Monitoring physiological signals using camera

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Monitoring vital physiological signals, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing pattern, are basic requirements in the diagnosis and management of various diseases. Traditionally, these signals are measured only in hospital and clinical settings. An important recent trend is

Monitoring vital physiological signals, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing pattern, are basic requirements in the diagnosis and management of various diseases. Traditionally, these signals are measured only in hospital and clinical settings. An important recent trend is the development of portable devices for tracking these physiological signals non-invasively by using optical methods. These portable devices, when combined with cell phones, tablets or other mobile devices, provide a new opportunity for everyone to monitor one’s vital signs out of clinic.

This thesis work develops camera-based systems and algorithms to monitor several physiological waveforms and parameters, without having to bring the sensors in contact with a subject. Based on skin color change, photoplethysmogram (PPG) waveform is recorded, from which heart rate and pulse transit time are obtained. Using a dual-wavelength illumination and triggered camera control system, blood oxygen saturation level is captured. By monitoring shoulder movement using differential imaging processing method, respiratory information is acquired, including breathing rate and breathing volume. Ballistocardiogram (BCG) is obtained based on facial feature detection and motion tracking. Blood pressure is further calculated from simultaneously recorded PPG and BCG, based on the time difference between these two waveforms.

The developed methods have been validated by comparisons against reference devices and through pilot studies. All of the aforementioned measurements are conducted without any physical contact between sensors and subjects. The work presented herein provides alternative solutions to track one’s health and wellness under normal living condition.
Date Created

Perceptual-based locally adaptive noise and blur detection

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The quality of real-world visual content is typically impaired by many factors including image noise and blur. Detecting and analyzing these impairments are important steps for multiple computer vision tasks. This work focuses on perceptual-based locally adaptive noise and blur

The quality of real-world visual content is typically impaired by many factors including image noise and blur. Detecting and analyzing these impairments are important steps for multiple computer vision tasks. This work focuses on perceptual-based locally adaptive noise and blur detection and their application to image restoration.

In the context of noise detection, this work proposes perceptual-based full-reference and no-reference objective image quality metrics by integrating perceptually weighted local noise into a probability summation model. Results are reported on both the LIVE and TID2008 databases. The proposed metrics achieve consistently a good performance across noise types and across databases as compared to many of the best very recent quality metrics. The proposed metrics are able to predict with high accuracy the relative amount of perceived noise in images of different content.

In the context of blur detection, existing approaches are either computationally costly or cannot perform reliably when dealing with the spatially-varying nature of the defocus blur. In addition, many existing approaches do not take human perception into account. This work proposes a blur detection algorithm that is capable of detecting and quantifying the level of spatially-varying blur by integrating directional edge spread calculation, probability of blur detection and local probability summation. The proposed method generates a blur map indicating the relative amount of perceived local blurriness. In order to detect the flat
ear flat regions that do not contribute to perceivable blur, a perceptual model based on the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) is further integrated in the proposed blur detection algorithm to generate perceptually significant blur maps. We compare our proposed method with six other state-of-the-art blur detection methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs the best both visually and quantitatively.

This work further investigates the application of the proposed blur detection methods to image deblurring. Two selective perceptual-based image deblurring frameworks are proposed, to improve the image deblurring results and to reduce the restoration artifacts. In addition, an edge-enhanced super resolution algorithm is proposed, and is shown to achieve better reconstructed results for the edge regions.
Date Created

Visual quality with a focus on 3D blur discrimination and texture granularity

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Blur is an important attribute in the study and modeling of the human visual system. In this work, 3D blur discrimination experiments are conducted to measure the just noticeable additional blur required to differentiate a target blur from the reference

Blur is an important attribute in the study and modeling of the human visual system. In this work, 3D blur discrimination experiments are conducted to measure the just noticeable additional blur required to differentiate a target blur from the reference blur level. The past studies on blur discrimination have measured the sensitivity of the human visual system to blur using 2D test patterns. In this dissertation, subjective tests are performed to measure blur discrimination thresholds using stereoscopic 3D test patterns. The results of this study indicate that, in the symmetric stereo viewing case, binocular disparity does not affect the blur discrimination thresholds for the selected 3D test patterns. In the asymmetric viewing case, the blur discrimination thresholds decreased and the decrease in threshold values is found to be dominated by the eye observing the higher blur.

The second part of the dissertation focuses on texture granularity in the context of 2D images. A texture granularity database referred to as GranTEX, consisting of textures with varying granularity levels is constructed. A subjective study is conducted to measure the perceived granularity level of textures present in the GranTEX database. An objective index that automatically measures the perceived granularity level of textures is also presented. It is shown that the proposed granularity metric correlates well with the subjective granularity scores and outperforms the other methods presented in the literature.

A subjective study is conducted to assess the effect of compression on textures with varying degrees of granularity. A logarithmic function model is proposed as a fit to the subjective test data. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can be used for rate-distortion control by allowing the automatic selection of the needed compression ratio for a target visual quality. The proposed model can also be used for visual quality assessment by providing a measure of the visual quality for a target compression ratio.

The effect of texture granularity on the quality of synthesized textures is studied. A subjective study is presented to assess the quality of synthesized textures with varying levels of texture granularity using different types of texture synthesis methods. This work also proposes a reduced-reference visual quality index referred to as delta texture granularity index for assessing the visual quality of synthesized textures.
Date Created

In support of high quality 3-D ultrasound imaging for hand-held devices

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Three dimensional (3-D) ultrasound is safe, inexpensive, and has been shown to drastically improve system ease-of-use, diagnostic efficiency, and patient throughput. However, its high computational complexity and resulting high power consumption has precluded its use in hand-held applications.

In this dissertation,

Three dimensional (3-D) ultrasound is safe, inexpensive, and has been shown to drastically improve system ease-of-use, diagnostic efficiency, and patient throughput. However, its high computational complexity and resulting high power consumption has precluded its use in hand-held applications.

In this dissertation, algorithm-architecture co-design techniques that aim to make hand-held 3-D ultrasound a reality are presented. First, image enhancement methods to improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are proposed. These include virtual source firing techniques and a low overhead digital front-end architecture using orthogonal chirps and orthogonal Golay codes.

Second, algorithm-architecture co-design techniques to reduce the power consumption of 3-D SAU imaging systems is presented. These include (i) a subaperture multiplexing strategy and the corresponding apodization method to alleviate the signal bandwidth bottleneck, and (ii) a highly efficient iterative delay calculation method to eliminate complex operations such as multiplications, divisions and square-root in delay calculation during beamforming. These techniques were used to define Sonic Millip3De, a 3-D die stacked architecture for digital beamforming in SAU systems. Sonic Millip3De produces 3-D high resolution images at 2 frames per second with system power consumption of 15W in 45nm technology.

Third, a new beamforming method based on separable delay decomposition is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the beamforming unit in an SAU system. The method is based on minimizing the root-mean-square error (RMSE) due to delay decomposition. It reduces the beamforming complexity of a SAU system by 19x while providing high image fidelity that is comparable to non-separable beamforming. The resulting modified Sonic Millip3De architecture supports a frame rate of 32 volumes per second while maintaining power consumption of 15W in 45nm technology.

Next a 3-D plane-wave imaging system that utilizes both separable beamforming and coherent compounding is presented. The resulting system has computational complexity comparable to that of a non-separable non-compounding baseline system while significantly improving contrast-to-noise ratio and SNR. The modified Sonic Millip3De architecture is now capable of generating high resolution images at 1000 volumes per second with 9-fire-angle compounding.
Date Created

Fisheye camera calibration and applications

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Fisheye cameras are special cameras that have a much larger field of view compared to

conventional cameras. The large field of view comes at a price of non-linear distortions

introduced near the boundaries of the images captured by such cameras. Despite this


Fisheye cameras are special cameras that have a much larger field of view compared to

conventional cameras. The large field of view comes at a price of non-linear distortions

introduced near the boundaries of the images captured by such cameras. Despite this

drawback, they are being used increasingly in many applications of computer vision,

robotics, reconnaissance, astrophotography, surveillance and automotive applications.

The images captured from such cameras can be corrected for their distortion if the

cameras are calibrated and the distortion function is determined. Calibration also allows

fisheye cameras to be used in tasks involving metric scene measurement, metric

scene reconstruction and other simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms.

This thesis presents a calibration toolbox (FisheyeCDC Toolbox) that implements a collection of some of the most widely used techniques for calibration of fisheye cameras under one package. This enables an inexperienced user to calibrate his/her own camera without the need for a theoretical understanding about computer vision and camera calibration. This thesis also explores some of the applications of calibration such as distortion correction and 3D reconstruction.
Date Created

Grassmannian learning for facial expression recognition from video

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In this thesis we consider the problem of facial expression recognition (FER) from video sequences. Our method is based on subspace representations and Grassmann manifold based learning. We use Local Binary Pattern (LBP) at the frame level for representing the

In this thesis we consider the problem of facial expression recognition (FER) from video sequences. Our method is based on subspace representations and Grassmann manifold based learning. We use Local Binary Pattern (LBP) at the frame level for representing the facial features. Next we develop a model to represent the video sequence in a lower dimensional expression subspace and also as a linear dynamical system using Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model. As these subspaces lie on Grassmann space, we use Grassmann manifold based learning techniques such as kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis with Grassmann kernels for classification. We consider six expressions namely, Angry (AN), Disgust (Di), Fear (Fe), Happy (Ha), Sadness (Sa) and Surprise (Su) for classification. We perform experiments on extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+) facial expression database to evaluate the expression recognition performance. Our method demonstrates good expression recognition performance outperforming other state of the art FER algorithms. We achieve an average recognition accuracy of 97.41% using a method based on expression subspace, kernel-FDA and Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier. By using a simpler classifier, 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) along with kernel-FDA, we achieve a recognition accuracy of 97.09%. We find that to process a group of 19 frames in a video sequence, LBP feature extraction requires majority of computation time (97 %) which is about 1.662 seconds on the Intel Core i3, dual core platform. However when only 3 frames (onset, middle and peak) of a video sequence are used, the computational complexity is reduced by about 83.75 % to 260 milliseconds at the expense of drop in the recognition accuracy to 92.88 %.
Date Created

A single-phase current source solar inverter with constant instantaneous power, improved reliability, and reduced-size DC-link filter

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This dissertation presents a novel current source converter topology that is primarily intended for single-phase photovoltaic (PV) applications. In comparison with the existing PV inverter technology, the salient features of the proposed topology are: a) the low frequency (double of

This dissertation presents a novel current source converter topology that is primarily intended for single-phase photovoltaic (PV) applications. In comparison with the existing PV inverter technology, the salient features of the proposed topology are: a) the low frequency (double of line frequency) ripple that is common to single-phase inverters is greatly reduced; b) the absence of low frequency ripple enables significantly reduced size pass components to achieve necessary DC-link stiffness and c) improved maximum power point tracking (MPPT) performance is readily achieved due to the tightened current ripple even with reduced-size passive components. The proposed topology does not utilize any electrolytic capacitors. Instead an inductor is used as the DC-link filter and reliable AC film capacitors are utilized for the filter and auxiliary capacitor. The proposed topology has a life expectancy on par with PV panels. The proposed modulation technique can be used for any current source inverter where an unbalanced three-phase operation is desires such as active filters and power controllers. The proposed topology is ready for the next phase of microgrid and power system controllers in that it accepts reactive power commands. This work presents the proposed topology and its working principle supported by with numerical verifications and hardware results. Conclusions and future work are also presented.
Date Created

Analytical control grid registration for efficient application of optical flow

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Image resolution limits the extent to which zooming enhances clarity, restricts the size digital photographs can be printed at, and, in the context of medical images, can prevent a diagnosis. Interpolation is the supplementing of known data with estimated values

Image resolution limits the extent to which zooming enhances clarity, restricts the size digital photographs can be printed at, and, in the context of medical images, can prevent a diagnosis. Interpolation is the supplementing of known data with estimated values based on a function or model involving some or all of the known samples. The selection of the contributing data points and the specifics of how they are used to define the interpolated values influences how effectively the interpolation algorithm is able to estimate the underlying, continuous signal. The main contributions of this dissertation are three fold: 1) Reframing edge-directed interpolation of a single image as an intensity-based registration problem. 2) Providing an analytical framework for intensity-based registration using control grid constraints. 3) Quantitative assessment of the new, single-image enlargement algorithm based on analytical intensity-based registration. In addition to single image resizing, the new methods and analytical approaches were extended to address a wide range of applications including volumetric (multi-slice) image interpolation, video deinterlacing, motion detection, and atmospheric distortion correction. Overall, the new approaches generate results that more accurately reflect the underlying signals than less computationally demanding approaches and with lower processing requirements and fewer restrictions than methods with comparable accuracy.
Date Created

New directions in sparse models for image analysis and restoration

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Effective modeling of high dimensional data is crucial in information processing and machine learning. Classical subspace methods have been very effective in such applications. However, over the past few decades, there has been considerable research towards the development of new

Effective modeling of high dimensional data is crucial in information processing and machine learning. Classical subspace methods have been very effective in such applications. However, over the past few decades, there has been considerable research towards the development of new modeling paradigms that go beyond subspace methods. This dissertation focuses on the study of sparse models and their interplay with modern machine learning techniques such as manifold, ensemble and graph-based methods, along with their applications in image analysis and recovery. By considering graph relations between data samples while learning sparse models, graph-embedded codes can be obtained for use in unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised problems. Using experiments on standard datasets, it is demonstrated that the codes obtained from the proposed methods outperform several baseline algorithms. In order to facilitate sparse learning with large scale data, the paradigm of ensemble sparse coding is proposed, and different strategies for constructing weak base models are developed. Experiments with image recovery and clustering demonstrate that these ensemble models perform better when compared to conventional sparse coding frameworks. When examples from the data manifold are available, manifold constraints can be incorporated with sparse models and two approaches are proposed to combine sparse coding with manifold projection. The improved performance of the proposed techniques in comparison to sparse coding approaches is demonstrated using several image recovery experiments. In addition to these approaches, it might be required in some applications to combine multiple sparse models with different regularizations. In particular, combining an unconstrained sparse model with non-negative sparse coding is important in image analysis, and it poses several algorithmic and theoretical challenges. A convex and an efficient greedy algorithm for recovering combined representations are proposed. Theoretical guarantees on sparsity thresholds for exact recovery using these algorithms are derived and recovery performance is also demonstrated using simulations on synthetic data. Finally, the problem of non-linear compressive sensing, where the measurement process is carried out in feature space obtained using non-linear transformations, is considered. An optimized non-linear measurement system is proposed, and improvements in recovery performance are demonstrated in comparison to using random measurements as well as optimized linear measurements.
Date Created

Traffic characterization and modeling of H.264 scalable & multi view encoded video

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Present day Internet Protocol (IP) based video transport and dissemination systems are heterogeneous in that they differ in network bandwidth, display resolutions and processing capabilities. One important objective in such an environment is the flexible adaptation of once-encoded content and

Present day Internet Protocol (IP) based video transport and dissemination systems are heterogeneous in that they differ in network bandwidth, display resolutions and processing capabilities. One important objective in such an environment is the flexible adaptation of once-encoded content and to achieve this, one popular method is the scalable video coding (SVC) technique. The SVC extension of the H.264/AVC standard has higher compression efficiency when compared to the previous scalable video standards. The network transport of 3D video, which is obtained by superimposing two views of a video scene, poses significant challenges due to the increased video data compared to conventional single-view video. Addressing these challenges requires a thorough understanding of the traffic and multiplexing characteristics of the different representation formats of 3D video. In this study, H.264 quality scalability and multiview representation formats are examined. As H.264/AVC, it's SVC and multiview extensions are expected to become widely adopted for the network transport of video, it is important to thoroughly study their network traffic characteristics, including the bit rate variability. Primarily the focus is on the SVC amendment of the H.264/AVC standard, with particular focus on Coarse-Grain Scalability (CGS) and Medium-Grain Scalability (MGS). In this study, we report on a large-scale study of the rate-distortion (RD) and rate variability-distortion (VD) characteristics of CGS and MGS. We also examine the RD and VD characteristics of three main multiview (3D) representation formats. Specifically, we compare multiview video (MV) representation and encoding, frame sequential (FS) representation, and side-by-side (SBS) representation; whereby conventional single-view encoding is employed for the FS and SBS representations. As a last step, we also examine Video traffic modeling which plays a major part in network traffic analysis. It is imperative to network design and simulation, providing Quality of Service (QoS) to network applications, besides providing insights into the coding process and structure of video sequences. We propose our models on top of the recent unified traffic model developed by Dai et al. [1], for modeling MPEG-4 and H.264 VBR video traffic. We exploit the hierarchical predication structure inherent in H.264 for intra-GoP (group of pictures) analysis.
Date Created