Electroluminescence From GeSn Heterostructure Pin Diodes at the Indirect to Direct Transition

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The emission properties of GeSn heterostructure pin diodes have been investigated. The devices contain thick (400–600 nm) Ge1-y Sny i-layers spanning a broad compositional range below and above the crossover Sn concentration yc where the Ge1-y Sny alloy becomes a direct-ga

The emission properties of GeSn heterostructure pin diodes have been investigated. The devices contain thick (400–600 nm) Ge1-y Sny i-layers spanning a broad compositional range below and above the crossover Sn concentration yc where the Ge1-y Sny alloy becomes a direct-gap material. These results are made possible by an optimized device architecture containing a single defected interface thereby mitigating the deleterious effects of mismatch-induced defects. The observed emission intensities as a function of composition show the contributions from two separate trends: an increase in direct gap emission as the Sn concentration is increased, as expected from the reduction and eventual reversal of the separation between the direct and indirect edges, and a parallel increase in non-radiative recombination when the mismatch strains between the structure components is partially relaxed by the generation of misfit dislocations. An estimation of recombination times based on the observed electroluminescence intensities is found to be strongly correlated with the reverse-bias dark current measured in the same devices.

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Compositional Dependence of the Direct and Indirect Band Gaps in Ge1-ySny Alloys From Room Temperature Photoluminescence: Implications for the Indirect to Direct Gap Crossover in Intrinsic and N-Type Materials

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The compositional dependence of the lowest direct and indirect band gaps in Ge1-ySny alloys has been determined from room-temperature photoluminescence measurements. This technique is particularly attractive for a comparison of the two transitions because distinct features in the spectra can

The compositional dependence of the lowest direct and indirect band gaps in Ge1-ySny alloys has been determined from room-temperature photoluminescence measurements. This technique is particularly attractive for a comparison of the two transitions because distinct features in the spectra can be associated with the direct and indirect gaps. However, detailed modeling of these room temperature spectra is required to extract the band gap values with the high accuracy required to determine the Sn concentration yc at which the alloy becomes a direct gap semiconductor. For the direct gap, this is accomplished using a microscopic model that allows the determination of direct gap energies with meV accuracy. For the indirect gap, it is shown that current theoretical models are inadequate to describe the emission properties of systems with close indirect and direct transitions. Accordingly, an ad hoc procedure is used to extract the indirect gap energies from the data. For y < 0.1 the resulting direct gap compositional dependence is given by ΔE0 = −(3.57 ± 0.06)y (in eV). For the indirect gap, the corresponding expression is ΔEind = −(1.64 ± 0.10)y (in eV). If a quadratic function of composition is used to express the two transition energies over the entire compositional range 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, the quadratic (bowing) coefficients are found to be b0 = 2.46 ± 0.06 eV (for E0) and bind = 1.03 ± 0.11 eV (for Eind). These results imply a crossover concentration yc = $0.073 [+0.007 over -0.006], much lower than early theoretical predictions based on the virtual crystal approximation, but in better agreement with predictions based on large atomic supercells.

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Compositional Dependence of the Bowing Parameter for the Direct and Indirect Band Gaps in Ge1-ySny Alloys

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Photoluminescence spectroscopy has been used to determine the direct gap E0 of Ge1-ySny alloys over a broad compositional range from pure Ge to Sn concentrations exceeding 10%. A fit of the compositional dependence of E0 using a standard quadratic expression

Photoluminescence spectroscopy has been used to determine the direct gap E0 of Ge1-ySny alloys over a broad compositional range from pure Ge to Sn concentrations exceeding 10%. A fit of the compositional dependence of E0 using a standard quadratic expression is not fully satisfactory, revealing that the bowing parameter (quadratic coefficient) b0 is compositionally dependent. Excellent agreement with the data is obtained with b0(y) = (2.66 ± 0.09) eV − (5.4 ± 1.1)y eV. A theoretical model of the bowing is presented, which explains the strong compositional dependence of the bowing parameter and suggest a similar behavior for the indirect gap. Combining the model predictions with experimental data for samples with y ≤ 0.06, it is proposed that the bowing parameter for the indirect gap is bind(y) = (1.11 ± 0.07) eV − (0.78 ± 0.05)y eV. The compositional dependence of the bowing parameters shifts the crossover concentration from indirect to direct gap behavior to yc  = 0.087, significantly higher than the value predicted earlier based on strictly quadratic fits.

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Ge1-ySny (y=0.01-0.10) Alloys on Ge-Buffered Si: Synthesis, Microstructure, and Optical Properties

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Novel hydride chemistries are employed to deposit light-emitting Ge1-y Snyalloys with y ≤ 0.1 by Ultra-High Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition (UHV-CVD) on Ge-buffered Si wafers. The properties of the resultant materials are systematically compared with similar alloys grown directly on Si wafers.

Novel hydride chemistries are employed to deposit light-emitting Ge1-y Snyalloys with y ≤ 0.1 by Ultra-High Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition (UHV-CVD) on Ge-buffered Si wafers. The properties of the resultant materials are systematically compared with similar alloys grown directly on Si wafers. The fundamental difference between the two systems is a fivefold (and higher) decrease in lattice mismatch between film and virtual substrate, allowing direct integration of bulk-like crystals with planar surfaces and relatively low dislocation densities. For y ≤ 0.06, the CVD precursors used were digermane Ge2H6 and deuterated stannane SnD4. For y ≥ 0.06, the Ge precursor was changed to trigermane Ge3H8, whose higher reactivity enabled the fabrication of supersaturated samples with the target film parameters. In all cases, the Ge wafers were produced using tetragermane Ge4H10 as the Ge source. The photoluminescence intensity from Ge1-y Sny /Ge films is expected to increase relative to Ge1-y Sny /Si due to the less defected interface with the virtual substrate. However, while Ge1-y Sny /Si films are largely relaxed, a significant amount of compressive strain may be present in the Ge1-y Sny /Ge case. This compressive strain can reduce the emission intensity by increasing the separation between the direct and indirect edges. In this context, it is shown here that the proposed CVD approach to Ge1-y Sny /Ge makes it possible to approach film thicknesses of about 1  μm, for which the strain is mostly relaxed and the photoluminescence intensity increases by one order of magnitude relative to Ge1-y Sny /Si films. The observed strain relaxation is shown to be consistent with predictions from strain-relaxation models first developed for the Si1-x Gex /Si system. The defect structure and atomic distributions in the films are studied in detail using advanced electron-microscopy techniques, including aberration corrected STEM imaging and EELS mapping of the average diamond–cubic lattice.

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