Development of N-glycan specific plant produced antibody therapeutics for a fine-tuned immune response

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Antibodies are naturally occurring proteins that protect a host during infection through direct neutralization and/or recruitment of the innate immune system. Unfortunately, in some infections, antibodies present unique hurdles that must be overcome for a safer and more efficacious antibody-based

Antibodies are naturally occurring proteins that protect a host during infection through direct neutralization and/or recruitment of the innate immune system. Unfortunately, in some infections, antibodies present unique hurdles that must be overcome for a safer and more efficacious antibody-based therapeutic (e.g., antibody dependent viral enhancement (ADE) and inflammatory pathology). This dissertation describes the utilization of plant expression systems to produce N-glycan specific antibody-based therapeutics for Dengue Virus (DENV) and Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV). The Fc region of an antibody interacts with Fcγ Receptors (FcγRs) on immune cells and components of the innate immune system. Each class of immune cells has a distinct action of neutralization (e.g., antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and antibody dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP)). Therefore, structural alteration of the Fc region results in novel immune pathways of protection. One approach is to modulate the N-glycosylation in the Fc region of the antibody. Of scientific significance, is the plant’s capacity to express human antibodies with homogenous plant and humanized N-glycosylation (WT and GnGn, respectively). This allows to study how specific glycovariants interact with other components of the immune system to clear an infection, producing a tailor-made antibody for distinct diseases. In the first section, plant-produced glycovariants were explored for reduced interactions with specific FcγRs for the overall reduction in ADE for DENV infections. The results demonstrate a reduction in ADE of our plant-produced monoclonal antibodies in in vitro experiments, which led to a greater survival in vivo of immunodeficient mice challenged with lethal doses of DENV and a sub-lethal dose of DENV in ADE conditions. In the second section, plant-produced glycovariants were explored for increased interaction with specific FcγRs to improve ADCC in the treatment of the highly inflammatory CHIKV. The results demonstrate an increase ADCC activity in in vitro experiments and a reduction in CHIKV-associated inflammation in in vivo mouse models. Overall, the significance of this dissertation is that it can provide a treatment for DENV and CHIKV; but equally importantly, give insight to the role of N-glycosylation in antibody effector functions, which has a broader implication for therapeutic development for other viral infections.
Date Created

Large-Scale Kinetic Analyses of Protein-Protein Interactions: Advancing the Understanding of Post Translational Modifications in Biological Regulation

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Signal transduction networks comprising protein-protein interactions (PPIs) mediate homeostatic, diseased, and therapeutic cellular responses. Mapping these networks has primarily focused on identifying interactors, but less is known about the interaction affinity, rates of interaction or their regulation. To better understand

Signal transduction networks comprising protein-protein interactions (PPIs) mediate homeostatic, diseased, and therapeutic cellular responses. Mapping these networks has primarily focused on identifying interactors, but less is known about the interaction affinity, rates of interaction or their regulation. To better understand the extent of the annotated human interactome, I first examined > 2500 protein interactions within the B cell receptor (BCR) signaling pathway using a current, cutting-edge bioluminescence-based platform called “NanoBRET” that is capable of analyzing transient and stable interactions in high throughput. Eighty-three percent (83%) of the detected interactions have not been previously reported, indicating that much of the BCR pathway is still unexplored. Unfortunately, NanoBRET, as with all other high throughput methods, cannot determine binding kinetics or affinities. To address this shortcoming, I developed a hybrid platform that characterizes > 400 PPIs quantitatively and simultaneously in < 1 hour by combining the high throughput and flexible nature of nucleic programmable protein arrays (NAPPA) with the quantitative abilities of surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi). NAPPA-SPRi was then used to study the kinetics and affinities of > 12,000 PPIs in the BCR signaling pathway, revealing unique kinetic mechanisms that are employed by proteins, phosphorylation and activation states to regulate PPIs. In one example, activation of the GTPase RAC1 with nonhydrolyzable GTP-γS minimally affected its binding affinities with phosphorylated proteins but increased, on average, its on- and off-rates by 4 orders of magnitude for one-third of its interactions. In contrast, this phenomenon occurred with virtually all unphosphorylated proteins. The majority of the interactions (85%) were novel, sharing 40% of the same interactions as NanoBRET as well as detecting 55% more interactions than NanoBRET. In addition, I further validated four novel interactions identified by NAPPA-SPRi using SDS-PAGE migration and Western blot analyses. In one case, we have the first evidence of a direct enzyme-substrate interaction between two well-known proto-oncogenes that are abnormally regulated in > 30% of cancers, PI3K and MYC. Herein, PI3K is demonstrated to phosphorylate MYC at serine 62, a phosphosite that increases the stability of MYC. This study provides valuable insight into how PPIs, phosphorylation, and GTPase activation regulate the BCR signal transduction pathway. In addition, these methods could be applied toward understanding other signaling pathways, pathogen-host interactions, and the effect of protein mutations on protein interactions.
Date Created

Molecular profiling plasma extracellular vesicles from breast cancer patients

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a heterogeneous population of small vesicles, consisting of a phospholipidic bilayer surrounding a soluble interior cargo. These vesicles play an important role in cellular communication by virtue of their protein, RNA, and lipid content, which can

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a heterogeneous population of small vesicles, consisting of a phospholipidic bilayer surrounding a soluble interior cargo. These vesicles play an important role in cellular communication by virtue of their protein, RNA, and lipid content, which can be transferred among cells. Peripheral blood is a rich source of circulating EVs. An analysis of EVs in peripheral blood could provide access to unparalleled amounts of biomarkers of great diagnostic, prognostic as well as therapeutic value. In the current study, a plasma EV enrichment method based on pluronic co-polymer was first established and characterized. Plasma EVs from breast cancer patients were then enriched, profiled and compared to non-cancer controls. Proteins signatures that contributed to the prediction of cancer samples from non-cancer controls were created by a random-forest based cross-validation approach. We found that a large portion of these signatures were related to breast cancer aggression. To verify such findings, KIAA0100, one of the features identified, was chosen for in vitro molecular and cellular studies in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. We found that KIAA0100 regulates cancer cell aggression in MDA-MB-231 in an anchorage-independent manner and is particularly associated with anoikis resistance through its interaction with HSPA1A. Lastly, plasma EVs contain not only individual proteins, but also numerous molecular complexes. In order to measure millions of proteins, isoforms, and complexes simultaneously, Adaptive Dynamic Artificial Poly-ligand Targeting (ADAPT) platform was applied. ADAPT employs an enriched library of single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides to profile complex biological samples, thus achieving a deep coverage of system-wide, native biomolecules. Profiling of EVs from breast cancer patients was able to obtain a prediction AUC performance of 0.73 when compared biopsy-positive cancer patient to healthy controls and 0.64 compared to biopsy-negative controls and such performance was not associated with the physical breast condition indicated by BIRAD scores. Taken together, current research demonstrated the potential of profiling plasma EVs in searching for therapeutic targets as well as diagnostic signatures.
Date Created

Construction and Characterization of Recombinant anti-PD-L1 Single Chain Antibodies

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Programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) is an overexpressed protein on many tumor cell types. PD-L1 is involved in normal immune regulation, playing an important role in self-tolerance and controlling autoimmunity. However, ligation of PD-L1 to PD-1 on activated T cells

Programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) is an overexpressed protein on many tumor cell types. PD-L1 is involved in normal immune regulation, playing an important role in self-tolerance and controlling autoimmunity. However, ligation of PD-L1 to PD-1 on activated T cells leads to tumor-mediated T cell suppression. Inhibiting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway has emerged as an effective target for anti-tumor immunotherapies. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) targeting tumor-associated antigens such as PD-L1 have proven to be effective checkpoint blockades, improving therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients and receiving FDA approval as first line therapies for some cancers. A single chain variable fragment (scFv) is composed of the variable heavy and light chain regions of a mAb, connected by a flexible linker. We hypothesized that scFv proteins based on the published anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody sequences of atezolizumab and avelumab would bind to cell surface PD-L1. Four single chain variable fragments (scFvs) were constructed based on the sequences of these mAbs. PCR was used to assemble, construct, and amplify DNA fragments encoding the scFvs which were subsequently ligated into a eukaryotic expression vector. Mammalian cells were transfected with the scFv and scFv-IgG plasmids. The scFvs were tested for binding to PD-L1 on tumor cell lysates by western blot and to whole tumor cells by staining and flow cytometry analysis. DNA sequence analysis demonstrated that the scFv constructs were successfully amplified and cloned into the expression vectors and recombinant scFvs were produced. The binding capabilities of the scFvs constucts to PD-L1 protein were confirmed by western blot and flow cytometry analysis. This lead to the idea of constructing a CAR T cell engineered to target PD-L1, providing a possible adoptive T cell immunotherapy.
Date Created

Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Fic as an AMPylator that promotes intracellular survival and forms a toxin-antitoxin-like complex with its putative antitoxin

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Many Fic domain proteins, through catalyzing post translational modifications (PTM) of protein substrates, functionally contribute to bacterial pathogenesis and the regulation of bacterial growth. Furthermore, one form of Fic-mediated regulation is the Fic toxin-antitoxin system, whereby an antitoxin interacts with

Many Fic domain proteins, through catalyzing post translational modifications (PTM) of protein substrates, functionally contribute to bacterial pathogenesis and the regulation of bacterial growth. Furthermore, one form of Fic-mediated regulation is the Fic toxin-antitoxin system, whereby an antitoxin interacts with and inhibits the Fic toxin. This study sought to determine the functional importance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Fic and its putative antitoxin protein, Rv3642c. Using M. tuberculosis H37Rv genetic deletion mutants, fic and Rv3642c were demonstrated to promote intracellular survival in human THP-1 macrophage-like cells. Unlike other Fic toxins, of Fic toxin-antitoxin systems, Fic did not inhibit bacterial growth in vitro in the absence of Rv3642c. Notably, Fic demonstrated in vitro AMPylation of a THP-1 cell extract protein as shown by immunodetection. Fic also exhibited auto-AMPylation activity. Interestingly, a mutation of the conserved histidine in the Fic domain motif, a residue previously shown to be critical for AMPylation, had no effect on Fic-mediated ATP hydrolysis or AMPylation activity. Rv3642c was demonstrated to form a complex with Fic when co-expressed in Escherichia coli, indicating a toxin-antitoxin interaction. Screening M. tuberculosis protein fractions and culture filtrate with α-Fic and α-Rv3642c rabbit antisera did not detect monomers of Fic or Rv3642c, thus the cellular localization of Fic and the Rv3642c-Fic complex remains unclear. The results of this study provide insight into the function of M. tuberculosis Fic, and suggest that Fic and Rv3642c are important for M. tuberculosis survival in the intracellular macrophage environment. Furthermore, these findings challenge the current dogma that Fic domain catalysis is dependent on the conserved histidine of the Fic motif.
Date Created

Characterization of Exosomes In Pediatric Cancer Cells

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Exosomes have been known to secrete an increased amount of miRNA and noncoding genes that are abnormally expressed in various cancer subtypes. Thus, they may be an early marker for pediatric cancer types that are more difficult to diagnosis without

Exosomes have been known to secrete an increased amount of miRNA and noncoding genes that are abnormally expressed in various cancer subtypes. Thus, they may be an early marker for pediatric cancer types that are more difficult to diagnosis without invasive techniques, and may also help identify progression of the disease. In the project, six types of pediatric cancer cell lines, along with their extracted exosomes, were analyzed and tested for different monoclonal antibodies through western blot analysis. The genes EWS-FLI1 and FGFR4 were also identified in some cancer cell lines through Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis (RT-PCR). The results were indicative of similar protein markers being found in both the originating cells and their corresponding exosomes.
Date Created

Improving the Valley Fever Gene Annotation Through Proteogenomic Analysis

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Valley Fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, is a respiratory disease that affects 10,000 people annually, primarily in Arizona and California. Due to a lack of gene annotation, diagnosis and treatment of Valley Fever is severely limited. In turn, gene annotation

Valley Fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, is a respiratory disease that affects 10,000 people annually, primarily in Arizona and California. Due to a lack of gene annotation, diagnosis and treatment of Valley Fever is severely limited. In turn, gene annotation efforts are also hampered by incomplete genome sequencing. We intend to use proteogenomic analysis to reannotate the Coccidioides posadasii str. Silveira genome from protein-level data. Protein samples extracted from both phases of Silveira were fragmented into peptides, sequenced, and compared against databases of known and predicted proteins sequences, as well as a de novo six-frame translation of the genome. 288 unique peptides were located that did not match a known Silveira annotation, and of those 169 were associated with another Coccidioides strain. Additionally, 17 peptides were found at the boundary of, or outside of, the current gene annotation comprising four distinct clusters. For one of these clusters, we were able to calculate a lower bound and an estimate for the size of the gap between two Silveira contigs using the Coccidioides immitis RS transcript associated with that cluster's peptides \u2014 these predictions were consistent with the current annotation's scaffold structure. Three peptides were associated with an actively translated transposon, and a putative active site was located within an intact LTR retrotransposon. We note that gene annotation is necessarily hindered by the quality and level of detail in prior genome sequencing efforts, and recommend that future studies involving reannotation include additional sequencing as well as gene annotation via proteogenomics or other methods.
Date Created

Detection of antibodies to HPV16-associated oropharyngeal cancer using custom bead arrays

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Oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) is the world's sixth most common cancer and in many cases is associated with infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16. Antibodies (Abs) to HPV16 viral antigens are potential diagnostic biomarkers of HPV-associated OPC (HPV OPC). A

Oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) is the world's sixth most common cancer and in many cases is associated with infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16. Antibodies (Abs) to HPV16 viral antigens are potential diagnostic biomarkers of HPV-associated OPC (HPV OPC). A custom multiplexed bead array assay was used to detect Abs to HPV16 antigens E1, CE2, NE2, E4, E5, E6, E7, L1, and L2. Following extensive optimization of the assay, these genes were expressed as GST-fusion proteins and captured onto anti-GST magnetic beads. Serum was obtained from 256 OPC patients at the time of diagnosis and from 78 healthy controls. The median fluorescent intensity (MFI) was determined for each antigen and ratios of MFI to control GST-fusion protein were determined for each serum sample. Cutoff values were set as the mean + 3 SD of the MFIs of healthy controls and p-values were calculated using Wilcoxon unpaired and Fisher's exact test. Results of this experiment showed that HPV16 E1, CE2, NE2, E4, E6, and E7 Ab levels were elevated in OPC patients compared to controls (p<0.001), as were Ab levels to L1 (p = 0.013) and L2 (p = 0.023), per Fischer's exact test. Abs to CE2, NE2, E6, and E7 were identified as a potential biomarker panel for early detection of HPV OPC. For the 111 patients with known HPV+ tumors as measured by tumor PCR of E6 and/or E7, this assay had a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 87% (AUC = 0.96). From these results, we conclude that custom bead array assays can be used to detect HPV16 Abs in patient sera, and we have identified a 4-Ab biomarker panel for the early detection of HPV OPC.
Date Created

TWEAK functions as chemotactic factor for glioma cells via Lyn activation

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The long-term survival of patients with glioblastoma multiforme is compromised by the tumor's proclivity for local invasion into the surrounding normal brain. These invasive cells escape surgery and display resistance to chemotherapeutic- and radiation-induced apoptosis. We have previously shown that

The long-term survival of patients with glioblastoma multiforme is compromised by the tumor's proclivity for local invasion into the surrounding normal brain. These invasive cells escape surgery and display resistance to chemotherapeutic- and radiation-induced apoptosis. We have previously shown that tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), a member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily, can stimulate glioma cell invasion and survival via binding to the fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) receptor and subsequent activation of the Rac1/NF-kappaB pathway. In addition, we have reported previously that Fn14 is expressed at high levels in migrating glioma cells in vitro and invading glioma cells in vivo. Here we demonstrate that TWEAK can act as a chemotactic factor for glioma cells, a potential process to drive cell invasion into the surrounding brain tissue. Specifically, we detected a chemotactic migration of glioma cells to the concentration gradient of TWEAK. Since Src family kinases (SFK) have been implicated in chemotaxis, we next determined whether TWEAK:Fn14 engagement activated these cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases. Our data shows that TWEAK stimulation of glioma cells results in a rapid phosphorylation of the SFK member Lyn as determined by multiplex Luminex assay and verified by immunoprecipitation. Immunodepletion of Lyn by siRNA oligonucleotides suppressed the chemoattractive effect of TWEAK on glioma cells. We hypothesize that TWEAK secretion by cells present in the glioma microenvironment induce invasion of glioma cells into the brain parenchyma. Understanding the function and signaling of the TWEAK-Fn14 ligand-receptor system may lead to development of novel therapies to therapeutically target invasive glioma cells.
Date Created

Investigate and characterize the means to reduce the toxicity of genetically engineered cancer therapeutic recombinant attenuated Salmonella

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. S. Typhimurium strains are specifically attracted to compounds produced by cancer cells and could overcome the traditional therapeutic

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. S. Typhimurium strains are specifically attracted to compounds produced by cancer cells and could overcome the traditional therapeutic barrier. However, a major problem with using live attenuated Salmonella as anti-cancer agents is their toxicity at the dose required for therapeutic efficacy, but reducing the dose results in diminished efficacy. In this project, we explored novel means to reduce the toxicity of the recombinant attenuated Salmonella by genetically engineering those virulence factors to facilitate maximal colonization of tumor tissues and reduced fitness in normal tissues. We have constructed two sets of Salmonella strains. In the first set, each targeted gene was knocked out by deletion of the gene. In the second set, the predicted promoter region of each gene was replaced with a rhamnose-regulated promoter, which will cease the synthesis of these genes in vivo, a rhamnose-free environment.
Date Created