Variation in Plasma Protein Levels in House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus): Effects of Season, Disease State, and Urbanization

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Bioindicators of wildlife health are useful tools for studying the viability of various organisms and populations, and can include a range of phenotypic variables, such as behavior, body size, and physiological parameters, such as circulating hormones and nutrients. Few studies

Bioindicators of wildlife health are useful tools for studying the viability of various organisms and populations, and can include a range of phenotypic variables, such as behavior, body size, and physiological parameters, such as circulating hormones and nutrients. Few studies have investigated the utility of total plasma protein as a predictor of environmental or nutritional variation among birds, as well as variation across different seasons and life-history stages. Here I examined relationships between plasma protein and season, urbanization, sex, body condition, molt status, and disease state in house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus). I sampled blood from house finches across three seasons (winter, summer and fall 2021) and measured plasma protein levels using a Bradford assay. I also collected data including condition, sex, and poxvirus infection state at capture, as well as fecal samples to assess gut parasitism (coccidiosis). During the fall season I also estimated molt status, as number of actively growing feathers. I found circulating plasma protein concentration to be lower in the fall during molt than during winter or summer. I also found a significant relationship between circulating protein levels and capture site, as well as novel links to molt state and pox presence, with urban birds, those infected with pox, and those in more intense molt having higher protein levels. My results support the hypotheses that plasma protein concentration can be indicative of a bird’s body molt (which demands considerable protein for feather synthesis) and degree of habitat urbanization, although future work is needed to determine why protein levels were higher in virus-infected birds.

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Back to the future: does previously grown ornamental coloration in male house finches reveal mate quality at the time of pair formation?

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Animals use diverse signal types (e.g. visual, auditory) to honestly advertise their genotypic and/or phenotypic quality to prospective mates or rivals. Behavioral displays and other dynamically updateable signals (e.g. songs, vibrations) can reliably reveal an individual’s quality in real-time, but

Animals use diverse signal types (e.g. visual, auditory) to honestly advertise their genotypic and/or phenotypic quality to prospective mates or rivals. Behavioral displays and other dynamically updateable signals (e.g. songs, vibrations) can reliably reveal an individual’s quality in real-time, but it is unclear whether more fixed traits like feather coloration, which is often developed months before breeding, still reveal an individual’s quality at the time of signal use. To address this gap, we investigated if various indices of health and condition – including body condition (residual body mass), poxvirus infection, degree of habitat urbanization, and circulating levels of ketones, glucose, vitamins, and carotenoids – were related to the expression of male plumage coloration at the start of the spring breeding season in wild male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), a species in which many studies have demonstrated a link between plumage redness and the health and condition of individuals at the time the feathers are grown in late summer and autumn. We found that, at the time of pair formation, plumage hue was correlated with body condition, such that redder males were in better condition (i.e. higher residual mass). Also, as in previous studies, we found that rural males had redder plumage; however, urban males had more saturated plumage. In sum, these results reveal that feather coloration developed long before breeding still can be indicative to choosy mates of a male’s current condition and suggest that females who prefer to mate with redder males may also gain proximate material benefits (e.g. better incubation provisioning) by mating with these individuals in good current condition.

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Honest and Dishonest Communication in Crayfish

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Despite theoretical models predicting that signals should only evolve if they convey honest information, dishonest signals may persist. Interestingly, crustaceans have been crucial in furthering biologists understanding of how and why dishonest signals persist; because many crustaceans wield claws that

Despite theoretical models predicting that signals should only evolve if they convey honest information, dishonest signals may persist. Interestingly, crustaceans have been crucial in furthering biologists understanding of how and why dishonest signals persist; because many crustaceans wield claws that function as dishonest signals. For example, male fiddler crabs have claws that grow to large sizes but are incapable of inflicting severe damage to opponents, thus acting as a dishonest signal of their strength. Although initial work suggested that dishonest signaling was common throughout Crustacea, biologists understanding of the generality of dishonest communication is lacking. To resolve these issues, I combined morphological, behavioral, and comparative studies to investigate whether crayfish engage in dishonest communication. First, I found that regenerated claws in virile crayfish (Faxonius virilis) produce 40% weaker pinching forces compared to original claws. These results suggest that claw regeneration in crayfish may be the functional mechanism that produces dishonest signals. Second, I conducted two studies that investigated what traits determine dominance in staged contests; one on intrasexual contests in both male and female F. virilis, and a second between intra- and interspecific contests between male F. virilis and male red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). In both studies, I did not find support the hypothesis that large but weak claws function as dishonest signals; because claw size did not predict the outcome of signaling interactions and claw strength did not predict the outcome of physical fights. Lastly, I conducted a comparative study between six species of crayfish — three stream-dwelling species that use their claws as weapons and signals, and three burrowing species that use their claws for excavating burrows. Despite all six species possessing claws that unreliably predicted claw strength, I found no support for the hypothesis that their claws function as dishonest signals in any of these species. Thus, my dissertation results suggest that despite having claws that unreliably predict their strength, such unreliable signals do not equate to dishonest signals. Altogether, my work highlights the importance of collecting behavioral data in studies of dishonest communication and stresses the importance of separating unreliable signals from dishonest signals.
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The role of skill in determining dominance in the virile crayfish, Faxonius virilis

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Studies of animal contests often focus solely on a single static measurement of fighting ability, such as the size or the strength of the individual. However, recent studies have highlighted the importance of individual variation in the dynamic behaviors used

Studies of animal contests often focus solely on a single static measurement of fighting ability, such as the size or the strength of the individual. However, recent studies have highlighted the importance of individual variation in the dynamic behaviors used during a fight, such as, assessment strategies, decision making, and fine motor control, as being strong predictors of the outcome of aggression. Here, I combined morphological and behavioral data to discover how these features interact during aggressing interactions in male virile crayfish, Faxonius virilis. I predicted that individual variation in behavioral skill for decision making (i.e., number of strikes thrown), would determine the outcome of contest success in addition to morphological measurements (e.g. body size, relative claw size). To evaluate this prediction, I filmed staged territorial interactions between male F. virilis and later analyzed trial behaviors (e.g. strike, pinches, and bout time) and aggressive outcomes. I found very little support for skill to predict win/loss outcome in trials. Instead, I found that larger crayfish engaged in aggression for longer compared to smaller crayfish, but that larger crayfish did not engage in a greater number of claw strikes or pinches when controlling for encounter duration. Future studies should continue to investigate the role of skill, by using finer-scale techniques such as 3D tracking software, which could track advanced measurements (e.g. speed, angle, and movement efficiency). Such studies would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relative influence of fighting skill technique on territorial contests.

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Tell It to the Frogs: Fukushima’s nuclear disaster and its impact on the Japanese Tree Frog

“Tell It to the Frogs: Fukushima’s nuclear disaster and its impact on the Japanese Tree Frog” is a representation of the work from Giraudeau et. al’s “Carotenoid distribution in wild Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica) exposed to ionizing radiation in

“Tell It to the Frogs: Fukushima’s nuclear disaster and its impact on the Japanese Tree Frog” is a representation of the work from Giraudeau et. al’s “Carotenoid distribution in wild Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica) exposed to ionizing radiation in Fukushima.” This paper looked to see if carotenoid levels in the tree frog’s vocal sac, liver, and blood were affected by radiation from Fukushima’s power plant explosion. Without carotenoids, the pigment that gives the frogs their orange color on their necks, their courtship practices would be impacted and would not be as able to show off their fitness to potential mates. The artwork inspired by this research displayed the tree frog’s degradation over time due to radiation, starting with normal life and ending with their death and open on the table. The sculptures also pinpoint where the carotenoids were being measured with a brilliant orange glaze. Through ceramic hand building, the artist created larger than life frogs in hopes to elicit curiosity about them and their plight. While the paper did not conclude any changes in the frog’s physiology after 18 months of exposure, there are still questions that are left unanswered. Why did these frogs not have any reaction? Could there be any effects after more time has passed? Is radiation leakage as big of a problem as previously thought? The only way to get the answers to these questions is to be aware of these amphibians, the circumstances that led them to be involved, and continued research on them and radiation.
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Consequences of Negative Energy Balance on Avian Reproductive Physiology: Endocrine and Metabolic Mediators

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Reproduction is energetically costly and seasonal breeding has evolved to capitalize on predictable increases in food availability. The synchronization of breeding with periods of peak food availability is especially important for small birds, most of which do not store an

Reproduction is energetically costly and seasonal breeding has evolved to capitalize on predictable increases in food availability. The synchronization of breeding with periods of peak food availability is especially important for small birds, most of which do not store an extensive amount of energy. The annual change in photoperiod is the primary environmental cue regulating reproductive development, but must be integrated with supplementary cues relating to local energetic conditions. Photoperiodic regulation of the reproductive neuroendocrine system is well described in seasonally breeding birds, but the mechanisms that these animals use to integrate supplementary cues remain unclear. I hypothesized that (a) environmental cues that negatively affect energy balance inhibit reproductive development by acting at multiple levels along the reproductive endocrine axis including the hypothalamus (b) that the availability of metabolic fuels conveys alterations in energy balance to the reproductive system. I investigated these hypotheses in male house finches, Haemorhous mexicanus, caught in the wild and brought into captivity. I first experimentally reduced body condition through food restriction and found that gonadal development and function are inhibited and these changes are associated with changes in hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). I then investigated this neuroendocrine integration and found that finches maintain reproductive flexibility through modifying the release of accumulated GnRH stores in response to energetic conditions. Lastly, I investigated the role of metabolic fuels in coordinating reproductive responses under two different models of negative energy balance, decreased energy intake (food restriction) and increased energy expenditure (high temperatures). Exposure to high temperatures lowered body condition and reduced food intake. Reproductive development was inhibited under both energy challenges, and occurred with decreased gonadal gene expression of enzymes involved in steroid synthesis. Minor changes in fuel utilization occurred under food restriction but not high temperatures. My results support the hypothesis that negative energy balance inhibits reproductive development through multilevel effects on the hypothalamus and gonads. These studies are among the first to demonstrate a negative effect of high temperatures on reproductive development in a wild bird. Overall, the above findings provide important foundations for investigations into adaptive responses of breeding in energetically variable environments.
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Feather morphological predictors of angle-dependent color changes in parrot plumage

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Among the most ornate animal traits in nature are the angle-dependent (i.e. iridescent) structural colors of many birds, beetles, and butterflies. Though we now have a solid understanding of the mechanisms, function, and evolution of these features in several groups,

Among the most ornate animal traits in nature are the angle-dependent (i.e. iridescent) structural colors of many birds, beetles, and butterflies. Though we now have a solid understanding of the mechanisms, function, and evolution of these features in several groups, less attention has been paid to the potential for angle-dependent reflectance in otherwise matte-appearing (i.e. not thought to be structurally colored) tissues. Here for the first time we describe non-iridescent angle-dependent coloration from the tail and wing feathers of several parrot species (Psittaciformes). We employed a novel approach \u2014 by calculating chromatic and achromatic contrasts (in just noticeable differences, JNDs) of straight and angled measurements of the same feather patch \u2014 to test for perceptually relevant angle-dependent changes in coloration on dorsal and ventral feather surfaces. We found, among the 15 parrot species studied, significant angle dependence for nearly all parameters (except chromatic JNDs on the ventral side of wing feathers). We then measured microstructural features on each side of feathers, including size and color of barbs and barbules, to attempt to predict interspecific variation in degree of angle-dependent reflectance. We found that hue, saturation, and brightness of feather barbs, barbule saturation, and barb:barbule coverage ratio were the strongest predictors of angle-dependent coloration. Interestingly, there was significant phylogenetic signal in only one of the seven angle-dependence models tested. These findings deepen our views on the importance of microscopic feather features in the production of directional animal coloration, especially in tissues that appear to be statically colored.
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Exposure to Artificial Light at Night Increases Innate Immunity During Development in a Precocial Bird

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Humans have greatly altered the night-time photic environment via the production of artificial light at night (ALAN; e.g. street lights, car traffic, billboards, lit buildings). ALAN is problematic because it may significantly alter the seasonal/daily physiological rhythms or behaviors of

Humans have greatly altered the night-time photic environment via the production of artificial light at night (ALAN; e.g. street lights, car traffic, billboards, lit buildings). ALAN is problematic because it may significantly alter the seasonal/daily physiological rhythms or behaviors of animals. There has been considerable interest in the impacts of ALAN on health in humans and lab animals, but most such work has centered on adults and we know comparatively little about effects on young animals. We exposed 3-week-old king quail (Excalfactoria chinensis) to a constant overnight blue-light regime for 6 weeks and assessed weekly bactericidal activity of plasma against Escherichia coli - a commonly employed metric of innate immunity in animals. We found that chronic ALAN exposure significantly increased immune function, and that this elevation in immune performance manifested at different developmental time points in males and females. These results counter the pervasive notion that overnight light exposure is universally physiologically harmful to diurnal organisms and indicate that ALAN can provide sex-specific, short-term immunological boosts to developing animals.
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Effects of Urbanization and Sex on Color and Disease in the House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)

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Historically, studies of condition-dependent signals in animals have been male-centric, but recent work suggests that female ornaments can also communicate individual quality (e.g., disease state, fecundity). There has been a surge of interest in how urbanization alters signaling traits, but

Historically, studies of condition-dependent signals in animals have been male-centric, but recent work suggests that female ornaments can also communicate individual quality (e.g., disease state, fecundity). There has been a surge of interest in how urbanization alters signaling traits, but we know little about if and how cities affect signal expression in female animals. We measured carotenoid-based plumage coloration and coccidian (Isospora spp) parasite burden in desert and city populations of house finches to examine urban impacts on male and female health and attractiveness. In earlier work, we showed that male house finches are less colorful and more parasitized in the city, and we again detected that pattern in this study for males. However, though city females are also less colorful than their rural counterparts, we found that rural females were more parasitized. Also, regardless of sex and unlike rural birds, more colorful birds in the city were more heavily infected with coccidia. These results show that urban environments can disrupt signal honesty in female animals and highlight the need for more studies on how cities affect disease and condition-dependent traits in both male and female animals.
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A comparative test of the links between sleep state, brain size, and incubation investment in birds

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There are two electrophysiological states of sleep in birds (rapid-eye-movement sleep [REM] and slow-wave sleep [SWS]), which have different functions and costs. REM improves memory consolidation, while SWS is neuro-restorative but also exposes the animal to more risk during this deep-slee

There are two electrophysiological states of sleep in birds (rapid-eye-movement sleep [REM] and slow-wave sleep [SWS]), which have different functions and costs. REM improves memory consolidation, while SWS is neuro-restorative but also exposes the animal to more risk during this deep-sleep phase. Birds who sleep in more exposed microsites are known to invest proportionally less in SWS (presumably to ensure proper vigilance), but otherwise little else is known about the ecological or behavioral predictors of how much time birds devote to REM v. SWS sleep. In this comparative analysis, we examine how proportional time spent in SWS v. REM is related to brain mass and duration of the incubation period in adults. Brain mass and incubation period were chosen as predictors of sleep state investment because brain mass is positively correlated with body size (and may show a relationship between physical development and sleep) and incubation period can be a link used to show similarities and differences between birds and mammals (using mammalian gestation period). We hypothesized that (1) species with larger brains (relative to body size and also while controlling for phylogeny) would have higher demands for information processing, and possibly proportionally outweigh neuro-repair, and thus devote more time to REM and that (2) species with longer incubation periods would have proportionally more REM due to the extended time required for overnight predator vigilance (and not falling into deep sleep) while on the nest. We found, using neurophysiological data from literature on 27 bird species, that adults from species with longer incubation periods spent proportionally more time in REM sleep, but that relative brain size was not significantly associated with relative time spent in REM or SWS. We therefore provide evidence that mammalian and avian REM in response to incubation/gestation period have convergently evolved. Our results suggest that overnight environmental conditions (e.g. sleep site exposure) might have a greater effect on sleep parameters than gross morphological attributes.
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