An Examination of How Ethnic-Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Parental and Peer Dynamics Inform Latino Adolescents’ Academic Adjustment

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Currently, Latino youth are reporting greater academic achievement compared to prior decades; however, they continue to drop out of high school at higher rates compared to their peers. Given that Latino youth will soon take on adult roles in society,

Currently, Latino youth are reporting greater academic achievement compared to prior decades; however, they continue to drop out of high school at higher rates compared to their peers. Given that Latino youth will soon take on adult roles in society, it is important to explore resources that can help them reach their academic potential, while also considering ethnic-racial discrimination as a barrier. Prior work has highlighted the benefits that family ethnic socialization experiences (FES), and having an informed understanding of ones’ ethnic-racial identity (ERI achievement) can provide for Latino youths’ academic adjustment. However, additional work is needed to examine contextual factors that may inform Latino parents’ FES engagement. Furthermore, limited work has explored the variability in how Latino youth experience these and other cultural resources, and in turn, how they inform youths’ academic adjustment. In Study 1, I explored whether Mexican-origin mothers’ and fathers’ workplace discrimination informed youths’ academic adjustment via parent-adolescent relationship quality, mothers’ and fathers’ FES, and youths’ ERI. Findings suggest that mothers and fathers who experience more frequent workplace discrimination engage in more FES, and mothers’ (but not fathers’) FES was associated with youths’ higher ERI achievement. Furthermore, greater mother-adolescent conflict was associated with lower academic adjustment. Overall, findings have implications for understanding how youths’ developmental competencies are informed by their familial relationships, and their parents’ experiences with workplace discrimination. In Study 2, I utilized person-centered analyses to examine whether distinct typologies emerged based on Latino youths’ experiences with FES, ERI, and emotional support from Latino and non-Latino peers. Findings revealed three profiles of cultural resources. Furthermore, youth who reported the highest levels of all cultural resources demonstrated better academic adjustment compared to youth with low to moderate levels of resources, but not compared to youth with more moderate levels of resources. Finally, profile membership moderated the association between youths’ ethnic-racial discrimination and academic adjustment; however, the profile that provided protective effects varied by academic adjustment indicator. Overall, findings provide a nuanced understanding regarding the promotive and protective effects that cultural resource profiles can have for youths’ academic adjustment.
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The Role of Maternal Language Input and Cultural Orientation in Mexican-American Children’s Spanish-English Language Development

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Young children reared in a dual language environment typically experience and learn a heritage and societal language and culture from their caregivers. Given that culture and language use are strongly intertwined, recent research has begun to explore caregiver cultural orientation

Young children reared in a dual language environment typically experience and learn a heritage and societal language and culture from their caregivers. Given that culture and language use are strongly intertwined, recent research has begun to explore caregiver cultural orientation as a potential influence on children’s dual language development but currently disregards whether cultural orientation influences language development directly and indirectly through caregiver language input. This longitudinal study examines a sample of Mexican-American mothers and their children (N=299) from low-income households to examine 1) how maternal language input at child age 24 months and children’s dual language knowledge at 36 months are associated; and 2) whether maternal language input mediates the link between maternal cultural orientation at child age 9 months and children’s dual language knowledge. Results showed that mothers’ quantitative and qualitative language features were strongly correlated within a language and were positively linked with children’s knowledge in the corresponding language. The path analysis revealed that maternal Anglo cultural orientation indirectly predicted children’s English vocabulary scores mediated by maternal English language input, whereas Spanish language input did not mediate the link between mothers’ Mexican cultural orientation and children’s Spanish knowledge. This study provides novel insights into the cascading effects of infants’ early cultural and language environments on their emerging dual language skills.
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Longitudinal Relations between Parental Depression and Children's Language Development

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Parental depression is a risk factor for children’s healthy language development, however, the mechanisms of risk transmission are less understood. The present study aimed to examine aspects of parent-child interactions as mediators of the negative relations between mothers’ and fathers’

Parental depression is a risk factor for children’s healthy language development, however, the mechanisms of risk transmission are less understood. The present study aimed to examine aspects of parent-child interactions as mediators of the negative relations between mothers’ and fathers’ depression and children’s expressive language. Using longitudinal data from families in a large city of the Western United States (N = 497; child Mage = 5.83 months; 47% female), I examined these relations using mothers’ and fathers’ reports of depression, observations of mothers’ and fathers’ parent-child interactions, and observational indices of children’s expressive language in the home. Although results indicated no longitudinal relations between mothers’ or fathers’ depression and children’s expressive language, mothers’ depression was negatively related to mothers’ and fathers’ later parental supportiveness. Moreover, mothers’ acceptance and fathers’ supportiveness were positively related to children’s later expressive language. These findings shed light on family dynamics when mothers’ experience heightened levels of postpartum depression and how specific parent-child interactions support healthy language development.
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Play-Space Making for Children by Nature: Functional & Dynamic Analyses of a Nature School

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Children, everywhere around the world, are deprived of their basic right to play. More than half of these children are urban dwellers who have limited access to outdoor and natural play areas, whose indoor environments are injected with technological attractions

Children, everywhere around the world, are deprived of their basic right to play. More than half of these children are urban dwellers who have limited access to outdoor and natural play areas, whose indoor environments are injected with technological attractions that keep them occupied in a sedentary life. This play deprivation is prompting a global reaction towards what the American play historian Joe L. Frost calls a “contemporary child-saving movement” that aims to save children from a “dual crisis:” decrease of outdoor play and alienation from nature. Studies demonstrate the importance of contact with nature, either by bringing nature into the urban environment or by taking children out to nature’s wilderness. However, the question is: What are the play-space principles that allow natural environments to afford children with play opportunities of developmental value?This descriptive case study utilizes a sensory ethnographic approach to observe the interaction of children with the natural environment at The Native School, a nature school in Carlsbad, California. Data is collected in intervals for six months to consider the impact of dynamic and cyclical processes of nature on play. The collected data is coded and analyzed using multiple lenses. The “functional approach” by the environmental psychologist Harry Heft, is used to categorize the observed play affordances into a “functional taxonomy.” Secondly, the non-linear dynamic theory is used to identify dynamic play-conducive aspects of nature: transformation, organized complexity, diversity, and ecological attunement. These play-space making principles can guide a biophilic approach to designing play-conducive and developmentally beneficial environments.
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The Role of Early Parenting Practices, Home Environment, and Children’s Regulation in Predicting Language Development in Emerging Bilingual Children

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The goal of this study was to illuminate areas of strength within a sample of Hispanic, Spanish-speaking children (n = 446) from the early head start research and evaluation project, a multi method, multi reporter longitudinal study that involved children

The goal of this study was to illuminate areas of strength within a sample of Hispanic, Spanish-speaking children (n = 446) from the early head start research and evaluation project, a multi method, multi reporter longitudinal study that involved children starting at 14-months through pre-kindergarten, with a 5th grade follow up assessment. A longitudinal path model examined relations between external factors (i.e., parent warmth and responsivity, home cognitive and language environment, child-directed speech), and internal factors (i.e., child self-regulation), and Spanish language before kindergarten, and English language at 5th grade. In addition to direct paths, indirect paths were included from external factors to language outcomes through self-regulation and Spanish language. After controlling for important demographic variables, analyses indicated that parents’ warmth and responsivity was directly related to children’s self-regulation and children’s English language proficiency in 5th grade. Home environment and self-regulation were directly related to children’s Spanish language proficiency. Children’s Spanish language proficiency was directly related to English language proficiency. Significant indirect effects emerged between parent warmth and responsivity to both Spanish and English language via children’s self-regulation. Results additionally evidenced significant indirect paths from home environment and self-regulation to English language through Spanish language. Direct paths between parent warmth/responsivity and Spanish language, home environment and English language, and child-directed speech and child regulation, Spanish language, and English language were not significant. Implications include current and future interventions targeted at bolstering parent-child interactions and regulation skills and to promote early educational programs supportive of both heritage and second languages.
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Experiences of Sibling Relational Victimization in European American Families: Longitudinal Associations with Family and Friendship Dynamics in Adolescence

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Sibling relationships are important units of socialization during adolescence. These involuntary relationships consist of positive and negative relationship qualities (Buist & Vermande, 2014; Deater-Deckard et al., 2002; Updegraff et al., 2005a), and some dimensions of these relationships are less understood

Sibling relationships are important units of socialization during adolescence. These involuntary relationships consist of positive and negative relationship qualities (Buist & Vermande, 2014; Deater-Deckard et al., 2002; Updegraff et al., 2005a), and some dimensions of these relationships are less understood than other dimensions. One dimension in need of attention is that of sibling relational victimization, which includes behaviors aimed at harming one’s sibling relationship during a period in which interpersonal relationships are developmentally salient (Collins & Steinberg, 2006; Crick, 1995; Crick & Grotpeter, 1995). In my dissertation, I examine the associations between family and friendship dynamics and sibling relational victimization longitudinally during adolescence. In study 1, I examined the developmental change in sibling relational victimization experiences during adolescence, and tested the associations between parent-youth and sibling conflict and intimacy and sibling relational victimization longitudinally. Sibling structural characteristics were explored as moderators. Using longitudinal growth and multi-level modeling, I found that sibling relational victimization decreased across adolescence for both siblings, with younger siblings reporting higher frequency of sibling relational victimization relative to older siblings. On a general level, parent-adolescent and sibling intimacy and conflict were associated with sibling relational victimization, albeit in different ways for mixed- and same-gender dyads and older and younger siblings. Overall, findings from study 1 highlight the importance of examining parent-youth and sibling relationship dynamics, the vulnerability of younger siblings as victims of sibling relational victimization, and the interplay of sibling gender dynamics and father-youth relationships on sibling relational victimization experiences in adolescence. In study 2, I examined whether sibling relational victimization and negativity moderate the associations between parent-adolescent conflict and friendship control, conflict, and perspective taking in adolescence. Variation by sibling birth order and gender also was explored. Using path analytic models, I found that mother-adolescent, sibling, and friendship dynamics were interlinked, such that mother-adolescent conflict in combination with sibling negativity and sibling relational aggression were associated with friendship outcomes, albeit differently by sibling gender and friendship outcome. Findings from study 2 suggest the importance of addressing negative mother-adolescent and sibling relationship dynamics in prevention and intervention curricula aimed at promoting positive friendship dynamics during adolescence.
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Parenting Information Across Socioeconomic Status

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My project examined the different types of parenting information parents and caregivers use. And how useful, accurate, accessible, and likely to use these types of parenting information are. I also examined these differences across SES to see if there were any variances.

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White Parents’ Color-Blind Racial Ideology and Implicit White Preference as Predictors of Children’s Racial Attitudes

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This study examined relations between White parents’ color-blind and implicit racial attitudes and their children’s racial bias as well as moderation by diversity in children’s friends and caregivers, parental warmth, child age, and child sex. The sample included 190 White/Non-Hispanic

This study examined relations between White parents’ color-blind and implicit racial attitudes and their children’s racial bias as well as moderation by diversity in children’s friends and caregivers, parental warmth, child age, and child sex. The sample included 190 White/Non-Hispanic children (46% female) between the ages of 5 and 9 years (M = 7.11 years, SD = .94) and their mothers (N = 184) and fathers (N = 154). Data used were parents’ reports of color-blind racial attitudes (Color-blind Racial Attitudes Scale; CoBRAS), parental warmth, and racial/ethnic diversity of children’s friendships and caregivers, direct assessment of primary parent implicit racial attitudes (Implicit Association Test; IAT), and direct assessment of children’s racial attitudes. Results supported hypothesized relations between parent racial attitudes and some child racial bias variables, especially under certain conditions. Specifically, both mothers’ and fathers’ color-blind racial attitudes were positively related to children’s social inclusion preference for White children over Black children and parents’ implicit White preference positively predicted child social inclusion racial bias, but only for younger children. Fathers’ color-blind racial attitudes positively predicted children’s social inclusion racial bias only when children’s pre-K caregivers were mostly White and were inversely related to children’s implicit White preference when children’s caregivers were more racially heterogeneous. Finally, parental warmth moderated relations such that, when mothers’ warmth was low, mother color-blind attitudes were negatively related to children’s racial bias in social distance preference and fathers’ color-blind attitudes positively predicted children’s social inclusion bias only when father warmth was low or average.
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Parenting, Executive Function, and Children’s Emerging Emotional Intelligence

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The construct of adult emotional intelligence has gained increasing attention over the last 15 years given its significant socioemotional implications for the ability to label, understand, and regulate emotions. There is a gap, however, in understanding how emotional intelligence

The construct of adult emotional intelligence has gained increasing attention over the last 15 years given its significant socioemotional implications for the ability to label, understand, and regulate emotions. There is a gap, however, in understanding how emotional intelligence develops in children. Parenting is one of the most salient predictors of children’s behavior and the current study investigated its prospective link to children’s emotional intelligence. More preceisely, this study took a differentiated approach to parenting by examining the distinct contributions of maternal sensitivity and emotion socialization to children’s emotional intelligence. In addition, executive function, considered a “conductor” of higher-order skills and a neurocognitive correlate of emotional intelligence, was examined as a possible mechanism by which parenting influences emotional intelligence. Data were collected from 269 Mexican-American mother-child dyads during 2-year (parenting), 4.5-year (executive function), and 6-year (emotional intelligence) laboratory visits. Both parenting variables were assessed by objective observer ratings. Exeutive function and emotional intelligence were examined as latent constructs comprised of relevant parent-reported and objective measures. Due to a lack of adequate fit, the emotional intelligence variable was separated into two distinct latent constructs, emotion knowledge/understanding and emotion dysregulation. Results indicated that neither dimension of parenting was predictive of dimensions of emotional intelligence. On the other hand, children’s executive function was positively related to emotion knowledge. Finally, executive function did not emerge as a mediator of the relation between parenting and dimensions of emotional intelligence. Taken together, these findings highlight the need for a nuanced developmental and bioecological framework in the study of childen’s executive function and emotional intelligence.
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Emerging self-regulation: contributing infant and maternal factors

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The ability to self-regulate is arguably the single most important skill a child develops early in life. Self-regulation skills are consistently linked to indices of health, success, and wellbeing. The predominating perspective in self-regulation developmental research has emphasized the role

The ability to self-regulate is arguably the single most important skill a child develops early in life. Self-regulation skills are consistently linked to indices of health, success, and wellbeing. The predominating perspective in self-regulation developmental research has emphasized the role of the early caregiving environment, specifically maternal characteristics and behavior, in shaping infants’ emerging regulatory skills. Using two complementary studies, this dissertation draws from a longitudinal sample of 322 low-income, Mexican American mother-infant dyads to better understand mothers’ and infants’ unique roles in contributing to emerging infant regulatory processes. The first study explores the unique contributions of intrinsic (i.e., infant gaze) and extrinsic (i.e., maternal gaze) factors in understanding infant dysregulated emotion and behavior during mother-infant interactions. Using actor partner interdependent models (APIMs), the role of infant and maternal gaze in understanding infant dysregulation were examined longitudinally across three mother-infant interaction tasks (i.e., soothing, teaching, and peekaboo), as well as within task. The expected relations among gaze and dysregulation did not emerge in the longitudinal model; however, differential patterns of associations emerged by task. Findings are discussed within the intersection of risk, culture, and the dyadic interaction context.

The second study connects patterns of specific maternal behaviors (i.e., acknowledging, gaze, vocal appropriateness, appropriate range of affect, consistency of style, resourcefulness, and touch) associated with maternal sensitivity to infant cortisol reactivity and recovery. Latent profile analysis (LPA) revealed four distinct combinations of maternal sensitivity behaviors. One pattern emerged as a risk profile—differentiated by higher maternal stress—and was associated with significantly more infant cortisol recovery compared to other profiles. Both studies offer a more nuanced understanding of the respective roles of infant and maternal factors in the development of self-regulation. Further explication of developmental processes involved in early regulatory functioning has implications for advancing both scientific knowledge and improved targeting of prevention and early intervention efforts to promote optimal child outcomes, particularly in populations that at increased risk for developmental psychopathology.
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