Invisible Role Models: Concealable Stigmatized Identities in Undergraduate Science

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Similar-identity role models, including instructors, can benefit science undergraduates by enhancing their self-efficacy and sense of belonging. However, for students to have similar-identity role models based on identities that can be hidden, instructors need to disclose their identities. For concealable

Similar-identity role models, including instructors, can benefit science undergraduates by enhancing their self-efficacy and sense of belonging. However, for students to have similar-identity role models based on identities that can be hidden, instructors need to disclose their identities. For concealable stigmatized identities (CSIs) – identities that can be hidden and carry negative stereotypes – the impersonal and apolitical culture cultivated in many science disciplines likely makes instructor CSI disclosure unlikely. This dissertation comprises five studies I conducted to assess the presence of instructor role models with CSIs in undergraduate science classrooms and evaluate the impact on undergraduates of instructor CSI disclosure. I find that science instructors report CSIs at lower rates than undergraduates and typically keep these identities concealed. Additionally, I find that women instructors are more likely to disclose their CSIs to students compared to men. To assess the impact of instructor CSI disclosure on undergraduates, I report on findings from a descriptive exploratory study and a controlled field experiment in which an instructor reveals an LGBTQ+ identity. Undergraduates, especially those who also identify as LGBTQ+, benefit from instructor LGBTQ+ disclosure. Additionally, the majority of undergraduate participants agree that an instructor revealing an LGBTQ+ identity during class is appropriate. Together, the results presented in this dissertation highlight the current lack of instructor role models with CSIs and provide evidence of student benefits that may encourage instructors to reveal CSIs to undergraduates and subsequently provide much-needed role models. I hope this work can spark self-reflection among instructors to consider revealing CSIs to students and challenge the assumption that science environments should be devoid of personal identities.
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Accepting and Understanding Evolution: The Development and Evaluation of Measurement Tools in Evolution Education

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Evolution is a key feature of undergraduate biology education: the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has identified evolution as one of the five core concepts of biology, and it is relevant to a wide array of biology-related careers. If biology

Evolution is a key feature of undergraduate biology education: the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has identified evolution as one of the five core concepts of biology, and it is relevant to a wide array of biology-related careers. If biology instructors want students to use evolution to address scientific challenges post-graduation, students need to be able to apply evolutionary principles to real-life situations, and accept that the theory of evolution is the best scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life on Earth. In order to help students progress on both fronts, biology education researchers need surveys that measure evolution acceptance and assessments that measure students’ ability to apply evolutionary concepts. This dissertation improves the measurement of student understanding and acceptance of evolution by (1) developing a novel Evolutionary Medicine Assessment that measures students’ ability to apply the core principles of Evolutionary Medicine to a variety of health-related scenarios, (2) reevaluating existing measures of student evolution acceptance by using student interviews to assess response process validity, and (3) correcting the validity issues identified on the most widely-used measure of evolution acceptance - the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (MATE) - by developing and validating a revised version of this survey: the MATE 2.0.
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Towards an Asynchronous Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Framework: A Pilot Case Study in Remote Genomics Research

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Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are strategically designed to advance novel research and integrate future professionals into the scientific community by making relevant discoveries through iteration, communication, and collaboration. With Universities also expanding online undergraduate degree programs that incorporate students

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are strategically designed to advance novel research and integrate future professionals into the scientific community by making relevant discoveries through iteration, communication, and collaboration. With Universities also expanding online undergraduate degree programs that incorporate students who are otherwise unable to attend college, there is a demand for online asynchronous courses to train online students in authentic research, thereby leading to a more skilled, diverse, and inclusive workforce. In this case-study, a pilot CURE leveraging the data-intensive field of genomics was presented as an inclusive opportunity for asynchronous, online students to increase their research experience without having to commit to in person or extra-curricular assignments. This online CURE was designed to investigate the effects of trimming software on high-throughput sequencing data when analyzing sex differential gene expression. Project-based objectives were developed to asynchronously teach (1) the biology behind the research, (2) the coding needed to conduct the research, and (3) professional development tools to communicate research findings. Course effectiveness was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using weekly, open-response progress reports and an assessment administered before and after term completion. This pilot study exhibited that students can be successful in remote research experiences that incorporate channels for communication, bespoke and accessible learning materials, and open-response reports to monitor challenges and coping strategies. In this iteration, remote students demonstrated improved learning outcomes and self-reported improved confidence as researchers. In addition, students gained more realistic expectations to self-assess computational research skill-levels and self-identified adaptive coping strategies that are transferrable to future research projects. Overall, this framework for an online asynchronous CURE effectively taught students computational skills to conduct genomics research in addition to professional skills to transition to and thrive in the workforce.
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Are High-Impact Practices Accessible for Students with Disabilities in STEM?

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People with disabilities are underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) workforce (NSF, 2016). One way to increase representation of people with disabilities in STEM fields is by supporting students with disabilities (SWDs) at the undergraduate level. In

People with disabilities are underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) workforce (NSF, 2016). One way to increase representation of people with disabilities in STEM fields is by supporting students with disabilities (SWDs) at the undergraduate level. In undergraduate education in the United States, SWDs represent approximately 19% of the undergraduate community (U.S. Census Bureau, 2021). However, SWDs have lower graduation and retention rates. This is particularly true for STEM majors, where SWDs make up about 9% of the STEM community in higher education. The AAC&U has defined a list of High-Impact Practices (HIPs), which are active learning practices and experiences that encourage deep learning by promoting student engagement, and could ultimately support student retention (AAC&U). To date, student-centered disability research has not explored the extent to which SWDs participate in HIPs. We hypothesized that SWDs are less likely than students without disabilities to be involved in HIPs and that students who identify as having severe disabilities would participate in HIPs at lower rates. In this study, we conducted a national survey to examine involvement in HIPs for students with disabilities in STEM. We found that disability status significantly affects the probability of participation in undergraduate research, but is not a significant factor for participation in most other HIPs. We also found that self-reported severity of disability did not significantly impact participation in HIPs, though we observed trends that students reporting higher severity generally reported lower participation in HIPs. Our open-ended responses did indicate that SWDs still faced barriers to participation in HIPs.
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Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Experiences With Depression in Active Learning Science Courses

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There is increasing interest in understanding how active learning affects students’ mental health as science courses transition from traditional lecture to active learning. Prior research has found that active learning can both alleviate and exacerbate undergraduate mental health problems. Existing

There is increasing interest in understanding how active learning affects students’ mental health as science courses transition from traditional lecture to active learning. Prior research has found that active learning can both alleviate and exacerbate undergraduate mental health problems. Existing studies have only examined the relationship between active learning and anxiety. No studies have examined the relationship between active learning and undergraduate depression. To address this gap in the literature, we conducted hour-long exploratory interviews with 29 students with depression who had taken active learning science courses across six U.S. institutions. We probed what aspects of active learning practices exacerbate or alleviate depressive symptoms and how students’ depression affects their experiences in active learning. We found that aspects of active learning practices exacerbate and alleviate students’ depressive symptoms, and depression negatively impacts students’ experiences in active learning. The underlying aspects of active learning practices that impact students’ depression fall into four overarching categories: inherently social, inherently engaging, opportunities to compare selves to others, and opportunities to validate or invalidate intelligence. We hope that by better understanding the experiences of undergraduates with depression in active learning courses we can create more inclusive learning environments for these students.

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The Impact of Disability Characteristics on the Experiences of Undergraduate STEM Students

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Students with disabilities are underrepresented and underserved in college science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) degrees. Disabled individuals comprise 26% of the U.S. population but only about 9% of the students enrolled in STEM undergraduate programs. Individuals with disabilities who

Students with disabilities are underrepresented and underserved in college science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) degrees. Disabled individuals comprise 26% of the U.S. population but only about 9% of the students enrolled in STEM undergraduate programs. Individuals with disabilities who do pursue STEM degrees report unique challenges within their programs, including struggling to receive needed accommodations and experiencing discrimination from peers and instructors. However, there has been limited research on the extent to which disability characteristics affect their experiences in STEM. To address this gap in the literature, we surveyed over 700 undergraduates with disabilities enrolled in STEM majors across the U.S. and probed their sense of belonging in science, feelings of morale, perception of campus climate, experienced classroom stigma, responsiveness of disability resource offices, scientific self-efficacy, science identity, and science community values. Using linear regression, we will assess and present on outcomes related to students’ persistence in college, outcomes specific to students with disabilities, and outcomes specific to these students in STEM. The findings of this work can be used to inform recommendations to create more inclusive experiences in college STEM for students with disabilities.
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Can I Write About My Mental Health on My Med School App? Examining Medical School Admissions Committee Members’ Potential Biases Towards Mental Health Conditions


Mental health conditions can impact college students’ social and academic achievements. As such, students may disclose mental illnesses on medical school applications. Yet, no study has investigated to what extent disclosure of a mental health condition impacts medical school acceptance.

Mental health conditions can impact college students’ social and academic achievements. As such, students may disclose mental illnesses on medical school applications. Yet, no study has investigated to what extent disclosure of a mental health condition impacts medical school acceptance. We designed an audit study to address this gap. We surveyed 99 potential admissions committee members from at least 43 unique M.D.-granting schools in the U.S. Participants rated a fictitious portion of a medical school application on acceptability, competence, and likeability. They were randomly assigned to a condition: an application that explained a low semester GPA due to a mental health condition, an application that explained a low semester GPA due to a physical health condition, or an application that had a low semester GPA but did not describe any health condition. Using ANOVAs, multinomial regression, and open-coding, we found that committee members do not rate applications lower when a mental health condition is revealed. When asked about their concerns regarding the application, 27.0% of participants who received an application that revealed a mental health condition mentioned it as a concern; 14.7% of participants who received an application that revealed a physical health condition mentioned it as a concern. Committee members were also asked about when revealing a mental health condition would be beneficial and when it would be detrimental. This work indicates that medical school admissions committee members do not exhibit a bias towards mental health conditions and provides recommendations on how to discuss mental illness on medical school applications.

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Student Perceptions of Bioethics Instruction: Effects of Gender, Politics, and Religion


Bioethics is an important aspect of the core competency of biology of understanding the relationship between science and society, but because of the controversial nature of the topics covered in bioethics courses, different groups of students may experience identity conflicts

Bioethics is an important aspect of the core competency of biology of understanding the relationship between science and society, but because of the controversial nature of the topics covered in bioethics courses, different groups of students may experience identity conflicts or discomfort when learning about them. However, no previous studies have investigated the impact of undergraduate bioethics students’ experiences in bioethics courses on their opinions and comfort. To fill this gap in knowledge, we investigated undergraduate bioethics students’ attitudes about and comfort when learning abortion, gene editing, and physician assisted suicide, as well as how their gender, religious, and political identity influence their attitudes and changes in their attitudes after instruction. We found that religious students were less supportive of gene editing, abortion, and physician assisted suicide than nonreligious students, non-liberal students were less supportive of abortion and physician assisted suicide than liberal students, and women were less supportive of abortion than men. Additionally, we found that religious students were less comfortable than nonreligious students when learning about gene editing, abortion, and physician assisted suicide, and non-liberal students were less comfortable than liberal students when learning about abortion. When asked how their comfort could have been improved, those who felt that their peers or instructors could have done something to increase their comfort most commonly cited that including additional unbiased materials or incorporating materials and discussions that cover both sides of every controversial issue would have helped them to feel more comfortable when learning about gene editing, abortion, and physician assisted suicide. Finally, we found that students who were less comfortable learning about abortion and physician assisted suicide were less likely to participate in discussions regarding those topics. Our findings show that students in different groups not only tend to have different support for controversial topics like gene editing, abortion, and physician assisted suicide, but they also feel differentially comfortable when learning about them, which in turn impacts their participation. We hope that this work helps instructors to recognize the importance of their students’ comfort to their learning in bioethics courses, and from this study, they can take away the knowledge that students feel their comfort could be most improved by the incorporation of additional inclusive materials and course discussions regarding the controversial topics covered in the course.

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