Enhancing Community Flood Resilience through Systems Approaches: A Case Study of the Ciliwung River Watershed in Indonesia

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Given increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and disparities in socio-economic conditions, managing flood risks has become ever more challenging. Building a community flood resilience becomes an essential strategy to reduce flood risks and achieve sustainable development. However,

Given increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and disparities in socio-economic conditions, managing flood risks has become ever more challenging. Building a community flood resilience becomes an essential strategy to reduce flood risks and achieve sustainable development. However, enhancing community flood resilience presents numerous obstacles and potential downsides. To address such a challenge, this dissertation investigates the interactions among natural, built environment, and actor systems using a case study of flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the Ciliwung river watershed. The study first develops a conceptual framework for community flood resilience by integrating concepts from disaster, flood, and community resilience research to represent how water, structural elements, and actors are connected and can contribute to hazards and vulnerabilities. Building on the framework, the study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining stakeholder interviews with network and heatmap analysis to identify the roles and interconnections of relevant actors in Jakarta’s flooding. Next, the study employs a hybrid of agent-based and system dynamics modeling to explore the complex interactions among the watershed’s physical and actor systems. The model evaluates how the level of collaboration among government agencies affects flood management interventions and community resilience under various scenarios concerning weather patterns and land-use change. The research provides an exploratory tool and a strategic guide for enhancing community flood resilience. The stakeholder analysis reveals the complexity of stakeholder relationships and challenges such as imbalance in resource allocation, authority overlap, and low engagement. These insights highlight the need for trust-building, community involvement, and strategic alignment in flood management efforts. Systems modeling to derive policy recommendations bridges the gap between theoretical frameworks and governance challenges, offering empirical evidence of the critical role of governmental collaboration in reducing exposure to floods. The systems modeling results suggest that under conditions of uncertainties, enhancing community flood resilience requires a coordinated approach among stakeholders.
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Assessment in Sustainability Education: Learning Towards Innovations in Transdisciplinary Practice

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The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the

The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the field have identified relevant learning objectives, pedagogies, and broader contributions for sustainability education to make, the sophistication of approaches to evaluating and enhancing collective learning has remained underdeveloped. This dissertation aimed to address this gap by exploring assessment in sustainability education, with the goal of supporting innovations in transdisciplinary practice by developing distinctive approaches for the field through deliberative processes that articulate design frameworks.The first study, Sustainability-Oriented Assessment, applied a formative intervention within an undergraduate course focused on professional skill development to demonstrate how a student-led rubric co-design process that drew from participative, normative, and integrative approaches contributed to student agency, expansive learning, and self-formation. The study demonstrated how students leveraged challenges and changing perspectives towards development as students and sustainability professionals. The second study, Boundary Crossings and Innovations, applied an exploratory action research approach within a community of practice of program leaders and instructors to identify barriers and possibilities for assessment practices, suggesting conceptual, practical, and logistical innovations. The strategies to enable these innovations focused on defining the field and articulating practice characteristics related to interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary strategies, while meeting demands and facilitating innovations across course, program, and institutional levels. The third study, Assessment-Oriented Sustainability, applied a scoping literature review to develop a framework that integrates problem, solution, and learning orientations to sustainability by infusing educational purposes, processes, and principles to strengthen the efficacy of assessment approaches for transdisciplinary strategies. Insights from the three studies suggest that the practice of assessment plays multifaceted roles as it facilitates the design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability endeavors. These roles include evaluative and formative functions as it appraises and advances learning, normative and deliberative functions in encouraging discussion and critical reflection, and adaptive and generative functions by indicating, motivating, and enabling dynamic learning and action for sustainability.
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Urban Climate Adaptation: A Solutions-Oriented Study Abroad Program Examining Heat in Tempe and Freiburg

Extreme heat is an increasingly major issue for urban areas worldwide due to the effects of climate change. There are a variety of actions that can be taken to combat this heat, with the most beneficial being sustainable heat actions.

Extreme heat is an increasingly major issue for urban areas worldwide due to the effects of climate change. There are a variety of actions that can be taken to combat this heat, with the most beneficial being sustainable heat actions. These actions address extreme heat, and also aim to be long-lasting, equitable and just for people and nature. Teaching future generations of professionals about extreme heat issues and solutions approaches to address them prepares these individuals for their future roles in society. To teach these solutions to future professionals, a two week long study abroad program focusing on urban heat adaptation and sustainable solutions has been created for students at Arizona State University. The city of study used for this curriculum is Freiburg, Germany, a city well-known for its sustainable actions and policy. This curriculum is broken down into pre-course modules and abroad modules. The pre-course modules occur online prior to the course while the abroad modules take place in Freiburg. There are 23 modules included in this curriculum in total. These modules give students an introduction to the city, introduce types of heat actions, provide examples of sustainable heat solutions, and culminate with a final presentation comparing the city of Freiburg, Germany with students' home city, Tempe, Arizona. This curriculum can be used by schools and universities worldwide to study sustainable heat solutions in the context of Freiburg, Germany. Due to the ease with which Tempe-based sections can be switched out, the course is adaptable to multiple learning scenarios. The curriculum is highly place-based in relation to the city of Freiburg and the course is an untested program intended to act as a two week course, providing some limiting factors and considerations. A final learning reflection highlights the main findings from the curriculum writing process.
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Assessing Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

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With less than seven years left to reach the ambitious targets of the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is imperative to understand how the SDGs are operationalized in practice to support effective governance. One integrative approach, the

With less than seven years left to reach the ambitious targets of the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is imperative to understand how the SDGs are operationalized in practice to support effective governance. One integrative approach, the water, energy, and food (WEF) nexus, has been proposed to facilitate SDGs planning and implementation by incorporating synergies, co-benefits, and trade-offs. In this dissertation, I conduct three interrelated WEF nexus studies using a sustainability lens to develop new approaches and identify actionable measures to support the SDGs. The first paper is a systematic literature review (2015 – 2022) to investigate the extent to which WEF nexus research has generated actionable knowledge to achieve the SDGs. The findings show that the WEF nexus literature explicitly considering the SDGs mainly focuses on governance and environmental protection, with fewer studies focusing on target populations and affordability. In the second paper, I reframed the water quality concerns using a nexus and systems thinking approach in a FEW nexus hotspot, the Rio Negro Basin (RNB) in Uruguay. While Uruguay is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainability challenges endure in managing synergies and trade-offs, resulting in strategy setbacks for the sustainable development of food, land, water, and oceans. Reframing the water quality problem facilitated the identification of potential alternative intervention points to support local problem-solving capacity. In the third paper, I conducted semi-structured interviews and examined the meeting transcripts of the RNB Commission to understand local perspectives about how the activities and initiatives taking place in the basin enhance or diminish the overall sustainability. Sustainability criteria for river basin planning and management were operationalized through qualitative appraisal questions. The case of the RNB illustrates the challenges of coordinating the national development agenda to local livelihood. This dissertation advances the WEF nexus and sustainability science literature by shedding light on the implications of the research trend to support the SDGs, as well as reframing and appraising a persistent water quality problem to support sustainable development.
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Identifying adaptive capacity strategies for hurricane events: A scoping literature review for rural farming communities in Puerto Rico


Climate change is a threat to food security and food system stability, especially towards small islands. Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, further putting island rural farming communities at greater risk for reduced crop yields and

Climate change is a threat to food security and food system stability, especially towards small islands. Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, further putting island rural farming communities at greater risk for reduced crop yields and food insecurity. Puerto Rico’s dependence on food imports exacerbates vulnerabilities during natural disasters including reduced food quality, rural impoverishment, and periodic food insecurity. Despite these vulnerabilities, Puerto Rican farmers serve as cultural emblems within their community, providing fresh foods in times of disaster when federal aid was not available. There is very limited research focusing on how the informal social structures of these rural communities contribute to community-level disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. Since the devastating Hurricane Maria in 2017, there has been little literature focusing on increasing rural farming community resilience against natural disasters like hurricanes in Puerto Rico. Using literature mapping software, this scoping review identifies a very limited existing set of research concerning adaptive capacity strategies in rural farming communities in Puerto Rico since 2017, discusses the strengths and weaknesses of aid organizations like the Southern Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education grant in Utuado, Puerto Rico, and suggests value in additional focused research specific to identifying how communities implement disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies.

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Exploring the Spatial Networks of Sustainable Agritourism in the Municipalities of Utuado, Ciales, Florida, and Jayuya, Puerto Rico

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As climate change continues to escalate natural hazards around the globe, certain communities feel the impacts of these disasters more so than others. After Hurricane Maria devastated communities in 2017, Puerto Rico struggled to respond to the needs of its

As climate change continues to escalate natural hazards around the globe, certain communities feel the impacts of these disasters more so than others. After Hurricane Maria devastated communities in 2017, Puerto Rico struggled to respond to the needs of its citizens, particularly those in rural areas. Many of the regions affected did not have resilient community structures in place to be able to withstand the systemic ripple effects of the hurricane. However, various community endeavors have developed post-Hurricane Maria to foster community collaboration and resiliency, including the development of agricultural tourism, otherwise known as agritourism. <br/>Although agritourism has begun to develop in rural regions of Puerto Rico, including the municipalities of Utuado, Ciales, Florida, and Jayuya, a systems-understanding is lacking of the current agritourism situation in the region and its related capacities, limitations, and opportunities of agritourism. To address this gap, a spatially explicit understanding and map of the underlying tourism infrastructure is needed to support the development of sustainable agritourism in Utuado, Jayuya, Ciales, and Florida municipalities in Puerto Rico. <br/>This report spatially represents the current state of tourism opportunities in the region as a result of asking “What are the spatial networks of gastronomy, accommodations, farms, and attractions that support the development of agritourism in Utuado, Jayuya, Ciales and Florida municipalities in Puerto Rico?” Three steps lead to the spatial representation starting with developing a comprehensive inventory. Second, we visualize the spatial map through Google Maps. Lastly, we explore the larger context of the report through an ArcGIS Storymap. The inventory will help with better understanding the number and variety of tourism resources available. The spatial visualization will help with understanding the distribution of resources and explore potential connections between resources and what relationships could be fostered in the future. Lastly, the ArcGIS Storymap will serve as a framework for outlining the future development of the SARE project. Overall, this report outlines the spatial maps of tourism resources and provides a tool to be used by community partners, tourists, and project partners.

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Inspiring Young Learners in Arizona Through Sustainability and Reptile Conservation Education

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This 15-week long course is designed to introduce students, specifically in Arizona, to basic sustainability and conservation principles in the context of local reptile wildlife. Throughout the course, the students work on identifying the problem, creating visions for the desired

This 15-week long course is designed to introduce students, specifically in Arizona, to basic sustainability and conservation principles in the context of local reptile wildlife. Throughout the course, the students work on identifying the problem, creating visions for the desired future, and finally developing a strategy to help with reptile species survival in the valley. Research shows that animals in the classroom have led to improved academic success for students. Thus, through creating this course I was able to combine conservation and sustainability curriculum with real-life animals whose survival is directly being affected in the valley. My hope is that this course will help students identify a newfound passion and call to action to protect native wildlife. The more awareness and actionable knowledge which can be brought to students in Arizona about challenges to species survival the more likely we are to see a change in the future and a stronger sense of urgency for protecting wildlife. In order to accomplish these goals, the curriculum was developed to begin with basic concepts of species needs such as food and shelter and basic principles of sustainability. As the course progresses the students analyze current challenges reptile wildlife faces, like urban sprawl, and explore options to address these challenges. The course concludes with a pilot pitch where students present their solution projects to the school.

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Recovery and adaptation in post-Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico: local and government perspectives

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Disasters represent disruptions to stability and offer lessons about how climate adaptation is negotiated and acted on. Viewing adaptation as a negotiation helps understand recovery not just as actions taken to minimize harm, but a reflection of values and motivations

Disasters represent disruptions to stability and offer lessons about how climate adaptation is negotiated and acted on. Viewing adaptation as a negotiation helps understand recovery not just as actions taken to minimize harm, but a reflection of values and motivations surrounding adaptation. This research elicits these perspectives and considers them as part of an ongoing agreement for disaster recovery and adaptation in Puerto Rico. Previous research has characterized recovery as an opportunity for rethinking societal arrangements for climate adaptation and highlights the importance of how adaptation is conceptualized across actors. This study builds on past research by using distinct perspectives to understand recovery as an adaptation process and a co-production of a new ‘social contract’ after Hurricane Maria. Community interviews and government documents are analyzed to understand who is involved, where change is happening, and what resources are necessary for success. The purpose of this is to consider distinct framings of recovery and adaptation, and what these contribute to long-term change. Community interviews give a perspective of local stability and show capacities for immediate and long-term recovery. Similarly, government documents discuss managing foundational vulnerabilities like infrastructure, while navigating recovery given geographical and economic obstacles. Findings show that self-organization and harnessing social capital are crucial components of recovery in the Corcovada community after Maria. They rely on bonding and bridging social capital to mobilize resources and reduce vulnerabilities for future threats. This transformative approach was also present in official recovery documents, though political and economic change were stressed as necessary for stability, along with modernizing infrastructure. While recovery documents suggest connecting physical and social resilience, community residents have cultivated this connection long before Maria. Unlike in Corcovada, the government of Puerto Rico is only starting to view disruptions as windows of opportunity and therefore mention plans for transformation but don’t present actions taken. Further, the reality of vulnerable infrastructural, political and economic systems greatly affects recovery both in Corcovada and across the island. Both perspectives will likely affect actions taken in Puerto Rico and recognizing these unique framings of stability can help design transformative, adaptive social contracts for facing future threats.
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Mitigating Urban Sprawl Effects: A Collaborative Tree and Shade Intervention in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

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Communities in Phoenix are confronted with numerous challenges that adversely affect human health and safety, with disproportionate impacts on low-income communities. While some challenges are being addressed at the city level, new alliances at the neighbourhood level are initiating community

Communities in Phoenix are confronted with numerous challenges that adversely affect human health and safety, with disproportionate impacts on low-income communities. While some challenges are being addressed at the city level, new alliances at the neighbourhood level are initiating community development programmes and projects. This article reports on an intervention study carried out in collaboration with community representatives, city staff, and non-profit organisations to mitigate adverse effects of urban sprawl in the Sky Harbour Neighbourhood in Phoenix. Participatory research was conducted to design and test a tree and shade intervention. Challenges associated with navigating community desires and broader principles of sustainable development are discussed. The study offers a replicable and adaptable intervention research design aimed at empowering communities to meet urban challenges.

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Documenting the Development of ASU's Green Bin Program

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My project is an examination of the process ASU Tempe campus took to institute an organics collection program. Working from a sustainability science perspective I demonstrate the structural and logistical barriers faced during program creation and expansion. My examination lead

My project is an examination of the process ASU Tempe campus took to institute an organics collection program. Working from a sustainability science perspective I demonstrate the structural and logistical barriers faced during program creation and expansion. My examination lead to the creation of a manual designed as a tool for other organizations in which I document ASU's process and provide information on key steps and procedures necessary to implement a unique organics collection program.
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