Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Privacy

Machine learning algorithms have a wide variety of applications and use cases. They are robust in the sense that they can continue to learn and improve long after they have been deployed without much programmer supervision. One key

Machine learning algorithms have a wide variety of applications and use cases. They are robust in the sense that they can continue to learn and improve long after they have been deployed without much programmer supervision. One key area that machine learning has been used for is in the detection and classification of objects in images and videos. This so-called computer vision has typically been used by companies to extract user information from the images and videos that they post. Meta (formerly known as Facebook) had been using such algorithms to automatically tag users in pictures that were uploaded to the Facebook website up until November 2021 [1]. Although these algorithms have been used to exploit user’s privacy, they can also be used to help ensure this privacy. For this creative project, I developed a machine learning model that could detect faces in a given picture and identify the area of the picture that these faces took up. Training a model from scratch can take millions of images of data and hundreds of hours on powerful GPUs. Since I didn’t have access to those resources, I began with a pre-trained model known as VGG16 by Karen Simonyan & Andrew Zisserman. From there, I took 90 pictures of myself and annotated where in the image my face was located. Since 90 pictures wouldn’t be enough data for this algorithm, I used an image augmentation algorithm to randomly crop, flip, change brightness, change gamma, and recolor the images to expand the dataset. In total, I used 5400 images to train the algorithm. The machine learning model had a loss value that hovered around 0.1 thanks to the VGG16 model. It was able to accurately detect my face and also adapt whenever I moved my face horizontally and vertically across a camera. However, the model struggled to draw a bounding box whenever I moved my face forward or backward in the camera shot.
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Painting Paws


Painting Paws is a short documentary about pet portrait artist, Zann Hemphill. It documents everything from how she got into her profession to her painting process.

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Skeeter Breeder: Exploring UI for Gamified K-12 EduMobile Applications


This research study investigates the design principles and best practices for incorporating gamification in EduMobile apps for teaching about mosquito breeding grounds. With limited research investigating the effectiveness of EduMobile apps in engaging and educating students on complex topics, this

This research study investigates the design principles and best practices for incorporating gamification in EduMobile apps for teaching about mosquito breeding grounds. With limited research investigating the effectiveness of EduMobile apps in engaging and educating students on complex topics, this study aims to uncover best practices for designing EduMobile apps for early learners (elementary and middle schoolers). A convenience sample of adults who were not part of the target demographic were recruited to test the app. The System Usability Scale was used to measure user satisfaction, and question-wise t-tests were conducted to analyze the effectiveness of specific design changes. Results show a significant difference in user satisfaction between the original and revised designs, with question 5 of the System Usability Scale driving the overall difference in score. Inconsistent design was found to increase extraneous cognitive load and split attention, while consistency within different views was shown to increase user perception of system integration. These findings suggest that incorporating gamification and following best practices in designing EduMobile apps can increase student engagement and motivation in learning about mosquito breeding grounds.

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Gaming Mosquito Eradication: An Innovative Educational App


The majority of the public is not aware that common objects in their backyard can be mosquito breeding sites, thus leading to an increase in mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases affecting humans and animals during the peak seasons. An engaging a

The majority of the public is not aware that common objects in their backyard can be mosquito breeding sites, thus leading to an increase in mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases affecting humans and animals during the peak seasons. An engaging app that instructs people of all ages how to identify, prevent, and eliminate breeding sites may be of use in increasing positive behavioral changes in people, and therefore reducing available breeding sites for mosquitoes. The Embodied Games Lab in Psychology at Arizona State University created an educational game phone app using machine learning to teach students how to identify and eliminate mosquito breeding sites. Skeeter Breeder is an interactive, educational game that teaches participants about potential mosquito breeding sites and how to eliminate them from the immediate environment as documented by smartphone imagery. Currently, there is no educational game phone app that uses machine learning to teach this topic. This Thesis describes a pilot study focused on educating about common mosquito breeding sites and increasing the knowledge of 5th graders on the topic through an agentic (by taking their own pictures), engaging (game-like platform with rewards), and interactive (receiving immediate feedback on pictures) game developed from scratch at ASU.

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Todas! An Introduction to Mahjong through the Filipino Style of Play


This project is a video game implementation of the Filipino ruleset of Mahjong for the purpose of increasing awareness of the Mahjong game and Filipino culture. The game, titled Todas!, is built from scratch using various free resources and contains

This project is a video game implementation of the Filipino ruleset of Mahjong for the purpose of increasing awareness of the Mahjong game and Filipino culture. The game, titled Todas!, is built from scratch using various free resources and contains a Tutorial for teaching players the basics of the game and a Multiplayer mode that enables remote gameplay for up to four people.

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The Application of Human Computer Interaction Principles in Video Games for User Retention and Virtual Bonds


My creative project is an extension of my Computer Science capstone project, a Tamagotchi-style game in which the user takes care of an ocean animal. It focuses specifically on expanding upon two of the project’s design goals: improving user retention

My creative project is an extension of my Computer Science capstone project, a Tamagotchi-style game in which the user takes care of an ocean animal. It focuses specifically on expanding upon two of the project’s design goals: improving user retention and fostering a bond between the user and the virtual character they are taking care of. The project consists of researching Human Computer Interaction principles, selecting an assortment that are most relevant to my project, and integrating them into the design of mechanics for the game. The goal of this project is to demonstrate how integrating HCI design principles into game design can foster new ideas and improve the experience of the game for its users.

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Making an Analog Game: Plash


For my Spring 2022-23 Barrett Honors College creative project, I designed and created my own analog game. The created game is a tile-management game for 2-4 players called Plash. Players collect tiles and manipulate the board to complete goals and

For my Spring 2022-23 Barrett Honors College creative project, I designed and created my own analog game. The created game is a tile-management game for 2-4 players called Plash. Players collect tiles and manipulate the board to complete goals and win the game. The paper for this project details the inspirations and research done for the game’s design, the game's design journey, and detailed instructions on how to play.

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NASA Psyche Mission Data Collection Web-Based Game


NASA has partnered with multiple colleges, including ASU, on a mission to study an asteroid called Psyche. Psyche is the first asteroid discovered made of metal, mostly iron, that is close enough for us to study and could give insight

NASA has partnered with multiple colleges, including ASU, on a mission to study an asteroid called Psyche. Psyche is the first asteroid discovered made of metal, mostly iron, that is close enough for us to study and could give insight into what Earth’s core is like. The mission plans and research documents on how the various measurement tools work are not engaging to those without a background in STEM. This serves as inspiration to make a web-based game in order to make the information more engaging to the player. This web-based game will take the user through the Psyche mission going from the assembly of the measurement tools all the way to when the satellite is orbiting the asteroid. The creative project consisted of creating a simulation for a young audience, between ages 10 and 18, to experience what the mission could look like once the satellite is at the Psyche asteroid and what the data collected could mean. The asteroid could have been formed through a process called the dynamo process or it could be a piece of a larger parent body. It could be made mostly of metal or silicates, which will be determined during the mission. These are some of the results that will be generalized and relayed to the player. This creative project includes the four main sections of the orbit phase of the mission in which the users will perform tasks to collect some data in order to see some of the generalized possible results of the study of Psyche. Some of the data collected would be the amount of metal making up the asteroid and figuring out what the gravitational pull is. The first main section will use the magnetometer, the second section will use the multispectral imager, the third section will use X-Band Radio Waves, and the fourth section will use the gamma ray and neutron spectrometer.

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