Pieces of the Past: A Novel Therapeutic Game for Young Adults

With an increasing number of mental illnesses appearing in young adults, psychologists must find new ways to address this crisis. Play therapy is a form of therapy that is typically used effectively on the adolescent population. Given its success with

With an increasing number of mental illnesses appearing in young adults, psychologists must find new ways to address this crisis. Play therapy is a form of therapy that is typically used effectively on the adolescent population. Given its success with children, it is reasonable to consider play therapy for other age groups. Pieces of the Past is a game based on play therapy theory and designed with a young adult audience in mind. This game was created in hopes of becoming a tool for play therapists to use on young adult populations.
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Misdirection of Meaning and Greater Connection: Dissecting Individual and Societal Lack of Contentment


Echoing the American Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, I wish to live deliberately, to discover what truly matters to me, to listen to the world around me and further my enlightenment, and when I come face to face with death, feel

Echoing the American Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, I wish to live deliberately, to discover what truly matters to me, to listen to the world around me and further my enlightenment, and when I come face to face with death, feel content with how and why I lived. This thesis aims to dissect the internal disconnect we have with our purpose and fulfillment, analyze the pieces, ask questions, and then relate it back to the societal disconnect seen in the world. To live deliberately, what we say, think, and do, all reflect our good intentions and morals; we live how we desire, and not merely how others wish us to. In order to discover what truly matters, to separate our contentment and satisfaction in life from our material possessions, our money, and our power, we need to focus on what truly fulfills us. In order to listen to the world around us, come with an open mind and listen to those different from us, we need to make room for diversity and respect that we all have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. To further our enlightenment, it is important to seek to educate ourselves, find the truth, and expand our minds; enlightenment is an individual journey that the further we go on it the more connected and content we become. Finally, wishing to face death accepting of it rather than regretting and fearing our end; we want to die knowing that how we lived and why we did the things we did were for a content life.

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Antisocial Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, and the Link to Today’s Serial Killer


This thesis aims to interpret, analyze, and bring forward the connections between psychological disorders and serial murder. As part of that, the essay will be emphasizing specific diagnoses such as antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and delusional disorder while

This thesis aims to interpret, analyze, and bring forward the connections between psychological disorders and serial murder. As part of that, the essay will be emphasizing specific diagnoses such as antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and delusional disorder while profiling serial killers throughout history known to suffer from these mental illnesses. Using the accounts and known diagnoses of serial killers such as Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and others, this thesis will further reflect the psychological history and evolution of these mental health disorders. To do that, this thesis will also show the romanticization of serial killers in popular culture. Utilizing the scholarly research made available in the psychological and criminal justice literature, this thesis will further the conclusion that psychological disorders are the root of serial murder and explore the possibility that continued advances in the study of psychological disorders are the primary cause of serial murder and that criminal profiling may have the potential to reduce the incidents of murder that we do see in serial killer tendencies. We are further exploring the possibility that continued advances in the study of psychological disorders and criminal profiling can reduce the incidents we do see.

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Risky Behavior: Being Black and Pregnant in the USA


The mortality rate for African American mothers is nearly three times higher than white women and African American infants’ mortality rate is double the rate of white infants (Devido, Appelt, & Szalla, 2019, p. 1). Research has shown racism remains

The mortality rate for African American mothers is nearly three times higher than white women and African American infants’ mortality rate is double the rate of white infants (Devido, Appelt, & Szalla, 2019, p. 1). Research has shown racism remains a prominent problem for the contemporary healthcare industry, with high mortality rates due to inequities in healthcare caused by racism, including stress, restricted access to healthcare, and mistrust in medical professionals amongst the African American community (Devido et al., 2019). In this analysis, the legacy of historical racism was explored in relation to its continued impact on the present-day treatment of pregnant African American women within the healthcare industry. A key finding was that African American women do not trust the healthcare system or the healthcare professionals due to: 1. awareness of historical inequities in healthcare provision; 2. awareness of the inequities experienced daily within the African American community; 3. awareness of the high mortality rates of pregnant African American women and babies; 4. personal experiences of the disparities in healthcare either directly or by community members. Specific strategies were identified to combat systemic and overt racism and to build trust within African American communities to directly increase the rate of survival for expectant African American women and their newborns. First, the active hiring of African American medical professionals by healthcare facilities, especially in those that serve African American communities. Second, the implementation of education, awareness, and inclusivity training to all healthcare professionals and providers to address and combat the issues and behaviors underlying the major disparities and systemic issues. However, given the embedded and systemic problems and the challenges of substantive change, healthcare provision for pregnant African Americans and their newborns should include high quality community-led and community-based healthcare and support.

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First-Generation Latinx Students’ Experience with High School Counselors


The Latinx community is growing at an alarming rate in the country. First-generation Latinx Students are uninformed about navigating the educational system, which can place them at a higher risk of dropping out of college. The present work explores the

The Latinx community is growing at an alarming rate in the country. First-generation Latinx Students are uninformed about navigating the educational system, which can place them at a higher risk of dropping out of college. The present work explores the relationship between high school guidance counselors and Latinx first-generation students by producing a podcast that features seven interviews with Barrett The Honors College's first-generation Latinx students. Student participants answered questions about their families, high school experience, and college transition. The student responses were shared with two high school counselors, who reflected on the student participants' answers and shared their perspectives on working with Latinx first-generation students. The findings suggest that the student-to-counselor ratio affects the role of counselors in assisting students, along with the determination of Barrett Honors Latinx First Generation students to push through obstacles to receive higher education.

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Online Instruction in Higher Education: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Instructors’ Experiences


Over the past few decades online learning has continually evolved to become a popular pathway to higher education. The COVID-19 pandemic produced an unprecedented shift toward online learning through Emergency Remote Teaching. Recent literature has increasingly represented online learning environments

Over the past few decades online learning has continually evolved to become a popular pathway to higher education. The COVID-19 pandemic produced an unprecedented shift toward online learning through Emergency Remote Teaching. Recent literature has increasingly represented online learning environments through the negative experiences of students and instructors as they navigate such a difficult transition. However, comparatively little attention has been given to the experiences of instructors in established online programs. This article presents idiographic findings from a qualitative study that used interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with five college-level online instructors. These findings describe the emphasis online instructors place on maximizing student engagement, facilitating the student’s translation of learning to their own lives, belief in online learning as an equal-but-different pathway to higher education, sense of purpose from providing accessible education to a diverse student body, and the unique challenges faced in course preparation and student connection.

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Planting for Murder: Plants in Arizona That Are Dangerous to You and Your Pets and How They Pertain to Forensic Science


When it comes to murder, there are many ways to go about it. From blunt force trauma to gunshot wounds to strangulation. However, there is one way that can be very effective and can even look accidental. This is through

When it comes to murder, there are many ways to go about it. From blunt force trauma to gunshot wounds to strangulation. However, there is one way that can be very effective and can even look accidental. This is through poisoning, more specifically, using plants as a weapon. Now there are many plant poisoning cases throughout the state of Arizona, most being accidental and dealing with animals, but there is also malicious intent behind some. The plants Nerium oleander L. (Oleander), Cycas revoluta Thunb. (Sago Palm), Ricinus communis L. (Castor Bean), Datura stramonium L. (Jimsonweed), and Cicuta virosa L. (Water Hemlock) are known to be poisonous and they are utilized by both murderers and those that wish to attempt suicide. These are also killers of many animals whether that be livestock or the family dog who got into something they should not have. The toxin in these plants breaks down on its own and over time can become untraceable. Most of them will also cause death if not treated within a few hours of ingestion, making them the perfect weapon to use to get away with murder.

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Examining the Relationship Between Regional Implicit Racial Biases & Racial Disparities in the Outcomes of Civil Trials


Even though criminal justice outcomes frequently receive more media, public, and research attention than civil legal outcomes, civil legal outcomes are equally important in ensuring fairness, accountability, and justice for both individuals and society as a whole. This provides individuals

Even though criminal justice outcomes frequently receive more media, public, and research attention than civil legal outcomes, civil legal outcomes are equally important in ensuring fairness, accountability, and justice for both individuals and society as a whole. This provides individuals an avenue to pursue justice and restitution for civil wrongs, protects civil rights, and compensates those who have been harmed financially. This study examined the relationship between regional implicit racial bias and racial disparities in outcomes of real-world civil trials. In particular, I explored whether the racial composition of the attorneys on the defense teams or race of the plaintiff predicted plaintiff verdicts and greater damage awards. I hypothesized that all-White defense attorney teams and plaintiffs would win their cases at higher rates and would subsequently be awarded more in damages than their non-White counterparts, especially in regions reporting high levels of implicit racial bias. Using real-world civil trials and Project Implicit Race IAT data, I conducted logistic and linear regression analyses to test the effects of race and regional bias on trial outcomes. The results showed that the likelihood of a pro-plaintiff verdict increased when the defense team included at least one non-White attorney. That is, more racially diverse defense teams won their cases less then all-White defense teams. Additionally, I found that the likelihood of a pro-plaintiff verdict decreased in regions reporting relatively higher levels of regional implicit racial bias. Future research aimed at understanding and reducing disparities and bias in the legal system should be extended to include civil trials and both attorney and client demographics.

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