Subcellular Compartmentalization and Trafficking of the Biosynthetic Machinery for Fungal Melanin

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Protection by melanin depends on its subcellular location. Although most filamentous fungi synthesize melanin via a polyketide synthase pathway, where and how melanin biosynthesis occurs and how it is deposited as extracellular granules remain elusive. Using a forward genetic screen

Protection by melanin depends on its subcellular location. Although most filamentous fungi synthesize melanin via a polyketide synthase pathway, where and how melanin biosynthesis occurs and how it is deposited as extracellular granules remain elusive. Using a forward genetic screen in the pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus, we find that mutations in an endosomal sorting nexin abolish melanin cell-wall deposition. We find that all enzymes involved in the early steps of melanin biosynthesis are recruited to endosomes through a non-conventional secretory pathway. In contrast, late melanin enzymes accumulate in the cell wall. Such subcellular compartmentalization of the melanin biosynthetic machinery occurs in both A. fumigatus and A. nidulans. Thus, fungal melanin biosynthesis appears to be initiated in endosomes with exocytosis leading to melanin extracellular deposition, much like the synthesis and trafficking of mammalian melanin in endosomally derived melanosomes.

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Approaches to engineering Synechocystis for biofuel production with emphasis on electron transport modifications

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The basic scheme for photosynthesis suggests the two photosystems existing in parity with one another. However, cyanobacteria typically maintain significantly more photosystem I (PSI) than photosystem II (PSII) complexes. I set out to evaluate this disparity through development and analysis

The basic scheme for photosynthesis suggests the two photosystems existing in parity with one another. However, cyanobacteria typically maintain significantly more photosystem I (PSI) than photosystem II (PSII) complexes. I set out to evaluate this disparity through development and analysis of multiple mutants of the genetically tractable cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that exhibit a range of expression levels of the main proteins present in PSI (Chapter 2). One hypothesis was that the higher abundance of PSI in this organism is used to enable more cyclic electron flow (CEF) around PSI to contribute to greater ATP synthesis. Results of this study show that indeed CEF is enhanced by the high amount of PSI present in WT. On the other hand, mutants with less PSI and less cyclic electron flow appeared able to maintain healthy levels of ATP synthesis through other compensatory mechanisms. Reduction in PSI abundance is naturally associated with reduced chlorophyll content, and mutants with less PSI showed greater primary productivity as light intensity increased due to increased light penetration in the cultures. Another question addressed in this research project involved the effect of deletion of flavoprotein 3 (an electron sink for PSI-generated electrons) from mutant strains that produce and secrete a fatty acid (Chapter 3). Removing Flv3 increased fatty acid production, most likely due to increased abundance of reducing equivalents that are key to fatty acid biosynthesis. Additional components of my dissertation research included examination of alkane biosynthesis in Synechocystis (Chapter 4), and effects of attempting to overexpress fibrillin genes for enhancement of stored compounds (Chapter 5). Synechocystis is an excellent platform for metabolic engineering studies with its photosynthetic capability and ease of genetic alteration, and the presented research sheds light on multiple aspects of its fundamental biology.
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MTB-3, a Microtubule Plus-End Tracking Protein (+TIP) of Neurospora Crassa

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The microtubule (MT) “plus end” constitutes the platform for the accumulation of a structurally and functionally diverse group of proteins, collectively called “MT plus-end tracking proteins” (+TIPs). +TIPs control MT dynamics and link MTs to diverse sub-cellular structures. Neurospora crassa

The microtubule (MT) “plus end” constitutes the platform for the accumulation of a structurally and functionally diverse group of proteins, collectively called “MT plus-end tracking proteins” (+TIPs). +TIPs control MT dynamics and link MTs to diverse sub-cellular structures. Neurospora crassa MicroTubule Binding protein-3 (MTB-3) is the homolog of yeast EB1, a highly conserved +TIP. To address the function of MTB-3, we examined strains with mtb-3 deletions, and we tagged MTB-3 with GFP to assess its dynamic behavior. MTB-3-GFP was present as comet-like structures distributed more or less homogeneously within the hyphal cytoplasm, and moving mainly towards the apex at speeds up to 4× faster than the normal hyphal elongation rates. MTB-3-GFP comets were present in all developmental stages, but were most abundant in mature hyphae. MTB-3-GFP comets were observed moving in anterograde and retrograde direction along the hypha. Retrograde movement was also observed as originating from the apical dome. The integrity of the microtubular cytoskeleton affects the presence and dynamics of MTB-3-GFP comets, while actin does not seem to play a role. The size of MTB-3-GFP comets is affected by the absence of dynactin and conventional kinesin. We detected no obvious morphological phenotypes in Δmtb-3 mutants but there were fewer MTs in Δmtb-3, MTs were less bundled and less organized. Compared to WT, both MT polymerization and depolymerization rates were significantly decreased in Δmtb-3. In summary, the lack of MTB-3 affects overall growth and morphological phenotypes of N. crassa only slightly, but deletion of mtb-3 has strong effect on MT dynamics.

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Coronin Is a Component of the Endocytic Collar of Hyphae of Neurospora Crassa and Is Necessary for Normal Growth and Morphogenesis

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Coronin plays a major role in the organization and dynamics of actin in yeast. To investigate the role of coronin in a filamentous fungus (Neurospora crassa), we examined its subcellular localization using fluorescent proteins and the phenotypic consequences of coronin

Coronin plays a major role in the organization and dynamics of actin in yeast. To investigate the role of coronin in a filamentous fungus (Neurospora crassa), we examined its subcellular localization using fluorescent proteins and the phenotypic consequences of coronin gene (crn-1) deletion in hyphal morphogenesis, Spitzenkörper behavior and endocytosis. Coronin-GFP was localized in patches, forming a subapical collar near the hyphal apex; significantly, it was absent from the apex. The subapical patches of coronin colocalized with fimbrin, Arp2/3 complex, and actin, altogether comprising the endocytic collar. Deletion of crn-1 resulted in reduced hyphal growth rates, distorted hyphal morphology, uneven wall thickness, and delayed establishment of polarity during germination; it also affected growth directionality and increased branching. The Spitzenkörper of Δcrn-1 mutant was unstable; it appeared and disappeared intermittently giving rise to periods of hyphoid-like and isotropic growth respectively. Uptake of FM4-64 in Δcrn-1 mutant indicated a partial disruption in endocytosis. These observations underscore coronin as an important component of F-actin remodeling in N. crassa. Although coronin is not essential in this fungus, its deletion influenced negatively the operation of the actin cytoskeleton involved in the orderly deployment of the apical growth apparatus, thus preventing normal hyphal growth and morphogenesis.

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Unique cellular, physiological, and metabolic adaptations to the euendolithic lifestyle in a boring cyanobacterium

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Euendolithic cyanobacteria have the remarkable ability to actively excavate and grow within certain minerals. Their activity leads to increased erosion of marine and terrestrial carbonates, negatively affecting coral reef and bivalve ecology. Despite their environmental relevance, the boring mechanism has

Euendolithic cyanobacteria have the remarkable ability to actively excavate and grow within certain minerals. Their activity leads to increased erosion of marine and terrestrial carbonates, negatively affecting coral reef and bivalve ecology. Despite their environmental relevance, the boring mechanism has remained elusive and paradoxical, in that cyanobacteria alkalinize their surroundings, typically leading to carbonate precipitation, not dissolution. Thus, euendoliths must rely on unique adaptations to bore. Recent work using the filamentous model euendolith Mastigocoleus testarum strain BC008 indicated that excavation relied on transcellular calcium transport mediated by P-type ATPases, but the phenomenon remained unclear. Here I present evidence that excavation in M. testarum involves an unprecedented set of adaptations. Long-range calcium transport is achieved through the coordinated pumping of multiple cells, orchestrated by the localization of calcium ATPases in a repeating annular pattern, positioned at a single cell pole, adjacent to each cell septum along the filament. Additionally, specialized chlorotic cells that I named calcicytes, differentiate and accumulate calcium at concentrations more than 500 fold those of canonical cells, likely allowing for fast calcium flow at non-toxic concentrations through undifferentiated cells. I also show, using 13C stable isotope tracers and NanoSIMS imaging, that endolithic M. testarum derives most of its carbon from the mineral carbonates it dissolves, the first autotroph ever shown to fix mineral carbon, confirming the existence of a direct link between oxidized solid carbon pools and reduced organic pools in the biosphere. Finally, using genomic and transcriptomic approaches, I analyze gene expression searching for additional adaptations related to the endolithic lifestyle. A large and diverse set of genes (24% of 6917 genes) were significantly differentially regulated while boring, including several master regulators and genes expectedly needed under this condition (such as transport, nutrient scavenging, oxidative stress, and calcium-binding protein genes). However, I also discovered the up-regulation of several puzzling gene sets involved in alternative carbon fixation pathways, anaerobic metabolism, and some related to photosynthesis and respiration. This transcriptomic data provides us with several new, readily testable hypotheses regarding adaptations to the endolithic lifestyle. In all, my data clearly show that boring organisms show extraordinarily interesting adaptations.
Date Created

Evolution of Zygomycetous Spindle Pole Bodies: Evidence From Coemansia Reversa Mitosis


Premise of the Study: The earliest eukaryotes were likely flagellates with a centriole that nucleates the centrosome, the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) for nuclear division. The MTOC in higher fungi, which lack flagella, is the spindle pole body (SPB). Can we

Premise of the Study: The earliest eukaryotes were likely flagellates with a centriole that nucleates the centrosome, the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) for nuclear division. The MTOC in higher fungi, which lack flagella, is the spindle pole body (SPB). Can we detect stages in centrosome evolution leading to the diversity of SPB forms observed in terrestrial fungi? Zygomycetous fungi, which consist of saprobes, symbionts, and parasites of animals and plants, are critical in answering the question, but nuclear division has been studied in only two of six clades.

Methods: Ultrastructure of mitosis was studied in Coemansia reversa (Kickxellomycotina) germlings using cryofixation or chemical fixation. Character evolution was assessed by parsimony analysis, using a phylogenetic tree assembled from multigene analyses.

Key results: At interphase the SPB consisted of two components: a cytoplasmic, electron-dense sphere containing a cylindrical structure with microtubules oriented nearly perpendicular to the nucleus and an intranuclear component appressed to the nuclear envelope. Markham’s rotation was used to reinforce the image of the cylindrical structure and determine the probable number of microtubules as nine. The SPB duplicated early in mitosis and separated on the intact nuclear envelope. Nuclear division appears to be intranuclear with spindle and kinetochore microtubules interspersed with condensed chromatin.

Conclusions: This is the sixth type of zygomycetous SPB, and the third type that suggests a modified centriolar component. Coemansia reversa retains SPB character states from an ancestral centriole intermediate between those of fungi with motile cells and other zygomycetous fungi and Dikarya.

Date Created

The Neurospora Crassa Exocyst Complex Tethers Spitzenkorper Vesicles to the Apical Plasma Membrane During Polarized Growth


Fungal hyphae are among the most highly polarized cells. Hyphal polarized growth is supported by tip-directed transport of secretory vesicles, which accumulate temporarily in a stratified manner in an apical vesicle cluster, the Spitzenkörper. The exocyst complex is required for

Fungal hyphae are among the most highly polarized cells. Hyphal polarized growth is supported by tip-directed transport of secretory vesicles, which accumulate temporarily in a stratified manner in an apical vesicle cluster, the Spitzenkörper. The exocyst complex is required for tethering of secretory vesicles to the apical plasma membrane. We determined that the presence of an octameric exocyst complex is required for the formation of a functional Spitzenkörper and maintenance of regular hyphal growth in Neurospora crassa. Two distinct localization patterns of exocyst subunits at the hyphal tip suggest the dynamic formation of two assemblies. The EXO-70/EXO-84 subunits are found at the peripheral part of the Spitzenkörper, which partially coincides with the outer macrovesicular layer, whereas exocyst components SEC-5, -6, -8, and -15 form a delimited crescent at the apical plasma membrane. Localization of SEC-6 and EXO-70 to the plasma membrane and the Spitzenkörper, respectively, depends on actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. The apical region of exocyst-mediated vesicle fusion, elucidated by the plasma membrane–associated exocyst subunits, indicates the presence of an exocytotic gradient with a tip-high maximum that dissipates gradually toward the subapex, confirming the earlier predictions of the vesicle supply center model for hyphal morphogenesis.

Date Created

Genome sequencing of Leptolyngbya Heron Island, 2Å crystal structure of phycoerythrin and spectroscopic investigation of chromatic acclimation

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Photosynthesis is the primary source of energy for most living organisms. Light harvesting complexes (LHC) play a vital role in harvesting sunlight and passing it on to the protein complexes of the electron transfer chain which create the electrochemical potential

Photosynthesis is the primary source of energy for most living organisms. Light harvesting complexes (LHC) play a vital role in harvesting sunlight and passing it on to the protein complexes of the electron transfer chain which create the electrochemical potential across the membrane which drives ATP synthesis. phycobilisomes (PBS) are the most important LHCs in cyanobacteria. PBS is a complex of three light harvesting proteins: phycoerythrin (PE), phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC). This work has been done on a newly discovered cyanobacterium called Leptolyngbya Heron Island (L.HI). This study has three important goals: 1) Sequencing, assembly and annotation of the L.HI genome - Since this is a newly discovered cyanobacterium, its genome was not previously elucidated. Illumina sequencing, a type of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology was employed to sequence the genome. Unfortunately, the natural isolate contained other contaminating and potentially symbiotic bacterial populations. A novel bioinformatics strategy for separating DNA from contaminating bacterial populations from that of L.HI was devised which involves a combination of tetranucleotide frequency, %(G+C), BLAST analysis and gene annotation. 2) Structural elucidation of phycoerythrin - Phycoerythrin is the most important protein in the PBS assembly because it is one of the few light harvesting proteins which absorbs green light. The protein was crystallized and its structure solved to a resolution of 2Å. This protein contains two chemically distinct types of chromophores: phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin. Energy transfer calculations indicate that there is unidirectional flow of energy from phycourobilin to phycoerythrobilin. Energy transfer time constants using Forster energy transfer theory have been found to be consistent with experimental data available in literature. 3) Effect of chromatic acclimation on photosystems - Chromatic acclimation is a phenomenon in which an organism modulates the ratio of PE/PC with change in light conditions. Our investigation in case of L.HI has revealed that the PE is expressed more in green light than PC in red light. This leads to unequal harvesting of light in these two states. Therefore, photosystem II expression is increased in red-light acclimatized cells coupled with an increase in number of PBS.
Date Created

The synthetic biology of a man-made protein

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Synthetic biology is constantly evolving as new ideas are incorporated into this increasingly flexible field. It incorporates the engineering of life with standard genetic parts and methods; new organisms with new genomes; expansion of life to include new components, capabilities,

Synthetic biology is constantly evolving as new ideas are incorporated into this increasingly flexible field. It incorporates the engineering of life with standard genetic parts and methods; new organisms with new genomes; expansion of life to include new components, capabilities, and chemistries; and even completely synthetic organisms that mimic life while being composed of non-living matter. We have introduced a new paradigm of synthetic biology that melds the methods of in vitro evolution with the goals and philosophy of synthetic biology. The Family B proteins represent the first de novo evolved natively folded proteins to be developed with increasingly powerful tools of molecular evolution. These proteins are folded and functional, composed of the 20 canonical amino acids, and in many ways resemble natural proteins. However, their evolutionary history is quite different from natural proteins, as it did not involve a cellular environment. In this study, we examine the properties of DX, one of the Family B proteins that have been evolutionarily optimized for folding stability. Described in chapter 2 is an investigation into the primitive catalytic properties of DX, which seems to have evolved a serendipitous ATPase activity in addition to its selected ATP binding activity. In chapters 3 and 4 we express the DX gene in E. coli cells and observe massive changes in cell morphology, biochemistry, and life cycle. Exposure to DX activates several defense systems in E. coli, including filamentation, cytoplasmic segregation, and reversion to a viable but non-culturable state. We examined these phenotypes in detail and present a model that accounts for how DX causes such a rearrangement of the cell.
Date Created

Life of photosynthetic complexes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 performs oxygenic photosynthesis. Light energy conversion in photosynthesis takes place in photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) that contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy that is utilized as a driving force for photosynthesis.

The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 performs oxygenic photosynthesis. Light energy conversion in photosynthesis takes place in photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) that contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy that is utilized as a driving force for photosynthesis. However, excess light energy may lead to formation of reactive oxygen species that cause damage to photosynthetic complexes, which subsequently need repair or replacement. To gain insight in the degradation/biogenesis dynamics of the photosystems, the lifetimes of photosynthetic proteins and chlorophyll were determined by a combined stable-isotope (15N) and mass spectrometry method. The lifetimes of PSII and PSI proteins ranged from 1-33 and 30-75 hours, respectively. Interestingly, chlorophyll had longer lifetimes than the chlorophyll-binding proteins in these photosystems. Therefore, photosynthetic proteins turn over and are replaced independently from each other, and chlorophyll is recycled from the damaged chlorophyll-binding proteins. In Synechocystis, there are five small Cab-like proteins (SCPs: ScpA-E) that share chlorophyll a/b-binding motifs with LHC proteins in plants. SCPs appear to transiently bind chlorophyll and to regulate chlorophyll biosynthesis. In this study, the association of ScpB, ScpC, and ScpD with damaged and repaired PSII was demonstrated. Moreover, in a mutant lacking SCPs, most PSII protein lifetimes were unaffected but the lifetime of chlorophyll was decreased, and one of the nascent PSII complexes was missing. SCPs appear to bind PSII chlorophyll while PSII is repaired, and SCPs stabilize nascent PSII complexes. Furthermore, aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis, an early step of chlorophyll biosynthesis, was impaired in the absence of SCPs, so that the amount of chlorophyll in the cells was reduced. Finally, a deletion mutation was introduced into the sll1906 gene, encoding a member of the putative bacteriochlorophyll delivery (BCD) protein family. The Sll1906 sequence contains possible chlorophyll-binding sites, and its homolog in purple bacteria functions in proper assembly of light-harvesting complexes. However, the sll1906 deletion did not affect chlorophyll degradation/biosynthesis and photosystem assembly. Other (parallel) pathways may exist that may fully compensate for the lack of Sll1906. This study has highlighted the dynamics of photosynthetic complexes in their biogenesis and turnover and the coordination between synthesis of chlorophyll and photosynthetic proteins.
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