Low Removal of As (V) and Cr (VI) by POU Devices Until Enabled with Selective Ion Exchange Media

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Consumers purchase point-of-use (POU) devices to further improve the quality of water provided by the tap. As awareness increases of harmful contaminants, an emerging market of advanced POU with claims of removing beyond what a typical activated carbon filter is

Consumers purchase point-of-use (POU) devices to further improve the quality of water provided by the tap. As awareness increases of harmful contaminants, an emerging market of advanced POU with claims of removing beyond what a typical activated carbon filter is capable of, such as heavy metals. This research compares four commercially available pitcher filters; two that claim to remove arsenic and hexavalent chromium and two without such claims. Arsenate (As (V)) and hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) co-occur in natural geologic formations and are known to have harmful effects on humans when ingested. Pitcher filters Epic Water Filter and Aquagear had claims of removing both As (V) and Cr (VI) up to 99% with a capacity of nearly 200 gallons. In contrast, pitcher filters Brita and Pur had no claims for removal of As(V) and Cr(VI) with a 40-gallon lifespan. A series of experiments were conducted to first determine the efficiency of each filter, then to add the ability or improve removal of As(V) and Cr(VI) in one filter for future design implementations. Experiment 1 was conducted by treating 100 gallons of spiked tap water (50 ppb for As (V) and 100 ppb for Cr (VI)) with each filter. All four pitcher filters showed low performance, resulting in Pur with the lowest removal percentage of 2% and Aquagear with the highest percentage 16% for As (V). For Cr (VI) Pur performed the worst with a removal of 5% and Brita had the best performance of 15%. The functionality of Brita was improved by embedding a selective ion exchange media, which when nanotized successfully removed Cr (VI) in previous studies. The optimal mass of resin to add to the pitcher was experimentally determined as 18.9 grams through Experiment 2. Finally, Experiment 3 compared an alternative placement of the resin material using the same 18.9 grams. The performance in Experiment 3 was significantly worse than Experiment 2. The final recommendation for future design implementation was to add 18.9 grams of SIR-700 resin below the filter media for optimum performance. Overall, the results demonstrate the limited removal of As(V) and Cr(VI) by the four commercial pitcher filters and show that by adding selective ion exchange media, the POUs can be nano-enabled to effectively remove As(V) and Cr(VI) from water.
Date Created

Comparison of four methods to assess silver release from nano impregnated reverse osmosis membranes

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With the application of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes in the wastewater treatment and seawater desalination, the limitation of flux and fouling problems of RO have gained more attention from researchers. Because of the tunable structure and physicochemical properties of nanomaterials,

With the application of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes in the wastewater treatment and seawater desalination, the limitation of flux and fouling problems of RO have gained more attention from researchers. Because of the tunable structure and physicochemical properties of nanomaterials, it is a suitable material that can be used to incorporate with RO to change the membrane performances. Silver is biocidal, which has been used in a variety of consumer products. Recent studies showed that fabricating silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on membrane surfaces can mitigate the biofouling problem on the membrane. Studies have shown that Ag released from the membrane in the form of either Ag ions or AgNP will accelerate the antimicrobial activity of the membrane. However, the silver release from the membrane will lower the silver loading on the membrane, which will eventually shorten the antimicrobial activity lifetime of the membrane. Therefore, the silver leaching amount is a crucial parameter that needs to be determined for every type of Ag composite membrane.

This study is attempting to compare four different silver leaching test methods, to study the silver leaching potential of the silver impregnated membranes, conducting the advantages and disadvantages of the leaching methods. An In-situ reduction Ag loaded RO membrane was examined in this study. A custom waterjet test was established to create a high-velocity water flow to test the silver leaching from the nanocomposite membrane in a relative extreme environment. The batch leaching test was examined as the most common leaching test method for the silver composite membrane. The cross-flow filtration and dead-end test were also examined to compare the silver leaching amounts.

The silver coated membrane used in this experiment has an initial silver loading of 2.0± 0.51 ug/cm2. The mass balance was conducted for all of the leaching tests. For the batch test, water jet test, and dead-end filtration, the mass balances are all within 100±25%, which is acceptable in this experiment because of the variance of the initial silver loading on the membranes. A bad silver mass balance was observed at cross-flow filtration. Both of AgNP and Ag ions leached in the solution was examined in this experiment. The concentration of total silver leaching into solutions from the four leaching tests are all below the Secondary Drinking Water Standard for silver which is 100 ppb. The cross-flow test is the most aggressive leaching method, which has more than 80% of silver leached from the membrane after 50 hours of the test. The water jet (54 ± 6.9% of silver remaining) can cause higher silver leaching than batch test (85 ± 1.2% of silver remaining) in one-hour, and it can also cause both AgNP and Ag ions leaching from the membrane, which is closer to the leaching condition in the cross-flow test.
Date Created

Novel operation of granular activated carbon contactors for removal of disinfection byproducts precursors

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Granular activated carbon (GAC) is effectively used to remove natural organic matter (NOM) and to assist in the removal of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and their precursors. However, operation of GAC is cost- and labor-intensive due to frequent media replacement. Optimizing

Granular activated carbon (GAC) is effectively used to remove natural organic matter (NOM) and to assist in the removal of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and their precursors. However, operation of GAC is cost- and labor-intensive due to frequent media replacement. Optimizing the use of GAC is necessary to ensure treatment efficiency while reducing costs. This dissertation presents four strategies to reduce improve GAC usage while reducing formation of DBPs. The first part of this work adopts Rapid Small Scale Tests (RSSCTs) to evaluate removal of molecular weight fractions of NOM, characterized using size exclusion chromatography (SECDOC). Total trihalomethanes (TTHM), haloacetic acids (HAA5) and haloacetonitriles (HAN) formation were quantified after treatment with GAC. Low MW NOM was removed preferentially in the early bed volumes, up until exhaustion of available adsorption sites. DBP formation potential lowered with DOC removal. Chlorination prior to GAC is investigated in the second part of this work as a strategy to increase removal of NOM and DBP precursors. Results showed lower TTHM formation in the effluent of the GAC treatment when pre-chlorination was adopted, meaning this strategy could help optimize and extend the bed life if GAC filters. The third part of this work investigates in-situ GAC regeneration as an alternative to recover adsorption capacity of field-spent GAC that could potentially offer new modes of operation for water treatment facilities while savng costs with reactivation of spent GAC in an external facility. Field-spent GACs were treated with different oxidant solutions and recovery in adsorption capacity was evaluated for NOM and for two micro pollutants. Recovery of GAC adsorption capacity was not satisfactory for most of conditions evaluated. This indicates that in-situ GAC regeneration could be more effective when the adsorbates are present at high concentrations. Lastly, this work investigates the impact of low molecular weight polyDADMAC on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation. Water treatment facilities rely on polyDADMAC as a coagulant aid to comply with NOM removal and turbidity requirements. Since polymer-derived NDMA precursors are not removed by GAC, it is essential to optimize the use and synthesis of polyDADMAC to reduce NDMA precursors during water treatment.
Date Created

Utilization of Passive Samplers for Water Quality Monitoring of Hexavalent Chromium in Water Treatment Plants

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The current EPA regulation for total chromium in drinking water is the MCL standard of 0.1 milligrams per liter or 100 parts per billion (ppb) to avoid dermatological effects. With a toxicology study released in 2008 by the Department of

The current EPA regulation for total chromium in drinking water is the MCL standard of 0.1 milligrams per liter or 100 parts per billion (ppb) to avoid dermatological effects. With a toxicology study released in 2008 by the Department of Health and Human Services noting that hexavalent chromium is carcinogenic, the EPA is currently reviewing this MCL standard. During this review, the EPA provides monitoring guidance that requires quarterly sampling of surface water for hexavalent chromium. However, these samples monitor the instant in time that they were taken, and do not account for varying concentrations that are time-dependent. This research seeks to develop a method for monitoring hexavalent chromium in water. Using ion exchange technology, passive samplers were developed and installed at the Chandler Water Treatment Plant for a week-long monitoring event. Results show that passive samplers using ion exchange technology provide an accurate assessment of the average concentration of total chromium within the water treatment plant's effluent with 90.3% recovery of Cr(VI) in SIR-100 resin and 62.6% recovery in SIR-700.
Date Created


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In recent years, products advertised to contain nanosilver have become increasingly popular; however, while companies often advertise for nanosilver products, little regulation occurs to verify that these products actually contain silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, there currently exists much dispute regarding the

In recent years, products advertised to contain nanosilver have become increasingly popular; however, while companies often advertise for nanosilver products, little regulation occurs to verify that these products actually contain silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, there currently exists much dispute regarding the safety and toxicity of silver nanoparticles. As more and more products incorporate nanosilver, the resolution of this dispute proves progressively important. The present study addressed these issues, with goals to synthesize silver nanoparticles, determine the solubility of the synthesized silver nanoparticles, and to evaluate leaching of nanosilver from commercially produced food storage containers. The silver nanoparticles were synthesized by a procedure devised by Leopold and Lendl, and subsequently evaluated for size and distribution by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), SEC (Size Exclusion Chromatography), and DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering). The results indicated an average particle size of approximately 85 nm and a relatively monodispersed solution with a polydispersity value of 0.1245. The solubility of the nanoparticles was then examined using a dialysis experiment; however, the results of the dialysis experiments were inconclusive due to an aggregation that occurred which prevented the silver from diffusing out of the dialysis tubing. Lastly, commercially produced food storage containers advertised to contain silver nanoparticles were examined. These containers were digested using microwave assisted digestion, and subsequently analyzed using ICP-MS. It was determined that the containers contained between 7 .5 and 27 ug of silver per gram of container, and that the silver was not distributed uniformly throughout the container. While ICP-MS indicated the presence of silver, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) failed to unambiguously identify silver nanoparticles in the container. The food storage containers were also examined for silver leaching under various conditions; it was found that the containers leached most greatly following exposure to an acidic solution and leached the least due to exposure to UV light. However, additional trials of the leaching experiments must be performed to validate the results obtained in these experiments.
Date Created

Use of granular activated carbon and carbon block filters at municipal and point of use drinking water treatment for removal of organics

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Activated Carbon has been used for decades to remove organics from water at large scale in municipal water treatment as well as at small scale in Point of Use (POU) and Point of Entry (POE) water treatment. This study focused

Activated Carbon has been used for decades to remove organics from water at large scale in municipal water treatment as well as at small scale in Point of Use (POU) and Point of Entry (POE) water treatment. This study focused on Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and also activated Carbon Block (CB) were studied.

This thesis has three related elements for organics control in drinking water. First, coagulation chemistry for Alum and Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH) was optimized for significant organics removal to address membrane fouling issue at a local municipal water treatment plant in Arizona. Second, Rapid Small Scale Column Tests were conducted for removal of Perfluorinated compounds (PFC), PFC were present in groundwater at a local site in Arizona at trace levels with combined concentration of Perfluorooctaneoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfloorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) up to 245 ng/L. Groundwater from the concerned site is used as drinking water source by a private utility. PFC Removal was evaluated for different GAC, influent concentrations and particle sizes. Third, a new testing protocol (Mini Carbon Block (MCB)) for bench scale study of POU water treatment device, specifically carbon block filter was developed and evaluated. The new bench scale decreased the hydraulic requirements by 60 times approximately, which increases the feasibility to test POU at a lab scale. It was evaluated for a common POU organic contaminant: Chloroform, and other model contaminants.

10 mg/L of ACH and 30 mg/L of Alum with pH adjustment were determined as optimal coagulant doses. Bituminous coal based GAC was almost three times better than coconut shell based GAC for removing PFC. Multiple tests with MCB suggested no short circuiting and consistent performance for methylene blue though chloroform removal tests underestimated full scale carbon block performance but all these tests creates a good theoretical and practical fundament for this new approach and provides directions for future researchers.
Date Created

Techno-economic analysis of a concentrating solar power plant using reduction/oxidation metal oxides for thermochemical energy storage

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Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant technology can produce reliable and dispatchable electric power from an intermittent solar resource. Recent advances in thermochemical energy storage (TCES) can offer further improvements to increase off-sun operating hours, improve system efficiency, and the reduce

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant technology can produce reliable and dispatchable electric power from an intermittent solar resource. Recent advances in thermochemical energy storage (TCES) can offer further improvements to increase off-sun operating hours, improve system efficiency, and the reduce cost of delivered electricity. This work describes a 111.7 MWe CSP plant with TCES using a mixed ionic-electronic conducting metal oxide, CAM28, as both the heat transfer and thermal energy storage media. Turbine inlet temperatures reach 1200 °C in the combined cycle power block. A techno-economic model of the CSP system is developed to evaluate design considerations to meet targets for low-cost and renewable power with 6-14 hours of dispatchable storage for off-sun power generation. Hourly solar insolation data is used for Barstow, California, USA. Baseline design parameters include a 6-hour storage capacity and a 1.8 solar multiple. Sensitivity analyses are performed to evaluate the effect of engineering parameters on total installed cost, generation capacity, and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). Calculated results indicate a full-scale 111.7 MWe system at $274 million in installed cost can generate 507 GWh per year at a levelized cost of $0.071 per kWh. Expected improvements to design, performance, and costs illustrate options to reduce energy costs to less than $0.06 per kWh.
Date Created

Photocatalysis for reductive transformation of nitrate and chromate in drinking water

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Contamination of drinking water supplies from oxo-anion pollutants necessitates treatment prior to potable use. This dissertation aims to inform and improve light delivery (emission spectra, radiant intensity, reactor configuration) in order to enhance the photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))

Contamination of drinking water supplies from oxo-anion pollutants necessitates treatment prior to potable use. This dissertation aims to inform and improve light delivery (emission spectra, radiant intensity, reactor configuration) in order to enhance the photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) and nitrate, two common oxo-anions in drinking water, and photocatalytic oxidation of two model organic pollutants (methylene blue, (MB) and para-chlorobenzoic acid (pCBA)). By varying the photon fluence dose, two metrics (contaminant quantum yield (Φ), and electrical energy per order (EEO)) were used to assess photocatalytic reactor performance. A detailed literature review and experimental results demonstrated how different irradiance sources with variable intensity and emission spectra synergistically enhanced contaminant removal by a coupled photolytic/photocatalytic reaction mechanism. Cr(VI) was photocatalytically reduced on TiO2 and formed Cr(OH)3(s) in a large-scale slurry reactor, but Cr(III) was then photolyzed and reformed Cr(VI). UV light also led to photo-aggregation of TiO2 which improved its recovery by the ceramic membrane within the reactor. For nitrate reduction, light source emission spectra and fluence dose delineate the preferred pathways as intermediates were reduced via wavelength-dependent mechanisms. HONO was identified as a key nitrate reduction intermediate, which was reduced photocatalytically (UV wavelengths) and/or readily photolyzed at 365nm, to yield nitrogen gases. Photocatalytic nitrate reduction efficiency was higher for discrete wavelength irradiation than polychromatic irradiation. Light delivery through aqueous media to the catalyst surface limits efficiency of slurry-based photocatalysts because absorption and scattering of light in nanomaterial slurries decreases effective photon transmittance and minimizes photolytic reactions. The use of optical fibers coupled to light emitting diodes (OF-LED) with immobilized catalyst demonstrated higher performance compared to slurry systems. OF-LED increased Φ for MB degradation by increasing direct photon delivery to the photocatalyst. Design of OF-LED reactors using bundled optical fibers demonstrated photocatalytic pCBA removal with high Φ and reduced EEO due to increased surface area and catalytic sites compared to single OF/LED couples. This work advances light delivery as well as the suspension and attachment of nanoparticles in photocatalytic water treatment for selective transformation of oxo-anions and organic compounds to innocuous species.
Date Created

A Facile Method for Separating and Enriching Nano and Submicron Particles from Titanium Dioxide Found in Food and Pharmaceutical Products

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Recent studies indicate the presence of nano-scale titanium dioxide (TiO[subscript 2]) as an additive in human foodstuffs, but a practical protocol to isolate and separate nano-fractions from soluble foodstuffs as a source of material remains elusive. As such, we developed

Recent studies indicate the presence of nano-scale titanium dioxide (TiO[subscript 2]) as an additive in human foodstuffs, but a practical protocol to isolate and separate nano-fractions from soluble foodstuffs as a source of material remains elusive. As such, we developed a method for separating the nano and submicron fractions found in commercial-grade TiO[subscript 2] (E171) and E171 extracted from soluble foodstuffs and pharmaceutical products (e.g., chewing gum, pain reliever, and allergy medicine). Primary particle analysis of commercial-grade E171 indicated that 54% of particles were nano-sized (i.e., < 100 nm). Isolation and primary particle analysis of five consumer goods intended to be ingested revealed differences in the percent of nano-sized particles from 32%‒58%. Separation and enrichment of nano- and submicron-sized particles from commercial-grade E171 and E171 isolated from foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals was accomplished using rate-zonal centrifugation. Commercial-grade E171 was separated into nano- and submicron-enriched fractions consisting of a nano:submicron fraction of approximately 0.45:1 and 3.2:1, respectively. E171 extracted from gum had nano:submicron fractions of 1.4:1 and 0.19:1 for nano- and submicron-enriched, respectively. We show a difference in particle adhesion to the cell surface, which was found to be dependent on particle size and epithelial orientation. Finally, we provide evidence that E171 particles are not immediately cytotoxic to the Caco-2 human intestinal epithelium model. These data suggest that this separation method is appropriate for studies interested in isolating the nano-sized particle fraction taken directly from consumer products, in order to study separately the effects of nano and submicron particles.
Date Created

Towards improving electron recovery and Coulombic efficiency of microbial electrochemical cells fed with fermentable electron donors

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The microbial electrochemical cell (MXC) is a novel environmental-biotechnology platform for renewable energy production from waste streams. The two main goals of MXCs are recovery of renewable energy and production of clean water. Up to now, energy recovery, Coulombic efficiency

The microbial electrochemical cell (MXC) is a novel environmental-biotechnology platform for renewable energy production from waste streams. The two main goals of MXCs are recovery of renewable energy and production of clean water. Up to now, energy recovery, Coulombic efficiency (CE), and treatment efficiency of MXCs fed with real wastewater have been low. Therefore, the overarching goal of my research was to address the main causes for these low efficiencies; this knowledge will advance MXCs technology toward commercialization.

First, I found that fermentation, not anode respiration, was the rate-limiting step for achieving complete organics removal, along with high current densities and CE. The best performance was achieved by doing most of the fermentation in an independent reactor that preceded the MXC. I also outlined how the efficiency of fermentation inside MXCs can be enhanced in order to make MXCs-based technologies cost-competitive with other anaerobic environmental biotechnologies. I revealed that the carbohydrate and protein contents and the BOD5/COD ratio governed the efficiency of organic-matter fermentation: high protein content and low BOD5/COD ratio were the main causes for low fermentation efficiency.

Next, I showed how a high ammonium concentration can provide kinetic and metabolic advantages or disadvantages for anode-respiring bacteria (ARB) over their competitors, particularly methanogens. When exposed to a relatively high ammonium concentration (i.e., > 2.2 g total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN)/L), the ARB were forced to divert a greater electron flow toward current generation and, consequently, had lower net biomass yield. However, the ARB were relatively more resistant to high free ammonia-nitrogen (FAN) concentrations, up to 200 mg FAN/L. I used FAN to manage ecological interactions among ARB and non-ARB in an MXC fed with fermentable substrate (glucose). Utilizing a combination of chemical, electrochemical, and genomic tools, I found that increased FAN led to higher CE and lower methane (CH4) production by suppressing methanogens. Thus, managing FAN offers a practical means to suppress methanogenesis, instead of using expensive and unrealistic inhibitors. My research findings open up new opportunities for more efficient operation of MXCs; this will enhance MXC scale-up and commercial applications, particularly for energy-positive treatment of waste streams containing recalcitrant organics.
Date Created