Simultaneous Determination of Chlorinated Ethenes and Ethene in Groundwater Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction With Gas Chromatography


Widespread contamination of groundwater by chlorinated ethenes and their biological dechlorination products necessitates the reliable monitoring of liquid matrices; current methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require a minimum of 5 mL of sample volume and cannot

Widespread contamination of groundwater by chlorinated ethenes and their biological dechlorination products necessitates the reliable monitoring of liquid matrices; current methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require a minimum of 5 mL of sample volume and cannot simultaneously detect all transformative products. This paper reports on the simultaneous detection of six chlorinated ethenes and ethene itself, using a liquid sample volume of 1 mL by concentrating the compounds onto an 85-µm carboxen-polydimenthylsiloxane solid-phase microextraction fiber in 5 min and subsequent chromatographic analysis in 9.15 min. Linear increases in signal response were obtained over three orders of magnitude (∼0.05 to ∼50 µM) for simultaneous analysis with coefficient of determination (R2) values of ≥ 0.99. The detection limits of the method (1.3–6 µg/L) were at or below the maximum contaminant levels specified by the EPA. Matrix spike studies with groundwater and mineral medium showed recovery rates between 79–108%. The utility of the method was demonstrated in lab-scale sediment flow-through columns assessing the bioremediation potential of chlorinated ethene-contaminated groundwater. Owing to its low sample volume requirements, good sensitivity and broad target analyte range, the method is suitable for routine compliance monitoring and is particularly attractive for interpreting the bench-scale feasibility studies that are commonly performed during the remedial design stage of groundwater cleanup projects.

Date Created

Linking structure and function to manage microbial communities carrying out chlorinated ethene reductive dechlorination

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Contamination by chlorinated ethenes is widespread in groundwater aquifers, sediment, and soils worldwide. The overarching objectives of my research were to understand how the bacterial genus Dehalococcoides function optimally to carry out reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in a mixed

Contamination by chlorinated ethenes is widespread in groundwater aquifers, sediment, and soils worldwide. The overarching objectives of my research were to understand how the bacterial genus Dehalococcoides function optimally to carry out reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in a mixed microbial community and then apply this knowledge to manage dechlorinating communities in the hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR). The MBfR is used for the biological reduction of oxidized contaminants in water using hydrogen supplied as the electron donor by diffusion through gas-transfer fibers. First, I characterized a new anaerobic dechlorinating community developed in our laboratory, named DehaloR^2, in terms of chlorinated ethene turnover rates and assessed its microbial community composition. I then carried out an experiment to correlate performance and community structure for trichloroethene (TCE)-fed microbial consortia. Fill-and-draw reactors inoculated with DehaloR^2 demonstrated a direct correlation between microbial community function and structure as the TCE-pulsing rate was increased. An electron-balance analysis predicted the community structure based on measured concentrations of products and constant net yields for each microorganism. The predictions corresponded to trends in the community structure based on pyrosequencing and quantitative PCR up to the highest TCE pulsing rate, where deviations to the trend resulted from stress by the chlorinated ethenes. Next, I optimized a method for simultaneous detection of chlorinated ethenes and ethene at or below the Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant levels for groundwater using solid phase microextraction in a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. This method is ideal for monitoring biological reductive dechlorination in groundwater, where ethene is the ultimate end product. The major advantage of this method is that it uses a small sample volume of 1 mL, making it ideally suited for bench-scale feasibility studies, such as the MBfR. Last, I developed a reliable start-up and operation strategy for TCE reduction in the MBfR. Successful operation relied on controlling the pH-increase effects of methanogenesis and homoacetogenesis, along with creating hydrogen limitation during start-up to allow dechlorinators to compete against other microorgansims. Methanogens were additionally minimized during continuous flow operation by a limitation in bicarbonate resulting from strong homoacetogenic activity.
Date Created