Optimal Sampling Designs for Functional Data Analysis

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Functional regression models are widely considered in practice. To precisely understand an underlying functional mechanism, a good sampling schedule for collecting informative functional data is necessary, especially when data collection is limited. However, scarce research has been conducted on the

Functional regression models are widely considered in practice. To precisely understand an underlying functional mechanism, a good sampling schedule for collecting informative functional data is necessary, especially when data collection is limited. However, scarce research has been conducted on the optimal sampling schedule design for the functional regression model so far. To address this design issue, efficient approaches are proposed for generating the best sampling plan in the functional regression setting. First, three optimal experimental designs are considered under a function-on-function linear model: the schedule that maximizes the relative efficiency for recovering the predictor function, the schedule that maximizes the relative efficiency for predicting the response function, and the schedule that maximizes the mixture of the relative efficiencies of both the predictor and response functions. The obtained sampling plan allows a precise recovery of the predictor function and a precise prediction of the response function. The proposed approach can also be reduced to identify the optimal sampling plan for the problem with a scalar-on-function linear regression model. In addition, the optimality criterion on predicting a scalar response using a functional predictor is derived when the quadratic relationship between these two variables is present, and proofs of important properties of the derived optimality criterion are also provided. To find such designs, an algorithm that is comparably fast, and can generate nearly optimal designs is proposed. As the optimality criterion includes quantities that must be estimated from prior knowledge (e.g., a pilot study), the effectiveness of the suggested optimal design highly depends on the quality of the estimates. However, in many situations, the estimates are unreliable; thus, a bootstrap aggregating (bagging) approach is employed for enhancing the quality of estimates and for finding sampling schedules stable to the misspecification of estimates. Through case studies, it is demonstrated that the proposed designs outperform other designs in terms of accurately predicting the response and recovering the predictor. It is also proposed that bagging-enhanced design generates a more robust sampling design under the misspecification of estimated quantities.
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Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Accelerated Degradation Testing Data for Reliability Prediction

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Degradation process, as a course of progressive deterioration, commonly exists on many engineering systems. Since most failure mechanisms of these systems can be traced to the underlying degradation process, utilizing degradation data for reliability prediction is much needed. In industries,

Degradation process, as a course of progressive deterioration, commonly exists on many engineering systems. Since most failure mechanisms of these systems can be traced to the underlying degradation process, utilizing degradation data for reliability prediction is much needed. In industries, accelerated degradation tests (ADTs) are widely used to obtain timely reliability information of the system under test. This dissertation develops methodologies for the ADT data modeling and analysis.

In the first part of this dissertation, ADT is introduced along with three major challenges in the ADT data analysis – modeling framework, inference method, and the need of analyzing multi-dimensional processes. To overcome these challenges, in the second part, a hierarchical approach, that leads to a nonlinear mixed-effects regression model, to modeling a univariate degradation process is developed. With this modeling framework, the issues of ignoring uncertainties in both data analysis and lifetime prediction, as presented by an International Standard Organization (ISO) standard, are resolved. In the third part, an approach to modeling a bivariate degradation process is addressed. It is developed using the copula theory that brings the benefits of both model flexibility and inference convenience. This approach is provided with an efficient Bayesian method for reliability evaluation. In the last part, an extension to a multivariate modeling framework is developed. Three fundamental copula classes are applied to model the complex dependence structure among correlated degradation processes. The advantages of the proposed modeling framework and the effect of ignoring tail dependence are demonstrated through simulation studies. The applications of the copula-based multivariate degradation models on both system reliability evaluation and remaining useful life prediction are provided.

In summary, this dissertation studies and explores the use of statistical methods in analyzing ADT data. All proposed methodologies are demonstrated by case studies.
Date Created

Maximin designs for event-related fMRI with uncertain error correlation

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One of the premier technologies for studying human brain functions is the event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The main design issue for such experiments is to find the optimal sequence for mental stimuli. This optimal design sequence allows for

One of the premier technologies for studying human brain functions is the event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The main design issue for such experiments is to find the optimal sequence for mental stimuli. This optimal design sequence allows for collecting informative data to make precise statistical inferences about the inner workings of the brain. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task, especially when the error correlation of the response is unknown at the design stage. In the literature, the maximin approach was proposed to tackle this problem. However, this is an expensive and time-consuming method, especially when the correlated noise follows high-order autoregressive models. The main focus of this dissertation is to develop an efficient approach to reduce the amount of the computational resources needed to obtain A-optimal designs for event-related fMRI experiments. One proposed idea is to combine the Kriging approximation method, which is widely used in spatial statistics and computer experiments with a knowledge-based genetic algorithm. Through case studies, a demonstration is made to show that the new search method achieves similar design efficiencies as those attained by the traditional method, but the new method gives a significant reduction in computing time. Another useful strategy is also proposed to find such designs by considering only the boundary points of the parameter space of the correlation parameters. The usefulness of this strategy is also demonstrated via case studies. The first part of this dissertation focuses on finding optimal event-related designs for fMRI with simple trials when each stimulus consists of only one component (e.g., a picture). The study is then extended to the case of compound trials when stimuli of multiple components (e.g., a cue followed by a picture) are considered.
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Experimental design issues in functional brain imaging with high temporal resolution

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Functional brain imaging experiments are widely conducted in many fields for study- ing the underlying brain activity in response to mental stimuli. For such experiments, it is crucial to select a good sequence of mental stimuli that allow researchers to

Functional brain imaging experiments are widely conducted in many fields for study- ing the underlying brain activity in response to mental stimuli. For such experiments, it is crucial to select a good sequence of mental stimuli that allow researchers to collect informative data for making precise and valid statistical inferences at minimum cost. In contrast to most existing studies, the aim of this study is to obtain optimal designs for brain mapping technology with an ultra-high temporal resolution with respect to some common statistical optimality criteria. The first topic of this work is on finding optimal designs when the primary interest is in estimating the Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF), a function of time describing the effect of a mental stimulus to the brain. A major challenge here is that the design matrix of the statistical model is greatly enlarged. As a result, it is very difficult, if not infeasible, to compute and compare the statistical efficiencies of competing designs. For tackling this issue, an efficient approach is built on subsampling the design matrix and the use of an efficient computer algorithm is proposed. It is demonstrated through the analytical and simulation results that the proposed approach can outperform the existing methods in terms of computing time, and the quality of the obtained designs. The second topic of this work is to find optimal designs when another set of popularly used basis functions is considered for modeling the HRF, e.g., to detect brain activations. Although the statistical model for analyzing the data remains linear, the parametric functions of interest under this setting are often nonlinear. The quality of the de- sign will then depend on the true value of some unknown parameters. To address this issue, the maximin approach is considered to identify designs that maximize the relative efficiencies over the parameter space. As shown in the case studies, these maximin designs yield high performance for detecting brain activation compared to the traditional designs that are widely used in practice.
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Separation in Optimal Designs for the Logistic Regression Model

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Optimal design theory provides a general framework for the construction of experimental designs for categorical responses. For a binary response, where the possible result is one of two outcomes, the logistic regression model is widely used to relate a

Optimal design theory provides a general framework for the construction of experimental designs for categorical responses. For a binary response, where the possible result is one of two outcomes, the logistic regression model is widely used to relate a set of experimental factors with the probability of a positive (or negative) outcome. This research investigates and proposes alternative designs to alleviate the problem of separation in small-sample D-optimal designs for the logistic regression model. Separation causes the non-existence of maximum likelihood parameter estimates and presents a serious problem for model fitting purposes.

First, it is shown that exact, multi-factor D-optimal designs for the logistic regression model can be susceptible to separation. Several logistic regression models are specified, and exact D-optimal designs of fixed sizes are constructed for each model. Sets of simulated response data are generated to estimate the probability of separation in each design. This study proves through simulation that small-sample D-optimal designs are prone to separation and that separation risk is dependent on the specified model. Additionally, it is demonstrated that exact designs of equal size constructed for the same models may have significantly different chances of encountering separation.

The second portion of this research establishes an effective strategy for augmentation, where additional design runs are judiciously added to eliminate separation that has occurred in an initial design. A simulation study is used to demonstrate that augmenting runs in regions of maximum prediction variance (MPV), where the predicted probability of either response category is 50%, most reliably eliminates separation. However, it is also shown that MPV augmentation tends to yield augmented designs with lower D-efficiencies.

The final portion of this research proposes a novel compound optimality criterion, DMP, that is used to construct locally optimal and robust compromise designs. A two-phase coordinate exchange algorithm is implemented to construct exact locally DMP-optimal designs. To address design dependence issues, a maximin strategy is proposed for designating a robust DMP-optimal design. A case study demonstrates that the maximin DMP-optimal design maintains comparable D-efficiencies to a corresponding Bayesian D-optimal design while offering significantly improved separation performance.
Date Created

Image-based process monitoring via generative adversarial autoencoder with applications to rolling defect detection

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Image-based process monitoring has recently attracted increasing attention due to the advancement of the sensing technologies. However, existing process monitoring methods fail to fully utilize the spatial information of images due to their complex characteristics including the high dimensionality and

Image-based process monitoring has recently attracted increasing attention due to the advancement of the sensing technologies. However, existing process monitoring methods fail to fully utilize the spatial information of images due to their complex characteristics including the high dimensionality and complex spatial structures. Recent advancement of the unsupervised deep models such as a generative adversarial network (GAN) and generative adversarial autoencoder (AAE) has enabled to learn the complex spatial structures automatically. Inspired by this advancement, we propose an anomaly detection framework based on the AAE for unsupervised anomaly detection for images. AAE combines the power of GAN with the variational autoencoder, which serves as a nonlinear dimension reduction technique with regularization from the discriminator. Based on this, we propose a monitoring statistic efficiently capturing the change of the image data. The performance of the proposed AAE-based anomaly detection algorithm is validated through a simulation study and real case study for rolling defect detection.
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Novel statistical learning methods for multi-modality heterogeneous data fusion in health care applications

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With the development of computer and sensing technology, rich datasets have become available in many fields such as health care, manufacturing, transportation, just to name a few. Also, data come from multiple heterogeneous sources or modalities. This is a common

With the development of computer and sensing technology, rich datasets have become available in many fields such as health care, manufacturing, transportation, just to name a few. Also, data come from multiple heterogeneous sources or modalities. This is a common phenomenon in health care systems. While multi-modality data fusion is a promising research area, there are several special challenges in health care applications. (1) The integration of biological and statistical model is a big challenge; (2) It is commonplace that data from various modalities is not available for every patient due to cost, accessibility, and other reasons. This results in a special missing data structure in which different modalities may be missed in “blocks”. Therefore, how to train a predictive model using such a dataset poses a significant challenge to statistical learning. (3) It is well known that different modality data may contain different aspects of information about the response. The current studies cannot afford to solve this problem. My dissertation includes new statistical learning model development to address each of the aforementioned challenges as well as application case studies using real health care datasets, included in three chapters (Chapter 2, 3, and 4), respectively. Collectively, it is expected that my dissertation could provide a new sets of statistical learning models, algorithms, and theory contributed to multi-modality heterogeneous data fusion driven by the unique challenges in this area. Also, application of these new methods to important medical problems using real-world datasets is expected to provide solutions to these problems, and therefore contributing to the application domains.
Date Created

Machine Learning Models for High-dimensional Biomedical Data

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The recent technological advances enable the collection of various complex, heterogeneous and high-dimensional data in biomedical domains. The increasing availability of the high-dimensional biomedical data creates the needs of new machine learning models for effective data analysis and knowledge discovery.

The recent technological advances enable the collection of various complex, heterogeneous and high-dimensional data in biomedical domains. The increasing availability of the high-dimensional biomedical data creates the needs of new machine learning models for effective data analysis and knowledge discovery. This dissertation introduces several unsupervised and supervised methods to help understand the data, discover the patterns and improve the decision making. All the proposed methods can generalize to other industrial fields.

The first topic of this dissertation focuses on the data clustering. Data clustering is often the first step for analyzing a dataset without the label information. Clustering high-dimensional data with mixed categorical and numeric attributes remains a challenging, yet important task. A clustering algorithm based on tree ensembles, CRAFTER, is proposed to tackle this task in a scalable manner.

The second part of this dissertation aims to develop data representation methods for genome sequencing data, a special type of high-dimensional data in the biomedical domain. The proposed data representation method, Bag-of-Segments, can summarize the key characteristics of the genome sequence into a small number of features with good interpretability.

The third part of this dissertation introduces an end-to-end deep neural network model, GCRNN, for time series classification with emphasis on both the accuracy and the interpretation. GCRNN contains a convolutional network component to extract high-level features, and a recurrent network component to enhance the modeling of the temporal characteristics. A feed-forward fully connected network with the sparse group lasso regularization is used to generate the final classification and provide good interpretability.

The last topic centers around the dimensionality reduction methods for time series data. A good dimensionality reduction method is important for the storage, decision making and pattern visualization for time series data. The CRNN autoencoder is proposed to not only achieve low reconstruction error, but also generate discriminative features. A variational version of this autoencoder has great potential for applications such as anomaly detection and process control.
Date Created

Structure-Regularized Partition-Regression Models for Nonlinear System-Environment Interactions

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Under different environmental conditions, the relationship between the design and operational variables of a system and the system’s performance is likely to vary and is difficult to be described by a single model. The environmental variables (e.g., temperature, humidity) are

Under different environmental conditions, the relationship between the design and operational variables of a system and the system’s performance is likely to vary and is difficult to be described by a single model. The environmental variables (e.g., temperature, humidity) are not controllable while the variables of the system (e.g. heating, cooling) are mostly controllable. This phenomenon has been widely seen in the areas of building energy management, mobile communication networks, and wind energy. To account for the complicated interaction between a system and the multivariate environment under which it operates, a Sparse Partitioned-Regression (SPR) model is proposed, which automatically searches for a partition of the environmental variables and fits a sparse regression within each subdivision of the partition. SPR is an innovative approach that integrates recursive partitioning and high-dimensional regression model fitting within a single framework. Moreover, theoretical studies of SPR are explicitly conducted to derive the oracle inequalities for the SPR estimators which could provide a bound for the difference between the risk of SPR estimators and Bayes’ risk. These theoretical studies show that the performance of SPR estimator is almost (up to numerical constants) as good as of an ideal estimator that can be theoretically achieved but is not available in practice. Finally, a Tree-Based Structure-Regularized Regression (TBSR) approach is proposed by considering the fact that the model performance can be improved by a joint estimation on different subdivisions in certain scenarios. It leverages the idea that models for different subdivisions may share some similarities and can borrow strength from each other. The proposed approaches are applied to two real datasets in the domain of building energy. (1) SPR is used in an application of adopting building design and operational variables, outdoor environmental variables, and their interactions to predict energy consumption based on the Department of Energy’s EnergyPlus data sets. SPR produces a high level of prediction accuracy and provides insights into the design, operation, and management of energy-efficient buildings. (2) TBSR is used in an application of predicting future temperature condition which could help to decide whether to activate or not the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in an energy-efficient manner.
Date Created

Bayesian Network Approach to Assessing System Reliability for Improving System Design and Optimizing System Maintenance

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A quantitative analysis of a system that has a complex reliability structure always involves considerable challenges. This dissertation mainly addresses uncertainty in- herent in complicated reliability structures that may cause unexpected and undesired results.

The reliability structure uncertainty cannot be handled

A quantitative analysis of a system that has a complex reliability structure always involves considerable challenges. This dissertation mainly addresses uncertainty in- herent in complicated reliability structures that may cause unexpected and undesired results.

The reliability structure uncertainty cannot be handled by the traditional relia- bility analysis tools such as Fault Tree and Reliability Block Diagram due to their deterministic Boolean logic. Therefore, I employ Bayesian network that provides a flexible modeling method for building a multivariate distribution. By representing a system reliability structure as a joint distribution, the uncertainty and correlations existing between system’s elements can effectively be modeled in a probabilistic man- ner. This dissertation focuses on analyzing system reliability for the entire system life cycle, particularly, production stage and early design stages.

In production stage, the research investigates a system that is continuously mon- itored by on-board sensors. With modeling the complex reliability structure by Bayesian network integrated with various stochastic processes, I propose several methodologies that evaluate system reliability on real-time basis and optimize main- tenance schedules.

In early design stages, the research aims to predict system reliability based on the current system design and to improve the design if necessary. The three main challenges in this research are: 1) the lack of field failure data, 2) the complex reliability structure and 3) how to effectively improve the design. To tackle the difficulties, I present several modeling approaches using Bayesian inference and nonparametric Bayesian network where the system is explicitly analyzed through the sensitivity analysis. In addition, this modeling approach is enhanced by incorporating a temporal dimension. However, the nonparametric Bayesian network approach generally accompanies with high computational efforts, especially, when a complex and large system is modeled. To alleviate this computational burden, I also suggest to building a surrogate model with quantile regression.

In summary, this dissertation studies and explores the use of Bayesian network in analyzing complex systems. All proposed methodologies are demonstrated by case studies.
Date Created