Brine Stability at Recurring Slope Lineae in Valles Marineris, Mars

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Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) are dark, narrow features which form on steep Martian slopes during warm seasons, lengthening, fade in cold seasons and recurring annually. There are many hypotheses on the formation mechanism of RSL. A number of these hypotheses

Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) are dark, narrow features which form on steep Martian slopes during warm seasons, lengthening, fade in cold seasons and recurring annually. There are many hypotheses on the formation mechanism of RSL. A number of these hypotheses suggest that RSL are liquid brines flowing on the surface. Brine based hypotheses often state that sub-surface aquifers are necessary to supply the water needed to recharge RSL. One problem with this is that RSL are observed forming on isolated peaks and ridgelines where a sub-surface aquifer is unlikely. This study uses a thermal model called KRC to examine the correlation between RSL activity and surface temperature at several RSL sites in Valles Marineris. This correlation is compared to the freezing temperature of several brines. Results show an interesting relationship between RSL activity and the surface temperature of very steep (> 60º) slopes. This could indicate that RSL are caused by thermal stresses loosening material on the face of bedrock outcroppings instead of briny flows.
Date Created

Planetary Geological Science and Aerospace Systems Engineering Applications of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Earth, Mars, and the Outer Bodies

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Many planetary science missions study thermophysical properties of surfaces using infrared spectrometers and infrared cameras. Thermal inertia is a frequently derived thermophysical property that quantifies the ability for heat to exchange through planetary surfaces.

To conceptualize thermal inertia, the diffusion equation

Many planetary science missions study thermophysical properties of surfaces using infrared spectrometers and infrared cameras. Thermal inertia is a frequently derived thermophysical property that quantifies the ability for heat to exchange through planetary surfaces.

To conceptualize thermal inertia, the diffusion equation analogies are extended using a general effusivity term: the square root of a product of conductivity and capacity terms. A hypothetical thermal inductance was investigated for diurnal planetary heating. The hyperbolic heat diffusion equation was solved to derive an augmented thermal inertia. The hypothetical thermal inductance was modeled with negligible effect on Mars.

Extending spectral performance of infrared cameras was desired for colder bodies in the outer solar system where peak infrared emission is at longer wavelengths. The far-infrared response of an infrared microbolometer array with a retrofitted diamond window was determined using an OSIRIS-REx—OTES interferometer. An instrument response function of the diamond interferometer-microbolometer system shows extended peak performance from 15 µm out to 20 µm and 40% performance to at least 30 µm. The results are folded into E-THEMIS for the NASA flagship mission: Europa Clipper.

Infrared camera systems are desired for the expanding smallsat community that can inherit risk and relax performance requirements. The Thermal-camera for Exploration, Science, and Imaging Spacecraft (THESIS) was developed for the Prox-1 microsat mission. THESIS, incorporating 2001 Mars Odyssey—THEMIS experience, consists of an infrared camera, a visible camera, and an instrument computer. THESIS was planned to provide images for demonstrating autonomous proximity operations between two spacecraft, verifying deployment of the Planetary Society’s LightSail-B, and conducting remote sensing of Earth. Prox-1—THESIS was selected as the finalist for the competed University Nanosatellite Program-7 and was awarded a launch on the maiden commercial SpaceX Falcon Heavy. THESIS captures 8-12 µm IR images with 100 mm optics and RGB color images with 25 mm optics. The instrument computer was capable of instrument commanding, automatic data processing, image storage, and telemetry recording. The completed THESIS has a mass of 2.04 kg, a combined volume of 3U, and uses 7W of power. THESIS was designed, fabricated, integrated, and tested in ASU’s 100K clean lab.
Date Created

Uranium Isotope Variations Across Key Evolutionary Intervals in Geological History

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There is a growing body of evidence that the evolving redox structure of the oceans has been an important influence on the evolutionary trajectory of animals. However, current understanding of connections between marine redox conditions and marine extinctions and recoveries

There is a growing body of evidence that the evolving redox structure of the oceans has been an important influence on the evolutionary trajectory of animals. However, current understanding of connections between marine redox conditions and marine extinctions and recoveries is hampered by limited detailed knowledge of the timing, duration, and extent of marine redox changes.

The recent development of U isotopes (δ238U) in carbonates as a global ocean redox proxy has provided new insight into this problem. Reliable application and interpretation of the δ238U paleoproxy in geological records requires a thorough understanding of the reliability of δ238U recorded by bulk carbonate sediments. In this dissertation, I evaluate the robustness of δ238U paleoproxy by examining δ238U variations in marine carbonates across Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) sections from different paleogeographic locations. Close agreement of δ238U profiles from coeval carbonate sections thousands of kilometers apart, in different ocean basins, and with different diagenetic histories, strongly suggests that bulk carbonate sediments can reliably preserve primary marine δ238U signals, validating the carbonate U-isotope proxy for global-ocean redox analysis.

To improve understanding of the role of marine redox in shaping the evolutionary trajectory of animals, high-resolution δ238U records were generated across several key evolutionary periods, including the Ediacaran-to-Early Cambrian Explosion of complex life (635-541 Ma) and the delayed Early Triassic Earth system recovery from the PTB extinction (252-246 Ma). Based on U isotope variations in the Ediacaran-to-the Early Cambrian ocean, the initial diversification of the Ediacara biota immediately postdates an episode of pervasive ocean oxygenation across the Shuram event. The subsequent decline and extinction of the Ediacara biota is coincident with an episode of extensive anoxic conditions during the latest Ediacaran Period. These findings suggest that global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota. Based on U isotope variations, the Early Triassic ocean was characterized by multiple episodes of extensive marine anoxia. By comparing the high-resolution δ238U record with the sub-stage ammonoid extinction rate curve, it appears that multiple oscillations in marine anoxia modulated the recovery of marine ecosystems following the latest Permian mass extinction.
Date Created

Silica Deposits on Mars With Features Resembling Hot Spring Biosignatures at El Tatio in Chile

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The Mars rover Spirit encountered outcrops and regolith composed of opaline silica (amorphous SiO2·nH2O) in an ancient volcanic hydrothermal setting in Gusev crater. An origin via either fumarole-related acid-sulfate leaching or precipitation from hot spring fluids was suggested previously. However,

The Mars rover Spirit encountered outcrops and regolith composed of opaline silica (amorphous SiO2·nH2O) in an ancient volcanic hydrothermal setting in Gusev crater. An origin via either fumarole-related acid-sulfate leaching or precipitation from hot spring fluids was suggested previously. However, the potential significance of the characteristic nodular and mm-scale digitate opaline silica structures was not recognized. Here we report remarkably similar features within active hot spring/geyser discharge channels at El Tatio in northern Chile, where halite-encrusted silica yields infrared spectra that are the best match yet to spectra from Spirit. Furthermore, we show that the nodular and digitate silica structures at El Tatio that most closely resemble those on Mars include complex sedimentary structures produced by a combination of biotic and abiotic processes. Although fully abiotic processes are not ruled out for the Martian silica structures, they satisfy an a priori definition of potential biosignatures.

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