From NHQ to ASU: Experiential Congruence in Panhellenic Sororities

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The field of fraternity and sorority life has largely been studied through the perspective of its negative repercussions, such as alcohol & drug abuse, hazing, racism, and elitism. This is also the perspective by which media and a majority of

The field of fraternity and sorority life has largely been studied through the perspective of its negative repercussions, such as alcohol & drug abuse, hazing, racism, and elitism. This is also the perspective by which media and a majority of the public view fraternities and sororities. However, the over one-hundred non-profit Greek-lettered national organizations were created to aid men and women during their college years through meaningful opportunities in areas including leadership, service, friendship, and professionalism. The extent to which members of Greek societies participating in their local universities receive the membership experiences advocated for by their national organizational offices have rarely been studied. This project advances the understanding of these issues by conducting a comparative analysis of three sororities, using quantitative and qualitative research methods, and by examining if leadership facilitation influences the achievement of experiential congruence. The results based on the quantitative data show that the sorority members' individual perception of the purpose of their sorority in each of the respective chapters align to some extent with the underlying themes in the respective national organization's purpose statement. Furthermore, chapters with values focused on a specific aspect of the sorority experience demonstrated comparatively higher influence on their chapter members in those areas.
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High School Biology Teacher Knowledge Governing the Laws Related to the Teaching of Evolution and Creationism

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This project examined the relationship of science teachers' knowledge about the laws relating to the teaching of creationism/evolution in public schools using multiple demographic factors. Overall, teachers correctly identified only 7 out of 10 "yes" or "no" answers about the

This project examined the relationship of science teachers' knowledge about the laws relating to the teaching of creationism/evolution in public schools using multiple demographic factors. Overall, teachers correctly identified only 7 out of 10 "yes" or "no" answers about the laws, this score is only slightly better than the expected 5 out of 10 that would be obtained from guessing. Statistically significant results in differences in the overall score on the survey were found for three major variables. Teachers who say creationism should be taught in the classroom have a lower score than those who say it should not be taught in the classroom, with a large effect size. Teachers who teach biology or a life science had significantly higher scores than those who do not, with a small/medium effect size. Older teachers had significantly higher scores than younger teachers, with a small effect size. Identifying the demographic variables that effect teacher knowledge about the laws is the first step to determining how to educate teachers on the legality teaching of creationism/evolution in public school classrooms to avoid violations of the First Amendment.
Date Created

Romantic Breakup Distress: A Snapchat Story

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Since the advent of social media, researchers have studied how platforms like Facebook and Instagram can influence our relationships, and more specifically, how social networking sites can impact what happens when these relationships dissolve. Less is known about the newer

Since the advent of social media, researchers have studied how platforms like Facebook and Instagram can influence our relationships, and more specifically, how social networking sites can impact what happens when these relationships dissolve. Less is known about the newer platform Snapchat, which provides ephemeral updates as they occur to one's friend list, as well as self-destructing direct messages between individuals. The present study utilized survey responses from 84 college-aged individuals and eight semi-structured, in-depth interviews to study the relationship between using Snapchat to engage with or monitor one's ex-partner, the level of distress that results from these behaviors, and an individual's overall breakup distress level. A significant positive correlation was found between each of these variables, indicating that remaining connected with one's ex-partner on Snapchat may contribute to one's level of distress, or alternatively, that more distressed individuals are turning to Snapchat to monitor their ex-partner. Pairing this quantitative data with in-depth interviews allowed for more robust and generalizable findings. Qualitative details supported the statistical analysis to indicate that one's overall breakup distress level may be leading individuals to use Snapchat to monitor their ex-partner or exaggerate their own speed of recovery. Future research should analyze these same variables in a larger, more representative sample by following couples as their breakups occur in real-time to capture more comprehensive participant experiences.
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Encouraging Active Participation in a Medical Setting: A Children's Book

The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the need for improved communication between physicians and their child patients. There have been great strides to include children in medical conversations with their health care providers but majority of the

The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the need for improved communication between physicians and their child patients. There have been great strides to include children in medical conversations with their health care providers but majority of the responsibility is currently being solely placed on the doctors and medical professionals, discouraging children from asserting themselves into the conversation. Currently, as a result of social health care programs, more children than ever before are going to the doctor, many of whom are not used to routine doctor check-ups. This overwhelms doctors with more patients who are unaware of the role they can play in their health experience. This paper proposes a prospective children's book to help bring this awareness to children, specifically to inform them that they are encouraged to be active in their communicative relationship with their doctors. Although many books have addressed normal fears within the doctor's office such as getting a shot, going through a procedure, and being observed by the doctor, none has focused on the communicative relationship between the doctor and patient. The projected book is able to translate the need of active children patients by following a small child's experience of being afraid of a doctor and communicating that fear to the doctor to improve trust between the doctor and the patient which will ultimately encourage the child to discuss all matters with their physician in the future. By improving communication and allowing children to learn how to care for themselves when ill, they ultimately avoid getting sick as frequently and require less doctor visits while improving patient satisfaction of the family and the child patient during health care encounters.
Date Created

Achieving a Flow State in Piano Performance by Redefining Technical Challenges

This project is a small scale investigation of various factors concerning "Flow" in Piano Performance. "Flow" is the sweet spot where ability and challenge are about equal, and usually high (Csikszentmihalyi 1990). Piano performance is a state of playing the

This project is a small scale investigation of various factors concerning "Flow" in Piano Performance. "Flow" is the sweet spot where ability and challenge are about equal, and usually high (Csikszentmihalyi 1990). Piano performance is a state of playing the piano with some intent to perform. In this case, the intent is to create something new or improvise. Improvisation is one form of expressive creativity on the piano stemming from some knowledge and extrapolation upon that knowledge (Nachmanovitch 82). Creativity is essential to the development of new music, and though extensive literature exists on both creativity and music independently, there is a gap in research regarding links between the two (Macdonald et al. 2006). This project aims to address some of these gaps by working with piano players and non-musicians of various technical skill levels to examine the "Flow" state in improvisation as well as potential factors affecting creative performance. Factors such as listening, self-confidence, frustration in methodology, and meditation practices were found to correlate positively with technical skill. Participants who completed the practice program were able to reconstruct challenges and enter the "Flow" state in improvisation regardless of high or low technical scores.
Date Created


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Involvement in ultra-endurance mountain bike racing (UEMBR) is an expensive, time-consuming and risky endeavor. These factors are potentially problematic for athletes who are also in a committed relationship or are parents; it is not unreasonable to assume that the reallocation

Involvement in ultra-endurance mountain bike racing (UEMBR) is an expensive, time-consuming and risky endeavor. These factors are potentially problematic for athletes who are also in a committed relationship or are parents; it is not unreasonable to assume that the reallocation of time and financial resources from the household to the sport is likely to cause a significant amount of role conflict for an athlete and may impact his or her personal relationships in profound ways. However, a study of competitors who have participated in the Tour Divide, a 2,745 mile mountain bike race from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, NM, reveals that these endurance athletes experience relatively low levels of role conflict and overwhelmingly perceive their involvement in this sport to have a more positive than negative impact on their personal relationships. This unexpected response is in line with recent research regarding the cross-role relationships of work and family, where models such as Greenhaus and Powell's (2006:79) work-family enrichment (WFE) model are used to study the ways in which individuals benefit from involvement in more than one role. As with most research regarding the cross-role relationships of work and family, that of sports-family relationships primarily focuses on role conflict. In an effort to understand the processes by which involvement in UEMBR can benefit an individual's role as a significant other and/or parent, Greenhaus and Powell's WFE model is used to study sports-family enrichment. Survey and interview data are analyzed to identify specific resources that racers gain from participating in UEMBR and subsequently apply to familial roles in a manner that results in role enrichment. The suitability of the WFE model for studying cross-role relationships in this context is assessed and suggestions are made for future research regarding the relationships between athletic and familial roles as well as other aspects of UEMBR.
Date Created

Assessing Attrition of Students within Barrett, the Honors College

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This thesis project examines the likely factors that cause students to drop out of Barrett, the Honors College. Honors literature regarding retention and attrition suggests four areas encompassing individual student attributes and honors program characteristics which may impact a student's

This thesis project examines the likely factors that cause students to drop out of Barrett, the Honors College. Honors literature regarding retention and attrition suggests four areas encompassing individual student attributes and honors program characteristics which may impact a student's decision to stay or leave an Honors College. The primary question in focus is, "Why do students leave the Honors College?" followed by the tertiary questions of, "what can be done to mitigate this occurrence?" and, "how does this affect the quality of an honors education?" Assessing attrition can be broken down into biographical, cognitive-behavioral, socio-environmental, and institutional-instrumental components. Students who graduated with honors and those who did not graduate with honors were assessed on these four components through survey methods and qualitative interviews to investigate specific reasons why students leave the honors program. The results indicated a wide array of reasons impacting student attrition, the most significant being negative perceptions towards (1) honors courses and contracts, (2) difficulty completing a thesis project, and (3) finding little to no value in "graduating with honors." Each of these reasons reflect the institutional-instrumental component of student attrition, making it the most salient group of reasons why students leave the Honors College. The socio-environmental component also influences student attrition through peer influence and academic advisor support, though this was found to be within the context of institutional-instrumental means. This project offers solutions to ameliorate each of the four components of attrition by offering standardized honors contracts and more mandatory honors classes, mandatory thesis preparatory courses instead of workshops, and emphasizing the benefit Barrett gives to students as a whole. These solutions aim at increasing graduation rates for future honors students at Barrett as well as improving the overall quality of an honors education.
Date Created

A Haunting in America: An Analysis of Contemporary American Popular Culture's Fixation with Ghosts

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This study analyzes various reasons why some Americans find the subject of ghosts and ghost hunting so fascinating. A recent poll suggests that nearly half of Americans believe in ghosts. Thousands of ghost hunting societies exist in which members try

This study analyzes various reasons why some Americans find the subject of ghosts and ghost hunting so fascinating. A recent poll suggests that nearly half of Americans believe in ghosts. Thousands of ghost hunting societies exist in which members try to find proof of a supernatural world. Hundreds of films featuring paranormal elements have been released over the past few decades. The prevalence of this subject warrants further investigation regarding its appeal. Ghost stories have been passed down from one generation to the next for millennia in literature and by word of mouth. There have been accounts of ghosts haunting homes and families all over the world. Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne introduced the American horror story, which is characterized by themes that strike Americans where they care most. These stories transgressed from literature into film and television where they began reaching widespread audiences and continue to exist and thrive today. However, for as long as there have been people interested in ghost stories, there have been those interested in ghost hunting. This hobby became widely popular in the late twentieth century when popular films made it acceptable to discuss the possibility of a haunting in the home. Reality television then showed that anyone could be an investigator. Even though the topic of ghosts can be frightening and disturbing to some, others find ghost stories and ghost hunting very appealing. The purpose of this study is to understand the motivations of these investigations and the attraction to these tales. Over the course of this research, two interviews with local ghost hunters were conducted to understand their unique perspective on the subject. Further, public forums were analyzed to determine popular opinions regarding these appeals. Psychologists have proposed various theories regarding the appeal of ghosts in popular media, which provides a theoretical framework for the public opinions gathered from the forums. There is very little research regarding the motivations of ghost hunting, which is alarming. Many people have decided to dedicate their lives to this hobby, so why has so little research been conducted on the subject?
Date Created

The Hunger Games: Fairytales from Page to Screen

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Adaptation theorists suggest that effective film adaptations combine familiar material from the source with new material from the screenwriter. This study assessed the success of The Hunger Games film adaptations through analysis of the latent fairytale structure within each movie

Adaptation theorists suggest that effective film adaptations combine familiar material from the source with new material from the screenwriter. This study assessed the success of The Hunger Games film adaptations through analysis of the latent fairytale structure within each movie and parallel novel, and recommended film adaptation improvements. Russian scholar Vladimir Propp's structural analysis approach was used to identify 32 distinct functions and classify the series as a fairytale.
Date Created

Dualism and the Self: Conceptions of the Core Self Within a Dualistic Framework

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Some scholars have suggested that individuals are inclined to believe that they have souls because they are also inclined to believe that they have a core, immutable self. The present study will explore this question in several parts. First, what

Some scholars have suggested that individuals are inclined to believe that they have souls because they are also inclined to believe that they have a core, immutable self. The present study will explore this question in several parts. First, what is the extent to which individuals report having a core self? Next, how do beliefs about a core self relate to belief or non-belief in an eternal soul? The final question looks at location as an extension of the core self and soul relationship. Where is the self perceived to reside within a dualistic framework, the body or the soul? This study assessed the stated beliefs of 200 respondents using Amazon Mechanical Turk as a recruiting platform. Greater belief in a core self was moderately associated with greater belief in an eternal soul (r= 0.30, p<.01), and with belief in the self as a reflection of the soul (r=0.31, p<.01) and as a reflection of the brain (r=0.21, p<.01). This suggests that belief in a core self does hold association with belief in an eternal soul. However, its perceived location seems to show little preference as residing withing the soul versus the body.
Date Created