist design with 8-10 icons per screen proved to be effective as all the readings were within the driver distraction recommendations (eyes-off-road time < 2sec per screen) defined by NHTSA.
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